A travel writer vanishes without a trace in Jamaica.

A caucasian woman with long straight brown hair, Claudia Kirschhoch.

Claudia Kirschhoch


Gender: Female
DOB: 2/9/71
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 105 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark brown
Defining Characteristics: Tattoo: a phoenix on her right hip
Remarks: Last seen 5/27/00


Claudia Kirschhoch wearing a oversized white sweater, she is sitting on a beach with the water behind her.


In May of 2000, New York-based travel writers Claudia Kirschhoch and Tania Grossinger found themselves stranded in Negril, Jamaica. Their business trip to Havana Cuba, had been suddenly canceled. According to Tania, they were terribly disappointed:

“When we found out that we weren’t going to Cuba, we were really, really upset. I had assignments. Claudia was there on work. We were also concerned because when they told us we couldn’t go, they also told us we couldn’t get back to New York.”

Just prior to her trip, 29-year-old Claudia Kirschhoch had landed her dream job with Frommer’s Travel Guides. Although she was stranded in Jamaica, Claudia decided to make the best of her trip.

An aerial photo of Sandals Resort in Jamaica, a large white hotel built on the beach.

Sandals Resort, Jamaica

At a resort in Negril, Claudia made friends with Anthony Grant, one of the resort’s bartenders. She was a big fan of reggae music, and Grant reportedly offered to take her to a nearby club.

Tania managed to book a flight home and agreed to meet up with Claudia in New York City. But later that afternoon, Claudia Kirschhoch mysteriously vanished from the island.

A lifeguard was reportedly the last person to see Claudia. She was walking along a local beach, away from the resort.

On June 2 nd , Claudia’s parents were notified that she hadn’t shown up for work in New York, as scheduled. Fred and Mary Ann Kirschhoch had an unsettling feeling when they finally reached someone at the resort.

A light blue small purse is on a table with it's content laid out next to it: a cellphone, a passport, cash and credits cards, and a pen.

Claudia’s valuables were left behind

Hotel maids had reported Claudia missing after noticing she had not slept in her bed for several days. But everything in her room seemed normal. All her clothes except one bathing suit were neatly packed away in her suitcase. Her passport, credit cards, cell phone, and $180 in cash were recovered from the hotel safe where she had left them.

Claudia’s mother, Mary Ann Kirschhoch, was devastated:

“Claudia’s a really organized, orderly person. If she was planning to go off somewhere, she would have made a phone call. She would have let us know. We felt very early on that something happened to her and that something just was not right.”

A missing poster for Claudia is stapled to the pole of a street light.

Claudia’s missing person’s poster

As soon as they found out their daughter was missing, the Kirschhochs were on the next plane to Jamaica. Once in Negril, their attempts to find out what happened to their daughter hit one dead end after another, beginning at the resort where Claudia had been staying.

As a security precaution, the license plates of all vehicles entering and leaving the resort were carefully recorded in a logbook. But the logbook for the month that Claudia disappeared was missing. Then a videotape from a surveillance camera mounted near Claudia’s room had been recorded over. Finally, the room where Claudia stayed was cleared by housekeeping and hotel security before it could be processed for clues.

Authorities had no evidence of foul play, so they began to investigate the possibility that Claudia had drowned. Denver Frater was a Detective for the Jamaica Constabulary Force:

“It’s not impossible, but I would say it’s highly unlikely. That area– it’s not deep, and the current is not very strong. And if something should go wrong with someone there, the body would be found easily.”

A woman walking down a beach in a white shirt and shorts.

She was last seen at the beach

News of Claudia’s disappearance spread through Jamaica. Many Negril residents believed that Claudia chose to run away from her old life to live in the hills with a Jamaican lover.

Fred Kirschhoch disagreed:

“We know she wouldn’t do that. She had no reason to escape, as has been said. She loved her life… her family, her friends, her new apartment. Everything was going right for her. So there was nothing to escape.”

Detective Frater received several phone calls from eyewitnesses who claimed to have seen Claudia in the hills with a Rastafarian man. However, each lead proved to be fruitless.

Frustrated by the progress of the investigation, Claudia’s parents brought in the FBI and an American search and rescue team.

According to a canine handler on the case, his dog tracked Claudia’s scent to the home of Anthony Grant, the bartender last seen with Claudia. At Grant’s home, the dog hit on a pair of boots, a pair of gloves, and a knife. While searching Grant’s car, the dog also seemed to hit on Claudia’s scent in the backseat and the trunk.

Detective Frater recalled what followed:

“The articles found– boots, knife, particularly the mat in the trunk of the car, was removed by the FBI evidence response team. It was taken to the FBI forensic laboratory in the states. It was checked for signs of human blood. Nothing was found.”

Anthony Grant was investigated and polygraphed, but the results were inconclusive. According to Detective Frater, Grant is not considered a suspect in Claudia Kirschhoch’s disappearance:

“We interviewed him for several weeks. We just don’t find enough evidence to, in any way, believe that Grant is involved in her disappearance, other than that he was associated with her.”

The Kirschhochs have struggled to keep the search for Claudia alive, despite dwindling leads and diminishing support. They have offered a $50,000 reward in this case.

Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season eleven with Robert Stack and in season two with Dennis Farina. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Various seasons available now on Hulu.




  1. Ken

    I was actually on vacation in Runaway Bay during the same time when Claudia disappeared. My girlfriend(at the time) and myself, were staying at a resort about 15 minutes from the one she disappeared from. The roads were still pretty bad in that area and there were always billboards telling citizens to slow down because of the high death toll, related to automobile accidents. This was my second time visiting Jamaica, but I knew not to venture beyond the confines of the resort. The people were very nice, but at that time the economy was not in the greatest shape which was apparent by looking at some of the living conditions of the citizens, while traveling to the resort. It’s very important to pay close attention to your surroundings while traveling. There are many people who often prey on visitors and traveling outside the resort, especially alone, is not something that should be done. Women traveling need to pay particular attention to where they go and be mindful of their environment. As sad as it is to say, Claudia most likely became a victim of an opportunist. Considering the landscape near that resort, which has heavy vegetation, her remains may never be found.


  2. Johny Maserati

    I believe Claudia is dead because if she was still alive she would’ve reached out to her family. I feel that the Jamaican authorities didn’t do a great job in this case. Mayb they wanted to dismiss the case to protect Anthony Grant. Jamaican authorities will protect Jamaicans when they do crimes against foreigners. I don’t know why but I feel that’s what they do. I feel that Grant either must’ve raped and killed her in my opinion. Otherwise, He definetly knows what happened to her and I’m sure about that.


  3. God

    Ss sometimes people missing could be body and consumed into heaven Enoch and mary was


  4. Charles

    Over 23 years later, she is obviously dead. Young women have to be very careful traveling alone, and in some cases, even young men as well. Sadly, I think she was a victim of human trafficking.


  5. Anonymous

    It is a very small list of suspects. Jamaica has only had had 3 serial killers in its countries history. And one of them was in the 1700s. So when I first looked at her case, the first thing I thought was it had to be an American. Unfortunately Samuel Little has passed away. No other American I could think of, would be skillful enough to go to Jamaica and accomplish that. Jamaica just doesn’t have the same violence you would find in the United States.


  6. Patrick

    Sad, people have to be very careful on trips. I remember my sister walking off late at night at a resort with a hotel pool worker at the resort. We were a bit concerned but she came back fine, you just never know.


  7. Hall

    Very sad.
    This is why i always say, women should not go on vacation alone. Also, women shouldn’t go out to bars alone and women should never trust strange men who they don’t know at all. There are too many predators in this world, and unfortunately, it seems she met a predator in Jamaica. Hope she is found alive and well.


  8. Watchful Eye

    This case has elite govt hit written all over. Why do I say this? Let us back up a bit:

    1. Where was Claudia and Tania planning to stay in Cuba?
    2. If this was a work assignment, whose idea was it to smuggle Claudia and Tania into Cuba by using Jamaica as a proxy?
    3. How was the transportation lines by boat arranged ahead of time from New York, given the political relationship between Cuba and USA at that time?
    3.1 How would they got pass the embargo and how much money was spent on this “assignment” at this time just to get a cool travel story about Cuba?
    4. If it is a business trip, why was Claudia not sent back to the USA but suddenly remained for vacation?
    5. If Grany was an employee at the hotel for more than a month, what sense would it make to destroy the log book for only 1 specific month?
    5.1. Wouldn’t Grant’s licence plate number still be in the log book?
    6. Was Claudia still incessant on completing her mission in Cuba?
    6.1. Did she escape their and didn’t make it out? (Keep in mind, the immigration rules to travel to Cuba was prohibited and illegal for anyone at this time)
    6.1.1 Why would a New York base entity put a common work through such a risk that would have gotten a citizen blacklisted? For a simple travel story?
    6.2. What was the geopolitical landscape of Cuba that specific year, and surrounding those months of travel.

    Think on these points. This may very well have been a high-level coordination.


  9. Greg

    As I read this, I am reminded of the Amy Bradley case and how she may have become a victim of human trafficking. Wouldn’t it be awful if Claudia experienced the same thing? At this point, she’s most likely dead.


  10. Goodie

    The crazy thing is I stayed at the same resort and Grant took me and my girl to Dons River


  11. Nick

    To Claudia’s family: I’m not sure you’ll ever read this but I was at the Beaches Negril resort last week for work. I remembered while there this was the same place she disappeared and rewatched her segment on UM. I’m sorry for your loss, thought about her a lot while walking the beach, and said a prayer for Claudia and you guys. I still hope someday you find the answers you deserve.


  12. Ronald

    Reading some of these heartless and hateful comments by likes of Michael Constantino and Dave Souza…….you two are most likley two non-whites who protest against racism, when infact you are both racists yourselves…..and then you sit and wonder why racism is still alive.
    I am Latino and proud, but i dont make light of an innocent white woman going missing, because i am not racist…..stop spitting hate and start showing peace if you ever want racism to end.


  13. Jermaine Shaw

    Michael Constantino what is your problem? You have bad mouthed this poor innocent woman for no reason…..you say “good riddance”….why?…..because she was rich?…..is that really a reason to show hate towards someone? GET HELP YOU ARROGANT, HEARTLESS JERK!!!!!

    David Souza, what is your problem?
    You say “Hooked on BBC, no need to return to America”……
    Your DISRESPECTING a white woman for visiting Jamaica…..and because she gone missing your assuming shes having sex?
    Dont go protesting about racism when your the one been racist!!!
    People like you, saying those things is exactly what keeps racism in society today and it will never end until people like you shut up with your ARROGANT words!!!


  14. Bobby Wong

    All you scum bags who are leaving disrespectful comments about this woman should be ASHAMED of yourselves.
    Dave Souza! you are clearly a racist with your nasty racist comment saying “hooked on bbc, no need to return to america”….you RACIST SCUM TRASH…….and you wonder why RACISM never ends!! Cos people like u keep it alive!!!


  15. Sonia

    Have you seen a program called sensing murder? I believe if I was looking for a loved one I would get these people involved. Sue Nicholson seems amazing.


  16. Michael Constantino

    She was nothing but a spoiled rich A-Hole who got what she deserved. Had this been someone poor without wealthy connected parents the story would never be known. Good riddance.


  17. Cat K

    He didn’t beat the Polygraph….that’s the issue! Please…it was him!


    • Lisa

      Ss some beat it or don’t beat it so you can’t really say it was him but could be examples he beat it not guilty or guilty didn’t beat it not guilty or guilty


  18. Hector

    Anthony Grant is responsible for Claudia death, there is not doubt about,unless the police in Jamaica do not know what they are doing.


  19. SW

    I have often heard that the FBI polygraph of Anthony Grant was inconclusive. That is incorrect. He failed the polygraph. I know because I administered the test.


    • Dave

      I would like to chat with you. I also worked on the case. Shoot me an email tks


    • Anonymous

      He may have not been telling everything. Who would want to admit helping themselves to some unlawful possessions? I don’t blame him for being nervous during questioning. Just the fact he had a pulse at all shows me remorse. Because not all people have remorse and have even passed polygraphs.


  20. Dave Souza

    Hooked on BBC. There is no need for her to return to America.


  21. alexander

    I am an investigator in fla. I am very much interested in this case. I have a 85% success rate and I am willing to go solve this case which I think I can find out what happen to Claudia . I charge a fee. Yes I am exspenive but I always provide closure to clients who want to no about what happened to a love one. If the Kirschlocks want a true answer they can contact me at 386 385 3747. Instead of a reward lets find out what happened to her by old investigator methods. I have the ability to find people by my methods and sometimes they are not friendly inquires. Please put me in touch with the Kirschlocks so I can give them closure. Alexander M. Sharp III Florida.


  22. Kat Bailot

    One bathing suit missing. Then it happened by the hotel. Did the boyfriend stick her in his trunk from there and threw her off a cliff into the ocean. Did she accidentally die and it was covered up?


  23. Anonymous

    It isn’t safe for anyone, male or female, to travel in foreign countries they are not very familiar with. This story makes me fear that this poor girl was trafficked. I certainly hope not.


  24. Tom

    Its never 100 percent safe in any country to travel by yourself especially a lone female. Maybe Cuba, Tibet, Saudi Arabia and China. I suggest you yanks try Saudi, The usa is one of the most violent and dangerous countries of all time. Even in barbaric Rome and medieval Europe women were not safe to travel on there own When they could in other parts of the world. Also more females have being attacked in places like Bali and India than ever in Jamaica or anywhere else in the caribbean. Just last week over here in the uk it was on the news a British girl was attacked kept prisoner and raped by some bloke in Australia.


  25. Melissa Vazquez

    I just arrived from Jamaica last night. I stayed in Montego bay and reading this story breaks my heart. I am too from New York and witnessed a lot of mis treating with the Jamaicans. They play such a great role of : respect, trust, bless up” the words they use but they are so quickly to harass you for money and be very persistent when they want something. And when they hear the answer “no: they become a different person. Jamaica is NOT SAFE for any young women to travel there alone. I loved the island but I think once is enough. I too left the resort bc of the staff saying how safe it is to do so. and I got caught into a little mix up with a few and they demanded money from me or otherwise they would have use force.. Hope one day justice is served for Claudia .


  26. concern

    I wonder if she was sold into a sex ring… he wouldn’t have had to kill her to do that and the fact that her scent was in the trunk.. that cant be looked over. maybe the backseat, but you know. Maybe thats why everyone tried to cover the crime – because they potentially all profited from her being sold.


  27. mark

    i agree i think something happend to claudia and because that island relies soley in tourism,the murder of a white american woman would have severly tarnished the holiday destination.it is just too coincedental that the licence plate sheet for that month was missing,the cctv footage was recored over,the maids cleaned the room before any forensics could be taken and the polygraph test on the barman was inconclusive!!
    i believe the jamaican authorities covered it up as they were very uncooperative with federal police.however surley now 17 years later (2017) the technology has moved on,polygraphs are more accurate and dna is as good as ever.maybe the fbi should go back and re test the subjects.

    it sounds exactly like little 4 year old madeline mccann that went missing in portugal in 2007.
    and corrie mckeague that went missing in september 2016.
    someone knows something however in countries like jamaica everyone sticks together and so nobody will come forward.


  28. Camesha

    I am a Jamaican. Still hoping that she is found alive and well. To the person who suggested a neurological lie detector test- the test can still be done, if he’s still alive. No crime ever goes unpunished. No closure for the friends and families… heartbreaking. Ask the FBI to summon that suspect.


  29. whats become

    case solved the dogs are better detectives than the human ones just read this case the dog really those solve this case and the human detectives are still dumb founded as to what happen when the bar tender is positively guilty and our connected to the poor woman’s disapperance shame on you detectives .


  30. sunil

    I cannot imagine what she may have went tru….and d pain her parents felt at that time….and now….so long with not knowing…i am sorry….i hope one day u will have ur answers..and justice will b rewarded to her


  31. michael edward nitsch

    i greatly fear that she has been kidnapped and works now at a brothel as has many young girls vacationing abroad. i am sure she is so drugged up she does not even want to try to escape being addicted to cocaine or what ever drug these godless men use.
    this is how they keep these young girls working for them by drugging them up so that these young girls are dependant on these drugs.


    • winston donald

      Why did the hotel taped over the video.The authorities were weak on this and should have done deeper investigation. someone at the top hierarchy of the hotel management knew what happened. It is obvious foul play is at work. It is inconceivable that she would be living in Jamaica without someone seeing her. This is an island 44 miles wide by some 150 miles long. Time for the case to be investigated. someone knows something.


  32. Johnny

    It seems many people disappear in these island paradises. Tania should have stayed with Claudia or flown home together. Claudia probably would still be alive. I think Claudia was a mark early in Jamaica. She had some money and was attractive to a criminal type. Once Tania left Jamaica, the criminal made his move. This Claudia disappearance may never be solved. The Jamaican people didn’t seem to cooperative to help or are hiding the culprit.


  33. Jamaican

    Was just wondering if she was found or what had become of this case. I really hope they are still investigating. A lot of cold cases get solved many years after. I really hope her parents find out what happened to her


  34. Stella

    There would not be any blood on Anthony Grant’s car mat if she was strangled. It could also be that there was foul play by someone or some people at the resort but then the dogs would have found something right?


  35. Stella

    I agree with what Rebecca and Shinji are saying. Anthony Grant probably beat the polygraph because it is based on Blood pressure and he is used to lying so much in his job, He should have been given a neurological lie detector test, which he CANNOT beat. The resort made sure everything was cleaned out because they did not want to scare away tourists. What I would advise Claudia’s parents to do is to get a PR person to write to every single major newspaper in the US and EU, begging everyone to boycott Jamaica as a vacation area and go elsewhere instead, like Clearwater Beach in Florida or if they prefer an island, go to any other island except Jamaica until they turn Anthony Grant over and cooperate in searching for her body all over those mountains, valleys, gulley’s, hills, and water falls.with the cadaver dogs.


    • Charlotte

      This comment makes no sense. People get killed and kidnapped in America all the time. Nobody is going to boycott Jamaica lmao


    • livefrom nyc

      They didn’t have a mri based lie detector then. that was new. and maybe they can reopen the case.. and boobie kay isa island right of of sandal Negril. maybe she trid to swim it and got drown. ? but why did the dog pick up her scent. maybe he wsa with her had her scent on him and picked up things. ? not sure. but one day when that story came out. I was at a place record store and a poster of her was placed on bulletin board of the reggae store and I read it and said. to check the bartender to myself, not knowing anything about the cse beause women in Jamaica usualy flock to bar tenders.. if she was wearing just a swim suit and carry nothing she could went swimming.. and drown. people down ther are money hungry and someone might turn someone in. for 50 thousand dollars then can retire… and not follow me home to kill me for what I have. Negril is full of realty brazen money mongers..


    • Verna Thomas

      fool..bc idiot


  36. Shinji kataoka

    According to the source from Charley Project, the Kirschhoch family claims that the Jamaican authorities were unwilling to cooperate with the investigation. Also noted that the log book that supposed to record all of the license plate numbers of the vehicles coming in and out of the hotel was missing, and the video footage of (outside) the room where Claudia was staying was recorded over and the room was cleaned up, probably before the investigation took place. Also the polygraph test and the questionings of Anthony Grant were “inconclusive”, which begs the question: how did it came to this conclusion? I believe that the entire Jamaican community, along with the Jamaican authorities and Anthony Grant himself were involved in this case, and I fear that foul play is suspected.


    • Anonymous

      A hotel has to clean their rooms every morning. And many security companies only kept VHS tapes for one week before re-recording. (Today it is different. Everything is computer. You can now have gigabytes.) Jamaica is really a nice place to visit. I wish I could go there. I would feel safer there than in Las Vegas Nevada.


  37. David

    Has anybody in Jamaica or from Jamaica seen this woman before? She has been missing for 15 years. If you have, please leave a tip.


  38. Rebecca

    According to a canine handler on the case, his dog tracked Claudia’s scent to the home of Anthony Grant, the bartender last seen with Claudia. At Grant’s home, the dog hit on a pair of boots, a pair of gloves, and a knife. While searching Grant’s car, the dog also seemed to hit on Claudia’s scent in the backseat and the trunk. All this information, but they let him go. He had to have known what happened to her, he was the last one to be seen with Claudia. Jamaica is full of mountains, valleys, gulley’s, hills, water falls. It is a possibility he could have killed her and disposed of the body, without leaving a trace.


    • michael edward nitsch

      i greatly fear that she was kidnapped and now works in some brothel made dependant on drugs so as not to try to escape from her captors now her new masters.
      this happens to many young girls who vacation in the islands.


  39. Miranda shortt

    I hope they find her soon


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