Was a hit and run in North Carolina racially motivated?
CASE DETAILS ![]() Why did he cause this fatal crash? It all began on the quiet afternoon of December 23, 1988, in Greensboro, North Carolina. 19-year-old Ken Dungee was picked up by three of his friends en route to do some last minute Christmas shopping. The four young African-American men planned to make the hour and a half trip to Raleigh on the I-40 Highway. It had been a good year for all of them. The driver, 17-year-old Lavern Allen, had just received a scholarship to the Air Force Academy. Ken Dungee was a drafting and engineering student, headed for college in the fall. 17-year old Kenneth Newkirk had just received a scholarship to a local college. And 17-year-old Darius Bannerman was a high school basketball star with a promising future. On their way to the shopping mall, the four passed a car driven by a man named Grady Alexander:
A few moments later, Lavern Allen noticed a blue Monte Carlo closing in at a high rate of speed:
![]() Lavern Allen was airlifted to the hospital Still weary from an earlier basketball practice, Darius Bannerman was napping in the front seat when he was suddenly woken up:
![]() Lavern Allen lll Then, without warning, the Monte Carlo pulled alongside the boys’ car and rammed it off the highway. A few minutes later, police and paramedics arrived at the accident site. They found a horrific scene. Lavern Allen was trapped in the car for half an hour. After being airlifted to a trauma center, his leg was amputated at the thigh. Ken Newkirk had suffered a fractured skull and a broken leg. Darius Bannerman had a broken wrist and facial injuries. Ken Dungee was pronounced dead at the scene. Beth Velliquette was the first reporter on the scene and spoke with several witnesses who described the assault:
![]() Darius Bannerman Because of a lack of evidence, the police were reluctant to treat the incident as a crime. However, the victims believed that it was a murder. The driver of the Monte Carlo had a mustache and brown stringy hair. He was traveling with a woman who had blond hair. The wanted vehicle is described as a light blue Monte Carlo, with Georgia license plates.
Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season two with Robert Stack and season seven with Dennis Farina. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Various seasons available now on Hulu. SUBMIT A TIP |
I miss Kenny and was just thinking of him, his sister T, and brother Will. That prompted me to google him and found this thread. We are from the same neighborhood and I was 11 years old when this happened oddly enough, I now only have one memory of him and that was him getting into a car and waving goodbye. He was a solid guy.
sad case
Mae Hart
Sorry you lost someone who meant something to you. I heard about this case through unsolved mysteries years and years ago and wanted to check the status of it. It’s a shame the killer is still roaming free to this day.
Kenneth Newkirk is my father, and he told me about this accident during high school, he said that he was in the backseat with his friends and when he had gotten hit, he flew through the front, he still has a scar by his neck till this day, truly a horrible experience.
I could’ve had this solved in a week. How many baby blue Monte Carlos in Georgia could there possibly of been? This case hasn’t been solved due to incompetence.
John in NH
A lot. Monte Carlos were very popular, and at the time, had been in production for 17 years. To most people,, 1970-77 and 1981-87 would look quite similar. There were THOUSANDS.
There’s nothing to “solve”. There’s no evidence of a crime here. Some incompetent driver crashed his car, and invented a bogus story about some mythical maniac that crashed into them. Simple as.
You must be the maniac that hit the car and caused the murder!
Girl when I was reading his comment, that was also the first thing that popped in my head! I was like “yep this is definitely the a**hole who did this.” But I think that karma got the killer by now.
So the eyewitnesses, and the four gentlemen just made it up. Show some respect for the sake of humanity!
Your friend
This is truly sad even if they want to go back today and it is 2024 due to all of the different things that are available today as far as solving cases forensics they can go through database they can find out who drove that car if they really wanted to the resources are there to find out so I truly believe if they want to know they can go back to that time they can figure out who had cars registered to them at that time a baby blue Monte Carlo they can check to see where was those people on the date that this crime occurred and there you have it it’s very simple police work well detective work if they really want to do it they can solve it and they can come out of the cold case files cuz that is basically where it still is today I wish that I could start something where I could go back and solve cases like these if I had the funds available to myself to do this I know it would be a great closure for the families to at least put a face to this sad case God bless you all.
C.S. Alexander
To Ash Paladium, who called my father “the problem in America “, you are an ignorant fool. My dad spoke the truth and that man was a REDNECK from Georgia. My Dad was just recounting what he said in the vehicle, not making a public statement. You are part of the cancel culture and YOU are the problem with America. Go back to holding Trump’s hand like a good little sheep.
Suzette Walsh
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree apparently. The world is not against you, you are against yourself.
Buddy Hall
It isnt fair to assume that these 4 African-American men provoked the monte carlo driver.
But it also isn’t fair to assume it was a racially motivated attack just because the driver and his girlfriend are White.
Therefore, If you are assuming it was racially motivated attack just because the suspects are white, then your just as ignorant as the people who are accusing the 4 African-American men of provoking the attack.
James Morrison
This story is so baffling. The victims car looks like a charger or a challenger and could have easily outrun a Monte Carlo. Because no one else was there we don’t know whether it was racially motivated or they had an earlier altercation with the driver. They are not going to admit any blame on themselves. Not that they did anything but they are not going to say if they did. Also there is not one photo anywhere of Kenneth Dungee. Why is his identity hidden so thoroughly? My feeling is Mr. Dungee knew or had been in an altercation with the driver even if the other passengers weren’t aware of it. There is a side of this story someone does not want told.
You obviously know nothing about cars… A 70’s Duster which the kids were driving would not outrun a 70’s big block Monte Carlo, that pic on here is a 80’s Monte Carlo…
John in NH
Car was a 71 Duster…15 years old, in unknown mechanical condition, and probably a six cylinder. While a 70s Monte isn’t fast, it’s faster than a slant six Duster.
Definitely a Monte Carlo
My guess is the police probably suspect who did it but don’t have enough evidence to bring charges against him.
I cannot believe some of the ignorant, racist comments from people. Well, actually I can, unfortunately. My heart goes out to all impacted by this, and I send you positive energy all the way from Maine. Way to take charge of your lives and make a positive impact on your world, fellas.
Carmen Gaither
After reading all of these comments the one that stood out the most for me was the one posted by a police officer who actually had the audacity to suggest that perhaps the driver who deliberatley dumped their car and ran them off the road “…probably didn’t realize how bad it was…” as if that somehow excuses the reckless behavior that seriously injured three and left one dead! Such a ridiculously callous comment coming from someone who has taken a vow to protect and serve.
Whoa. @jackiemayers Rodgers killed a woman in my city in 95!
Sue B
Horrible that no one thought to get the license plate of the Monte Carlo. The driver stopped and looked at the crash- back then we didn’t have cellphones which could have captured the whole incident. I hope that the female passenger’s conscience ears away at her and she will come forward.
Don Hall
Not sure if this is a racist hate crime or not but it is hard to believe the suspect and his girlfriend have never been located. Grady Alexander seems like a good honest man and is a key witness as he saw the Georgia licence plates, so surly he told police the licence plate number and a good detailed vehicle description. Also those 2 truckers witnessed the incident and both saw the suspect and his girlfriend and the vehicle. Its not as though the suspects were wearing masks. Makes no sense why police cant locate them after all these years and the suspects have got away with reckless driving and murder.
This story made me so sad and angry when rewatching it as an adult and realizing the driver (and passenger/accomplice) had not been caught. What makes me even more sad and angry is reading some of the ignorant and hateful comments that several people have left. Shame on you to even be thinking such things, let alone posting them on a forum to broadcast your uninformed, hurtful, thoughtless opinions. My heart goes out to the gentlemen who had to endure this horrible senseless crime, and to their families.
This is an awful case that is really difficult to solve because it was a random act. No matter how much we want justice in this case, God’s justice will be sufficient. He’s got what’s coming to him. It may not be what we want, but he’ll get what he deserves; if he hasn’t already.
Mr. T
This is an awful case that is really difficult to solve because it was a random act. No matter how much we want justice in this case, God’s justice will be sufficient. He’s got what’s coming to him. It may not be what we want, but he’ll get what he deserves; if he hasn’t already.
Blah blah blah… People who believe in karma have as much gullibility as those who think ouija boards are real. Grow up already. Bad people get away with bad stuff every single day with no repurcussions at all. Just like good people experience horrible events all the time for no reason. Some people think karma is real and that everything balances itself out in the end. That in the end, all will be fair and even. Life isn’t a Disney movie and it isn’t always fair. Religious psychobabble may make YOU feel better but it isn’t reality.
This is an inappropriate place for this kind of inappropriate comment.
I always felt that Rodgers did it, I now the Dundee family!the same Rodgers that-said he killed Ron Goldman & Simpson His own sister turned him in. He’s the killer!!!!!
Informant came forward and had information about this ” ugly individual but nothing has come of it.
Bill Blaski
Why didn’t the NC highway patrol run a light blue Monte Carlo with GA tags thru GA DMV? Unbelievable to me no one got a plate #. If this happened in 88 , surely Grady could’ve said it was a 82-88 Monte Carlo. These cars are registered, and once you pull the registration you can pull the drivers incense to find a greasy blonde hair guy.
Just watched this episode here-
So disappointed it still hasn’t been solved. My heart goes out to the victims, especially Kenny’s mother and family, right before Christmas. Just devastating, I couldn’t imagine. May justice be found, on Earth or in the afterlife. Sending you, Darius, my prayers & lots of love.
Carl Jean-Louis
I remember watching this Unsolved Mysteries episode some 25 years ago, when I was about 12. I remember being both scared and appalled at the senseless act of violence who appeared to me like typical role models for a young black male like myself.
Fast forward 25 years, while watching this episode on Amazon Prime, I wondered if this senseless crime was ever solved—I was shocked and saddened to see that it wasn’t solved. Mr. Bannerman, God Bless you and your friends, and I sincerely hope and pray that justice is served. I am happy to hear that you and those who survived are living and leading successful lives.
God Bless.
Darius Bannerman
We did not provoke anyone…just 4 friends ( seniors in High school ), headed to Raleigh to finish our Christmas shopping. We thought it would be cool to do some of our shopping in another city other than Greensboro. Remember this happened in the middle of the day, 2 days before Christmas of 1988 on I-40….and only a few people saw “anything”. Yes, we are all living successful and fulfilled lives now, with families of our own, but that does not excuse racially motivated acts of violence. Thank you for all of your kind words…
It breaks my heart that this hasn’t been solved even with all of our new technology. You’re amazing for moving forward and becoming successful.
Hope they catch this piece of human trash that injured you and your friends and who killed Ken. Very sorry you all went through this, this is pure evil and it should not have happened!
Rex Hall
Have the police ever gave you any updates on their search for the piece of crap responsible?
If so, when did they last update you on their investigation?
Surly they must have some information after all these years.
If the piece of crap is still alive and living in Georgia then he cant be too hard to find.
Very dissapointed in the lack of progress in this case.
It seems like the police haven’t even tried at all.
Susan M
I just watched your episode of unsolved mysteries and it’s so sad that nothing has come from this crime that was committed. I hope you find closure and god bless your friend who passed away from this terrible act.
While I obviously hate how the day ended for you, the beginning of your segment always makes me smile because a group of 18 year old boys driving an hour to go Christmas shopping just sounds so wholesome. It’s something you wouldn’t hear of today. It seems like you had a great group of friends and all had life goals. I hope you all achieved what you desired and have remained friends.
Judith Arnett
This case could have been solved years ago, if anyone had ever tried.
Why was’t a roadblock set up immediately?
Why didn’t authorities in Georgia try to track down the Monte Carlo and its owner?
The Monte Carlo had to have damage to the front end, and probably even paint from the victims’ car.
This is more than a tragedy — it is a horrible travesty.
Mike S
Face it, racism is still alive and well in much of the south, and especially back when this happened. This was clearly murder and not an accident. And for the record, I voted for Trump. Twice.
Ash Paladium
Tragic accident and I hope the driver of the Monte Carlo is found.
Also, I find it ironic that Grady Alexander gets away with making a racist statement such as “Georgia Redneck”. He is making a generalization and its exactly the same as calling a black person a Georgia Hoodlum. No different. Of course then it wouldn’t be printed here on this site. Double Standard. Grady Alexander is the type of person who is the problem in this country. Until people like him stop generalizing people, racism won’t end. I never knew that greasy hair and beomg white from Georgia qualifies one as a “Redneck”. Ignorant.
Suzette Walsh
I completely agree. The police are no dummies- that stereotypical generalization/slur that the witness used to describe the driver was probably a red flag for the police. It would be like someone describing an assailant as a ‘baggy pants wearing thug’- you’re providing more of an insight into your own mind frame than providing straight forward, non bias, helpful information to police.
Who where baggy pants? Besides old people??
Only people that wear “baggy pants” are men in there 50s 60s.
It was the 80,s stupid
I just watched this and it’s truly heartbreaking to even imagine. The death of Kenny Dungee, the unidentified mystery suspect. He may have never been found, but the guilt is sure tearing at his life and soul.
C.S. Alexander
My Dad is Grady Alexander, the man interviewed who saw the blue Monte Carlo. I was in the back seat asleep when it happened, but woke up when we pulled over and Dad got out. I walked over with him and it was tragically surreal. Dad did everything he could to help at the scene and then later with the investigation. The SBI tried to hypnotize him to see if he could remember the license plate of the “redneck from Georgia”, but it didn’t work. I think it bothered him alot that he couldn’t do more.
I am thankful to read these guys ended up having good lives and will always hold sorrow in my heart for the friend they lost.
Ken and I lived in the same neighborhood. I had recently moved away but was visting for the holiday when this tragic happen. I think about him from time to time. I just can’t believe they never did anything to try to solve this case. Justice will be served or it might have already happen.
Just Wondering
Why don’t the reopen this case? I know now the police can run a search with the description of the vehicle to locate the owner of the Monte Carlo. They know the card had Georgia tags. I’m sure there will be several but I feel like someone could narrow it down.
I Think The Reason Why He Did It IT’S Because He Was Mean And He Deserves To Face The Death Penalty Two Of Those Freinds We’re Murdered For No Reason!
Stefan cole
What a scumbag whoever did that to those guys and after all these years they never solved it. I hope God brings total judgment on that basterd.
I saw this episode decades ago and my first thought was that the black kids were probably hiding some inconvenient fact. I’m willing to bet they provoked the guy by harassing his woman somehow. I would be very surprised if he attacked them for no reason at all.
Why would that be a surprise? People are attacked for no reason all the time. Idiot.
This is obviously motivated by prejudice period. Anybody saying otherwise is a fool. It’s sad that ignorant sub human beings are allowed to operate a vehicle when they’re beliefs are based on pure stupidity and prejudice. I hope the scumbag that did this ended up with a disease that took his life in a painful manner. I’m happy to hear that the other three guys were able to move on the best that they can.
To think this is racially motivated is insane, after decades in law enforcement it is almost impossible to determine the race of people in a car when it is in motion, I just think the people in the other car din’t think it was as bad as it was and when they saw the damage they inflicted chose to run, my prediction is after all this time and no evidence this won’t be “solved”
Law Enforcement???? Wow!!! And can’t determine race when a car is moving? Law Enforcement??? WOW!!
It’s to bad they didn’t slowly stop the car, it’s 4 of them one of him and his girlfriend
Petaa motex
This is also the creepiest sketch I have ever seen! What a dude! Hope he gets caught for what he did to those guys!
I’m the newspaper reporter who was in this segment. A couple years ago, I found Darius Bannerman and interviewed him in person. I interviewed the other two survivors by phone. They are strong men, working at their careers, good fathers, and even though they live in different cities, they still remain close friends. My article appeared in The Herald-Sun of Durham, NC. The crime was never solved. 1-17-2015
I am so happy that you spoke up for these young men. I have known each of them since we were all teenagers. To the person who assumed that they did something to anger the Monte Carlo murderer is absurd. These guys are class acts and were/are not the type to be “hateful” towards anyone.
The guys are all doing great and prosperous with families and great careers.
It is my hopes that the persons responsible for murder and tragic life changing event is eventually found and that Karma pays THEM both a visit.
lord rob main
did they ever find out who did this.
The suspect is still unidentified.