Treasure hunters dig for gold and silver supposedly buried under the Alamo. ![]() Is there a treasure at the Alamo? ![]() A treasure was buried in the wall CASE DETAILS “Remember the Alamo!” The famous battle cry was immortalized in history. But for some, the full story of the Alamo has yet to be told. Legend has it that in the shadow of the Alamo’s old mission, a treasure remains buried, a secret which dates back to 1836, the year of the famous battle. That January, a group of rugged frontiersmen made their way across southern Texas. By some accounts, they were loaded down with a fortune in silver and gold. It was called the “San Saba Treasure,” and it’s said to be worth millions of dollars. ![]() Radar showed a possible treasure The men, led by Colonel Jim Bowie, were headed for the Alamo. The treasure was intended to finance the Texas revolution for independence from Mexico. Two months later, Bowie and 188 other men, including Davy Crockett, made a courageous stand at the Alamo against 6,000 well-trained Mexican troops. Not one of the defenders survived to tell the tale, but the legend of the treasure lived on. Professional fortune hunter and historical researcher Frank Buschbacher, along with a team of archaeologists and researchers, excavated the street in front of the Alamo. Frank first heard about the mysterious treasure at the Alamo during a trip to Mexico. There, he was introduced to Maria Gomez, a respected museum curator who also had a reputation as a psychic. Bushbacker says it was she who first informed him of the treasure:
![]() Frank spent 3½ years acquiring the permits Frank was told that some of the treasure had been removed by Mexican soldiers, but that most of it still remained hidden at the Alamo. Maria would later draw him a map. The map claimed that the treasure would be found at the bottom of an old well. Even though Maria said she had never been to the Alamo, she had indicated the spot where a well was dug, just before the siege. At the time, the chapel was located in the rear of the fort. The well was in the plaza, which was surrounded by 12-foot tall stone walls. It was within these walls that the Texans held out for a full thirteen days. The defenders valiantly put down one advance after another, but in the end, 189 men could not hold off 6,000 Mexican soldiers. Frank believes that in a final desperate act, Jim Bowie ordered that the treasure be hidden at the bottom of the well:
Frank believes that this treasure is located beneath the road in front of the chapel. But to many native Texans, his theory doesn’t hold up. Gail Loving Barnes of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas doesn’t believe in the treasure:
![]() A 15 x 15 foot area was excavated above the well Despite the controversy, Frank was determined to prove his point. He obtained permission to survey the area with ground penetrating radar, yielding some intriguing results. To their trained eyes, the radar display showed several irregularities beneath the surface. The largest, which Frank believed to be the site of the well, was in the exact location where Maria Gomez predicted the treasure would be found. Says Frank:
Gail Barnes has other theories:
It took Frank three and a half years to acquire the necessary permits and financing to excavate the site. The Archaeology Department at St. Mary’s University agreed to oversee the project. For project director Thomas Guderjan, anything that turns up during the excavation will have historical value:
The plans called for excavating a 15 x 15 foot area directly above the well. A work crew needed to first remove three feet of flagstone and roadbed to reach the top of the filled-in well. Four feet beneath the surface of the courtyard, the team began to find artifacts … fragments of Native American pottery, the bones of butchered animals, and primitive cooking utensils. Each relic had to be carefully unearthed and properly catalogued. Even without the San Saba treasure, Guderjan’s excitement was obvious:
The items are a valuable treasure in themselves, rare artifacts that help piece together a history of the Alamo from the 1750’s right up to the final battle nearly a century later. One of the finds that most excited Guderjan was some ammunition used in canons, called grapeshot:
As the archaeologists inched closer and closer to the irregularities picked up by radar, the discoveries they‘d already made gave them hope. But optimism soon turned to disappointment: they found no sign of the treasure. Yet some remain convinced that the gold and silver still exists somewhere deep beneath the Alamo. And for them, the search will continue. Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season seven with Robert Stack and in season six with Dennis Farina. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Various seasons available now on Hulu. |
I remember back in the 80’s we used to volunteer to dig for a class, looking for articles by the river, I remember finding a nutcracker, not sure if it was gold, it was placed on display somewhere in the community college, in Laredo Texas.. I forgot all about this till I saw this on unsolved mystery…
Jose Esparza
The Gold is no where near the well…
Dan Blocker
I have taught history for 32 years and have done extensive study on the Alamo. The Alamo is the Alamo where the battle was fought. Bowie never found the San Saba mine, however soldiers during the Civil War would bury their belongings before battle sometimes individually or collectively. The defenders of the Alamo knew their chances were not good. So there may not be a San Saba treasure but there may be a collective treasure that the men buried so they would not be taken from their bodies. To find these treasures would take removing existing buildings etc. Back in they day when San Anotnio did not have crazy laws on metal detecting , I found grapeshot at Travis park.
Jerry samson
I had a friend that did some plaster work at San Fernando Cathederal in 80s. He said at the same time there was some excavation work being done on the grounds. The backhoe driver and another worker found a box they carried to their car. Lunch came people left to eat but those two never returned.
its still there thats why the castro family want the alamo to be remodeled and moved its in the wall somebody knows thats why they forget the alamo
Back in the 90’s a friend of mine had several glass negatives that they had found while doing a renovation of a place across from the Alamo. I saw some of the pictures that they had developed from some of the glass negatives. They were pictures of the Alamo before anything had ever been done to it. Also pictures of Mexican soldiers. At first when they found them they were throwing them in a container and busting them up until someone was curious what they were and they saved what was still intact.
Mike Costea
Not everyone died at the Alamo, women and children survived along with some Mexican men who convinced Santa Ana that they were prisoners.
Dr. Jones
Just word off thought for the urie ,’ if Santa Anna would off found the treasure would mexico still prosper from it.
Ramiro valdez
In the old days, the Templar’s used to hide their secret treasures in the best fortified temple/temples and if possible near a fort to protect it because it had historical artifacts. This treasure was to be used for the war and had to be secure within the compound. Two heroes who knew about the treasure fell to their death on the south wall. One was on the left side of the inter wall and the other one on the right keeping an eye on the place where they probably hide the treasure. If the treasure was in the compound, then they would be the last ones to make sure no one would find it. The only place to be able hide it would be the kitchen cellar which was close to where they died.
felicia gallegos
this is for brain massey im felicia marie gallegos i think your right i live off wurzbach and ingram we should chat one day i get a sense of things like vivid beyond vivid things you should feel the enegy in my home maybe it will give you a clue ..we saw a sillouette of a man with a hat what kind of hat i cant describe only my teen kid can he was 5/6 at the time it was on the cieling only my mom and him saw it by the time they called me over to the room it was gone … ive had several friends experience some unexplainable things those friends still reside in san antonio my nickname they call me Trinity. 7 ranger path
I found a carved plaque with one of the famous heroes name in old cement it says 1831. I’m in Sunset Hills neighborhood Callaghan and Inspiration. Your comment intrigued me. Do you feel anything near here. Thank you kind woman.
I know a person who claims they saw the hidden gold at the Alamo in 1954 and can tell you the details word for word and pretty much match’s your claim on the context abovel. Contact me back if you would be interested to interview this person he would love to tell you.
Daniel C Loafman
i dont understand why didnt the men of the alamo dig trences and make the compound smaller before the battle there were several ways dig ditches about eight feet deep anyway i think there were better strategys they could have used
Brian Massey
Being a clairvoyant I can tell you that this treasure they are talking about is under a dwelling of some kind in that area of the Alamo. Please understand that I wouldn’t be writeing about this if I couldn’t feel the energy of the object of some kind being there. I do know that it is there because of the energy it gives off. Maybe underneith a house or well thats been filled in. It’s under a dwelling of some kind somewhere there and Gold is not the only thing thats with it. Energy does not lie. I do feel that it is in the ground and not hid behind rocks.
Chris Rivas
I think it’s buried in the Alamo somewhere Anything is Possible but they did not leave much information on where it’s at you can’t have a metal detector I have a Garrett Sea Hunter Mark II metal detector it is a very powerful machine anything is possible but you just have to look if it’s buried underneath the concrete you can forget it but there’s a possibility it could be buried somewhere just don’t know where
Dorothy Wolf
The treasure is buried in my pasture. I have 60 acres in Sutherland Springs down a tributary of the Cibolo. I have found tunnels and many carved rocks. I have rocks with Santa Anna’s name on it. I have carvings with Vicente Farias and Maria Inez. It is amazing how the entire property is carved up. I wish I could locate the exact place to dig. To many tunnels!
Paul Reubens
So, You mean to tell me that this is not about Pee-Wee’s bike???
I believe we need to bulldoze the Alamo and find that treasure
Dan Morton
What is the price of real freedom?22
El Indio Prieto
The remains of a tunnel coming from the east side of the chapel going east towards hackberry street is an escape route built by the Indians (of course) for the clergy who would use it to escape overwhelming un friendly indian attacks. Much of it has caved in over the years but was told it existed in the basement of an old house which has since been torn down…. the exit had a iron gate ….. owner never wanted anyone to know…. hes deceased now and the house has been razed….
There’s so much controversy over this topic, does anyone still believe it’s real or not?
If there was a treasure buried at the Alamo these people are never going to find it by digging up the street in front of the Alamo. According to things I have read, the Alamo has been moved twice. It is not currently sitting at the site where the battle was fought. So much for the so called psychic. And the historical researcher should do some more research.
Justice for all
As a native of San Antonio I think most of us would like to see it left alone. No more digging on the grounds. The gold if any was probably hidden under or near San Fernando Cathedral where the remains of Crocket, Travis, and Bowie were taken by surviving Alamo patriot Juan Seguin for burial. Thank God I grew up here with all this history.
Crazy History Nut
Hey, I totally agree!! Let people think of it as a utopian dream , but if it’s historical ground , that should mean hey , let it go ( its part of American history they should let it that way ) I wanted to reply because I live not far from Gettysburg Pa , they’re not allowed to to much to the battlefield anymore but now there’s talk of a Casino.., ugh !! On sacred grounds??? Good grief , why can’t they leave it alone!!
David crocket survived the lived the rest of life till old age caught up with him in Virginia on a ranch there is proof.on this . Plus there was 3 Alamos 1 destroyed by hurricane other by war original location would of been anywhere between de zavala down to San Pedro area . I my self have found old maps.of this so called San Saba treasure painted by the color of gemstones colored rocks. This is my 1st time.hearing of all this it’s not spoken off .
Gary G
After a hurricane destroyed the complex in 1724, it was relocated to its current and final location. A stone convento, or priests’ quarters, still located on the property was completed sometime between 1728 and 1730 (William and Landon 1976; Alamo Plaza Study Committee 1994).
It turn out that the medallion was a toy map
I found a gold medalliean that as a map off the treasure of the Alimo having trouble endscryptioning it I need help so the myth is true
He was so close. I don’t know if I believe in the treasure, but I do believe in the underground chambers near the Alamo. From my research, he was close from finding these, but instead concentrated on the “bottom of the well” fools errand that follows the footsteps of Bruton’s Vault. To bad, especially with all the time taken to obtain permits and research.
It is rumored that PeeWee Herman’s bicycle was hidden at the Alamo. coincidence? I don’t think so!
It was rumored that PeeWee Herman’s bicycle was hidden at the Alamo. MYSTERIOUS!
This Is most likely a myth. Treasure under the Alamo? When Santa Anna’s men took it, they would’ve scoured the Alamo.
if the alamo was moved twice there may be other wells that maria gomez spoke about
Until the treasure IS found there is no proof of it