A runner disappears in the Wyoming wilderness and police suspect foul play.

A young woman, Amy Bechtel, in a parka posing infront of a lake.

Amy Wroe Bechtel


Gender: Female
DOB: 8/4/72
Height: 5’5” to 5’6
Weight: 110 to 115 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Defining Characteristics: Scars on both legs, shin, and knee, checker shaped scar on lower back, and a half inch by 2 inch scar on cheek (noticeable only when she is cold)
Remarks: Last seen 7/24/97


A line of men in orange jumpsuits working in a field of tallgrass.

Volunteers started looking for Amy

On July 24, 1997, 24-year-old Amy Bechtel went for a run among the tall trees of the Shoshone National Forest near Lander, Wyoming, and vanished. As police began to suspect foul play, Amy’s husband, Steve, became a key suspect.Amy and Steve Bechtel had been married for a little more than a year. Both loved the outdoors. It was running for Amy, and climbing for Steve. They moved to Lander because its rugged terrain made it a perfect training ground.July 24th was a typical day for Amy and Steve. Steve was going rock-climbing with a friend. Amy had a long list of errands that day: call the phone company, get the gas turned on, buy home insurance. Once those tasks were done, she would reward herself by planning a route for a 10k mountain run.When Steve returned from his all-day climbing trip, Amy wasn’t home yet. Steve’s friend Todd Skinner recalled his exchange with Steve:

“We were just talking casually and he asked about Amy, and … I said, ‘I don’t know, last time I saw her she was okay.’”

Around 8:15 PM, Steve stopped in to see Todd and his wife. He told them Amy still wasn’t home. Todd recalls that Steve seemed cool:

“He wasn’t panicking by any means because it was still light, and still, you know, she could have been out doing something. It was not an unordinary day for Amy.”

A gray pick up truck driving fast

Did the witness see Amy in the truck?

Concerned, Todd and his wife Amy set out to search roads where Amy Bechtel most likely went running. Steve stayed behind, hoping his wife would call. At around 1 AM, Todd and Amy found Amy Bechtel’s car pulled off to the side of the road in an area where she might be expected to go for a run.Todd Skinner recalled the discovery:

“We were relieved. It was like, oh, man, we thought we’d found her. So I walked up completely expecting her to be in the car.”

But Amy wasn’t in the car. On hearing the news, Steve says he began to wonder if Amy hadn’t injured herself on her run:

“At that point, it was relief, you know. And concern, because, you know, her car’s still up there and it’s after midnight and, you know, she’s probably cold and maybe has a twisted ankle.”

Amy did not surface over the next 24 hours. In the following days, more than 500 people scoured a 20-mile radius. After eight days, the massive search was called off. Not a single clue was recovered. In the aftermath, Fremont County Sheriff Dave King accused Steve of knowing much more than he was saying:

“We should have found Amy Bechtel, if she were a runner up there and nothing else entered the picture. Could she still be there? Yes. But given the circumstances, the lack of clues, I don’t think she is.”

Steve Bechtel reacted to Sheriff King’s suspicions:

“I was pretty blown away, you know. And I turned to Dave, I was like, you know, ‘Dave, what’s going on here? This is not cool.’”

When Sheriff King asked Steve to take a polygraph test, Steve called for legal counsel:

“The guys says, ‘Look, if you take a polygraph test, we’ll get this cleared up right now.’ And I was like, ‘Wait a minute’, you know? ‘If you guys are accusing me of something I didn’t do, I’m going to want to talk to legal counsel here.’”

Kent Spence was Steve’s attorney:

“I wouldn’t let any client take a lie detector test. They’re completely inaccurate. They come in about 1/3 of the time as a false positive and it would be a terrible injustice to Steve if he fell within that 1/3 false positive and it was used wrongly against him.”

Deputies searched Steve and Amy’s home. Among the items they confiscated were a series of journals Steve had been keeping since high school. Sheriff King found some of the writings incriminating:

“There are writings about power and death. Some about killing people.”

Amy’s brother, Nel Wroe, told the sheriff about one night when Amy and Steve were over for dinner. Nel noticed that Amy was bruised. Amy made a joke, saying that Steve can get a little rough sometimes. Nel found Amy’s reaction odd:

“Amy just laughed it off, would not look me in the eye, and I said, that is not a normal reaction, particularly for Amy.”

Deputies also found a camper who claimed that on the day Amy disappeared, she had seen a blue pickup truck driving fast on the mountain close to where Amy’s car was found. A man was at the wheel and a blond woman in the passenger seat. The next day, the camper saw the same truck at the search site. When police showed her a picture of Steve Bechtel’s truck, she identified it as the same one she had seen.Sheriff David King summed up the case against Steve Bechtel:

“Statistically, he did it. The first person we have to eliminate in a case where there may be foul play involved in one’s disappearance is the person closest to that person.”

Sheriff’s investigators also believed there were incriminating gaps in Steve’s activities that day, time when he could have harmed his wife. But Todd Skinner’s wife, Amy, doesn’t see how Steve would have had the opportunity to be involved in Amy’s disappearance:

“He was with people all that afternoon and evening, so I don’t have any question about that. He just didn’t have the time.”

However, according to phone records, Steve made a call from his house at 4:43 that afternoon. That’s about the same time the camper saw what she alleged was his truck on the mountain road — a 45 minute drive from the Bechtels’ home.Investigators also believed Steve’s journals showed a desire for power and control that may have led to murder. Todd Skinner strongly disagreed. He says the writings were taken out of context in order to make Steve look more capable of the crime:

“A psychologist can read anything into any writing that you can ever wish to put in there. And to me, I’ve never seen more innocuous writing taken out of context more heavily to, you know, to a worse result.”

Seven years after she disappeared, Steve had Amy declared dead. He has since re-married:

“I don’t feel like me going in and getting attacked is going to solve any problems. I feel like, you know, I went and I tried to work with Dave and it didn’t work out. And, you know, things need to get solved a different way now.”

The community of Lander, Wyoming, is still divided over whether Steve Bechtel murdered his wife. Steve believes a stranger could have kidnapped her or a motorist could have accidentally struck Amy, and in a panic, disposed of her body.Amy’s family is not convinced. They want Steve to take a polygraph test.


Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season ten with Robert Stack and in season one with Dennis Farina. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Various seasons available now on Hulu.




  1. Jonathan

    Sorry , misspelled. It’s Kimmel


  2. Anonymous

    In this situation where a vehicle was dropped off, there had to have been at least one accomplice. So Steve could have answered his phone while his neighbors were possibly dropping off the car. They admit to touching the car and such. It’s crazy how all 3 people just kept saying “you know?” On Unsolved Mysteries. I believe Steve and his neighbors know more than what they are leading on.


  3. Brian Jansen

    In my honest opinion I think Steve did it but he’s just covering it up that’s why he doesn’t want. Tale the lie dector test. I believe he was the one in the truck with the blonde woman in the passenger seat.


    • Anonymous

      That is not possible because he is recorded at home receiving a phone call. Two people where needed to move those two vehicles. Steve could not have possibly drove her car and walked home in time for making that phone call. His neighbors on the other hand match the descriptions of the eyewitness.


  4. Danielle

    Why doesn’t the husband just take the test if he has nothing to hide


    • Brian

      If you’re referring to lie detector tests, it’s pseudoscience. It’s completely subjective and bogus. It’s the reason they’re not allowed into courtrooms.


    • Anonymous

      If Steve was more straight up I would probably believe him. If he mentioned drama it would explain why she would want to get away from him. The fact that everything looked perfect and he refuses to elaborate puts a cloud of suspicion on him.


  5. Jerry

    I really believe that the little evidence they have in this case points to Eaton rather than Steve. I think our sheriff at that time fowled up what little physical evidence that may have been present and was grasping at straws by blaming her husband. Eaton was said to be in that area at the time. In fact from what I have gathered, within a mile or so from where her car was found. He is a predictor of opportunity and when he saw her get out of her car to start jogging, he stopped in the pretense of asking directions or needed help in some way and he took her. Amy was a very nice person and would have probably walked right up to the car to talk to someone. Did the authorities check out Eaton’s vehicle to see if any of Amy’s DNA was there? I seem to recall that the investigators has dogs try and pick up her scent and they followed it just a little ways away from the car and lost it. Makes sense that she was picked up at that point. Eaton was known to run the back roads in Wyoming, staying off the paved highways as much as possible. He knew most of the dirt roads out in the desert and could get from the Lewis Lake road across one highway to the desert and eventually make it to his home in Moneta and only cross one other highway. I don’t believe that Amy will be found anywhere near where she disappeared because Eaton would want to have some time with her before he killed her. I think he took the first dirt road out into the desert after he left the Lewis Lake road, found a secluded spot where he wouldn’t be spotted or noticed, done his dirty deed, and left her there. Her DNA would be in that vehicle.


    • Anonymous

      There is a format you have to go by. The family must be eliminated as suspects before you could even consider other suspects or possibilities. Steve and his friends are not telling everything they know. It is really hard to investigate past that.


    • Anonymous

      If she went jogging that would be a possibility. I don’t think she even went jogging that day.


    • Moyt

      Sounds like you did it. Who the heck is Eaton


  6. You Know

    “You know?”


  7. Paula G

    I’m just now listening to a podcast on this story and I’m wondering why all the stories/articles in reading/hearing about this, claim she was jogging? She took her wallet but not her keys, that seems so weird to me. As someone who enjoys the outdoors, I’m at least taking my keys. I don’t think she made it there; it feels like a dump job. Someone dumped her body somewhere else and dumped her car there and left the keys with the car…thoughts?


    • Anonymous

      That is a common situation. The vehicles are often relocated to throw off police. (They didn’t have GPS tracking like they do today.)


    • Anon

      I’ve spent a lot of time in Lander. It’s the kind of place that you can leave the keys in your car. Especially up on the road where her car was.


  8. Robert Crabtree

    There are a lot of derogatory comments on lie detectors or polygraphs and I agree they are not good if you have any even slight involvement but if you are totally innocent they are excellent and enable investigators to concentrate their efforts elsewhere. In past cases of murdered wives statistics indicate the husband is tops by such a degree its almost uncanny. He needs to get himself ruled out asap at the time of her being suspected missing.


    • TJ

      I agree 100%. If your innocent, take the damn test.. I’m from Amy’s home town. My sister in law was in Amy’s class… I’m married, 38 years now… if my wife went missing & law enforcement wanted me to take the test I would! I would do anything to find my wife.. Steve wouldn’t… what’s that tell you about him?


  9. Robert Crabtree

    I hope you find peace with your loss of Amy. A good medium will be able to tell which world she is in and maybe more but that depends on spirit. Mediums can only pass on what they are given but could give closure to loved ones that are suffering. If Amy has she will be aware of all good and loving thoughts. Talk to her, she will respond. I was disturbed by her husbands answer to what I believe was a reporter when he said “I didn’t kill Amy”. That is, a as any expert if criminal behaviour will tell you, a pointer to his guilt. An innocent person would answer “I did not kill Amy”. The refusal for a lie detector test is also not good. Most innocent men would jump at one and tell police get me out of the way so you can put all resources to good use. The police know all this and investigation time and effort could have been wasted at a crucial time. Only my views, Rob


  10. Andy Tyler (UK)

    Has anyone else noticed that if you say anything against Steve the trolls come out with aggressive insults. I wonder what motivates those trolls to forget any manners, in such a debate while the whole thing is hijacked by the lowest common denominator and the reasonable debate is dumbed down as many refuse to elucidate the facts as the obvious lack of vocabulary says more about those contributions than they would like if they had two braincells for synaptic sparks.
    Over here, we have never sunk so low as to rely on lie detectors we call them detectives and they alone can tell a liar in interviews.
    My only view is that Amy chose poorly meeting Steve in the first place and if we cant suspect the statistical most likely person who says anyone else can be fingered with no evidence.


  11. Jennifer Roy

    I am going to school for my Masters degree in Criminology. I have been writing journals since I was 15 years old. I wrote poems that were dark, etc who didn’t. Fast forward to 2020. I have been into true crime genre since high school so once I would find an article or something to research I would write in down. I write everything down in my notebooks, all my research while I was on the computer doing college research. Even to this day I use notebooks for journaling, for my research for school, for a true crime podcast I am getting ready to launch after more research. Now I have a child and fiance/husband if something we’re to happen the police would do their job which is to rule out the husband /wife or boyfriend /girlfriend and next is immediate family then closest friends and it circles outwards. Steve had every right to refuse to not take a polygraph. Personally I would not take a polygraph if asked for anything. First of all it is an investigative tool only that’s why it can’t be used in court. The police had confirmation bias, they had blinders zoned in Steve instead of looking at all suspects or possible leads and the strongest person of interest is the Great Basin serial killer “Dale Richard Eaton”. There was an eye witness who described seeing the van 2 times which at the time the witness had no clue about Dale Eaton. As far as I am concerned I believe Steve is innocent and is just doing what the lawyer told him to do (Keep your mouth shut and not talk about this case with anyone not even your priest, etc. NOBODY) . I even know cops who tell their own kids if they are asked to take a lie detector test to say absolutely not. So you tell me would you take a lie detector test period? That’s my take.


    • Anonymous

      I respect your opinion. You will probably be dealing with more fresh cases. Homicides are more easy to solve today. All you have to do is get a warrant for cellphones and GPS locations. But this is a cold case lacking all of that technology. In the 90s only the FBI had access to the internet. You literally had to to old fashioned character witnessing. It wasn’t enough for the courts. But it did give an overall history. Some agencies will even interview your kindergarten teacher. They are entitled to go deep investigating. The serial killer Eaton acted alone. He didn’t have a third party move vehicles for him. He also didn’t go extra lengths to conceal evidence. So those are two completely different killers.


  12. Johnny

    It’s 2020 and this case remains a real mystery. I’m inclined to believe Steve was somehow involved. Everyone reacts different in a disappearance or tragedy. This attractive young woman Amy disappears running but Steve doesn’t appear to be broken up about it. One of the other posters brought up a good point that the rock climbing could have been used as an alibi. He could have already harmed Amy and then went off to this climbing excursion. She should have been discovered in the wide search if she had injured herself running or got dehydrated. Another strange thing was when Steve surmised what could have happened to Amy. He talked about a motorist accidentally striking Amy and then disposing of her body in a panic. If this was the case, Amy would have been discovered in the 20 mile search. The average person is not going to drive 50 or 100 miles to dispose of a body in a panic. They don’t want to be caught with a body in a vehicle. This case deserves more attention using advanced psychics and super detectives who are retired and can focus on the case.


    • Anonymous

      It was an alibi collaborated by two other people. That makes you look at the other two people as well. There is no way they could have possibly done all of that.


  13. Anonymous

    This dark gray text on a blavk background just doesn’t work at all.
    Someone please change it!


    • Dazza

      I agree 100%, I’m actually having to highlight the text using the mouse in able to read the comments…

      What’s crazy is that the actual article is written in colours whose colours help read the text…I cannot understand why someone would think this dark grey text is a good idea…


  14. Meddling Chihuahua

    For once, I sincerely doubt the husband (Steve) is responsible. The “evidence” against him is weak and circumstantial: polygraphs are totally unreliable and any lawyer worth a lick of salt would tell you not to take one; “personal writing” could be interpreted by anyone in anyway to fit their own theories; and finally, eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable. There is absolutely NO solid physical evidence that even suggests that Steve did it.

    Dale Wayne Eaton is a known sexually sadistic murderer who is currently locked up in Wyoming for the infamous “L’il Miss” murder (also featured on Unsolved Mysteries). Her car had been buried on his property, and almost all law enforcement believe he is a serial killer, quite possible the unknown ‘Great Basin Killer’.

    Eaton hid out in Shoshone National Forest in the past after being arrested for kidnapping an entire family at gunpoint. Police have proved he was in the area at the time of Amy’s disappearance – hell, so does his brother. I don’t think it’s any stretch of the imagination to believe he is probably responsible for her abduction and murder. Eaton is currently the only prisoner on Wyoming’s death row. He knows what happened to Amy, and likely, other missing and/or murdered young women.

    Hopefully, her body can be found, and/or her killer will confess, and Amy’s loved ones can be given some small measure of justice and peace.


    • Dazza

      For some time I was so sure he was the guy, he seemed very dominating…the bruise made me think he was violently abusive, leaving Amy to call the phone company, get insurance and get the gas turned on, then her visits to the photography places, obviously concerned with time, as she was seen glancing at her watch…she was doing all this why Steve was having a nice day away climbing with his buddies…seemed strange behaviour for a couple planning to move into a new home within days.

      However, Eaton does fit the bill as someone who’d be capable of causing her harm, and as you say he was in the area at the time…seems a slam dunk…


      • Anonymous

        I never quite looked at the circumstances that way. They were about to move into a home with more expenses. Her entire day was paying bills as a happy happy joy joy personality. I think there is more to the story than Steve is telling. I like how you looked into possible serial killers. What happened to her doesn’t look good.


    • Anonymous

      He didn’t conceal evidence. If he did it, you would have found her floating in a river. (Like the Green River killer.) His modus operandi is just not shown in this disappearance. It wasn’t his style.


  15. Johnny

    I’m surprised Steve Bechtel hasn’t been arrested or placed on trial by now. I’ve seen people go on trial on less evidence. There’s his journals of power and control plus Nel Amy’s brother noticed bruising on Amy. Add that Steve was the last person to see Amy alive…Also, an eyewitness camper picked out Steve’s truck as the fast moving truck with the blonde woman. It’s not clear and convincing evidence per se but enough puzzle pieces to complete the picture. I know everyone’s personality is different but I expected Steve to be more forceful in finding Amy. He should have just taken the lie detector test the polygraph.


    • Al

      “[…] Add that Steve was the last person to see Amy alive… […]”

      Where on Earth is the irrefutable proof for “this”, Johnny?


      • Brian Jansen

        Eaton is the one that did it pray to god and ask god to bring justice to the person that committed the crime.


    • Anonymous

      Someone needs to rat him out in exchange for immunity. Without that a conviction would just be from circumstantial evidence. (I believe at least two people were involved with the disappearance. So I refuse to look at solo serial killers.)


  16. thinkingoutloud

    i think Steve had something to do with her disappearance (on purpose or by accident). Of course with him being the last person to see and hear from her he would claim on the same day she disappeared, they both had busy schedules in which neither one of them were together. Steve claims Amy was going to do all of these errands and then running while he was out rock climbing. I think Steve purposely went rock climbing that day just to have an alibi the day she was reported missing. He also stayed behind while he let his 2 friends go out and search for her. i think he did this to purposely have other witnesses to stumble upon her car. If Steve had volunteered to search for her while his friends or one of his friends stayed back, he knew the police would have a hard time believing he came across her car and no other evidence. I also find it shocking he says the last time he saw Amy she was okay…. how can he assume she was hurt or in an accident if he had nothing to do with it?? It’s like he believes something bad did happen to her more than her just running away or something. Also, in his interviews he doesn’t seem genuine about his love/care for Amy. He never claimed he wanted her to come back, or return safe or just hear from her in general. I think that is a very odd way to react. He just focused on maintaining his innocence. I am sure Amy was probably abused by Steve and one day he took it too far, killed her, and disposed of her body. RIP AMY


  17. Patricia Garza

    Seen this on disappeared… so sad for all involved. Family and Steve. I hope they find her. Seem to me they were trying to pinned it on Steve the husband. So he got his attorney right away.. before he got stamp. Amy did say he didn’t have time cause he was alway around with people.. so that should tell you something of interest. Maybe check on the guy in prison for other murder.. offer him plea bargain in return for his testimony in her case.. a buried body maybe.


  18. Anonymous

    No one saw her running, no one saw him climbing. He was seen loading equipment into his car, and he was late getting back. His actions are suspicious. Her time missing indicates she is in fact dead. Even in the 90’s you left paper trails when you leave as an established adult. I’ve lived in Wyoming and there are more than enough places to hide bodies that wont be found, it’s such a large area with hardly any people. Doubt her body will be found unless a hunter comes across it randomly or killer shows them. While the immate may have talked about killing a woman in Wyoming doesn’t mean much. All the facts need to be rechecked in this case with new forensics


  19. Mike

    Sounds to me like the sheriff just wants to pin it on someone to save face. You all sure want him to be guilty. Why?


    • Anonymous

      The FBI would have treated it the sane way. When someone is reported missing, the first people you look at is the family. There are rules police officers have to go by. They regulate how they approach investigating.


  20. Leigh

    Just a note on polygraphs: My brother was several years too old to play NFL football, but the chance arose. He had to take a polygraph, which would be no problem on any other points, but they would most likely ask him his age and/or birthdate. He coached himself to remain calm and passed the polygraph with flying colors. He lied successfully. So can others.


    • Al

      The secret to fooling any polygraph test with absolute (t)ease (pun intended) is to deliberately become nervous within yourself (fidget about like there’s no tomorrow) and leave a dumbfounding delay each time before answering simple questions truthfully, like when you tell the questioner your name, age and DOB etc. Duh! To be sure of being adequately nervous and figdgetty, you can jab yourself with a pin just before you answer all the non-inculpatory questions truthfully.

      “Old Brown Mule, he must be sick, so I jabbed him in the rump with a pin on a stick; he humped his back, but he wouldn’t kick…there’s somethin’ cock-eyed somewhere.” (from Carson Robison’s *Life gets Teejus*.”

      And don’t forget to tell the polygrapher that you will only submit to taking the polygraph test if s/he promises to ask you heaps of ‘loaded questions’, like: “Have you stopped beating and raping your wife/husband yet?”


    • Dazza

      Agree, 100%, Leigh…

      There are websites out there telling people how to fool them, and they are that unreliable that in the UK our courts and even the cops won’t use them…I’m surprised any modern country does, to be honest…

      Some jurisdictions in some countries know they aren’t 100% but use them with the erroneous crazy idea that they are useful as an investigation tool, not for results, but because, in their opinion, only someone with something to hide would refuse to take one…and so would need further investigation, and become a suspect of person of interest.

      I’m no fan of defence lawyers, but I agree 100% with any of them that say don’t take a polygraph…

      The cops may as well be reading Tarot cards or Runes as take polygraphs seriously…


  21. Johnny

    Remember this case from 20 years ago. The suspicion should be on Steve Bechtel Amy’s husband. Usually, in these cases…The husband is somehow involved. Sheriff Dave King made a salient point that Amy should have been found if she was just running up there. The 500 person and 20 mile search would have definitely discovered her if she had twisted an ankle or become dizzy somehow during the run. Another thing: Her car was close by. She could have limped or summoned the strength to make it back to the vehicle. I know Steve was still young when Amy disappeared but having her declared dead strange for me. This would be time to convene a Wyoming Grand Jury to see if there is enough evidence on Steve Bechtel. Let’s get the ball rolling on this case to find out where Amy is dead or alive.


    • Anonymous

      I don’t think that having a missing spouse declared dead is really enough proof. I mean, pushing for it after one year would be shady, but after seven years, it isn’t irrational to do that. His life (regardless of guilt) still went on, he met someone, and he couldn’t marry them until his wife was declared legally dead. Otherwise, he would have never been allowed a marriage license given that bigamy is illegal.


    • Al

      […] Sheriff Dave King made a salient point that Amy should have been found if she was *just running* up there. […]

      And if Amy wasn’t *just running* up there? Who, apart from Amy, can say with absolute certainty exactly what in entirety Amy was doing up there? Sheriff Dave King should leave the cobbling together of serious synapses to those having at least a modicum of nous. Next thing we know, Dave King is ludicrously likely to come out with something so preciously-profound like taking to tell everyone that Aesop’s hare would have easily beaten the tortoise if it hadn’t’ve needed to stop for a spell to re-tie its shoe laces. Sheesh!


      • Al

        Dave King’s saying “…if she was *just running* up there…” only goes to show that he’s *run out* of ideas, but don’t go *running any clues past him* or Dave King and his cronies will likely treat you as his prime and only suspect.! Can’t be too careful.


  22. joey

    Any update. On this


  23. James

    I wouldn’t take a polygraph either and people put way too much stock in those things. There are cases where a killer passes it with flying colors and cases where an innocent person fails one miserably.

    There are many cases of women/teen girls being attacked, raped, and/or murdered while going out jogging or hiking. To immediately assume her husband killed her is doing a huge disservice to this case and even more so the victim.


  24. SK

    I remember this (as a climber who had been to Lander around that time, when it was becoming famous. Sad to see this hasn’t been updated to include suspicions around the convicted killer/attempted kidnapper and suspected serial killer, Dale Eaton. There has been a lot of speculation of his involvement. Also absent from this account is the botched police investigation.


  25. Jose

    Dios bendice a su familia Ella donde quiere que este Dios esta con ella


  26. E M Umbay

    not saying she wasnt killed by her husband, but there is not enough proof for people to be pointing the finger at him! just cuz he wouldnt take the polygraph test. i wouldnt take one of them either. i have seen the results used against people when they were innocent. they r not accurate enough to base a conclusion on.


    • Anonymous

      The way the vehicles were moved is too suspicious to overlook. He is not telling everything he knows.


    • Anonymous

      Steve is not telling everything. Witnesses had to breathe dirt kicked up by the the wheels of his pickup. It is kind of hard not to notice vehicles on a dirt road. All the Witnesses saw was just cars moving. Had she went jogging she would have been ran over. (It wasn’t a place to go jogging.)


  27. leslie

    The date in this story (July 2, 1998) does not the match the date given for her disappearance (July 24, 1997). Seems like a weird discrepancy. Anyone know why the difference? And what is the correct date?


    • unsolved

      Our apologies for the wrong date – it has been corrected. Amy disappeared on July 24, 1997.


    • Al

      “[…] Seems like a weird discrepancy. Anyone know why the difference? […]”

      *Murphy* (who often moonlights as a temerarious typesetter) is alive and well. If he wasn’t both alive AND well then he’d not be able to do whatever he can to help the police in badly-botching their investigations. Onya Murphy!

      The police *lie* in wait for the day when they’re able to fake..err..make *Murphy* undergo a polygraph test.


  28. Jim

    Betcha Mr. Eaton is responsible for this attrocity. He is a worthless, leeching, no-good scumbag who preys on women. His own brother has admitted his brother was in the area at the time of Amy’s disappearance. Her body is most likely buried within 10 miles of where she was last. I bet if they search more dense, wooded areas, they will find her.


    • Al

      “[…] I bet if they searched more dense, wooded areas, they will find her.”

      Unless they use very good ‘cadaver dogs’ (and it may well be too late to do so now, given it’s nearly 23 years ago) to find Amy’s remains they’ve got Buckley’s. Why have a dog and bark y’self?


  29. CircuitGuy

    I’ve heard the scientific evidence supports his claim that the polygraph is not reliable. That’s why it’s not admissible in court. Another commenter posted a link to an article saying they’re following leads from psychics.
    It sounds like they desperately would like to solve this case and, not having any clues, are willing to turn to things that are proven not to work just to get answers. Maybe they could have the psychic read his mind during the polygraph test.


  30. Denise shimmin

    I have just watched your show now and this case is so very sad! I pray that the family get the answers they need and deserveI I can’t imagine what they must be going through! I’ve looked on Google to see if there’s any further updates but the last was in 2013


  31. KayKay

    Steve murdered her. I feel sorry for his new wife……..


  32. janet franson

    This is one of my cases in NamUs. If you have any information, please contact janet.franson@unthsc.edu


  33. Beleran

    This is a 2013 article about this investigation following new leads to a man on death row for taking and killing another woman in Wyoming. They have been told this man was camped in the area where Ms. Bechtel went missing. ReAding this article, you’ll notice now they’re investigating claims made by phsychics. Awesome. Cause, you know, screw science.



    • Al

      Although your posted URL gets the County10 webpage to download okay, it only says “No results found”, so it’s no wonder at all that Amy Bechtel can’t be found.


  34. Anonymous

    Polygraphs are pseudoscience and not admissible. This ” test” is not a measuring stick. It’s become a whip. Steve, if you’ve found love, awesome. Steve’s new wife, never go running alone. Or sleeping next to Steve. Lol

    Peace for Amy. Wherever she is.


  35. Jordan smith

    Gotta admit i’d do that test anyway. Reading the 411 books it seems to happen way too much, I pray she is found safe.


    • Anonymous

      The Missing 411 books give me mixed feelings about Steve. It is odd that he didn’t take a polygraph and I don’t know where his lawyer pulled the figures on 1/3 concluding as false positives.


      • Tom

        Articles I have read on polygraphs say that studies of their success vary widely. One meta analysis placed it at 60-80% success. Another article says critics put their success at 70% and proponents at 90%. Multiple sources say false positives are much more likely than false negatives. They also claim that popular methods to pass the polygraph, like clenching your fists or pricking yourself, are not very useful at all. I can see where the polygraph would be helpful as an investigative tool, as long as you don’t put too much weight on it.

        It seems obvious to me that the husband murdered his wife in this case, but they do not have overwhelming evidence, which is why they haven’t made an arrest.


    • sad but true

      Missing411 is the grift of a dishonest, cherry-picking, fact-ignorer. They are easily debunked but people love a tall tale more than the truth.


    • Anonymous

      And when a person is hiding something I try to find out why. Usually it is something incriminating not related. For example, let’s say someone wants you to drop off their car. I would lawyer up and review my options before volunteering information. But with Steve, we have a very large gap of undisclosed information.


  36. Miranda shortt

    Hope she is found alive


  37. Tammy Thomas

    She’s been gone sooo long. I believe she is dead. It’s seems to be such a cold case. No body, no suspects, nothing.


    • Anonymous

      I’ve never seen so many witnesses with identical stories. Usually accounts will very. The only two witnesses that were actually credible were the campers that saw vehicles being moved around very oddly. So there is suspects. (Just not enough evidence.)


  38. jean helmer

    hope they find her pray for great outcome


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