What caused multiple people to keep quiet after a UFO encounter 50 years ago? CASE DETAILS As the youngest of seven boys, in a family that lived in Great Barrington for five generations, Tommy Warner, 10, had only known the stability and routine of small-town life. Then, at dusk on Labor Day weekend 1969, Tommy’s life changed forever. Tommy Warner, 10, in Great Barrington It’s the last day of summer before school is scheduled to start. Tommy is with the neighbor kids next door, and hears a voice in his head, urging him to “Leave! Go home!” He thinks God is talking to him, so he takes off running. But on his way home, Tommy’s friends and neighbors see him vanish into thin air–and he doesn’t re-appear for seven minutes. It’s during this period of time that Tommy believes he was transported to a UFO. The next thing he remembers, he’s is back in his yard, pinned to the ground by an unexplainable beam of light. When he’s released, he runs home, terrified. Melanie Baumann, 14, saw a blinding light and a huge craft. On this same summer evening, just a mile or two away, Melanie Baumann, 14, is enjoying an ice cream cone, parked by a lake with her family. Suddenly, they’re shocked to see a blinding light and a huge craft, rising out of the water in front of their car. Melanie and her siblings scream and try to hide, as their father attempts to follow the mystifying craft. The next thing Melanie remembers, she’s alone in the dark, on the sandy lakefront, left to find her own way home. Like Tommy, she believes she was abducted. The Reed family was surrounded by terrifying, brightly colored lights. In Sheffield, the next town over, the Reed family drives through a covered bridge, on their way home. As they exit the bridge, their car is surrounded by terrifying, brightly colored lights and the family has a sensation of dropping deep underwater. Then 10-year-old Thom Reed, his younger brother, mother, and grandmother, find themselves inside what seems like an enormous, bizarre warehouse. Thom is placed on a metal table and hears the voices of his mother and brother. They sounded frantic. The next thing they know, the entire family wakes up, back in their car. Jane Green encountered the UFO while driving home with a friend. That evening, Jane Green, 42, a respected citizen of the Great Barrington community, also encounters the UFO. As she’s driving home with a friend, she sees a huge bright light in front of her car. She stops, along with other amazed drivers, and witnesses what seems to be an alien aircraft, hovering at eye-level, completely silent. Jane says this was the most profound experience of her life. All these witnesses to the UFO never spoke about the sighting, fearing ridicule. But now, 50 years later, they have decided to tell their stories. Though no one expects an explanation for what they encountered, they hope others who also saw the craft will come forward to validate their experience. |
Rather not say
I witnessed UFO’s flying over Connecticut/Rhode Island in the early 2000’s. The scariest part is my close friend who I was with doesn’t remember it happening. It is like it was scrubbed from their mind. How else could someone forget about an experience like that? It was one light that went up from the ground about a few miles up and then stayed stationary. Then, it split into three lights that spread out perfectly equidistant to each other. They moved at extreme speeds much faster than any helicopter or fighter jet, and they stopped on a dime and just hovered there for 30 seconds to a min and then went back into one single light and then traveled back down to the ground. This happened two different times with the lights changing distances from each other and then they again formed into one light and went back down. These lights were extremely bright and I ruled out a spotlight light they use at car dealerships. These were crafts and the way they moved was unlike anything our technology affords us. What an experience! Also, while fishing in the Long Island shine lsiund i thought I saw a slow moving satellite…. Until it changed trajectory and went outward away from earth, and then out of our view at super speeds. Seemed like it could get out of our solar system in a matter of minutes.
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Ah no worries about that ufo thing. Its probably a new war equipment from CIA to help Moammar Gadhafi to deposes King Idris . Must be some test error along the way
Well I seen almost same thing in 1999 near my home in Croatia. I was 7. But still can’t forget. And few hours before like I seen some weird non human thing moving in my house. It went from our room( brothers and mine) to my parents room and it just vanished. That part I thought was just my imagination. Literally alien lookin thing. And few hours later I was watchin some cartoon on vhs and was almost midnight. I saw some bright light coming thru windows. I woke up my younger brother and we looked thru windows. And right behind us is small forest. And above trees was some shining object . Don’t know how it looked because the light was to bright and after few seconds it just lunch it self straight up . It was like that glowing ball slowly dissappear. My mom told us that was our imagination lol
Ryan B.
Why are there no photographs or videos of this? Cameras existed in 1969.
Also, has anybody else noticed that sightings of UFOs, Bigfoot, lake “monsters”, etc. have all but dried up since almost everybody carries around an HD camera in his or her pocket now?
Unsolved did not do a good job covering this. For ALL the missing info: berkshiresufo.com / ufopark.org The (AKA) Berkshires UFO is the Reed Family Incident, it was Inducted into State History.
If you were faced with this situation back then would you be thinking about getting a camera. It must of been terrifying, especially for the kids that were involved.
Not everyone carries around a camera and this was before mobile phones, also most people would have been in shock at seeing something like that. I don’t think dam where did I put my camera would have been going through my mind.
i believed in this from the moment i could remind my childhood
i have also experienced something that is still a mystery to me but at some
but i got marked by them and dont know what to do u dont know and it kills me piece by piece day by day
time short and i see what times can do and what effects it you and your life
but yeah it wasnt fun and cool why would you lie about it
you dont lie about you are alive right
to this point i cant hide it anymore
beacause what happend that day until now it kills me every day a little more
i never can talk about it and at this point its need to get out but where can i go when no one will believe you?
i dont want this to happend to other people and what it was i hope nobody will get this expriend like me
just believe what you want but for me
i need help for my mysterty but im affraid i never get the answer but if some one is out there who believes i wish i could talk face to face because its kills me litterly
im from the netherlands and yeah lifes a joke because no one will believe you and you can never find someone to talk to but if there is a chance i wish i could talk , wish i could take you back to that day
the day i got marked for life!
Tom Warner
I believe you.
Tom Warner
It was the jinn who lived in the area
Showing his power to tell people beware I’m here
I believe the jinn
Just to give a hypothetical situation…
IF a Marine Harrier Jet had an in flight emergency it would have the capability to land in that field and take off from it. That Jet would have been CLASSIFIED at that time… so lets just say you won’t have gotten to see them! One on the ground, one in the air, look at the one in the air, while the other one tries to take off… meanwhile, you take a nap….
Luisa Michael
I believe, that there was something, but not that it was from another world. And I think it would be really remarkable, if Aliens were just like in all the stories. Out of hundreds and thousands of possibilities what the ships of Aliens could look like, why would they out of all these possibilities look exactly like in our stories?
I think if our mind sees something what it cant process, then it uses such stories. 1000 years ago the people would have told that God visited that area, today we hear about Aliens. I believe it to be a nature phenomenon, that influences how our brains word.
And: The military witnessing a UFO doesn’t mean they believe it’s from another world. It just means ‘unidentified flying object’, no more and no less.
The documents and news coverage related to this incident can be found: http://www.berkshiresufo.com
Thank you for sharing that
Sorry, but you haven’t considered the fact that “all these stories” of discs in the air didn’t begin as a child’s drawing or someone’s imagination….there are many documented globally. Maybe it’s because it’s real. Why do all sorts of different aircraft we have on earth have basically the same design!
Being I was there, I can say first hand what happened. And why it’s in museums and officially inducted into State. We have Unsolved Mysteries to thank for the sell-out episode
Doug R.
Pauline; I totally agree with you on mass hysteria. I also Agree the government does drug the public. But it is a Unidentifiable Flying Object, not saying lil green men. Also no one said they saw people or aliens. They told there experience of what they saw. Other people assumed it is out of this world.
Tommy’s was the one I believed the most. the fact he could literally hear people talking to him. In his head got to me. That tells us other people who may see it get told to tell themselves it is noting or but no ones mind is the same.
I highly doubt these kinds of stories. Do I think there are other intelligent, or more intelligent than us, beings out there? Yes, but I really dont believe in most of the stories that invlove green creatures, abductions, and disk-shaped objects. A lot of this stuff coud be medically explained, like for instance, mass hysteria, which is where multiple people see the same, or similar, thing. They should label this as just a conspiracy theory, and not as an unsolved mystery. This could also be caused by substance abuse, or being drugged and kidnapped for a short period of time. I couldnt even watch the whole video, its so rediculous.
I can’t imagine how people from different towns across a county could have experienced mass hysteria to that extent. If it happened now then news could potentially travel fast enough, but it was the 60s. How could whole families imagine that accounts for hours of a night, when they wouldn’t have heard it from anywhere external for a while?
Adriana valdelomar porras
Yo he tenido la oportunidad de tener 3 veces avistamientos de ovni 3 veces en mi vida los he visto..
Fer Bellido
This year, the NASA officially accepted that the UFOS existed, and even showed a couple of videos , like the one in this chapter. I was both , surprise and not surprise , that this wasn’t like a news bomb. Is like everyone already accept that the aliens exists. My family and I personally, have always though that is IMPOSSIBLE we are the only intelligent specie in the whole universe. How narcissistic can we be to pretend to be the most advanced thing in the universe? What is mysterious is to know their reasons to visit. Do they just wanna watch us? Do they want to conquer us? Are we their creation? Are they ‘us from the future’? I believe all of them and makes me sad that some of them had to move because of their neighbors reaction. Hope more people decide to tell their story and there is a chapter 2 🙂 Also curious to know if they have any medical research on them.
My mom and her friend saw something similar to a ufo too. They were in Ankara, Turkey in 1991 or 1992. She says they were two objects flying right above the houses. It was a big light that had another light rotating around the other. After a while the two objects forged together and disappeared really fast. I believe that a lot of people experienced things like that around the world.
Al stark
Many of us have had experiences i call visitations. WHY didnt anyone talk about it? We had a party of 20 in our Stockbridge back yard and saw a highway of ships passing above us. All that was said “there is another one” ! No one said anything more!!!
The one thing my dad said when i was trying to figure out what specialty i wanted in Mechanical Engineering, “They are bringing me consoles of vehicles to reverse engineer, and they are not from here “.
Michael M. Venne Sr.
Only if you are OPEN MINDED.
I wonder if the individuals changed after the experience. Did their bodies experience different things.
South African medium if I may call him that Credo Mutwa had an encounter with UFO… dude started predicting a lot of things for example JF Kennedy‘s death. He even said a war is coming from the East…
All of this is quiet interesting. We are not alone, the universe indeed is very big.
What if they are some sort of drone type thing operated by A.I? In todays world it doesnt seem far fetched to think maybe they could travel back through time…. supercomputers and quantum physics have come a long way
I was born in South Africa and I was born colourblind. When I was 2 or 3 years old there was a piercing light shining on my bedroom window that woke me up. I don’t remember anything other than how bright and BLUE this light was but my Mum ran into the room and to this day can’t explain what caused the blue light or my reaction to it (I was completely unresponsive just staring at it). It’s my first memory of colour and ever since that night I have not been colour blind. I did a 23andme test recently and it confirmed that my genetics predict colour blindness but I can pass all colour blind tests.
I haven’t shared this with anyone before but I can’t explain what happened to me and finding out about this case made me feel really weird about my experience.
zakariyya ayub
I don’t want you to take this as a joke, this is serious. if those aliens see this, we are in danger. they’ll come for us now that we know they exist
Master Baiter
Why do you want to believe theyre evil? What if theyre just as curious as us? What if they’re curious about how we live, and how far we are along evolution? I don’t think its fair to assume that aliens are some evil being. If these aliens were evil and wanted to cause us harm, they would have already. I think maybe there is a possibility they could take us as a threat, but only if we threaten them. But, who knows? Maybe aliens are evil, and are wanting to invade us.
Mi è capitato una cosa simile nel 2009 ho visto delle luci fluttuare in aria e spostarsi a una velocità supersoniaca non lo dimenticherò mai
What did the rest of the Baumann family experience after Melanie was abducted from their fleeing car? Why wasn’t that included in the interview to support her claim?
Didn’t she say, her sister lost memory after a certain point?
Something similar to this also happened to me and my then husband..hovering bright light over him when he was out walking and followwd him home. The rounded bright light hovered over our house for maybe more than an hour or so..( 12p.m.til about over 1a.m..The remarkable thing that i remembered was that the rounded bright thing was not blinding us..and the more i focus on the light , i noticed that it was rotating ..one sef of lights rotating clockwise and outer set of lights (in a ring / circle formation)rotating counter clockwise. When it was over hovering in our roof, it flew over into a small forest where i can still see them..i got tired of watching this light and went asleep (2a.m.)..not knowing exactly what we saw.Thd next morning, we expected to hear it on the news,..it was never printed nor announced on the radio! Made us wonder if it was only us who saw it..?!..We live in Norway..and this happened on dec.2000.
Jane Shaw Archambeau
Sure is true. I witnessed Tom leaving our house yelling “I have to go home. No one ever talked about it til.my grandmother the nite before she passed said. “” Do you remember Sept 1.1969 and when I said yes. She said” They will talk about it now. It wasn’t talked about in 69. But they will now. “. SHE Passed the next night.
Thelma Wright Grobes
Did anyone think to contact the air force? We had radar in 1969. Was anything picked up ? As large as that ufo seemed to be how could it enter our airspace with no detection??? Plus the UFO knew our language and entered our thoughts. That is mind blowing