Have you seen Adam Emery?

The Newport Bridge stands a majestic 219 feet above the Narragansett Bay in Rhode Island.   But on the evening of November 10, 1993, the bridge was the scene of a sobering discovery, the latest twist in one of the state’s most sensational murder cases. 

Shortly before 7:00 PM, a bridge supervisor and a state trooper investigated an empty car that was blocking one of the westbound lanes. The engine was running and the headlights were on.   On the back seat were several articles of clothing, neatly folded.   Up front, there was cash, cut up credit cards, and a driver’s license. 

Robert Moorehead was the bridge supervisor on duty that evening: 

“When I first got up there, I thought it was an abandoned car.   He checked the car and… that’s when we knew…   it’s the Emery’s car.” 

Most anyone in Rhode Island would have recognized the name Emery.   That very day, Adam Emery, the car’s owner, had been convicted of murder.   Though he was free on bail, Emery faced 20 years to life in the state penitentiary.   Now it appeared that Adam and his wife, Elena,   had found a way out of their impending separation–by jumping to their deaths off the Newport Bridge. 

 It all began three years earlier, on August 30, 1990.   Adam Emery, his wife Elena, and another couple stopped for dinner at a local seafood stand.   It was just before 9:00 PM when a car whizzed by and sideswiped Adam’s car.   The car then sped away and disappeared around a corner. Adam and his party decided to chase the vehicle. 

The car they were chasing was driven by 20-year-old Jason Bass. Adam caught up to the car, and cut it off. He then exited his vehicle and began yelling at Jason Bass. In an unfortunate turn of events, Jason was stabbed once through the heart. He died before ambulances could arrive. 

The tragedy of Jason’s death was compounded by the facts that soon emerged.   According to Detective Hopkins, Jason never so much as touched Adam Emery’s car 

 The trial ended on November 10th, Adam Emery’s 31 st birthday.   Adam Emery was found guilty of second-degree murder.   The judge allowed him to remain free on bail pending formal sentencing a month later. But by nightfall, Adam and Elena were dead.   Or so it seemed. 

Their actions leading up to the suicide were questionable. They stopped by a sporting goods store and had dinner at a fast food place before stopping at the bridge. Actions investigators say are not typical of people intending to end their life.  

 Months later the remains of Elena Emery were found by a fisherman deep in the Narragansett Bay. Elena had at last been found.   But to date, there’s been no trace of Adam.   Perhaps, his bones are deep in Narragansett Bay.   Or perhaps, the day will come when Adam Emery turns up alive. 

Officially, the case is still open.   Reliable sources say there’s no reason to believe Adam Emery ever committed suicide. 

Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season seven with Robert Stack and in season three with Dennis Farina. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Various seasons available now on Hulu.




  1. Gary

    I know the family of Elena and they are certain he is dead. For all the rumors about him being in Italy, Elena’s family was his connections over there so they’d know if he fled there. But I don’t agree with how broken up they are about him. If someone in a relationship with my loved relative makes the rash decision to take someone’s life over a material object being damaged ( not even the right person at that), then when sentenced is the reason that said loved one is found dead in the water, you better believe I am making it my life goal to see that person is dead or in prison.


  2. Lisa

    This case always bothered me. #1, Emery chased down the wrong driver. Jason was NOT the person who perpetrated the hit and run. #2, this was a ridiculous over response to a hit and run. Even IF Jason had hit Emery’s car, even though he was completely innocent, you get so enraged you stab someone over it??? Emery’s self defense excuse is ridiculous. He chased down these 20 something kids who had no idea who he was or what he wanted with them. I would have been terrified. Than he stabs a totally innocent kid. And showed zero empathy or remorse during his testimony. None. Self defense??? HE attacked JASON. Chased him down and stabbed him. An innocent young man. Has anyone ever apologized to this man’s family? Everyone was/is so concerned about Emery and his wife. I’m concerned about Jason’s family and friends. If Emery is alive, I pray he gets caught. He has had too much time without serving the sentence for the crime he was convicted of. And if anyone is hiding him, covering for him, have you no soul? No empathy? Emery killed a man for what amounts to nothing. I don’t care if he is your loved one. He needs to face the music. Jason’s family has had to deal with his violent death all these years, knowing no one has paid for this horrible crime. If Emery is dead, may God have mercy on his soul. If not, I hope he thinks about Jason every, single day. Because I’m certain Jason’s family does. And it’s time to do the right thing. Almost 30 years passed time to pay for his crime.


  3. Bill blaski

    FBI said there was a break in this case last year. I took this as there had been a sighting of Adam? Can anyone speak to that?


    • Michael Medeiros

      Train in Paris and other sightings my dad was one of the original cops on the scene. He still believes he is alive.


      • L Calvin

        His extended family was tortured by the media hounding them for years when all reliable information pointed to his suicide.


  4. Celena Maxwell

    “Reliable sources say there’s no reason to believe Adam Emery committed suicide” But yes there is – he literally was convicted of murder same day. Just saying, do I believe he really did commit suicide? Who knows. But there is definitely a reason to believe he possibly did. Especially because Elena’s body was found. So A) they both jumped to their death and he is at the bottom of the body of water. B) He tricked Elena into killing herself and he got away that way it makes it seem they both committed suicide. Or C) Elena accidentally died and they both were trying to get away.


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