A former college football star is shot by a stalker.
 Dick Hansen
 Dick Hansen’s killer
Dick Hansen was a former college football star from Sunnyvale, California. He was just getting over a tough divorce when he decided he needed a night out. So on April 29, 1991, he asked a friend, who we’ll call Jean, to meet him at his favorite hang-out. According to Jean:
“He was in a very good mood, very good. He was very happy with where he was, he was very happy with what was going on in his life and where he was headed.”

Dick was shot by the rogue motorist
Jean said she and Dick left the bar together in her car and drove to where Dick had left his pickup truck:
“There were no cars at all and I remarked to Dick, I said, ‘This is funny, yours is the only car left on the street.’ So we were sitting there talking, and this car pulls up behind us. And I looked, and I thought, I don’t even think it was too strange because there was a mailbox on the sidewalk there. The man just sat there, he didn’t do anything, and I was kinda half-turned in the seat so I could look at Dick, and I could see him out of the corner of my eye.”

Was the killer a crazed sports fan?
When it was time to leave, Jean said she was unfamiliar with the route home, so Dick told her to follow him:
“Well, he pulled out, I pulled out, the guy behind us pulled out. Moving up to the stoplight, turning left, Dick turned left, I turned left, the guy turned left. We go up two blocks and turned left again, and he did the same thing. Well, by this time it’s making me uncomfortable, so I moved to the middle lane. He moved to the middle lane. So I moved back. And he moved back. I only did it once, but that was enough to tell me that this man was definitely following us.”
At the next traffic light, Dick signaled for Jean to follow him onto the freeway. The man stayed close behind. For more than ten miles, Jean said, the man shadowed her every move:
“Dick was on the inside lane, I was on the outside and somehow we got the guy between us but behind us, and I thought, ‘All right, you rascal, I’m gonna get you.’ So I slammed on my brakes. I’ll be darned if he didn’t slam on his brakes, too. It was almost like he was reading my mind. I almost missed the turn, but he followed. This man was still behind me. So I followed Dick down the ramp, we made a right hand turn. Dick just pulled over to the side of the road. I pulled up behind Dick and I don’t know why in my mind I just knew this guy would just go right on by and wave or something. He pulled right up behind us. And I don’t know who was in more shock, Dick or me. So Dick walked back to the man and kinda leaned down, and he either said, what are you doing or what do you want? I couldn’t quite hear what he said. And the guy said something to him, and Dick goes, what? And the guy said something else to him and then proceeded to point to the back of my car. And at that point in time, Dick just stepped back, stood up and raised his arm and said, get the blankety-blank out of here. So I jumped back in my car and I looked in my rearview mirror and I hear pop – pop.
Dick went down. As the gunman sped off, Jean got out of her car:
“I ran back to where Dick was. And his eyes were like half closed. And I tried to find the pulse on his neck and it didn’t look like he was breathing, so I started to give him mouth to mouth.
Dick Hansen was shot twice, once in the chest and once in the neck. He never regained consciousness and was pronounced dead at the hospital. He left behind two daughters, aged 11 and 13. According to Det. Les Richards of the Sunnyvale, California, Police Department, the authorities had trouble ascertaining a motive:
“As far as we know, Dick Hansen did not know his assailant. What makes this particular case extremely difficult is that most homicides boil down to common denominators of sex, money or drugs and network out from there. We have not been able to put this particular homicide in any of those categories so that we can develop a motive.”

Jean tried to lose the stalker
However, police have come up with one possible theory about this case. Jean’s personalized license plate read “Forty-Niner Hugs.” The killer had gestured toward her license plate while he was talking to Dick. Det. Richards wonder’s if the killer wasn’t a crazed sports fan:
“Dick Hansen’s physical stature was that of a football player, so we were looking into the theory of a disgruntled fan as being one of the responsibles.”
At the time of the shooting, Jean described the suspect as white, with a dark complexion. He wore eyeglasses with large black frames. In addition, the suspect’s car looked like a 1970 Pontiac GTO LeMans. It was a two-door coupe, with a dull, faded, light grey or blue paint job. Dick Hansen’s killer remains at large.
Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season six with Robert Stack and in season four with Dennis Farina. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Various seasons available now on Hulu.
There is always a cop or cops around in a ten mile drive she is lying.And why would Dick pull over after ten miles
WHY Didn’t they drive to a police station and why didn’t Dick stop long before ten miles he was a big man.this story makes no sense I think Jean was involved if not the guy would have raped and killed her
I Agree something tells me we’re not getting the whole story and i Agree you should Never Confront a Stocker alone ,,,Should have drove to the Police or a Well lit Public Place with Plenty of People
This case is a strange one, I’m not really sure what to think. It’s very odd to me that the person who shot Dick then stared Jean down for several seconds and then drove away, leaving a witness who had seen his face behind. It’s also very odd that after hearing gunshots Jean got out of the car (I think my first reaction would be fear and to duck down in my seat to not get shot, or to speed away) – although I can acknowledge that people react differently in these stressful situations. The idea of this being a sports-related murder seems off to me, what are the chances someone murders someone else over a license plate when it’s not even currently football season? Personally, my top theories are:
1- Jean was being stalked, possibly for some time without realizing it, and possibly by someone she didn’t even know. This stalker saw her with Dick, became jealous, and decided to put an end to things himself. Later on he never ended up approaching her, because he knew he could go to jail for murdering a man.
2- Dick’s ex-wife was dating new people the same way he was and possibly mentioned an argument of some sort that her and Dick still had while divorcing, and this person was off their rocker and decided it was worth killing Dick over. (This one is a purely speculative answer, but it makes more sense to me than the idea his ex-wife hired a hitman, as hitmen are not easy to find or actually hire).
3- The other driver was extremely mentally ill and simply perceived something on the road as being aggressive or threatening, so he followed the two (or one) of them and shot Dick based off of that, when in reality neither of them had done anything out of the ordinary and were just driving.
4- Dick had some other unrelated hobbies or vices that Unsolved Mysteries didn’t know about or did not disclose, and this person had a grudge against him based on that, but did not have any intention to kill “an innocent person” (Jean) as well.
In the end this is one of those cases where I don’t think we’ll ever know, unless a confession is made by someone. It’s very sad. I hope Jean was able to recover from what she had to witness that night.
John wilson
Everything is based on what jean said. The whole scenario doesnt make sense. What if dick was chasing jeans car? And everything else was made up. Do we really know who was driving jeans car?
That’s a good post. I read about this case on Reddit. They were discussing road rage and aggressive drivers. This is really a sad case. I wish Jean could have heard what the man said. It would have been nice to have smartphones back then and maybe she could have got a pic of his car or license plate in addition to calling 911.
So I am guessing there have been no 7pdates?
R.I.P Dick Hansen.
I sincerely hope the killer is caught and brought to justice, then given the electric chair.
I don’t think Jean was involved in Hansen’s death. I think it is very likely that the traumatic experience Jean went through—getting stalked and watching someone get shot by the stalker—may have caused Jean to forget a few details. Does anybody know if Jean underwent hypnosis?
And frankly, the disgruntled sports fan theory is straight up laughable. I think it’s possible Hansen was the main target all along.
I always suspected that the shooter was most likely hispanic, based on several features he had, and that he was following not Dick, but the friend he was with that night. One of the main reasons I think this is because the friend said that he was also repeating every same move she made. It seems to me that if Dick was the one he was following, wouldn’t the gunman have driven closer to him? I don’t know if these would help, but there really just suspicions.
Ali Houssney
I know he would not do something like this but I’ve always thought that the killer in this case resembled Wayne Knight, who starred as Stan Podolak in the TV show Space Jam along with Michael Jordan and other basketball players. Now here’s a sports coincidence list like the 49ers license plate. But Wayne is from New York and I love him. He wouldn’t commit murder. It’s just that I’ve always thought he looked similar to the mystery man.
Jon Bon’s comments are very well thought out and seem to be closest to shedding light on what happened. I don’t doubt “Jean’s” story in the least. She may have gotten some details wrong due to the extreme stress she was under but protecting her identity as the only eye witness to a murder is just common sense. I can only hope that the cops did a thorough search for the car but California is enormous and any killer with half a brain would ditch the car immediately. He had just been through a divorce. He was celebrating it with a woman which just screams look at the ex-wife but the show doesn’t mention it. My thought is that either the cops were complete idiots or the show deliberately played up the “road rage” angle because I’m pretty sure this happened around the time the phrase was coined and the media was obsessing about the phenomenon.
There were no cell phones like today, the ones then were highly priced, they would have had to stop at a pay phone, she said he said get the hell out of here, I don’t think he was yelling at her, he was yelling at the driver, if car never passes her she couldn’t get a plate number.
I agree her story is a little fishy, it seems like he would have gotten between her car and the stalker, she says she slammed on brakes, etc and he never tried to intervene…I mean everyone act different but I would have got between her and the stalker if I could or stopped and got behind him, so yeah fishy
I feel like if they had saturated the Bay Area news outlets with a description of this GTO back in “91, that they would have had some good leads to chase down. Somebody would have recognized the car as belonging to.a neighbor or coworker. It’s a very unique make/model/color.
I would have run this through the DMV as well and gotten me a list of owners to check out.
It’s too good of a car and suspect description to have gone unsolved. Maybe story was made up by Jean after all. I don’t believe this case can be solved now after all this time
Ali Houssney
That guy is not fooling anyone. God knows the deepest secrets of his heart. If justice never happens to Dick and his family in this life, God will ensure it in the afterlife. He promises vengeance. Everything will be brought forth and laid bare on that Day when the Lord calls EVERYONE to account.
I’m not sure why people are even suggesting Zodiac. Although he could still be alive then, the suspect here wasn’t described as white. The zodiac more than likely was. Also, this whole story keeps bothering me, I don’t understand why it’d be so hard to track them down. It’s unfortunate that it took place in the early 90s as I’m sure neither had a cell or car phone to contact the police, but it’s very odd they didn’t drive to a station nearby. I hope Jean is telling the full truth and somebody can finally be caught for this. It could be possible that the person has committed similar crimes before or after, or had no prior record. A person just blending in.
Bill Blaski
Don’t know how you have a car chasing you for miles down a interstate and you never get a license plate number? Could the cops not take detailed report off make and model and search that way. During this time frame that should’ve been easy. Just don’t understand it
49r hugs
More than 10 miles on a 6 lane interstate and no plate of the suspect. I call hogwash.
The witness narrator’s account of the events did not seem credible to me. According to her, an assailant shot Dick and she immediately exited the safety of her car to stare down the would-be gun-toting murderer. Sounds unbelievable. I do not buy that. It defies human behavior.
Its pretty simple right from the start it is obvious the only Witness “Jean” is unreliable and most likely either the culprit or in cahoots with the killer. Even the composite sketch as per her description of the culprit looks kind of like the victim. But considering the victim has no relative left to seek justice, his poor parents also both gone without seeing justice for their only child. I doubt the investigating team even cared, seems in reality there is no Justice or Karma. Sad 🙁
Diamond dave
Not to mention why didn’t they drive to a police station or to a downtown area if someone is following you
I live in San Jose California where this happened. At the time, the downtown area was a ghost town at night and the police station was, at the time, not near any highway. There is a highway nearby now. Does anybody know exactly where he was killed? I have lived in San Jose all my life and I’ve seen this episode a few times over the years, and I airways wondered where it happened.
Somewhere off of the Fremont Ave exit off of 85 north. Weirdly found that info from a thread on sitcomsonline.com – https://www.sitcomsonline.com/boards/showpost.php?p=5386355&postcount=112
You’ve just spent hours having dinner, drinking, relaxing, and now it’s 2 am, you’re being chased by a car driving highway speeds – can you keep your eyes on the road WHILE avoiding injury WHILE reading the license plate numbers that would be backwards in your rearview – which, by the way, would have to be pretty close to even see, especially in the middle of the night? Now throw adrenaline and stress into it. We also don’t even know if he had a front plate. Nothing Jean did sounds out of the ordinary to someone who is completely caught off guard by an unnerving and then terrifying incident; it’s very, very easy for us to nitpick and ask “Why didn’t they X?” when we’re calmly reviewing the facts in the comfort of our own homes. Jean also likely followed Dick instead of peeling off to the PD herself because of anything from instinct, to trusting he had a plan, to fear she’d be followed alone, to it not even occurring to her that they should split up.
Exactly! Also Dick was this huge, ex-football guy. He thought he could handle it himself, speak to the guy, and scare him off. It was dumb and cost him his life, but nothing odd about that. A lot of men get caught up in being macho and aren’t thinking rationally. The best them for them would have literally keep driving until they reach a police station or at least a gas station, hospital, or some place not deserted and with a phone.
How would they get the license plate number of a car driving BEHIND them?
I rhink he was sexually targeting Jean. This is a creepy story. I doubt its the “Zodiac Killer” as others have suggested. His prime was the 1960s-70s. I think it was a predator who targeted this couple for whatever reason. It’s interesting Jean never made note of the license plate, no info on the bullets recovered from Dick, no new info on this. 1991 was a long time ago.
This was just on Unsolved Mysteries today on the Pluto network. Free tv channels, mainly old shows. Some people’s comments here are not worth trying to read due to terrible spelling and grammar like a 3 year old wrote it. Yeah I ain’t perfect but geez!
Anyways, if I witnessed a murder from inside my car, I would not get out of my car. I would peel it out of there to a police station. If for some reason i did what Jean did, I would try to get the killers plate as he peeled away. I doubt its a crazed football fan. I think its related to Dick and his divorce, possibly soon to be ex wife too. Or yeah maybe Zodiac killer. Im sure the police gave Jean a lie detector test. I hope they did to rule her out for sure. I hope the ex wife had a polygraph too. This cold case needs to be reopened by some highly competent FBI Agents like Joe Kenda.
Your own grammar and sentence structure is horrific. Refraining frum judgment of others with your own flaws is wisdom.
The “crazed sports fan” theory is the dumbest, most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. These “detectives” should be bagging groceries.
Did they give a polygraph to the ex?
These kinds of cases are just mind boggling and excruciating for the victims and loved ones. I hope Jean and Dick’s kids were able to move on with their lives. In this case, I think this was an individual who was obsessed with Jean and had possibly been stalking her for quite some time.
I’ve lived in Santa Clara County for over 40 years. I was talking to some old friends. We all knew Dick and “Jean”. We discussed this case and we’re all surprised nothing ever came of it. I knew Dick casually through friends associated with Santa Clara University. I worked with “Jean” for about 10 years at a Semiconductor company in Santa Clara.
At the time this happened, we were all shocked and mystified. It was odd and it seemed like there were so many things that didn’t make sense. It’s hard to believe this case has not been solved after all these years- not even a solid lead. There’s been a lot of speculation on various message boards about Dick and “Jean” that I can tell you aren’t true.
I don’t believe the license plate had anything to do with this other than to maybe help the killer track the car as it was dark. The license plate would stand out. I also don’t believe this had anything to do with pro football team allegiances. There was something else going on. Dick and “Jean” had dinner at a restaurant in Downtown San Jose that evening. I always wondered if something there precipitated this incident.
Dick was a funny guy. He was big guy and pretty strong. He would get angry and his thing was to put you in a headlock. He was kidding, but he always worried me. It hurt!
People are trying to figure out the freeway and the street. It was Northbound Highway 85- they exited onto W. Fremont Ave.
I firmly believe “Jean” had nothing to do with this as some speculate. I do believe that she panicked (who wouldn’t) and became flustered and didn’t get her facts clear or straight. I always thought this may have hindered the investigation. To this day, I don’t believe the information she gave was accurate enough to build a case.
Dick was a real good and fun guy. I’ve always wondered if he pissed someone off and it led to this.
Thanks for the info. Either this was some random psycho or it wasn’t.
It doesn’t make sense that you go through a harrowing chase like that, finally stop, approach said crazy chaser, watch someone get shot- GET OUT OF YOUR CAR and lock eyes for 5 seconds then try to revive for 15 minutes….this lady is getting away with something…
It’s 2019 and this case is still unsolved. I feel sure the police have investigated Jean thoroughly. So, that should resolve that scenario. I think Dick Hanson was mistaken for the 9er’s player. In the restaurant someone else had mistaken him. I am also a NFL football fan. Win some, lose some, but gamblers are a different breed. Mistaken identify is very possible, if infact the gambler lost money. That makes more sense than Jean “knows more”
Dan Faircloth
Has anyone noticed that the sketch of Dick Hansen’s killer resembles the sketch of the person who murdered Richard Aderson in 1998? Both killers were involved in road rage incidents because of you ask me this is more of a road rage thing than sports related. I know both murders took place on opposite sides of the country but has anyone ever investigated a possible connection between the two cases? It could be the same killer.
@ Dave…. you seem pretty defensive….maybe you did it
I think there is more to the story than Jean is giving. When she tells her story, she makes it seem like the guy is following only HER only move, not Dick’s. Not sure why Dick was shot, whether it was planned or not. I don’t think he was a crazed sports fan, why shoot Dick if he was pointing at Jean’s car? Doesn’t make sense. Also strange that he openly shot Dick but left a witness as JOHN BON says. Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Jean was involved. Why not shoot both?
I wonder if Dick’s divorce had anything to do with it, maybe he and Jean were having some sort of relationship or something? Ex-wife decides to hire a hit-man??
Make up your mind. Was “Jean” involved or was it the ex wife. You aren’t Sherlock Holmes. Stop making things up and implicating a woman that had nothing to do with it. There’s a lot of evil in the world. There doesn’t always have to be a motive. When Dick confronted the guy, you have no idea what was said. Leave this to the police. There’s a reason why you aren’t a famous detective.
Zodiac, my guess
Zodiac..just my guess.
If he had an insurance poilcy, who would gain from it?
I think it was a stalker that may have lost money on game after man on team cost them the game that looked like the man killed ..if he looked like this player chance are he was killed because them man lost alot of money on game and took it out on wrong man the ladys lic plate may have made this crazy man think it was the real player ..road rage is part but gamers are so out there on betting all even in bars if this man looked like the real guy maybe so one in the bar or resturant they were at tipped them off i would look into people there with wrong information wrong person
Well, this case has always been strange to me. I don’t think that Jean was involved, I think that she wanted her identity hidden because she’s still scared that the man will come and kill her or something. Or maybe the guy thought that Dick and Jean were someone else, and I was also surprised that Dick’s ex-wife wasn’t interviewed for the story…or any of the rest of Dick’s family for that matter.
Yes, I think you have put your finger on it there Corey. My thoughts were running along somewhat similar lines but I just couldn’t put all the pieces of the jigsaw together. Your suggestion that the story of the psycho-stalker was all made up nailed it for me. I too would be investigating that angle if it was my job to.
It is kind of reminiscent of a case of alleged ‘road-rage murder’ that happened in Britain, sometime in the early 1990s – around the time that the term, ‘road-rage’, was beginning to gain popular currency. A guy out driving with his girlfriend wound up dead after a violent assault. The girlfriend, in her account, spun a story about an altercation with another motorist that had the media in a frenzy: the First Road Rage Murder ran the headlines. But it later turned out that she made up the whole story. She was the sole assailant/murderer. That is the gist of the story. I can’t remember too many details as it was so long ago, but it happened. Maybe it happened here too.
Does anyone know the exact street it happened? The area too? I want to look it up on Google maps!
Came across this murder tonight. Never having heard of it before, and reading about it I was very surprised to see how many similarities it has to the Zodiac killer of the late 1960s and early 70s. Even the drawing of the suspect looks similar to those of the Zodiac. I’m not suggesting it is the Zodiac, just has a number of similarities.
Mauricio j Peralta
Let see 1991 I happen to be working at National Semiconductor and Richard Hansen (Dick) happen to be my coworker in the same department. Yeah the news for all of as in that department was defeated. I only wish that in my lifetime I would like to see this case solved. Rest in peace Dick I will remember you forever!
I think the description of the man looks like an aged zodiac has the bullets been matched to another crime what kind of a gun was it in some cases that is what brings the killer to justice. I bring up zodiac because it looks like him some, same state, and zodiac was also never caught.
I thought so too! I immediately thought “Zodiac?” because the timeline (1991) would imply Zodiac would still be alive (as opposed to 2016 when he is very possibly dead from age) and it’s the same kind of mind games, cat-and-mouse, absolutely random killing in Cali you would imagine Zodiac doing. Zodiac HAD to keep killing somewhere, and he was an expert at never establishing an M.O. so you can’t rule out anything…
I would think if Jean was the focus at all, the killer’s prime time to act against her would have been when she leaves Dick’s vehicle to get into her own, before the chase began. I wondered what club they were at. I think the 49er angle is a bit of a stretch. It’s late April football season has been over for months I don’t see that as much of a motive…..
‘Jean’ on the ID program was wearing a wig! Not a great disguise, but, could have been!!!! I am with everyone on this, Jean has more knowledge than she is letting on
Just because the case is strange. Doesn’t mean “Jean” knew more than she is letting on. I would take her story seriously until she gave a reason as to not to. Obviously the police think she is credible. I wanna say a pissed off ex boyfriend. However, I bet she would’ve recognized the car and driver. I wanna say this is an unstable guy. And was looking for a reason to murder someone. A random act if you will.
If i realize someone is following me, i would call 911. I don’t know why she didn’t do that despite the fact that the alleged killer was changing lanes as she did. Speaking of changing lanes, why didn’t the killer follow Dick’s car if that’s whom he was really interested in? Why didn’t he go to Jean’s car after shooting Dick? After all, its’ jean’s car that he kept following not Dick’s.
This happened in 1991 before everyone had a cell phone. Yes, some people had car phones and the old “bag phones”, but even that was very uncommon.
Have you guys not watched the “Dates from Hell” on ID channel 522 on Sky? This was just on it and Jean actually spoke on it so revealing her identity was not a problem. Such a shame that it is an unsolved case though, as is any unsolved mystery.
No i havent seen this… can you tell me which episode it is please?
Rather than the killer being a crazed/obsessed football fan, maybe he was obsessed with Jean, and he was jealous and thought that Dick Hansen was dating her and that’s why he shot him. When he pointed to Jean’s car when Dick confronted him maybe he was pointing to Jean rather than the “49ers” custom license plate. After all, he was clearly following and stalking Jean while they were driving. This could also be the reason why he didn’t kill Jean and just let her go and drove away. I believe this case has more to do with Jean than it does with a crazed/obsessed or disgruntled football fan.
he wasn’t CLEARLY following Jean’s car. She was behind Dick so the killer had to be behind her out of no other option. But i agree, pointing at the license plate is far fetched. From the way this story is told it seems the killer pointed at Jean hence Dick telling her to go away.
This Jean said the killer and she had stared at each other for a few seconds. Very strange!? I am 100% sure she has the answers! I am surprised with the Police work.
I agree Patrick!! I think the killer had soemthing to do with Jean but I can’t explain why Dick was shot unless the killer felt he saw too much. Dick even told Jean to get out of there. I think the killer had something to do with Jean…not sure what. I think there is more to it than what Jean provides, maybe she’s scared.
Since Jean was the onyl witness, i wonder if there was a killer at all. This whole story is confusing. It’s hard to take Jean’s word for it because we only have one side of the story and no other witnesses.
I find it fishy too that Dick was recently divorced but decided to hang otu with a female friend… i believe men can have girl friends but it’s weird to me he would go out with a woman instead of a man… i think Jean and Dick were involved somehow. Weird we get no word form his ex-wife
rose andrews
the ex wife know something.
Well where did this take place?
It was in Sunnyvale & San Jose, California
I couldn’t agree more with Cory myself. Did anyone happen to catch the beginning of this store when it stated “he asked a friend, who we’ll call Jean”? They didn’t even use her real name suggesting she didn’t want to be mentioned. Why not? If it was my friend that was killed, I’d make sure everyone knew I was concerned and do anything I could to help find who did it.. maybe that’s just me I don’t know
Maybe she’s afraid the killer may target her? Please use common sense Columbo.
Jean has to be involved no matter how you look at the situation.
if she was target how the guy did not killer her?
if Dick was the target why did you leave Jean alive as a witness?
did she set up Dick and have a reason to have him killed?
and if it was the whole thing of person (fan) who was hater of the team i ask how come she was not killed since the bummer sticker was on her car not Dick’s?
Ok if the guy was some random killer? why would it matter if they killed 2 people and not a leave person as a witness?
I ask is Jean the killer herself ??? and make up the whole story of some random killer to throw the police ? NO random person anywhere else even bother to come forward in the neighborhood to say they claimed to say they saw a speeding car ?
if it was me as a law enforcement person I would been looking at Jean the whole time.
the whole question is WHY IS JEAN ALIVE ????
I agree completely. It seems as if with the detailed information about the killer, they should’ve been able to find something. Whether jean was lying or not, i am not sure but it seems as if she is holding something back about what happened.
If she is telling the truth, there is no indication if Dick was surpised at who the killer was. Was it someone he knew? There needs to be a further investigation there.
The guy had her license plate number… He could find her anytime he wanted so why hide her identity? I agree. She is hiding something…
There’s a distinct possibility she changed her license plate shortly after this, or she moved, or she just wanted the ONLY thing he knew to be her license plate number. Remember this was before the internet, and even with license plate info, the fastest and easiest way to find someone via their car is through the DMV or LE, and neither of them offer up that option for the average person. Even if I gave you MY license plate info right now, without the internet – how would you be able to find me? It’s just prudent to stay “dark”, not an indication of involvement.
Jon Bon
There is something about this case that keeps gnawing at me since I saw it first a few days ago on Unsolved Mysteries. I think that there is an alternative scenario what is worth conjecture. It is possible, of course, that it was simply the act of loser-psycho who just snapped, but had enough presence of mind to realise what he had done and decided it would be best to beat it. However, what if he was stalking Dick all along and not Jean? I think it is worth considering. Did Dick have any enemies? The stalker could have been a hit man. By menacing ‘his woman’ (whether or not Dick and Jean were romantically involved is not the issue here – it would have appeared so to the stalker), he was trying to draw Dick out. He was setting it up to get his target where he wanted him. Of course, if that were the scenario, it is unlikely that he would have just left Jean alive on the scene.
John Bon
One wonders too why the gunman just ‘sped off’ after the shooting, leaving an eyewitness on the scene? It was Jean after all whom he was stalking, or at least that is the way it appears. Surely he still had ‘business’ to conclude with her – whatever that was.
John Bon
Has the car ever been traced? Did Jean have the presence of mind to make a note of the stalker’s number plate?
There was no license plate on the front of the car.