The death of a young man found in a Tennessee parking lot remains a mystery.

Smiling Blair Adams with a backwards cap on

Blair Adams

Smiling Blair Adams with dark hair

Blair Adams


On a gray July morning in 1996, strangers found a dead man beaten and half-naked in a parking lot in Knoxville, Tennessee. Scattered around his body was German, Canadian, and U.S. currency totaling nearly $4,000. The contents of the man’s wallet identified him as 31-year-old Blair Adams of Surrey, British Columbia. Lieutenant Jim Jones was the Chief of Detectives for the Knox County Sheriff’s Department at the time Blair’s body was discovered:

“Every aspect of this case is mysterious… there’s no explanation for it.”

No one knows why Blair Adams left his home in British Columbia or how he ended up in Knoxville, Tennessee. Could he have been running away from a killer, or just running away from himself?

Blair driving a white car down a road with a sign tha reads 'Welcome to Tennessee

Why did Blair go to Tennessee?

Before his mysterious death, Blair was a foreman with a construction company in Surrey, British Columbia. Those who knew him say he liked his work and did it well. However, in the summer of 1996, Blair’s cheery demeanor began to change. According to his mother, Sandra Edwards, Blair began having wild mood swings:

“Something was obviously very much the matter. He hadn’t been sleeping well. Something was wrong. I asked him numerous times what was wrong. And he said, I don’t think I should tell you about ‘it.’ And to this day I don’t know what ‘it’ is.”

Blair’s strange behavior came to a head on Friday, July 5, 1996. He withdrew his savings and emptied his safe deposit box of more than $6,000 in cash and thousands more in jewelry, gold, and platinum. It was the first stop on his dead-end run to Tennessee.

Security cam footage of blair leaning on the counter in a hotel lobby

Hotel security camera

The next stop was the Canadian-American border. On Sunday, Blair tried to enter the United States. But as an unmarried young man carrying a large amount of cash, Blair fit the profile of a drug trafficker. He was refused entry. The next day Blair showed up at his job. But he wasn’t there to work. He asked his boss for his check and quit.

Blair’s erratic behavior continued. That afternoon, he spent $1,600 on a round trip airline ticket to Frankfurt, Germany. His flight would leave the following day, but just hours after buying the ticket, Blair was again desperate to get into the United States. He showed up at a friend’s house in a panic, terrified that someone was trying to kill him. But his friend was unable to take him over the border.

Then on Tuesday, instead of leaving for Germany, Blair turned in his tickets, rented a car, and headed back to the border. This time, he managed to slip through. He ended up in Seattle, where, according to Lieutenant Jones, he bought a one-way ticket to Washington D.C.:

“He paid about $770 for a one-way ticket when he could’ve purchased a round-trip ticket for approximately $350 or $400. So it would’ve been half the price for… a round-trip ticket as he paid for a one-way ticket. It just seemed very unusual.”

Blair arrived in D.C. early Wednesday morning and headed to Knoxville, more than 500 miles southwest. Perry Moyers, a detective for the Knox County Sheriff’s Department, was one of the many perplexed investigators working on the case:

“I mean why go to D.C. to turn around and come back to Knoxville? He had no reason to be in east Tennessee. He had no reason to be in Knoxville. He knew no one in east Tennessee or the eastern United States.”

Police sheriff walking up to the scene of the crime where an officer is covering Blair's body

Mysterious clues were left at the crime scene

Blair was first seen at a gas station in Knoxville around 5:30 that afternoon. He complained to the gas station attendant that his car wouldn’t start. The attendant told him he had the wrong keys. However, the rental car company was already closed for the day. Blair was stranded in Knoxville until the morning. Luckily, he was able to hitch a ride to a nearby hotel.

Ticca Hartsfield, an employee at the hotel, remembered Blair vividly:

“The best way to describe him would be paranoid. He just was very nervous, agitated, expecting someone to come in on him even though there wasn’t anybody there. I don’t know who he was looking for, but he was waiting for somebody to walk in for him.”

The hotel’s security camera showed that in the space of an hour, Blair went in and out of the lobby five times before finally paying for the room.

After checking in, Blair pocketed the key to his room. But instead of going to his room, he marched out the front door and never came back. It was 7:37 PM, the last time Blair Adams was known to be alive.

Twelve hours later, Blair’s body was found in a parking lot about a half mile from his hotel. He was naked from the waist down.

Lieutenant Jones recalled the gruesome scene:

“His pants were removed in a way not like someone would take their own pants off, but in a way that someone else would remove your pants from you. His socks were turned inside out. His shoes were off and his shirt was ripped open.”

Scattered around Blair’s body was $4,000 in American, Canadian, and German currency. A small pack held another $2,000 worth of gold and jewelry.

According to the autopsy report, Blair had sustained many cuts and abrasions. Police believed some of the wounds came from fending off an attack. Blair was ultimately killed by a violent blow that ruptured his stomach.

Although Blair thought his life was in danger, authorities believed the threat was imaginary, and that Blair’s journey was an escape from his own delusions. Either way, Blair Adams wound up dead, just as he had feared.

Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season nine with Robert Stack and in season three with Dennis Farina. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Various seasons available now on Hulu.




  1. Anonymous

    I wonder what construction company was working at the hotel. Because it was his line of work. Now construction can be tricky. In Tennessee they will hire under the table with temporary agencies. I don’t know what his skill was. But I understand what would draw his attention away from the hotel room. He was a go getter when it came to opportunities. But he also liked the ladies and didn’t mind getting into fights over them. (Germany is evidence.) The lady that screamed may have been around another guy. And like Thelma and Louise they probably don’t want to turn themselves in.


  2. Veronica

    Why is only one commenter focusing on the s.a. aspect?? That, to me is the biggest clue to solving this mystery. Revenge sounds like a huge possibility because money clearly wasn’t.


  3. Ashley Pierce

    I’m surprised no one saw anything at the hotel. I mean it was a parking lot. Didn’t someone park there or someone came out of their hotel room or someone heard something? There’s gotta be a witness


  4. Patrick

    The guy didn’t look like a hardened criminal or cartel ring master. Not saying he wasn’t killed but sounds like he was losing his mind and did these things to himself, it also happened in the US far away from his home and anybody following him in Canada likely wouldn’t have tracked him all the way into Knoxville. And with mob hits they don’t pull your socks inside out and play games. They shoot you in the head and go. Reminds me of the Cindy James case.


    • dennis

      Wrong. Was arrested multiple times


      • Celeste V.

        He was arrested on both drug and assault charges on the past. Maybe he sexually assaulted someone with connections? Also construction companies are often used as drug fronts. Maybe he was tied into something cartel related?


    • Patrick

      Yeah I watched this episode again it really could be murder, all the different currencies on him which they said drug dealers carry, paranoid as if someone was after him and skipping town. It’s a strange case though nothing would surprise me.


  5. Lyneath Hartzenberg

    I think he was maybe a police informant. That’s why he was running away. I think whomever he was informing on found out and started hunting him down like a dog. The thing that puzzles me is why did they the cops find other types of currency on him. German currency if there was no sign he ever went to Germany. It wasn’t robbery since they found all that money and jewelry on him


  6. Yomi

    One thing that stood out to me as far as evidence is the rental key. Remember at the gas station he was having problems with his car and the attendant discovered and informed him he had the wrong key. But where could the key have gone if he was using a working key before? Then at the scene where he was found dead the rental car key turned up. The key needs to be tested for possible dna results leading to suspect. This assailant planned this and have to have some kind of man power to pull off this.


    • Anonymous

      It is hard to explain the motivations to a crime spree. He was clearly on a spree which included stolen cars and unproven possible sexual assaults.


  7. nicholas justice

    the police in knoxville should run the dna they found blairs hand for on genealogy


    • Mademoiselle

      Ils ont déjà essaye mais il n’y a aucune correspondance


    • Mademoiselle

      Blair will have something with him that someone also wanted to have. The person who wanted this thing followed him, Blair Adams would therefore have fled Canada to escape him, arrived in the United States the person who would have followed him and would have killed him and would have looked for the thing around Adams and in him


  8. Braden

    I believe this was no coincidence. Blair Adams was murdered by someone close to him. At the crime scene why would there be German currency along with the Canadian and American currency. Blair Adams never went thru with the trip to Germany remember. He backed out just hours later of buying the 1,600 dollar round trip ticket to Frankfurt. And who ever murdered him knew what they were doing, it had to be planed. They followed him. Then remember at the scene they said that the fanny pack was just left wide open and nothing was taken. If it was a robbery they would have stolen the contents in the bag. But nothing was out of place. Who ever did this was there to make a statement. After reading this case I want to help with this cold case.


    • Cile

      I wonder if he molested someone’s child? The pants being pulled off like they were could be a big clue. Plus they weren’t interested in his money, so robbery is out.


  9. Tom Johnston

    Is this the same Blair Adams that went to high school in St Catharines? He and I were co captains of our high school basketball team. The pictures definitely look like the kid that I went to hih school with and in 96, he too would have been 31


  10. Joshua V

    I REALLY think Blair had something to do with the murder of Phillip Fraser…call me crazy…but the sketches look JUST like him!! And I think that over time, that began to haunt him and disturb him…making him feel or think people were after him he fled. I think his death however, is just coincidence, he indeed was murdered, but in no relations to who he “thought” was after him. I think it was just random. But I REALLY feel HE was Phillip’s killer…and like I said, that just drove him crazy over time. He fits the age of the suspect (at the time in 1988), the description, AND location! There are WAY too many “coincidences”


    • Pippa Giordano

      It was a hit. Probably drugs or money. His erratic behavior was due to bn paranoid for a reason. The long back tracking to Knoxville was an attempt to deter whoever was after him. In his name he bought an expensive ticket when he could have got a round trip for cheaper. He didn’t want to be tracked back to tn. So he drove. A rental car. Where u need a debit card and rental cars have gps. I don’t think he ever planned on going to the room he paid for. They found him b4 he could deter the tracking. The fact a lot of money was found says it wasn’t random or a robbery. It was personal. Tbh…it was probably bout money and betrayal. Ur only as powerful and as weak as who u know. Be careful who u brush elbows with ‍♀️


    • Anonymous

      Phillip Fraser was not related. The attacks made on Blair Adam’s seemed retaliatory. As if he started to assault by pulling a strand of hair and was later pulled hair and possibly assaulted by a blunt object.


  11. Lwebb08

    I think he was going to Knoxville to pay someone off or to make a buy maybe they picked the town and that’s why it seemed so random


  12. Bill Blaski

    I just read a article stating there is a tuft of hair that was on Blair. Can they not run this thru one of the genealogy sites and get a familia hit? I’m sticking to the hooker pimp theory.


    • Anonymous

      I think a hooker would be more use to the inconvenience. But any woman could of hustled him. And you can’t report being dumped at a hotel.


  13. Anonymous

    I think he planned it all out to make his death complicated and a mystery. He was quite certain that he would end his life, but when he chose the time and place he then made it look like a murder. I think It’s very possible he could of pulled his own hair out and caused his own Injuries that led to his death. He could of punched the pavement, scraped his own hand on the asphalt. Hit himself with an object piece of wood or whatever. Or jumped off the roof of the building. I believe he staged the death scene. Which was from his paranoid behaviour. So I think he wanted his death to be exactly how it ended up unsolved and a mystery for the last 23 yrs.


    • Talmon Murphy Jr.

      I’ve compared the timeframe around this and the bombings and wonder if Blair had somehow unwittingly gotten involved with Eric Rudolph and his brother in some kind of body double scheme. When you compare some of the photos there is an uncanny resemblance between them and maybe Blair had realized he was being used as a body double and/or decided the whatever plan they had agreed on was not for him and tried to back out of the deal but was threatened for doing that. It’s worth considering! ‍♂️

      Their history and timeframes


  14. Bill Blaski

    Are we to believe that Blair committed suicide? Someone knows something. Please come forward


    • Pippa Giordano

      It was a hit. Probably drugs or money. His erratic behavior was due to bn paranoid for a reason. The long back tracking to Knoxville was an attempt to deter whoever was after him. In his name he bought an expensive ticket when he could have got a round trip for cheaper. He didn’t want to be tracked back to tn. So he drove. A rental car. Where u need a debit card and rental cars have gps. I don’t think he ever planned on going to the room he paid for. They found him b4 he could deter the tracking. The fact a lot of money was found says it wasn’t random or a robbery. It was personal. Tbh…it was probably bout money and betrayal. Ur only as powerful and as weak as who u know. Be careful who u brush elbows with ‍♀️


  15. char

    Either an affair like someone previously said or the victim did something bad that caused his life to be threated which he knew wouldbe followed through. which is whyhe couldnt tell his mother .


    • Anonymous

      You are completely accurate. Both are the same. It is unfortunate that they make them two puzzle pieces. In Europe and Canada the men are more forceful than the United States. Women had less rights in the 90s.


  16. Spacey Stacey

    All this talk about him telling people that someone is trying to kill him, but nothing at all as to who or why? He most certainly would have said something to his friends or family. So why wont they say?? Maybe because it’s something really crazy such as “aliens are trying to get me!” Or “the government is going to kill me!”
    Wither way, there is a reason they are not telling us what he said yo people.
    No one vents to a friend or family about aomeone trying to kill them without saying who and why. And even so, they certainly would have asked who and why. That’s probably the first question that comes to anyones mind.
    Not a robbery obviously. Sadly I believe it was a suicide set up to look like a murder. I think the whole thing was a set up from the start. Telling people someone was after him, maybe he was scared of his family looking down on him for committing suicide? Or maybe he just wanted to be important or something.
    If aomeone killed him thwn why not take his money? Why leave it all sitting around?? That’s stupid and ridiculous. If it was a murder then it def wasn’t a robbery.
    Such a shady case.
    By the way, there are some seriously weird people on here commenting. Wow


  17. Chanita Jackson

    He Was Murdered But Why


  18. thinkingoutloud

    i don’t think its unbelievable that Blair was running from someone / people. just the way his mother spoke about how he told her he couldn’t tell her what was going on seems strange and maybe he wanted to protect her by not letting her know what was happening.

    i wonder if buying the plane ticket was to throw off whoever he was running from, somehow they could tell he had a plan ticket to germany but he decided to travel by car into U.S. and then another one way ticket to washing dc. i think he did all these things to make it look like he was travelling to one location and planned to stay there and throw off whoever was following him but his entire plan was to travel around the U.S. in a car. and honestly an unmarried 30 year old man with thousands of dollars in cash, gold, jewelry etc is quite suspicious, where did he obtain all that from? possibly drug related or just money related so he was trying to flee to wherever he could and all these little short cuts and stops he was taking was just to throw off whoever was after him but he planned on going to the next location after location


    • Margaux

      but if so why didn’t the people who were after him take the money he was carrying ?


    • Anonymous

      It is called a fugitive curse. The adrenaline kicks in and has them full throttle. Now some of his cuts were also reported by other law enforcement officials. So they were preexisting. Construction workers get a lot of cuts. But to alarm boarder patrol they could have been from fights. If a woman can scare Elijah to run away through tornados and earthquakes, an angry woman can scare someone to run away also. Many men want to just get away after a secret affair. It is a common reaction. But to leave that abruptly makes me wonder how wild it went.


  19. Mary

    Interesting case. In 1999 I received a phone call that someone wanted to kill me me and I snapped. It caused fear parinoia and psychosis. Lucky for me I screamed loud who it was. I was hauled off to the local mental institution for three months and drugged…it probably saved my life. At the time I was living an alternative life style and making my way to law school. Twenty years later I look at it and can say that someone did not like the idea of A my lifestyle or B the fact I was going to be an attorney. My point is nothing is it appears to be.

    Blair was reacting to his environment and probably to advanced stage of psychosis with voices telling him what to do. His route to knoxville is not one that was planned carefully if he intended to go there. I have travelled that route. What was he doing in Washington DC….going to ask the President for help. I kid you not if he was psychotic thats how they think. He was reacting to messages that were told to him. Some have some truth in them some are fantasy.

    The crime scene seems to have a globle gab. Something is being withheld by authorities as a trump card. I have been studying crime since I was 16 I’m now 52 and most crimes I can figure out given the correct information except for abductions. This has the markings of dark forces at play


    • Shannon Ohollaran

      I agree. I am a schizoeffective. I’ve asked Washington DC for help in many different ways because I believe the cartel is after me. It’s very real the voices I hear, my time could be coming very soon they kill me. The voices tell you if you tell anyone they will kill them too. This could be why Blair said nothing, and ran away…to protect everyone from what’s in his mind reading his mind. My voices can read my mind, know what I see, think, and feel. It takes a lot of work and imagination of locations to run from them. I think Blair had the same problem… I think hundreds have had this problem. But only difference is I think the. Voices are real people. That the cartel reads minds and finds their victims this way without leaving a trace of evidence. They wait for them to run away. And isolate themselves so they can kidnap them or kill them for certain reasons. The knights templar and nazzario are something to read about to connect cartel to telepathy. I too will be dead soon because of my voices. I believe it fully. There’s no asking for help because it is so far fetched. Just by me saying it’s the cartel I’m defying them and pissing my voices off very much so. “ your dead” is what they just yelled. Dark forces indeed, and I think governement is well aware of this commonality in missing persons cases and murders.


      • Holly

        I hope you’re ok, Shannon, I’m commenting years later but just in case you see this – I promise you none of your voices are real. The cartel is not real. Washington DC can’t help you because what your voices tell you are complete lies. Unfortunately, your schizoeffective disorder is real and your brain suffers delusions and hallucinations. I feel so terrible for everyone suffering from these diseases because I know it seems real and it’s so confusing knowing who you can trust. I just hope you have found a skilled doctor and appropriate medication and are still alive and thriving. Take care.


  20. A

    My theory is that his fear wasn’t imaginary.He went throught someting, may be drug deals, may be something else.He took all his money to pay for something to somebody.And I think he went to Knoxville to meet someone.May be they choose the town where noone knows them, to do what they have to do.They said that at the hotel he looked agitated and like waiting for someone to come for him.May be he was nervous because of the person he had to meet with.So he went outside, there were witnesses who saw him with another man.Then they went to this area where he was found dead.Something happend, got out of control and they killed him.The fact that his clothes were upside down shows that they were looking for something, not money.


  21. Envii

    Are there anymore images of the construction site and the scene of the crime?
    He was a construction worker, body was found on a construction site. The type of place that would feel familiar to a person who spent alot of time on them.

    His socks may of always been on inside out how exactly do we know they were taken of then purposely put back on inside out theres no evidence of that.

    Falling from something such as scaffolding and hitting scaffold bars below would easily cause the same type of blow/ trauma as a punch to the gut.
    When you fall you put your hands out to catch yourself it would explain the defensive type injuries. You wouldn’t die immediately especially as he had no serious head injury which would give him time to stumble to the car park and collapse and would explain why he wasn’t robbed.
    This could also explain the missing pants or at least why them seemed to of been removed in a way that didnt look as though they were taken off by him if they got caught during a fall they would be pulled off or removed in an awkward way so he could of carried them or pulled them along with his belongings that scattered from the fall this also could of exposed the key he was unable to find earlier. If you look for something whilst panicked or disorientated you overlook things/places you would ordinarily check. Therefore cannot seem to find them.
    He had the key the whole time.

    He was disorientated much of the behaviour he was displaying is similar to that of a paranoid delusion/schizophrenic episode. It explains the erratic behaviour trying run from something that to others around him could not see or didn’t know about. He may of had people telling him what to do during audio hallucinations those voices would be very real to him.


  22. John

    The guy was obviously in danger for sleeping with someone’s wife. And since he felt his life was in danger enough to have to move then it was probably someone who knew him. It also seems that he was not willing to let her go that easy so he left then relocated again and set it up to meet her at the motel… where incidentally, her husband tracked her down (as she was probably the one with the other key that was previously lost and he ended up with her’s). Crime of passion… killed the guy in a fight after discovering them in a sex act (clothes removed the way they were), the man hearing a woman’s scream from the room and then he took his wife and left. All of the other details are explainable as circumstantial evidence. Can find the killer by just locating who he was having an affair with. Most likely the husband tracked her through the use of a credit card or something so can probably view records of credit card uses at that time from people who lived in Surrey. Probably at a rental car location.


    • dennis



    • Anonymous

      At least two people heard a woman scream. One was actually a security guard that should have notified someone. She wasn’t going to be detained forever. Whenever what caused her to scream stopped, he was wide open for anything to do back to. He was a construction worker going to a construction sight. I’m sure he may have had some tools with him. What kind of a construction worker doesn’t bring any tools with him? So I’m speculating that there were possibly missing belongings which may or may not include the murder weapon.


  23. Jackal

    All these conspiracy theories about murder, suicide, and gangsters are cute. What surprises me the most is that no one had talked about aliens, so far I’ve read it.


  24. Anonymous

    ….he sold his soul to the devil and it was time to collect….


  25. Donavan S.Delvecchio

    How creepy this case is my thing is there was no security camera’s in front of the hotel? And no one heard or saw anything.


    • Anonymous

      They where there. But they may never find them. You can’t bust under the table construction workers for money 30 years ago. You can’t threaten to deport undocumented workers.


  26. doctor mystery

    I think maybe he was connected to criminal activities such as a mafia or a gang he asked for a favor but he never payed them back or he stole something valuable from them, or he knew something he wasn’t suppose to so he ran away trying to escape from the but they caught up to him and he tried to put up a fight but they killed him


  27. Maude Findlay

    Some of you people watch too many movies.

    Realistically, nobody would’ve followed him from state to state & through Canada & the U.S. just to punch him in the stomach & not even rob him. That’s not how hitmen & gangsters operate. They take out their targets using high-powered guns or other reliable methods to send a message to others.

    He knew no one in Knoxville, yet he was out wandering the streets all night as if he knew the place like the back of his hand. He clearly had a psychotic break of some sort, which puts you at risk for being harmed by bad people. Like Elisa Lam, his behaviors don’t make sense to us because we’re not paranoid or psychotic. Yet he probably met his demise in a similar fashion: by misadventure while in the throes of mental illness.


    • Thinker

      I disagree completely. You can’t punch yourself hard enough in the stomach that it’ll kill you. What I do agree with is that he was suffering a bout of paranoia and thought someone was following him but nobody was. While in Knoxville he very coincidentally did die after a sexual adventure gone wrong (since he was found naked, although no evidence of rape seems to have been present)


    • Pippa Giordano

      I had a case i studied in school. 2 US bloggers were found hanging over a overpass in Tijuana..butchered with notes stapled to their chests. Cartels did it. They didn’t even know any cartels. They wasn’t bout that life. However their blogs were ABOUT cartels. Like STOPPING them. Cartels got mad wanted to send a message. The reason they wasn’t murdered n hung on US grounds is cause Cartels want u to know there is no distance too far that they wont go. That was just 1 case i studied over.


  28. Queen Frostine

    The fact of the matter is that mentally ill people are at an increased risk of being victimized: swindled, assaulted, raped or even killed. A man in a paranoid psychotic state could’ve done or said anything that triggered his demise. Maybe he stripped naked in front of a homophobe or tried to rob a drug dealer? Perhaps he smarted off to the wrong person, accusing them of being his stalker.

    It’s likely that his killer didn’t even intend to kill him. A hitman would use a gun to take down their mark, not walk up to them and punch them, putting their own self at risk for being beaten up. That’s not how hitmen operate. Perhaps Blair was hit by a car or injured himself in some way, though that wouldn’t explain the defensive wounds. We don’t even known WHEN he was killed–it could’ve been immediately after leaving the hotel or 12 hours later when his body was found (or any time in between). So it’s impossible to know with any certainty what happened.

    One thing is certain: Blair was behaving like a mentally ill person with the paranoia, confusion & bizarre behavior. If a person’s actions don’t make any sense to a rational outsider, it’s probably because the person carrying them out was not in his right mind at the time he did them.


  29. Anonymous

    I live near the crime scene, I believe the victim was of his own causes. Mr. Adams could’ve developed a undiagnosed case of Paranoid Schizophrenia, the most common type of the mental disorder, some signs are, mood swings, erratic behavior, anxiety, detachment from work, friends, family, feeling sucidial or thinking of death, delusions, for example, “my neighbor is going to poison me and kill me.” All of these signs could explain his behavior, if someone would have killed him, they probably would have taken away the money, as being a secluded place, a parking lot of a under construction hotel at night. He probably ripped his shirt, had a mental breakdown, cut himself, bled out mass amounts of blood, took off his pants, shoes, and socks, punched himself, in the stomach, and succumbed to his bleeding, and punch.


    • Anon

      You absolutely cannot punch yourself in the stomach hard enough to kill yourself. That is ludicrous.


    • Jesse Dalton

      That makes little sense. The police appear to have little doubt that defensive wounds exist which would imply he fought off his attacker(s). Even if you can explain those away I cannot think of a feasible way that you can hit yourself in the abdomen with enough force to kill yourself. Further… who in the hell is gonna attempt to kill themselves by punching themselves in the stomach…. that makes no sense at all.


  30. Anonymous

    if he knew he was in danger, why didn’t he tell anyone ???


  31. Anonymous

    He was my friend, regardless of what happened he will be missed forever. Fly high bud! Here’s to the Indy and Tanning! Xxoo


  32. Anonymous

    I think he might’ve had a split personallity.


  33. Dan "the man"

    Here’s my theory summed up as short as possible.

    -Mental illness
    -Searched his OWN clothing (explains why it’s everywhere)
    -Robbery post-mortem (started taking out money, noticed he was dead, then they ran off, explains money everywhere, robbers caught usually drop items on the spot)
    -Accused random person that they were following them, possibly got violent to unknown person, they defended themselves and punched (fatally wounded by just a random punch)


  34. albert perez

    i’m from Spain. when your series will be in castilian?. as well i want to watch your series online and in spanish.


  35. Maddie

    Here is my theory regarding his death.
    He had past drug problems, and as there were no drugs found in his system not suggesting relapse I believe someone who might’ve had something to do with a drug incedent when he did struggle with drugs. Whether Blair had not paid for some sort of drug or something due to this, whoever had provided him or had something to do with his addiction wanted revenge. Possibly Blair knew this person was in jail for a time and got out causing him to become anxious. He left and ended up being murdered


  36. Anonymous

    I believe M knows the out come to this story, He must have seen the aliens who did this, at least a description of the UFO


  37. Blexayt

    Well. this is what I think: it was a planned murder.Someone paid a “hit-man” to kill him, because the guy may have sexually assaulted a person and that person could hire someone.Also, the guy thought about the Canadian-American border because he might knew that his killer cannot pass it as he knew him.I’m pretty sure about that.Anyway, the killer found a way to pass it, probably through Peace Arch Park in WA.So the crime was done by a “hit-man” as he finished him fast, one “shot”, otherwise it would have been more physical evidence.The money and the pants down were planned by the person Adam probably assaulted or whatever he’s done to it.


  38. Kathleen

    I watched a video about this case: This is the comment I posted on the video after watching it: I am thinking maybe the person who murdered him wanted him dead because he (the victim Blair Adams) did something really bad in Germany. Maybe he raped a girl or something like that? I say that because it seems his issues started after he worked in Germany and when his body was found his pants looked like they were purposely pulled down by someone else. Maybe to humiliate him? Maybe to get a picture for the person who hired the killer or sent the killer? Maybe they were going to emasculate/castrate him but changed their minds or were scared off by noises/other people? I am not blaming the victim but if he was murdered by someone who knew him it seems they were really angry and put the fear in him real good so he must of really ticked somebody off. Maybe he stole money from the wrong person? Maybe he got the wrong girl pregnant and her family came after him?…my other theory is that he was just acting nuts and was killed by a stranger who he came upon. If he was acting all crazy somebody could of thought he was drugged up or drunk and not realizing he was mentally ill they beat him to death because he said or did the wrong thing to somebody with a bad temper and they beat him to death and somehow his pants were removed in the course of the fight? I wish this case would be solved because I would love to have the answers to why and who. Also: Germany has a big Russian mafia problem. Organized crime is alive and well in Germany and they are involved in the construction business. The Italian mafia is involved in German construction business too. Maybe the victim did something while in Germany to the wrong people/person or while in his own country of Canada? After reading all the comments here (which are some great theories) I don’t lean toward any theory because they all make sense and could be what happened. My only new thought though is if he didn’t tear his own shirt and pull down his own pants, maybe the killer was looking for something like the comments suggest. Also, does anyone know whether he was gay or straight? I assumed he was straight but if he was gay and mentally ill he could of made a pass at the wrong person and his death could have nothing to do with the reason he was running away from his home. There are just so many theories, either he was hit by a car, killed by a stranger, killed by someone hunting him down, or he killed himself. I think it was a homicide though. Either he took off his own clothes while in pain from his stomach injury or while in a psychotic episode or somebody else took them off. Either no money was stolen or some money was taken and the police don’t know it because they did not know really how much he had on him.


  39. NancyDrew

    It sounds to me that the kid was either a drug mule, which would explain his sudden change in behavior, or he stole something from a drug dealer. He also worked in a construction business, which are often rife with criminals who can find no other work, so it’s not unlikely he could be sucked into crime.

    Its totally doubtful that he was mentally ill. Mental illness doesn’t just occur randomly, with nothing to trigger it, no family history, or some sort of behavior that starts small and escalates. Also, he was killed by someone who did not take his valuables, so CLEARLY he was not being delusional. Someone was out to get him, and got him.

    There are several reasons I think this. The guy may have emptied his BANK account… but how much cash did he really have? Chances are if he did something he should not have, with someone else’s merchandise, he had more cash than anyone else knew about, and it seems that he could easily have spent more than $6,000.

    The items he had were not taken, because items are easy to trace, especially if part of a murder investigation, and if missing items are found on you, even if it’s not by a cop, it can lead to your capture. The person that did the killing KNEW what they were doing. Greed wasn’t a motive, and neither was robbery.

    The reason I think he was a mule, or that it was suspected that he had something concealed inside, is not only because his pants were pulled down, but given the shirt and the socks, it seems almost like he was strip searched, and was allowed to put some clothes back on, or they were torn off him in the search.

    His pants were down… the anal cavity is one place to store things.

    He was also punched in the gut. Perhaps the person that assaulted him, did not intend to kill him that way, and merely wanted to see if he had any drugs inside of him. That way if their container ruptured after being punched, he’d die of an overdose, and “pay” the price by being killed by what he stole.

    Because no one knows how much money he had, can it REALLY be said that no money was stolen? I would also suggest that the killer was a professional in what he did. Not only in being able to track the victim so quickly and successfully, but also in the kill, AND knowing how easily traceable certain things are.


  40. shane

    The money being laid out and not stolen has me wondering if maybe he insulted someone with it somehow and the person snapped or was just looking for an excuse to attack someone. Maybe offered money to an attractive woman for “stuff” in front of her man got confronted and tried to buy them off. Or maybe attempted to purchase some same sex activity from a straight person, straight guy gets offended, victim tries to buy him off and out comes rage. To me it just somehow comes across as this is what happens to big shots who flash cash or something similar type message the way it was left and not stolen. The attack, his clothes, and lack of maybe was a way to humiliate him, bring him down some before the murdering him.


  41. joe

    Some like Lars Mittank. The closest thing is a psychotic episode. He runs through a field at top speed and he could rip his shirt and cause all kinds of bruises. He attacks someone because of a delusion that just hit him back a little too hard. Everything else he could have done, including throwing the money and jewelry out at the person who hit him to make them stop, when that person just wanted to get away from a crazy. Maybe he took the pants off or tried because his stomach hurt, lord knows it would.


  42. Sandy

    If he wasn’t specifically targeted by someone, is it possible that maybe he was hit by a car; the impact could have been great enough to cause a fatal internal injury, and possibly scatter any possessions he had on him. He could have been acting erratic, possibly removing his own clothes for whatever reason and got in the path of an oncoming car in the parking lot that evening.


  43. Turnip Tops

    maybe the killer(s) were just protecting themselves from Blair’s possible future testimony to an illegal event he witnessed? Seeing the illegal event Blair, knowing his life was in jeopardy, fled, panicked, fled again, panicked again, etc.


  44. BBQ

    He may have gathered his possessions together hoping to buy his way out of the trouble he was in ( may have happened in Germany) only to be denied and murdered. Whoever was putting the fear in him knew where he worked, which is why he quit. It seemed personal. As if he were being payed back for a deed he committed . The money didn’t matter, which is why is was left in the parking lot.


  45. Blue bird

    Why Did He Left The Hotel Room?


  46. Alex

    He obviously owed Rihanna money.


  47. Bill

    I don’t know what you guys talking about, but it is clear to me, that this murder is done by professional killers, by the fact alone, that no money was taken. And that is also clear, that striping of clothes means that killers searched for something, that Blair was trying to hide and run away. May be it wasdrugs, but I don’t think, because man like him wouldnt be in some sort of big cartel. Otherwise, those abstract drug smugglers would take his money, cause they would be small type drug dealers. Even if cause of his death would some sort of revenge, I believe that such person would take money too. Cause you know – who dont like money. And for the only way of this happening is that killers was hired hitmans. They do only those thing that they are paid for. If those guys whould take a money – employers will know it from news or police reports and killers will have problems with further work, cause who needs unprofessional killer that take a victims money like some petty thug.

    Some my verdict

    1) Adams was dragged into some sort of criminal or espionage activity
    2) Some people needed a thing that Adams owned or stole.
    3) They hired a one or two hitmen to chase him down and find a thing.
    4) All actions by Adams means that he knew, he is in trouble and tried to run away with complex path, changing locations franticaly.
    5) Hitmen found him, means that they knew him good and that they have good means to track people.
    6) I tihnk that subject of chasing was not found when hitmen chased him down cause Adams probably had hidden it before he left home.


  48. Jack

    Meteors did it!


  49. somebody

    It seems like Blair was exhibiting signs of drug use. Its possible he had gotten into something something illegal and did have someone he was running from. Obviously something bad to cause the level of anxiety he seemed to be showing. Its possible he owed big and also possible that whatever he did someone else was involved, maybe Blair was freaking out and wanted to come clean and his companion didnt. Drugs will make you restless, depressed,anxious, paranoid, dillusionsl,. So he may have been trying to sell the jewrlry and other contents because he planned to disappeR, or heneeded to pY someone off. It is possible his behaviour set someone off it got violent, whoever killed him freaked out and got the hell out of there, wasnt concernef with his money orbelongings just concerned aboutnot being seen. And with his clothes removed maybe it was a sexusl attsck. Its an enigma for sure, so msny pissibilities. I do think he was in dNger running, and probably knew his attacker.


  50. Evelyn

    Has anyone thought maybe the jewelry was stolen and he left the hotel with all that money and jewelry on him cause he was meeting a buyer. Maybe just maybe it wasn’t wat the buyer wrote on the list so he beat he viciously to teach him a lesson. He left the money and jewels behind because by rights he ain’t a thief, he undressed him to throw shade in the investigation and the socks inside out I know pleanty of people that put them on inside out when there in a rush…

    Anywho SIP ADAM


  51. GreatWhiteNorth

    He was a construction worker and was found in a construction area.
    I feel he was exploring the area and upset about losing his car key. He came across the construction area after eating at a near by restaurant.
    So he trespassed on the site and started looking around at this point he discovered his car key in one of his pockets and got disgruntled because he thought he had lost his key.
    The got angry/emotional and tripped on something that hit his abdomen and caused his stomach to burst. He was in immense pain from the blow.
    He then panicked and took off his clothes in a hurry, his money got scattered, and threw the car key. At this point he passed out from the pain and died.


  52. Anonymous



  53. Johnny

    Blair Adams case 20 years old and no real suspects. One of the strangest cases I’ve seen on Unsolved Mysteries. The blow to the stomach was a different way of death. Wonder if there are any similar cases to this one as a cause of death. A tough case to solve. Don’t see how he could have been followed with the double-backing. An astute poster talked about the duffel bag. That probably is the key if it hasn’t been already destroyed.


  54. Codex B

    I had never heard of this case before today. This is one of the most creapy ones that i have ever heard of.


  55. drug related

    I think that this case is drug related for sure and that Adams may have suffered from drug induced psychosis? but that still would leave a lot of questions unanswered like why kill him and leave all the valuables? unless maybe they were interrupted. The pants down can be used as a form of humiliation as well.


  56. Steph

    Gang Stalking is a systemic form of control, which seeks to destroy every aspect of a Targeted Individuals life. Once a target is flagged a notification is sent out to the community at large, and the target is followed around 24/7 by the various communities that they are in.


  57. Mystify

    Anyone ever seen No Country for Old Men? The tracking device was in the duffle bag. What was the only thing of Blair’s that he took with him when he left Canada that was not recovered at the crime scene? The duffel bag. If you can find out where the duffel bag came from and or who had access to the duffel bag before Blair left Canada, you will know who the killer is.


  58. fuzzle

    Why would a man his age have jewelry? Normally, one would think had it been inherited, it would have gone to his mother and she was still alive. The point that he had jewelry in a safety deposit box struck me as odd, the minute I read it. Do you know any thirty-one year old construction workers with living parents who have jewelry so valuable that it must be kept in a safety deposit box? Did the bank where the safety deposit box have a listing of what was kept in it? Many banks do. Was anything missing from the crime scene that was listed there? That’s the key.


  59. Melody

    He SAID someone was trying to kill him, then somebody killed him! Obviously somebody WAS trying to kill him!


  60. annieoakley

    Sounds like he was unfortunately a “targeted individual” (TI) of “gangstalking”.


    • Maude Findlay

      In other words, a paranoid schizophrenic or bipolar with delusions.

      “Targeted individuals” are just paranoids who have found each other through the internet and validate each other’s delusions. Mental illness, however, is very real & can cause a person to believe they’re being hunted, lied to, put under surveillance or tortured from afar. To them, it’s absolutely real. Mental illness also puts you at higher risk of being a victim of violent crime. Bizarre behavior, confusion & general sketchiness make a person vulnerable to swindlers, thieves, rapists, abusers & murderers.

      Blair was in an unfamiliar city wandering the streets at night in a paranoid state. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what happened to him.


  61. Susan

    This is so bizarre. I believe there was a real threat for his life and he knew it and it terrified him. It sounds to me the murder/s were looking for something in a body cavity. The blows to the stomach could have part of the initial beating for information. It can take some time for internal bleeding from a ruptured organ to cause death. To the friend of the victim, I’m so sorry for your loss. Also my son wears his socks inside out half the time as well as two different socks most of the time. It might not mean anything at all.


  62. Johnny

    This Blair Adams a strange case and a great one for a Masters CRMJ class to study and investigate. I don’t understand why the criminal or perpetrators didn’t take all the currency and jewelry. Say they had taken Adams to a desolate location. They would have certainly taken all his currency. Mr. Adams would have been safer inside his hotel room with the security cameras and staff. Leaving the hotel accelerated his chances of being a victim. The money and coins can be good evidence in fingerprints and in tracing who might have killed Adams. The jewlery too. A real Classic Unsolved Mysteries case. Don’t understand the pants thing.


  63. Johnny

    This Blair Adams case was wild even for Unsolved Mysteries. Most likely some kind of paranoia he developed of a psychological nature. Don’t know how anybody could find him with all the switches. Best theory Mr. Adams ran into a killer but separate from the one running from in his mind. The poster brought up a good point of Adams and his size. He had money flashing and assorted currency. Could have been a motive. Tough case to solve. All kinds of components.


  64. William Ozment

    Has it ever occurred to anyone, that just maybe someone was after him and finally caught up to him. My thoughts are, why did a thirty something male, have that much jewellery, seems kind of strange to me.


    • Tinyspyder

      The jewelry could be family items, passed down or willed to him. Great Grandma and Grandpa’s wedding rings, Aunt Ethel’s diamond broach, etc.


  65. Anonymous

    This clearly was murder even if he was crazy as everyone says it does not make sense why his pants were off and why the money was scattered everywhere whoever did it wanted to silence him for whatever it was he knew or saw I hope they are eventually caught in time and his family can have peace R.i.p Blair Adams


  66. Paxil

    I think Blair was off his meds. Before I got treated for panic attacks and bipolar disorder, I had terrifying thoughts of the government following me. Paranoia and fear ruled my life. I thought people were going through my trash and trying to frame my father for various crimes.I thought the government was listening to my phone conversations and watching me. After I saw a psychiatrist I was fine. I don’t like taking three medications, but I am no longer paranoid and delusional.


  67. Hankwank

    Typical behavior for some who is paranoid schizophrenic..a person in psychosis will belive he is followed.He will even attack strangers that he belives are after this case he probably picked a fight with some stranger that he (in his psychosis) belived to be a hired hitman. This person who ever he might be may have just defended himself. A kick from a person can be enough to raptur his stomach, a blow like this will make you bleed internaly and slowly die if not treatet. As the other person runs away he will have had more than enough time to get back in the car and in pain remove his pants and slowly die of internal bleeding.. for the socks. a man in psychosis and haste could just have taken them on that way


  68. mofesola

    First off I don’t believe the killing and his paranoia was just a coincidence… It is almost impossible for him to think he would be killed, run for his life and then get killed where he runs to
    His mother said he changed… The police should consider the fact that he probably got in some deep trouble.. Got involved with the wrong people and shady business.. Maybe he actually did get threatened maybe got a note.. If going in this light then we have to think along with the fact that the people that killed him have the finance and desperacy to follow him all the way to USA just to kill him
    Also the mode of killing was gruesome … He was beaten I guess violently.. That is personal… If the killer just randomly saw him at USA and he was a victim of circumstance, there was almost no need to get so intimate with the killing mode
    Also the stripping of the body was a message…it defined degradation .. And also a shocker to those who find the body… The money also has a significance (I am still working on that though)
    He was also an older guy … Not to small body frame its either he was subdued by two people of one particularly large person… I would go for two people actually
    Just to say… He was a man that obviously had a good life a good job….. He just won’t lose it and bail out… Something was wrong from the onset
    I am working on this case a lot personally… If you want to contact me to share ideas you can email me on


  69. jose

    Did he have his room key was his room search ,what about the busness were they cleared mabe he did see or find somthing. Mebe his computer he met sombody .did he own any portable device n now gone.


  70. christina

    What doesnt make sense to me is how could the killer chase him all over the place…? He was from British Columbia and then went to Germany and then the border and not let thru then back to work and then back to border..? That would take alot of chasing..? Also, was anything recorded in his safe deposit box that would be priceless enough for someone to chase him all over? I mean they would have to keep getting gas themselves to catch up with him


  71. J.C

    I have a feeling he was a phsychic and possibly suffered through schizophrenia. I believe this because he changed immediately and started acting weird, maybe like a voice was talking to him. I feel he also knew to go to Knoxville because he knew something had to be done there. Someone or something was telling him to go there. I just feel he couldn’t stop it from happening. I believe something (not a human) did this to him. Some people may think it was the man he got a ride from but I don’t believe so. I think something overcame him. He was not in control of his body.


  72. MI-d

    I have worked with people with mental illness, and they normally believe they are defending themselfs, To have real injuries, internal injuries not just scratches and bruses say’s more to me. and the money laing around speeks to a sadistic killer, one who wants the victom to be afraid and in pain before they loose control and launch into a blitz attack. The money my have been an attempt for the victom to buy his freedom and the killer or killers not taking it speeks to the idea they are not in need or even temptation to take a tracable trophy also say’s they don’t have reliable privacy.


  73. patty

    I am familiar with mental illness….i do believe he was deliousional…i know a guy that traveled everywhere no one knew where he was…did a lot of really bizarre stuff its schizophrenia…quite frankly it’s sad..and i also believe during that missing time…he created his own injuries…there were delusions about money people and places and it was too much…im shocked they cannot come up with what the object was that hit him in the stomach…well when a mind gets suicidal it comes up with alot of crazy stuff…pray for all the sick and suffering RIP…Patty


    • M

      Exactly how familiar are you with mental health issues? The way I see it, it would take an extraordinary amount of contortion to rupture your own stomach without an instrument to inflict the injury with & if he used an instrument where was it?


  74. Curiosity

    I agree with you 100%. I’ve always believed he dabbled in drug trafficking. He may have traveled back and forth to Germany and the US in the past for this purpose. Alot of traffickers hide drugs in various body cavities and even in thier stomach which would explain why his pants where off and the blow to the stomach. They were looking for something on his body. This theory is something his family would not know about and if anyone did they wouldn’t come forward if they were involved in the same type of activity. Maybe he didn’t return something that was very valuable. Valuable enough that whoever was after him would be relentless in finding him. This would explain why it appeared that nothing else was taken. Those people usually have unmentionable resources (for example at car rental places) which would make it easier to track him. He could of been mentally ill, but this case is far more complex then someone having delusions.


    • M

      The only issue I have with this is the drug section. Unless it was an extremely rare and new drug I can’t see somebody going through so much trouble. Otherwise, extremely good work.


    • Anonymous

      Yeah I think he was a mule or trafficker. Was supposed to take something to Germany changes his mind and went on a panicked run. But was caught.


  75. Mys Tery Girl

    My theory: he was acting crazy and agitated due to whatever mental illness he was suffering from. He ran into the wrong person, started a fight and was killed. Who knows what words/actions were exchanged before the final blow, but you can bet his bizarre behavior played a role in his demise.


  76. Anonymous

    Cases like these are quite bizarre. If not eerie. All things point to a murder. In my theory he was attacked and killed other then where he was found. The killer or killers placed his body there. Scattered the coins;etc. Sounds to me like he was stripped of his clothes. Then in some weird fashion his socks where placed back on inside out. Maybe it was done to make it look bizarre or the killer/ killers where sending a message. Blair’s behavior was odd. I don’t think he had any mental issues cause family and friends said he was happy. However his mom noticed a change; mood swings. Could have it been drugs? Could he have seen something or have known something. He was diffently trying run from something or someone. The way he was running trying get into the USA; trying to go Germany then changing he plans. Doing loops and back tracking. He either was one paranoid person or someone was following him. Whatever was going on with him he met with a tradgic end. Hopeful someone knows something or saw something. Hopeful someone will come forward with new information. Rest in peace Blair Adams.


    • M

      I think you’ll find a lot of the theories in this make no logical sense. I rather think you’ve been watching TV far too much. I think if you thoroughly analyse my previous theory you’ll find it quite enlightening. The socks being inside out more probably suggest that they were searched. Although all this being said I do think you have a few good points such as the “loops and backtracking” as you put it are typical behaviour of somebody being followed. If he did have mental illness, I do very much doubt that it played much of a role in this, and if it did it would have simply been with decision making.
      As for your theory on movement of the body: if they did move the body this would only increase their chances of being caught.
      It is very possibly however that the victim had manic depression.
      You clearly have some useful deductive skill, I just think you need to check through and rethink theories before settling for them…


    • Anonymous

      It makes sense that the socks were inside out.
      When you pull socks off they automatically go inside out.
      Thus he was searching the body for something.


  77. M

    I believe the attacker must have known the subject in question well, whether this be through personal connection or careful studying cannot be said at this point. While it is true that he may have had undiagnosed mental health issues which became more prominent towards the end of his life, I do not see how the murder of the subject could be coincidence, as he was in a state of panic and would have been fuelled with adrenaline. This means that the murderer must have observed the individual carefully before striking. As for the possessions found around him, this tells me that the attacker was looking for something. If the murderer was indeed looking for something then they must have found it eventually. They must have at least had a basic knowledge of human anatomy. If the attacker had not found what he/she was looking for I think we would have been dealing with a much bigger mess as the suspect would have begun to panic themselves then – as awful as it is to think about – begun to search within Blair’s body itself. There is also a possibility that the attacker used the blow to the stomach to attempt to remove something from the victim.
    Whoever this criminal may be, one thing is for certain, They were willing to do whatever it took to get their hands on whatever they were after.
    It seems most likely that the item in question would be something that the subject was storing in their safe deposit box.
    Whoever committed this atrocity was keeping surveillance on the subject rather often yet maintaining a safe distance at all times so as not to arouse suspicion and only struck when they were absolutely certain there would be no witness.
    The subject must have been a cautious individual, with a great deal of intellect. Perhaps the suspect may even have had paranoia or a similar mental illness him/herself. This would give them the patience and capability to carry out such an illusive plan. In co-operation with this theory, the suspect would be extremely skilled with deception and should be considered an extremely dangerous socio-path or perhaps psychopath, and should be approached with caution.

    Sensible feedback would be appreciated. As if one person comes up with a theory such as this it could be considered a simple spew of thoughts and connections.


    • Johnny

      Great comments and theories M. Stumbled upon site last week. Big Unsolved Mysteries fan. This Blair Adams case was a real mystery and wild. The blow to the Adams stomach interests me. Could have been someone with military training or a person with karate or martial arts training. It’s not a usual manner of death. Adams changed his mind and did so many crazy travel arrangements…I don’t see who could have followed him. It’s most likely a criminal type noticed Blair’s currency and jewelery when he left the Tennessee hotel. Blair was a good sized man so it must have taken 2 men. Maybe, they could trace some of the coins or jewelery. That ‘s a start I think. A tough case to solve.


    • John Doe

      I think this guy obviously did something that caused “the big boys” go go after him! (as in a government agency, a government, organized crime, a professional hit). There was no way he was going to get away from one of those.
      He traveled thousands of miles leaving clear trail behind! He no doubt bought the tickets-and everything else-under his own name. All his money and jewelry being left at the crime scene rule out a robbery.
      It’s a good thing he didn’t tell his mother or friends details about his problems, for he could have made them a target!


  78. Dahlia

    I believe he suffered from an undiagnosed and untreated psychological illness, perhaps something along the lines of generalized anxiety/OCD/schizophrenia, and was literally trying to escape the tormenting symptoms. His death, however, is a murder to me. A bizarre case!


  79. grahamclayton

    I have read a source which states that Adams locked the doors of his rental car and couldn’t find them, which meant that he couldn’t open door and start the engine. He then called the tow truck.


    • Anonymous

      It was in his bag with all his other stuff that was throw out when someone reached for it to find any weapon they could. It was found right next to his body.


  80. rob

    did they ever solve this case


    • unsolved

      It is still unsolved as of September 2014.


    • Mr Clever

      Hmm… i get the feeling he found out by someone in the US that he had done something bad, maybe sexual. And that he was blackmailed to pay for silence, but he was killed as revenge for whatever he had done and the money was left and not picked up as an insult. The pants being pulled down is also a sign of revenge for some sexual crime made by the victim.


    • armchair detective

      The killer wanted to humiliate the victim, He (or she) wasn’t interested in the money or jewelry. The keys being lost than found was calculated by the killer. What ever the victim saw or did to the killer isn’t known but the killer wanted to get him away from British Columbia. The perfect murder? Look into the victims life more deeply and fo9llow the trail to the killer.


    • Carter Maydian

      Of course they didn’t that’s why it’s an unsolved case idiot


    • Anonymous

      I’m afraid the checked the wrong side for DNA. The hair piece is their only chance of solving it.


    • Anonymous

      Because some possible tools were missing, there could be a possible connection to the contractors working that sight. But it is also possible a murder weapon was just removed from the crime scene. The woman screaming is also afraid to come forward. They don’t even know if she was involved. She would probably need a lawyer. But her account is crucial. So they have forensics and old fashioned interview tactics. But it is still unsolved.


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