More than 3,000 people report sightings of a UFO over Belgium. ![]() Hundreds of eyewitnesses report the UFO ![]() The UFO appeared over several towns CASE DETAILS Since 1989, thousands of people have reported mysterious lights and shapes in the skies over Brussels, Belgium. Almost all the witnesses describe the same object:
![]() Some eyewitnesses got a close look The mystery of the Belgian UFOs began on November 29, 1989, near the small town of Eupen, less than seven miles from the German border. Gendarmes Heinrich Nicoll and Hubert Von Montigny were on a routine patrol. Heinrich described what he and his partner witnessed that night:
The gendarmes immediately called Albert Creutz, their dispatcher in Eupen:
Creutz noted the unusual report in his log, but was skeptical. According to Heinrich, he and his partner followed the object as it flew across the Belgian countryside toward Eupen:
Then a strange light flashed across the window of Albert Creutz’ office:
Heinrich and his partner followed the silent object:
![]() Actual photo of object seen over Belgium Creutz contacted four local airports. Each reported no unusual activity. For at least 30 minutes, the gendarmes watched as the object hovered in the distance. And then, according to Heinrich:
Moments later, Albert Creutz became a believer himself:
Within minutes, two other gendarmes reported a similar object over the village of La Calamine, eight miles to the north. One of them, Deiter Plumanns, had no doubts about what he saw:
All four of the sightings occurred in one hour, within 20 miles of each other. That same day, 11 other gendarmes and more than 100 private citizens came forward with similar reports of UFOs over the Belgium. Then, in April of 1990, an amazing photograph was taken. It showed the same array of lights described by the eyewitnesses. By using a computer to enhance the film’s contrast, the triangular shape was clearly visible. This amazing image was the first photographic evidence that UFOs had invaded the skies above Belgium. Overwhelmed by the number of sightings, Belgian authorities brought in an organization called SOBEPS to coordinate reports and set up procedures for dealing with future close encounters. They didn’t have to wait very long. According to Captain Jacques Pinson of the Gendarmerie, he was called to a home outside of Brussels when dinner guests reported seeing strange lights in the sky:
At the same time, radar at a NATO tracking station detected an unknown object at that exact location. Lieutenant Colonel Pierre Billen reported that the object showed up as a small circle with a tail in the lower-left quadrant of the radar screen:
With confirmations from four radar stations, two F-16s from the Belgian Air Force were immediately deployed. Their mission was to locate and identify the object. The pilots soon locked onto it with their on-board radar. But after just five seconds, the object bolted out of range at an incredible rate of speed. Belgian Air Force Major General W.J.L. De Brouwer was at a loss to explain the encounter:
For the next hour, the object seemed to play a high-tech game of cat and mouse. According to Lieutenant Colonel Billen, each time pilots achieved lock-on, the object darted out of range:
When the jet’s on board radar footage from that night was analyzed, the UFO could be seen climbing from 7,000 feet to 10,000 feet in a matter of seconds. Then, incredibly, the object plummeted to just 500 feet in only five seconds and accelerated to more than 1,000 miles per hour; that’s 1 1/2 times the speed of sound. This extraordinary combination of acceleration and descent would be fatal to a human pilot. And another peculiar fact: even though the craft exceeded the speed of sound, no one on the ground reported hearing a sonic boom. According to Major General De Brouwer, no known aircraft was capable of such acrobatics:
The Belgium UFOs have been observed by thousands of eyewitnesses. They have been recorded on military radar. And one unknown object evaded sophisticated fighter jets. Yet skeptics dismiss the sightings as nothing more than UFO hysteria. They believe that the radar reports are the result of false echoes or changes in atmospheric conditions. But Gendarme Heinrich Nicoll said he knows what he witnessed:
Based on the radar data, Major General De Brouwer concluded that conventional aircraft were no match for the advanced technology his jet fighters encountered:
Despite thousands of sightings in Belgium, there have been just a few reports in the neighboring countries of France, Germany, and the Netherlands. For skeptics, this is more proof that the sightings are the result of overactive imaginations. Some people however, speculate that UFOs may be attracted to Belgium’s highway system. It is so brightly lit at night that it was visible even to the astronauts on the moon. Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season four with Robert Stack and in season two with Dennis Farina. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Various seasons available now on Hulu. |
Am 31.05.2022 gross wie ein fussballfeld ,lautlos und ohne Antriebsmotoren ,in jeder Ecke des Dreiecks ein Licht. Es kst mit unglaublicher Geschwindigkeit in den Himmel geschossen, schneller als man schauen kann. Unglaublich. Deutschland-Hannover.
Je suis Française. Le 6/09/2018 j’ai observé dans mon quartier un OVNI, triangulaire noir avec 5 lumières jaunes “tamisées” qui formaient un V dessous. Je l’ai observé pendant presque 1min, il est passé entre 2 immeubles, environs à hauteur du 7e étage. Je promenais ma chienne. Pas de bruit, pas de souffle, rien. Aucune réaction de ma chienne non plus. Ciel clair, dégagé sans lune. J’ai prêté attention à tout y compris à l’heure. Je n’ai pas eu peur, ni été choquée, simplement surprise et intriguée. Il a stationné quelques secondes au dessus de moi, j’ai essayé de prendre des photos sans succès (mauvaise qualité) et je faisais des signes avec ma lumière de téléphone. Puis l’onvi a reprit son chemin et est passé entre ses 2 immeubles avant de disparaître de ma vue. Je suis rentré, j’en ai parlé à ma mère, qui ne m’a pas cru, et j’ai tout écrit de suite par peur d’oublier des détails. J’avais 26 ans. Je suis contente d’en avoir vu un de mes yeux. Et de ce que je sais de l’aéronautique humain, même si nous sommes avancés, nous ne connaissons pas de moyens de propulsion qui ne produisent ni son ni souffle.
wendy van de water
I am from Belgium. I saw this ufo in Aarschot in the late ’90 s. I was in the car with my parents. It was dark, he had big lights. There came little UFOs out the ship, they’re flying very fast away and the triangle disappeared then.
Kelly Niklason
I witnessed something like this w my father in 1997 in a town called Sibbe near Vaulkenburg in the netherlands.
Say hello to the US secret space program TR3B Black Manta.
Welcome to “Reverse Engineering of Extraterrestrial Craft”… Anti-Gravity is not a earthly technology !
Im from Belgium too. On may 23 2008 3am i saw a black triangle flying very low. I was at work and went outside for a smoke. It made no sound and had red strobe lights (you know the one normal planes have). But it was flying very low. Ill never forget this moment in my life.
I’m from Belgium and just saying that the Belgian army also never wanted to say anything about these sightings and if they had anything to do with it.
I seen this same craft is Wisconsin, Coming out of a very large craft. I did not get any pictures of the smaller craft. The light that came from it was a 2-3 orangeish red lights. I was not the only one to see this light! Same color that been seen with this craft. I never seen the shape of the craft. from my point of view it happen west of the city at or about 5-15 miles. The smaller craft left from a bigger craft.
I’m not a believer in ufos,aliens, or alien abductions But I watched this movie called the 4th kind and this movie was made based on the real true events of alien abductions, like u saw the movie then beside the movie during the whole thing they showed the actual footage of what happened in alaska. The lady this happened to her daughter was abducted and still to this day never returned it got so crazy that the police accused the mom and took her son from the home and years later he blames her for his sisters disappearance..I watched the 5th episode on unsolved mysteries and listened to them tell the story of seeing the UFO and being ubducted but they didn’t really explain what it felt like or what they say on the ship other than the other people that was also abducted and then disappearing…I live in a small town where years ago someone claimed they saw a UFO and now every year we have this thing called UFO days and its just a small festival with food,car shows,singing, and things for kids to do…I’m a christian and I believe in god and I know he exists by his creation and of the feeling we feel inside…but I can’t just wrap my head around believing in these other things until I see for myself and if wha people say is true then I’m not sure I ever want to come in contact with them..why have people mentioned them in the past but today u never hear of it or anything like it? They apparently beam u up with some kind of light and u go through solid objects like ur time roof of ur vehicle or the roof of ur house but its humanly impossible to move through solid objects. Ive heard about that kind of phenomenon happening with ghosts and spirits..
kurt bols
I am from belgium wen i was young i have seen the ufo over the park from a town calt lint came over the park it went to duffel next town
greats from belgium
en no sound just 3 lights moved slow to slow fore a plane
There was another sighting in Lint not so long ago. Check ufomeldpunt. Coincidence? I dont think so. It could be related to the huge power station there. They might be interested.
This showed up in Our small town last night. Don’t know what it is, but was scaring the crap out of my kids.
This picture is actually a hoax, not real photoshopped. Even if it was real that photo would have never been released.
You are Wrong ! the photo was confirmed as real by “Experts” by viewing with a variety of exposure meatheads that cannot be “photo-shopped”… look it up ! & Accept the Reality of the Universe is to big for just one form of Intelligent life !
PLUS… More than 3,000 people reported physical “sighting” ! “NOT VIEWING” of a Photograph !
Steve BOSS
F16’s we’re not out chasing a faked photo ! The radar from military, and civilian air ports were not registering returns from a photo ! And a large object cannot fly faster than the speed of sound and not make a sonic boom that would break windows for miles around ! Just saying !
I am in love with my chair
Go to the “Photograph’ section, it was a hoax
I just seen something triangle in something red coming out of it in the sky
Patrick Davis
In 1989 I was stationed in Germany and during a border tour of duty in march 1989, myself and other soldiers witnessed a 3pointed craft with lights cruising over the trees near our post near Fulda, Germany. Nobody believed us.
Same here. I’ve witnessed ufos 2 times in my life, there was someone else by me both times, but even in such conditions is very hard to be taken seriously. The awe I felt during those sightings is something I will never forget.