A college student is killed by gang violence.
 Damien Corrente
 Juan Gil Ferrufino, Mario Portillo and German DeLeon
For Pam Corrente of Freeport, New York, it was just another day of running errands. Then, as she was driving her teenage son to the doctor, she passed what appeared to be a terrible car accident:
“I said to my son, ‘Look over there and see what’s going on.’ So he just looked over and said, ‘I don’t see anything, you can’t see anything, there’s just ambulances all over.’ So I passed it. I took him to the doctor’s office. We came back home.”

Pam drove by the scene of the crime
It was then that Pam received a phone call about her oldest son, 21-year-old Damian:
“And I got a phone call from one of his friends, asking me, ‘Is Damian there?’ I said, ‘No he’s not, he was going to go out and see his friends. Aren’t you with him?’ The caller said, ‘No. Okay, never mind.’ And they hung up. And that was just, the whole thing was odd.”
When Damian didn’t answer her calls, Pam remembered the ambulances and decided to check local hospitals:
“I called South Nassau Hospital and said, ‘Do you have a Damian Corrente there?” They said, ‘Yes, who is this?’ I said, ‘This is his mom.’ I said, ‘Is he there? Is he okay? Why didn’t anybody call me? Why aren’t you, why wasn’t I informed? What’s going on? Just tell me what’s going on?’ And she said, ‘Didn’t the detective come to your house yet?’”
Within minutes, Pam was at the hospital. Her son, Damian, had been involved in the incident she saw earlier. But it was no traffic accident:

Pam became an activist against gang violence
“My son was there on the bed, and he was in a hospital gown, and he looked like a complete angel. And I went to hug him, and I got blood on my hand. When they told me he was shot five times in the head, I couldn’t comprehend it. Everything went crazy at that point.”
Damiano Corrente is Damian’s father:
“I saw my wife crying on the other side of the door with a nurse. I said to her, ‘What’s the matter? She said, “He’s dead.” Just like that. Something died in me that day too.”
Pam and Damiano learned that their son had died in a gang shooting. There were allegations that Damian himself was a gang member. Pamela Corrente said that was not possible:
“Damian was a pre-med student at Stony Brook University. He had an ambition, and that was to go to college and get his degree and become an anesthesiologist. My son had absolutely no gang affiliation. That was proven over and over. It was written in every newspaper. He was absolutely not a part of a gang and had no gang affiliation.”

Pam still hopes to find her son’s killers
In the weeks leading up to his death, Damian had returned home from college for winter break and started hanging out with his friends from high school. Det. Brian N. Parpan of the Nassau County Police Department:
“One of those friends was a man by the name of Harold Zambrano. Harold was a 19-year-old member of a local gang called Nientes.”
Harold told Damian that two days earlier, he was jumped by members of MS-13, a violent El Salvadoran street gang originally from Los Angeles. Harold asked Damian for help. Pamela said her son had a hard time saying no:
“Damian had the biggest heart in the world. It was part of his problem. If anybody asked him for anything, he would do it, and he would be there, even if he had his own plans.”
Chief Michael Woodward of the Freeport Police Department suspects that Damian’s naiveté led to his death:
“Damian Corrente, on the day that he died, I’m sure had no idea as to what he was getting involved in. Harold Zambrano, being a gang member, probably never publicized that fact to Damian.”
According to Det. Parpan, Harold and Damian found who they were looking for at a local strip mal: 19-year-old German DeLeon:
“German DeLeon is a known MS-13 member and was wearing the colors, so there was no question in their mind that they had found somebody. They approached German DeLeon. They confronted him with the injury to Harold Zambrano. DeLeon was there at the Laundromat with his girlfriend. DeLeon admitted that he was an MS-13 member and told him that he had nothing to do with that particular incident. Zambrano and those guys indicated that they respected the fact that he was with his girlfriend and they wouldn’t cause him any trouble while he was with his girlfriend.”
Damian, Harold and the others returned to their car. Then, two more members of the MS-13 gang showed up starting firing. Zambrano was shot in the neck. Damian was shot five times in the head.
A police investigation quickly revealed the identity of the alleged shooters: German DeLeon, Mario Portillo, and Juan Gil Ferrufino. But the suspects could not be found.
To help deal with her grief, Pam started a gang awareness program in Freeport:
“I had no choice. I had to fight. It was either that or go crazy with the rage, and the anger, and the hate. So I can’t do that. But I can fight back by trying to educate our children, and trying to find a way for them, and to educate the parents to educate the children.”
Pam finds her new work rewarding, though it will never take away the pain of losing her son. There is only one thing that would help: catching the killers of Damian Corrente.
Although the families of all three suspects still live in Freeport, police have traced German DeLeon, Mario Portillo and Juan Gil Ferrufino to El Salvador. If their specific whereabouts can be determined, the suspects could be extradited to the United States for trial.
Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season eleven with Robert Stack and in season five with Dennis Farina. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Various seasons available now on Hulu.
Karen Hardy
Excuse me I mean 1.57 apologize for the error but that’s the time the first guy seen with the victim was in on this crime,as he could have been the watchman scoping the place out for the robber.
Karen Hardy
May I add one last thing. Is that the suspected killer could have been a Mexican or white man maybe Italian,but I believe the first guy posing as a Customer seen on the surveillance with the victim at the time 157.00 looks like he is either Mexican or Italian.
Antonio Padilla
@robfigueroa you played Damien?
You all can pick to be lost as you please but what ppl not understanding is that this was a gang related hit carried out against this guy and what u need to understand is that this same victim had some serious gang tides even if it means that he won’t a banging hisself you can get targeted just for affiliating yourself around the official ones that is one and you becomes a target just by your connection if not being directly involved.anf and two if u caught up in the middle of a gang war without you taking any part in any of the but just as a spectator then you would also become a victim and that’s what I believe who killed him was sending a straight message to whoever gang this guy befriended just because he knew and hung around the enemies of the opposite gang that killed him and they murdered him to send that message..and sadly due to the passage of time this case is decades old this case is slim to nothing to solve I do believe the killers who last year’s theyselves maybe had been gunned down in the same fashion you have to think this victim was killed. Doing the heart of a gang war so by now it been many many decades now his killers could had all died in that gang war or they jump flight to another country and haven’t entered the us again
Johnny Diamond
MS 13 and other gangs are a ongoing problem in Long Island. The fact that the cops find a body in the woods and are months if not years behind the actual murder. That witnesses and victims are afraid to come forward due to the ruthless nature of these gangbangers does not aid in the cops solving this case and others. If these gangbangers are of questionable immigration status they should be put on the fast track to deportation as what is done to many MS 13 members.
Rob Figueroa
I played Damian in the Unsolved Mystery Episode.
How awesome!! Working actor and a hood actor! Did you meet his family?
Former Classmate
I knew him growing up. He was the sweetest most down to earth person, was kind everybody.
Melissa Flores Payton
Thinking of you Pam
I Will pray For Him!
Poor Damien Corrente
Was your comment meant to sound like sarcasm
All my thoughts & Prayers too Damien s Parents & All who have lost there loved ones. I watch Unsolve Mystires a lot never miss it. I’m deeply sorry too all ;-(((((((