A freighter disappears with nine people on board after leaving Miami for Haiti. ![]() Lisa Bishop Missing: Gender:Female
![]() Florian Bourch befriended Lisa Missing: Gender: Male CASE DETAILS ![]() The Freedom never made it to Haiti In January, 1989, Falcon jets from the United States Coast Guard searched the Old Bahama Channel in the Caribbean for an 82-foot freighter called the Freedon. The ship was on its way to Haiti but had been reported missing. On board were seven Haitian crewmembers, a young sea captain, and a 23-year old American journalism student named Lisa Bishop. Lisa’s mother, Linda Bishop, said that Lisa had called her to say goodbye on the morning of her departure:
Lisa wanted to write an article about the contrasts between the wealth of America and the economic devastation of Haiti. Her voyage on the Freedon was the chance of a lifetime, even though it meant leaving behind her boyfriend of three years, Paul Cornwell:
Somewhere between Miami and Haiti, the Freedon simply vanished. No one has any idea what happened or why. People have suggested everything from pirates, to smugglers, and even the mysterious Bermuda Triangle. ![]() A witness claimed he saw the missing ship Lisa’s voyage began when she met a 28-year old German national named Florian Meyer Bourch at a nightclub owned by her boyfriend. Florian was a marine mechanic and sea captain who had sailed throughout the Caribbean. According to Linda Bishop:
Lisa’s father, Bill Bishop, said there was no talking Lisa out of it:
On the morning of December 17 th , 1988, at 2:30 in the afternoon, tugboats eased the Freedon through the Miami River on its way out to sea. The Freedon’s planned route would take the ship 600 miles past the coast of Cuba to Gonaives, a small port on the western coast of Haiti. There were no storms and no distress calls, but the Freedon never arrived. When Lisa didn’t call on Christmas Day, her family became concerned. Lt. Cdr. Jeff Karonis was with the U.S. Coast Guard:
Linda Bishop and her husband traveled to Miami:
![]() An actual photo of the Freedon Finally, Lisa’s parents received a promising lead. An underwater salvager named Bob Nyberg said that he had seen the ship two weeks after it was supposed to have disappeared:
Nyberg saw the Freedon in Georgetown Harbor on Grand Cayman Island, over 500 miles from Haiti. It was the kind of news Linda Bishop had been hoping for:
![]() The Freedon was supposed to dock at Haiti Lisa’s boyfriend, Paul Cornwell, and Bob Nyberg went to Grand Cayman to pursue the lead. They met a number of witnesses who claimed to have seen Florian around the same time that Nyberg spotted the Freedon. Apparently, Florian was not alone during his mysterious visit to Grand Cayman. Some saw him with a short man with black hair. Paul returned to Atlanta and questioned a woman who had been storing Florian’s personal belongings. There he found a picture of the man seen with Florian in Grand Cayman. The woman said his name was Phillipe. Paul later found out that it was actually Phillipe who had chartered the Freedon.
Authorities believe that Florian Meyer Bourch is the key to the Freedon’s disappearance. Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season three with Robert Stack and in season five with Dennis Farina. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Various seasons available now on Hulu. SUBMIT A TIP |
I feel for Lisa and her family, but I thought the whole situation was super sketchy. At best, Florian was a naive guy who was blind to the dangers of taking a shitty boat to a country like Haiti, at worst he was complicit in her disappearance.
Part of me thinks Occam’s Razor is the explanation, that the boat just sunk or otherwise disappeared in the Caribbean.
Dan the Man
One of three things happened:
1. The ship sank and everyone was lost.
2. Because Florian and this Philippe character were involved in smuggling the ship was captured by others… crew was killed along with Florian and Lisa was sold into sex slavery.
3. Because Florian and this Philippe character were involved in smuggling and the ship was sailing close to Cuba, Cuba has Florian, the crew, and Lisa and they probably all died in Cuba… they have been known to capture people close to Cuba and hold them against their will and lie about it to the country of their origin. Wouldn’t be the first time something like this has happened… more than likely it sank.
The ship didn’t sink. The ship was seen in the Grand Cayman island and Florian Meyer was also seen on the island by several people. But Lisa was not there with him.
Dianne Soupal
She was probably hidden inside the ship. Why would anyone expect to see her on or around the ship 2 weeks later especially when she didn’t make contact with her mom after arriving like she said.
Freedon sank, everyone drowned.
The ship was seen in the Grand Cayman island. Florian Meyer was also seen there along with another man.
It looks like the Mary Celeste. Cargo with temporary inhalants that would eventually air out when discovered. Just as mysterious.
She looks like Jennifer Fairgate. Her con artist boyfriend was European. So I believe she survived her Caribbean voyage. But leaving everything behind like that is very dangerous. I remembered the unidentified lady Unsolved Mysteries talked about on a different case. She kind of resembled her. (The Norwegian lady ate more, so her face was less skinny.)
I believe she was killed at that time.
The Sleuth
Sounds like the guy Felipe, Florian, or whatever his real name is, was into smuggling. Lisa Bishop was most likely sold into white slavery. Florian has since been killed or “disappeared” by his “clients”. The ship was sunk or renamed.
jo jo
“White slavery”? LOL The posts on this website are pure comic gold.
The ship sank. They denied.
Dan the Man
Have you ever heard of sex slavery? Yes it is real and it exists
I keep mistaking him for a boyfriend. But he was actually more of a brother figure to her. They were kind of mischievous. But he wouldn’t just leave her hanging. (Not for that time period.)
You word things, like you hold the crystal ball, through your own skewed fairy-tale view of what supposedly happened; which comes across as cryptic and weird. Sleuths are the absolute beyond. It’s borderline sick. Did you ever get a hug as a child? Honestly, find another cause.
Just watched the episode of Unsolved Mysteries, very interesting.
I assumed by now the boat and drew would have been found.
Very sad.
Really when people say they saw the ship are they sure they saw the freedon recently. Are they sure their not referring to the boat featured in the video clips on the show? Becuase that would be a different boat.
It was a good lead. Paul found much information in that area because of it.
Sam Sloane
What was the ship carrying when it left Miami?
A bunch of flammable things. I’m surprised it didn’t catch fire leaving the dock.
Since its a fact this ship did not sink then Lisa Bishop who was gorgeous was probably abducted and forced into prostitution. She would be 55 today so she sadly is probably passed on.
You are smart. (Even though people live longer than 55. No one has heard from her.)
Tom joyce
1997 I’m sure i unloaded it but it was named baraboo. In the port of palm beach. I remember only for 2 reasons . The captain with long blond hair know custom papers. And one odd looking boat.
That’s interesting. I don’t think the people who found the boat should be charged. They handed everything over to Paul that they found on the boat. The boat was such a hazard it would probably not pass an American inspection. I wish they more straight up about it. But I don’t have any reason to suspect pirates or smuggling. Your testimony is interesting. I wonder who owns it today and what troubles the boat has had. That would fill in some possible clues. But it will still be a mystery regardless.
That boat I’m sure is not functioning at all. It’s not in use anymore. It was already old, rusty and crappy at that time.
why not get back to paul? i was told he is stilllooking for her… i do blieve he has another buisness now in atlanta.
I also know that a woman, back in 1991 or so, claimed to have said to UM that she met an knew FILIPE. She told she had a case with this perosn and that he was arrested somewhere in Asia due to drugs smuggling. He emanaged to get away and wa snever caught again.
This was told to this woman in Bangkok.I would like to see the picture of his shad guy philipe and the names of the crew memebrs. Can someone get in touch with any policedepartner or ask around the state of the case? i may try to ask someone around here in Asia… why dont get back to this? Paul is believed to be innocent and probabily is BUT, why not re open the case and talk to him again? make him some more questions. Ask for the identities of the others to be mentioned.
attached, the person’s comment. CAan someone try to reach her?
Rosalie Townsend
October 17th, 2016 at 11:11
A lady I met in Bangkok, 3/1991, deceased in 2008, was also involved when the Freedon was docked in Perth. She jumped ship as it pulled out, this was approx. Feb. 1991. I met her in Bangkok and she went on to Singapore. Ship was carrying weapons and coast guard held ship from leaving Perth for several days. She later told me that the ship was found in the pacific just west of San Francisco, Phillipe jumped ship but coast guard got him and case was to go to trial in San Francisco. Phillipe had charmed her and was at one time staying in her home for a short time in Taos, N.M. By this time I’m sure everything about the case is documented and updated. Last I heard from Helen was around 2005. I’m surprised the family of missing girl doesn’t have all this information. I reported all to Unsolved Mysteries shortly after arriving back in Ca. late March 1991
attached, is the comment. I tried to contact paul last week but till now, no reply. What if we use social media and get back on this one. Are her parents still alive?
Perth?! You can’t be serious…..that rusted out bucket couldn’t make it across the Atlantic much less halfway around the globe to Australia. It would’ve sank like a rock in true open ocean conditions.
You are mistaken. You are talking about a different ship.
These people are freaks.
The ocean is the wild, wild West. I’m sorry this happened and I hope the friends and families find peace.
You are probably correct. It is looking like a voluntary overboard because of possible hazards. And a free boat in a poor area can just be painted over.
It definitely did not sink. I worked in the Georgetown Harbour, Grand Cayman from Dec 2006 and had seen it there as late as 2015 when I left the island. It was a regular sight to be seen tied up there. The name was painted over though but you could never forget a boat in that condition with that big of a spelling mistake (not for a spelling Nazi anyways).
One of the people on this thread stated that the FREEDON is now called the FREELIAINT. Has this been investigated? One woman also indicated that she has seen the FREEDON whilst conducting tours. Was this reported? Did anything come of it? Don’t forget Lisa. Don’t forget those crew members. Don’t forget Florian.
Apparently, the other men haven’t been seen or heard from either. Florian’s parents haven’t heard from him either. So the Freedon may have sank.
There were no distress signals. So something must have been too dangerous to risk a distress signal. Haiti has good sailors. They would have patched any holes as fast as a Nascar tire changer.
“Haiti has good sailors “
The leaky rusted hulks they sail are obvious evidence of their superior seamanship
90 percent of boating deaths are drowning. But I still can’t eliminate that other 18 percent of inhalants or other substances. Without looking at the boat we may never know.
Did you not watch the episode or read the article? They clesrly mentions that the ship was seen in the Grand Cayman Islands. It didn’t sink. Florian was also seen in the Grand Cayman islands by several people.
Emilia Dapena
I saw the freedon cargo boat while working as a tour guide in Miami River and Biscayne Bay boat tours about 2years ago
i agree, there was definitely something more to Lisa’s and Florian’s friendship. She gave up her relationship of 3 years with her BF to go sailing with someone she hardly knew? Either they had something privately going on behind her boyfriend’s back or Lisa just really wasn’t into him anymore. I wonder if Paul had anything to do with her disappearance. I mean, we do not have confirmation that Lisa and Florian even got on the boat. Can her family or boyfriend confirm they watched them sail off? Are there any witnesses confirming they saw them on the boat? All the information we have is that the boat left dock…then we have reported sightings of the boat at different docks and one sighting of Florian after the boat was reported missing. I wonder if Lisa ever even made it on the boat. I think Florian and Paul were in on her disapperance. And Florian, being a drifter, was able to disappear so easily without a trace. I think Paul has something to do with it
If Paul didn’t investigate we really wouldn’t have anything to go by. There is evidence she was on the boat. Because Paul recovered her belongings. There is no evidence however that Lisa or Florian arrived at the area Paul recovered the belongings. I dont think Lisa would go to that island living a new life, and continue notes like she was still on the boat.
Did Lisa have a daughter? There is a woman in the Tyrone/Newman/Peachtree City GA area that looks very similar, almost identical going by the same name yet claims to be in her late 20’s. This person is sort of a drifter/ shady/sketchy type. She matches the physical description but the similarities end there. Mugshots.com has a recent photo under the name Lisa Michelle Bishop…. Anyway, I also agree that the story sounds unlikely. No purposeful disrespect to the family but the whole “we are just friends” line sounds like a pile. No bf would buy that!!! No one could claim to be that naive. Any bf or gf in that situation would have either dumped her straight away or insisted on going. The bf should be fully investigated. Maybe he participated in “searching” for her to throw off any doubt that he had something to do with her disappearance. It just doesn’t seem like a legit account of events.
Rich McArthur
I bet her bf sold her off to the sex slave trade. He was much older, prob very controlling, and he owned the club in which Lisa and Florian met. He prob set the whole thing up. His club is just a front for a smuggling operation.
Did Lisa have a daughter? There is a woman in the Tyrone/Newman/Peachtree City GA area that looks very similar, almost identical going by the same name yet claims to be in her late 20’s. This person is sort of a drifter/ shady/sketchy type. She matches the physical description but the similarities end there. Mugshots.com has a recent photo under the name Lisa Michelle Bishop….
Lisa was my best friend when we were in high school. I was so sad when I heard about this happening I think that this story revolves her because the rest of the people were foreigners. She was very sweet never met a stranger and even though it has been a long time ago I think about her often and miss her as well. We went to Morrow High School together.
Yeah huge mistake going to Haiti that’s mind-boggling
I am not being disrespectful, I have a wife and daughter too. I know if this would have happened to me, I would spend the rest of my life searching for them. Is it possible that a sinister spin was placed upon this that need not be? Is it possible that the ship just sank? I looked at pictures of that ship, it did not look that sea worthy. I just find it hard to believe that no one has spotted them, the ship is very noticeable it would have been spotted by now. I just think the ship sank and they have passed shortly after they set off on the trip and nothing underhanded happened. I could certainly be wrong, but it is just hard to keep hidden this long, unless you are on the bottom of the ocean. I have worked in Law enforcement and have seen reports that have sighting of individuals all over broad areas, they can be very convincing and appear to be accurate, later to find out that they were completely wrong. That maybe what happened here with the sightings of the two men.
The program stated that the ship has been seen around the area, just under a different name.
There are many, many conjectures as to the fates of Ms. Bishop, Mr. Fourche, and the crewmen. Why would the total focus reside mainly on Ms. Bishop when it can be interpreted as a relationship between the two. She left her partner, he left his, (the belongings, I don’t believe were ‘stored’) and the following story was wrapped around it. How did Paul know the lady who was in possession of abandoned items? Why does Paul say that he ‘will’ find him? Hmmm. Paul easily traveled abroad-could she just as easily have done the same? Florian was younger and better looking-by society’s standards-than Paul-he mentioned it-and that in itself lent credence that something else is afoot. The ship sank. The ship was repainted and renamed. The ship was sighted. The cargo was a smuggler’s paradise-by hearsay. What’s the real story? If none of the people have actually been seen, except for the purported views of Florian and Felipe/Philippe(st?) yet information is relayed by Paul… For one to vehement about leaving for places unknown does not come lightly. They had known each other for a year-as stated-and if nothing happened onshore during that period, is it a given that she actually made it beyond the shore? Something’s fishy.
I hire u to investigate this!
Jaime Britten
I don’t think this case will be solved, to many twists and turns, though somewhere down the Iine I believe she was taken from that freight trailor by pirates or even sold, I think this will stay as a mystery.
There were better ships for pirates to target. That would be like a millionaire shoplifting. I mean if the boat was unattended, that is like leaving your car at an impound. After so many days, by law it belongs to them. (You would have to go to court to get it back.)
Obvious this woman was having a fling with this guy. Women don’t just jump up and proclaim they are traveling with a guy and tell family and their BF who are begging them not to go to basically mind their own business if they are not romantically involved with the person.
Find me one woman who would go anywhere with a guy they are not sleeping with and I’ll show you an ostrich that eats bologna sandwiches.
This is a strange case no doubt but this was not some innocent little journey she was taking.
I’m glad I’m not your wife or girlfriend, you’re the type of guy who would demand I quit my job if my boss was a man. What you said is so deeply misogynistic. Oh, and I took a trip to Europe with a male friend, he was married, I was in a committed relationship, never once did we sleep with each other because we’re not bad people.
I certainly do not believe the position you are taking, Nina.
I agree so much with you Nina about some comments being so mysogynist. The young woman was a journalism student, she had an opportunity for a short travel and going to a foreign country. An adventure quite interesting for some possible free-lance work to build her port-folio. But no, people only talk about how she must have been unfaithful to go without her boyfriend.
I’m really curious to know what you women did before you discovered the word “misogynstic” existed a few years ago and now can’t stop using it all the time even though you all haven’t a clue what it means, comments you don’t like does not equal “misogny”, grow up and get a clue. If anything most comments on here reek of misandry but of course we don’t talk about that.
She was studying to be a news reporter. She probably wanted to do some documentaries. They were just friends. Like Dolly Parton said about Kenny Rogers an affair would be like incest.
@UnsolvedMysteries Is there an investigating agency assigned to this case?
So many speculations! I think it simply sank…
Chasing ghost should only be a last resort. The Ballon boy was after all safe to talk to Larry King. Who honestly would want to go to Haiti over other Caribbean Islands? Haiti is a beautiful country. But many cruise ships will no longer stop there.
hi how are ya
Read the New Times (Miami) article on the Freedon case. It is the most comprehensive account of what was known at the time of the vessel’s disappearance. Of note was the poor (rough) weather right after the vessel departed Miami, it’s lack of communications and survival equipment, and poor condition. A tragic event for sure. The most likely outcome is that the vessel sank before it was ever reported missing.
The new name on that ship is freeliaint!
Florian wanted to delay the departure. But Lisa was very fervent about it leaving as soon as possible. It needed a tow just to leave port. Florian was a mechanic and probably should have made whatever repairs he wanted to make. If it was anything to do with the engine room or cargo, that could have suffocated everyone on that ship.
Dont docks have log book was the bout actually there or any were with that name or even that type of bout.??
Wow look at that boat. It’s obvious she was having some sort of fling with this foreigner. Some females get swept away by the mysterious type. She trust this man with her life. Maybe she wasn’t happy with bf or bored so she wanted to test the waters. So sad because this cost her life.
Are you seriously blaming her for her own death? You are a bad, bad person.
He is not a bad person for saying the truth. She made a terrible decision and she should have known it was dangerous. If she was sleeping with this guy, she placed herself in danger for her immorality. Should be a lesson to others.
They were just good friends. There is nothing obvious of anything romantic. It would be cool if she was alive and enjoying something.
Is it possible that she was smuggled and sold? Is it possible that Paul allegedly is involved.
Maybe she ran away from Paul. Has anyone checked to see if she is in a sex ring? Something I saw on a show that people are sold. Scary. Maybe paul got rid of them both. This is tragic. I am so sorry for the family of Lisa Bishop. Anyone, if you are seeing this. Know that your family will never stop looking for you. Prayers to the bishop family. May you have an answer and a safe return of your daughter.
That is a little out of bounds. I mean, if you get a lead, and people are not being straight up. Then you need to determine what they are hiding, and why are they hiding it. Paul was able to recover some of Lisa’s belongings. But I think it was just salvage. She was from Atlanta. So she was very street smart. She knew how to avoid the trafficking industry. It would however be nice to crack down on that industry and delve into that possibility. But you will get lost looking into other cases and never solve this one. (The police have done that already.)
When i was stationed in Miami beach with the Coast Guard, We were going up the Miami River and I remember seeing a Haitian freighter tied up. I can’t remember the name of the boat, but what really stuck out at me was there was a different name that had been painted over underneath the name. It was back in 1990. I am not 100% sure, but I really believe it said Freedon. Sorry, but I wasn’t aware of this mystery at the time and I realize I could be wrong but it has always bothered me.
I believe you. The Coast guard is the best at things like that.
test comment
It seems Paul knew Florian a great deal. How did he know where Florian stayed. Paul returned to Atlanta and questioned a woman who had been storing Florian’s personal belongings. A witness claimed he saw the missing ship, but no sightings of the passengers. This story just doesn’t add up Florian invited Lisa along on the voyage to Haiti, knowing she was in a relationship with Paul. Lisa accepted his offer she had known him little over a year. It seems that Florian or someone else took the ship in another direction and not the direction toward Haiti they led people to believe. The ship was painted and renamed why? Paul said I feel that if Florian is out there, eventually, I’ll find out about it, and I’ll locate him.” it sounds like he knows more about Florian that he is saying. This must be devastating for Lisa’s parents their daughter vanished without a trace, not knowing what happened to her is too much for any parent to bear. My prayers goes out to this family.
Paul knew Florian because Florian frequented the bar that Paul owned. In Paul’s bar is where Florian met Lisa. The woman Paul visited who was a friend of Florian knows the truth about what happened to Lisa, she knows Florian was involved but didn’t report it to Police.
When I Google the name “Floridan Bourch” it has 2 images that pop up. One is the photo that you have of him before he went missing. The other photo is a recent photo of a older man, probably around his current age, that appears to look very similar to him??? Has he been found?
This case is still unsolved as of September 2014.
The photo of the older man just happens to be on the same page as an article about the disappearance of the Freedon. That man is a child molester wanted by the FBI.
any updates
This case is still unsolved – please let us know if you have any tips!