A mother is convicted of murdering her two young boys but she says the killer is still at large.

Two young boys, Damon and Devon Routier. Damon has short blonde hair and Devon has short brown hair.

Damon & Devon Routier

The Routier family posing on a sidewalk. The father has short brown hair and a full beard and the mother, Darlie, has long blonde hair.

Routier family


On the night of June 6th, 1996, Darlie Lynn Routier made a frantic call to 911. She told the dispatcher that she and her two sons had been stabbed.

Darlie is in a hospital bed after being attacked. There are bandages on her forehead and chest.

Darlie in hospital

Five minutes later, police arrived at Darlie’s home in Rowlett, a suburb of Dallas. Darlie’s eldest son, Devon, had already died from four knife wounds. He was just three days shy of his seventh birthday. His brother, five year old Damon, had also been attacked. Damon later died in the care of a paramedic.

Darlie had a deep gash in her neck and wounds on her arms. She was immediately transported to a local hospital for emergency surgery and survived.

Eight months later, Darlie Routier was convicted of killing her two young sons and sentenced to die by lethal injection. It is a verdict that her mother, Darlie Kee, refused to accept:

“I never thought that Darlie did this. Devon and Damon’s killer is running free, and that’s what this is about– the truth and finding justice for Devon and Damon. That’s the most important thing… we’ve got to save her life before they execute this innocent girl.”

Her family insists crucial evidence was overlooked during her trial. But authorities argue that their case against Darlie Lynn Routier is overwhelming.

A mugshot of Darlie from the Rowlett Police Department.

Darlie Routier mugshot

Darlie claims she too was attacked on the night her sons were murdered. Shortly after her surgery, Rowlett police detectives interviewed Darlie.

While still sedated, Darlie told investigators that on the night of the attack, she, Devon, and Damon had fallen asleep in the downstairs family room while watching TV. Her husband, Darin, was sleeping upstairs with their eight month old son, Drake.

According to Darlie, at 2:30 AM, she suddenly awoke and saw a man hovering over her with a knife. The man then fled so Darlie followed him into the utility room where she found a knife. She picked it up to defend herself in case the man returned. Darlie told police that it was only then that she realized she was injured and her boys had been attacked.

Her husband Darin was also interviewed by Rowlett homicide detectives:

“I hear this scream. I run down the stairs. Darlie at that point is yelling, ‘Devon, Devon, Devon, Devon, Devon, Devon.’ I mean, she’s just freaking. I get to Devon and he’s got these two huge gashes in the top of his chest and he’s laying face up, I mean, just blinking his eyes. You know, I’m thinking CPR, I prop his head back, I start blowing into his mouth, and as soon as I blow into his mouth, air comes out of his chest. Blood splatters all over me. Not only have you just been woken up to the worst nightmare in your whole life, your child is dying in front of you. And you just, you don’t know what to do.”

Investigators did not question Darin’s story. But they were troubled by Darlie’s statement. They didn’t understand how she could have slept through the attack and not give a clear description of her assailant. Sgt. Dean Poos of the Rowlett Police Dept. was assigned to the case:

“When it came time to describe the so-called suspect, she was unable to describe the person, even though the person was supposedly kneeling or sitting, standing on top of her.”

A picture of Darlie's shirt that she was wearing during the attack. There are small green stickers next to every blood stain.

Darlie’s bloodstained shirt

At the crime scene, investigators reportedly were not finding evidence to corroborate Darlie’s version of events. They discovered the alleged entry and exit point of the killer—an open window in the garage that had its screen slashed. Yet there was an undisturbed layer of dust on the windowsill, suggesting that no one came through it. Detectives also found a long bleached-blond hair in the cut screen. At the time of the attack, Darlie Routier had long bleached-blond hair.

Police found nothing missing from the home and ruled out robbery as a motive. Sgt. Poos believed that the blood evidence didn’t support the story of an intruder:

“The lack of a blood trail leading from the crime scene, continuing out the path that the intruder supposedly took was problematic to say the least. This individual miraculously manages to keep any sense of blood or any evidence off of him, doesn’t leave any footprints. All the blood’s contained in one area. That was one of the things that again did not jibe with her story.”

Another puzzling clue was discovered in an alley three houses down from Darlie’s home. There investigators found a tube sock with small amounts of blood from the two murdered boys. According to Sgt. Poos, the sock was part of a cover-up:

“One of the characteristics of cases, where mothers are involved in the killing of children is that after the fact, there’s a very amateuristic cover-up… No one wants to believe that a mother would do something like this to their children. But at some point, when you’re presented with this type of overwhelming physical evidence, you have to start accepting some of it.”

A week and a half after the murders, Darlie was interrogated by a detective reportedly known for extracting confessions from suspects. According to Sgt. Poos, Darlie stated that if she did commit the murders, she had no recollection. The detective who conducted the interview said it was never recorded.

Darlie’s mother was confident that her daughter never made the incriminating statement:

“It should have been audiotaped and videotaped. But yet on this high-profile case, he didn’t have an audiotape or a videotape, which I think is a total lie.”

Darlie’s attorneys and investigators say that the evidence used against her was flawed. Lloyd Harrell was a private investigator for the defense:

“When the officers examined the window which had been cut, they found there was no dust disturbed on the window sill, and also found a blond hair stuck into the screen area. They assumed that blond hair was Darlie’s. Later, that hair, through DNA examination, was determined to belong to a Rowlett police officer. The window sill is 10 inches off the floor. If you went through the window and crouched down and put one leg through the window, it’s more probable you wouldn’t disturb the dust than you would disturb the dust.”

The prosecution opened their case by offering the state’s theory of the crime. According to the state, Darlie Routier was a selfish woman whose extravagant lifestyle was being threatened by the responsibilities of motherhood. The prosecution insinuated that if her two boys were dead, Darlie could collect on their life insurance and resume her wild ways.

Darlie with long brown hair in prison talking to a visitor through the glass.

Darlie in prison

The District Attorney argued that Darlie, suffering from postpartum depression, slit her own throat, and then tried to make it appear that an intruder had committed the crime.

During the trial, a medical examiner testified that Darlie’s wounds were superficial and self-inflicted. But the defense introduced medical records showing that the knife slash to Darlie’s neck came within 1/16 of an inch of severing her carotid artery. A wound this severe would have instantly killed her.

The defense also attacked the theory that she committed the murders to collect on her boys’ life insurance policy, which totaled $5,000. According to Darlie’s attorney, if money was the motive, why wouldn’t she kill her husband who was insured for $800,000?

The prosecution countered with a blood spatter expert. Virtually all of the blood on Darlie’s shirt was her own. But there was one tiny bloodstain on the back that contained both Devon and Damon’s blood.

The prosecution also played a videotape for the jury. Eight days after the murders, a news crew captured video of the Routier family celebrating Devon’s seventh birthday posthumously.

Darlie was on painkillers, antibiotics, and antidepressants but joined her family in singing Happy Birthday. After viewing the tape, Sgt. Poos believed Darlie’s behavior was not consistent with that of a grieving mother.

Darlie defended her behavior:

“That was a celebration of Devon’s birthday. We had invitations sent out. We had presents already bought. And he was murdered three days before we got to have his party… It’s done out of memory to them. They twisted that and made that into something ugly.”

During deliberations, the jury watched the video eight times. It took them ten hours to reach a guilty verdict. Darlie Routier was immediately taken to death row at Gatesville State Prison.

Darlie’s family and attorneys claim that during the investigation and trial, crucial details were overlooked. They say that the photos of her wounds were not properly presented to the jury. After the trial, one of the jurors who convicted Darlie, Charles Samford, had a chance to take a close look at the pictures:

“After I saw the pictures, it made me feel that she’s not guilty. She did not cut herself, and that she put up a heck of a fight to protect her own self. I believe with all my heart that Dara Lynn Routier is innocent. There’s not a doubt in my mind.”

Lloyd Harrell, Darlie’s attorney, also points to the tube sock found 75 yards from the crime scene:

“The sock contains both boys’ blood and probably epithelial, or skin, DNA of Darlie. There are no bloodstains that belong to Darlie on the sock. So it obviously had to be touched by someone after both boys had been stabbed, who also had contact with Darlie.”

Darlie’s supporters say that examining the timeline that night makes the prosecution’s account of the murders impossible.

Medical testimony established that Damon could not have lived for more than nine minutes after his fatal stab wound and that he did not die until the paramedics arrived. So before they arrived, the following events must have happened.

Darlie talked to a 911 operator for five minutes and 40 seconds of those nine minutes. The police secured the crime scene for an additional two of the nine minutes before paramedics were let in. That leaves Darlie Routier approximately a minute and a half to place the sock 75 yards down the street, stage a crime scene, and then cut her own throat.

Darlie’s family believed unidentified fingerprints at the crime scene belong to the intruder. A fingerprint on the door leading to the garage, and a second print on the credenza behind the couch, have never been positively identified by investigators.

Her family also believed the attacker may have been a sexual predator. A series of violent rapes occurred in the Dallas area at the same time as the Routier murders. These crimes were quite similar to the attack on Darlie and her children. The assailant entered the unlocked homes of victims, attacked them with knives found in the kitchen, and wore tube socks over his hands to avoid leaving fingerprints.

Darlie’s lawyers continue to appeal her sentence. If and when those appeals are exhausted, Darlie Lynn Routier will be executed.

Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season twelve with Robert Stack and in season two with Dennis Farina. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Various seasons available now on Hulu.




  1. Ch

    Psychopathic personality! To much evidence, what intruder breaks in then uses a knife from the block in the kitchen to make a cut in the screen, then placed the knife back in the block ! All this and not waking anyone! Also, why kill the children ? Highly unusual! So much evidence, she did it…. She just couldn’t finish herself off after! Evil child murders do exist, Casey Anthony, Susan Smith, Darlie Routier did it.


  2. James

    Not for me to judge her guilty or innocent, a jury did that already. I did find one comment on UM stands out to me as strange. It was along the lines of we already sent out the invitations and presents were purchased so in essence the party must go on. I know everyone grieves different, but seems like an odd perspective especially about the invitations being sent out. Like you can’t upset those who RSVP? The persona in that comment sent a chill down my spine.


  3. Legend

    I’m not sure if she is guilty or innocent but I can say that there are definitely some unanswered questions and things that don’t make sense.


    • Anonymous

      If she was really asleep dreaming about an intruder, she could of killed her kids sleep walking. That’s the best I can do for her. Too many injuries to her arms to not even get a look at a suspect.


      • Caren

        I can believe she blocked out the killers face. She was experiencing a very traumatic event. It’s the brains way of protecting us by blocking out certain details of traumatic events. I do not believe she caused those injurys to herself either. I’m not completely convinced of her guilt.


    • Angie

      Amen! Don’t you think that everything should be tested BEFORE she is executed! I do not wish to be on that jury decided whether she lives or dies. That video that they wished to see 7 times that was totally against the law……. is what really sent her to death row. I don’t know either friend but I still have questions.


  4. Anonymous

    I think she was motivated from the Jaclyn Dowaliby case. But she underestimated Texas detectives. They were very good. The police had it right on this one.


    • Bruce

      What, are you from the Texas Sheriff’s dept.? You think you have a right to judge someone who you have never met & don’t know anything but that which the Sheriff’s dept. Has said about her & their investigation of this crime. You sind as if the Sheriff’s department couldn’t & doesn’t make mistakes or errors, or that they are flawless & infallible.


      • Anonymous

        I’m not judging anyone. Good people do may mistakes. But an intruder doesn’t just break into a house just to kill kids. In fact many survivors of homicides like that are kids. (Because they are too young to be witnesses.)


  5. Angel

    Personally I think she didn’t do it at all, the evidence is not adding up and is very sketchy to begin with, and why would the third child not be with them instead of in the bed with the father. The angle of the cuts are not self inflicted wounds that a person no matter how skilled they are would be able to do to themselves. Where is the evidence from under her nails or the kids nails, you know that one is not all of the victims had to of scratched the perp.


    • Darlie Killed the Boys

      All the evidence adds up and it all points to her. The angle of the self-inflicted wounds is a bunch of bullshit people who don’t know what they’re talking about makeup. Even the defense’s own experts had to concede while on the stand that they could have been self-inflicted. You want to talk about the angle? The prosecuting attorney was actively making the motion required to self-inflict the wounds in the courtroom in front of everyone when one of the doctors tried to say it wasn’t probable. That’s how much people lie for that woman. He had to concede that he was wrong and that the prosecutor was doing it in front of the entire courtroom. He started stammering and stuttering.

      Stop lying you excuse a brutal child butcher.


      • Melisentia

        Also, an assassin is not going to come to a stranger’s mansion unarmed. Just looking at the crime scenes pictures of those boys with the gaping holes in their bodies compared to her nicks is suspicious af. Of course she killed them in cold blood!


    • Anonymous

      It doesn’t matter if the wounds were self inflected or not. People will injure themselves if they are inexperienced with knives. This definitely was not an experienced killer that killed 70 people. Derion Vence was attack with a crowbar. I think it bounced off the wall after striking its intended target. Texas police are not dumb. They will put two and two together.


  6. Dee

    In this case it is obvious the police had tunnel vision and disregarded vital evidence and proof of someone other than Darlie being the killer. They only collected evidence that supported there theory. This is exactly how so many innocent people end up in prison. Darlie was judged solely on the video of the graveyard. If my baby had been killed right before his birthday I would have held back my grief and tears and had a celebration for him as well. Some parents love their children so much, that even in their grief they will do what they think their child would have like if they were still alive. It’s bull$#!? that she is sitting on death row for loving her boys and because the police department was too lazy to collect evidence and find the real killer! People are crazy if they think because the police say something or collect evidence to prove their theory, makes it the truth. Police are human and they lie just like other humans. Without absolute proof of guilt no one should be put in prison. All these cases of circumstantial evidence need to be proven before ruining someone’s life by throwing them in prison.


    • monica

      it was not the video alone that convicted her but forensic evidence, the prosecutors did not find any other evidence of someone else doing it, up to today, they have been searching for evidence for someone other than Darlie and haven’t found any


    • Anonymous

      An intruder doesn’t just sneak up on people to attack them. They are usually startled and left defending themselves. I’ve seen many cases were intruders had a good defense for attacking. This is not a good defense. No jury would buy this crap of a robbery gone wrong and knowing where the knives were and to wash the knives while escaping.


      • May Kay

        Yeah also I’m curious why, according to her story, she decided to follow the intruder into whatever utility room he went into, and didn’t scream until she noticed they were all stabbed. It makes 0 sense that she would follow them


    • Danelle

      So very true Dee!!! Tunnel vision from 530 am, thanks to James cron prentending to be a cop… such a fraud!


  7. BOConnor

    This story is an exact replica of Tommy Lynn Sells crimes. Has there been any investigation into that possibility. He was killing across Texas during the Routier murders.


    • Jan

      Totally agree that this was Tommy Sells murder, the same as killed the Dardens. he beat Mrs Dardens toddler and baby she gave birth to during the crime to death.. and the 13 year old girl who he killed with a knife while sleeping and her friend was also stabbed but survived. Same motive. I dont believe Mama Darlie murdered her boys.


      • Bertha Manning

        I know these two things. Darcie was convicted in the 90’s. Joel’s mom was convinced after that. When I head the story of Joel’s mom I thought that sounds exactly like what Darcie said happened to her. Also a fact a person who gets serve head injury could do things not knowing they are injured. A man had been beat severely. Police find blood on the bathroom sink and blood outside. The man regain conscious he washed his face and went through his normal routine of going to work. Not even looking at his injury did he know he was injured. After he gets the paper from the front door. He sits on the couch and attempt to read the newspaper and dies. Looking at the injuries Darcy had she took a beating. No way could she do it to herself. And if Joel’s case happened first the Darcy’s case happened. Reasonable doubt would be there. Police in both cases sound exactly the same. And tommy sells said ” there are people in person doing time for crimes I committed. In both cases the police saw the mother as the killer and nothing was going to change their minds. Tommy sells is reasonable doubt. And the only thing that makes sense.


    • MattC

      Tommy Lynn Sells was in a West Virginia prison on June 6, 1996.


    • OG Misanthrope

      People try to excuse Killer Darlie’s butchering Devon and Damon by invoking Tommy Lee Sells. It is not an “exact replica” of his murders. It isn’t even close. Not when you know the actual evidence and not the nonsense written online and pumped out by television shows that make no effort to get the facts correct.

      Sells was in prison when this crime happened.


      • Anonymous

        I knew Unsolved Mysteries lied about the bloody finger print and sock. I really think less of the show as they did this all the time. Absolutely disgusting on their part to lie for entertainment’s sake. She obviously murdered her kids and the gullible fans of murderers are suckered by the TV show’s lies and are forever living in a fantasy world where they want a mom who murdered her two little boys to walk free. Disgusting behavior by many.


    • OG Misanthrope

      This is not an unsolved crime. Darlie Routier butchered her sleeping 6 year old son Devon and 5 year old Damon. The information contained in this “article” isn’t remotely accurate.

      Killer Darlie was interviewed by the police multiple times. The first interview was the morning of the crime. The second interview was the second day of the crime. The interview they discussed in this “article” that happened a week and a half after the crime was just one of many interviews..

      Killer Darlie’s wounds were not deep. They were superficial.. She was transported to the hospital, but it wasn’t immediately and it wasn’t urgent. She was perfectly fine. The EMT examined her outside the front door. At that point they did not know that she butchered Devon and Damon so in an act of caring and concern the EMT remove d her from the horrific site of her two sons on the floor butchered. He did not know that she created that horror. When the EMT checked her vital signs they we all perfectly normal. That’s the only horrifying state of Killer Darlie’s condition. Killer Darlie played no symptoms of shock. Her pallor was good. The CRT conducted by the EMT confirmed that the Baby Butcher was perfectly fine. If you want a testament do exactly who and what Killer Darlie is it’s right here in this factual information. If you want to take the side that she’s a poor innocent victim or she’s the brutal killer that she is think about this. Both her sons are on the floor butchered. Supposedly she’s been attacked. Many of you heard the hysterics in her 911 call. A mere 5 – 6 minutes later every single one of her vital signs are perfectly normal. Pulse is normal. Her blood pressure is normal. Her respiration is normal. She is not in shock. She displays no symptoms of shock. That tells everyone everything they need to know about this beast who butchered Devon and Damon while they slept. Think about that. Would all your vitals be normal in that situation? Your pulse isn’t going to be raised? Your blood pressure isn’t going to be raised? Your breathing isn’t going to be increased or decreased? Decreased respiration is also a sign of fear and shock. Both increase or decrease respiration can occur in that situation..Not Killer Darlie. She was right as rain. Of course she was. She’s likely a psychopath.

      Killer Darlie did not have emergency surgery. She had exploratory surgery to determine what if any damage was caused by herself inflicted superficial wounds. It wasn’t a surgery she absolutely had to have. Her insurance covered it they may as well do it. One blood vessel was leaking. The blood vessel was cauterized. It doesn’t require severe injury to break a blood vessel. Frequent alcohol consumption and extended sun exposure can break blood vessels. The doctor would have released her the same day had she not been brought into the hospital under the circumstances she was brought in. At that point all the doctors knew was that her children had been butchered and her fairy tale that she had also been scratched in the attacks. She was kept just to monitor her mental state. She was not put into ICU because she required the services of ICU. The doctor who attended to her care went to the administrator to request permission to put her in ICU to keep her out of reach of the press. The doctor was required to ask the administrator for permission because she did not have a medical need to be in the ICU and doctors cannot just put people into ICU without medical cause. There has to be a medical reason for them to take a bed in ICU. The administrator approved the stay in ICU as it was empty and the nurses would not be burdened by someone who did not need the medical services of ICU. She was released the next day..

      The stories about where Mr. Imaginary were when Killer Darlie suddenly awoke changed multiple times. First she woke up feeling pressure on her legs and it was because he was on her. Then he was hovering over her, but not on her or the sofa. Then he was walking away from her when she woke up. One time she woke up and he was on top of her. She couldn’t provide description of what he looked like to the police so she changed that story to Mr. Imaginary was walking away from her. She had several different explanations for how she suddenly awoke. After several story changes she changed it too Damon, who she butchered so severely the likelihood that he would have been pressing on her shoulder and talking to her was nil, she now claims pressed on her shoulder and said “Mommy Mommy” Right. So, the just butchered Damon and tried to wake up his mother with Mr Imaginary standing right Damon had two punctured lungs multiple severe stab wounds, but he stood up and went to his mother with this attacker standing right there. People actually believe that ridiculously asinine nonsense.

      In regards to the knife that was supposedly on the utility room floor: the forensic investigators found absolutely no indication that the knife was on the utility room floor. The knife was bloody. The area where she claims the knife was had no blood. There was no indication that it had been dropped on the floor or was on the floor for any period of time at all.

      Killer Darlie never once, in 26.5 years, asserted that she picked up the knife to use as a weapon of self-defense. Not once. She told the ridiculous tale that she just picked it up because it was “instinct”

      The investigators absolutely did question Darin’s story. Darin was their first suspect and he was thoroughly instigated and cleared.

      It does not matter one whit that both Darlie Routier & Darlie Kee lied and said Killer Darlie never said to the the police “If I did it I don’t remember” There is absolutely no reason for the police to have lied about that statement. Both Darlie’s have lied repeatedly about many things over the last 26.5 years. You shouldn’t believe either one of them. Ever. Don’t trust them farther than you can throw them. The list of lies is enormous. If their lips are moving they are lying.

      The window Killer Darlie staged to make it appear Mr Imaginary used to enter the home is very low to the ground. The people who don’t know anything about this case like to say it’s so easy for anyone to just to step right into the house. Sure. It would be if the room were completely empty as it is when Darin illustrates stepping in the window on one of the TV farces that have covered this case. That room was jam-packed full of stuff. Things were right in front of the window. A stranger who doesn’t know where they’re going in the dark would not have easily stepped through that window with all the crap in that room. A person who know the house and all the things that were packed into that room would have a hard time coming in through through not just the window, but the window screen and stepping into a completely dark room that is full of stuff. The room was messy and it was very full. There are objects right in front of the window..

      The screen on the window was cut using a bread knife from inside the house.

      The medical record did show that she came close to cutting her carotid artery. The MD who treated her testified to it. That doesn’t mean that the wounds weren’t superficial. That’s a fairy tale the liars like to tell for their favorite baby butcherer. The carotid artery is not set deeply in the neck. That is why it can be used to take a pulse. Try taking your pulse with your femoral artery or your tibital artery. It cannot be done. Because they are set deeper in the body. The carotid artery is close to the surface of the body. Simply because she came close to cutting it means nothing. It doesn’t mean the wound was severe. The wound wasn’t severe. The wound was superficial. It doesn’t mean she couldn’t possibly have done it. That’s utter nonsense. People have cut their own necks for hundreds of years. Anyone who makes a minimal amount of effort can learn that information.

      It was more than one spot of blood on the back of her night shirt that contained Devon and Damon’s blood. The significance of Devon and Damon’s blood having been found on the back of her shirt indicates that it was there because of her thrusting motion with the knife. She brought the knife all the way back and that is when the boys blood splattered on her back and then stabbed forward again. Both boys were stabbed with incredible force. That force was created by her pulling her arm all the way back and then bringing it down. There was also blood spatter on the front of her shirt from both of the boys. The tales of the blood spatter show that they were splashed on her nightshirt in an upward motion. That means she was above both boys as she butchered them and the blood sprayed onto her nightshirt in an upward motion.

      Killer Darlie was given no pain killers when she was discharged from the hospital. This is a common lie that Pro Killers tell in an attempt to excuse her gleeful demeanor at the Silly String party on the grave and the fact that she never appears to be in emotional pain or grieving. She very rarely cried. So, they need to tell the lie that she was drugged into a state which resulted in a flat affect. Problem with that fairy tale is that people don’t lapse in and out of a flat affect. The difference between being heavily medicated and having a flat affect is easy to discern. Do not present the same.
      She was not taking any prescription pain medication. No prescription pain medicine was necessary.

      She did leave the hospital with medication. She was on a starter dose of Xanax. The typical starting dose of Xanax is 0.25 to 0.5. Everyone’s tolerance is different. Regardless that is not a dosage that is going to render an individual completely numb except for when they are bubbling over with glee she as she was during Silly String party. Can’t have it both ways. You can’t say that she so drugged that she didn’t experience pain and grief but she did experience glee. She most certainly appears gleeful. If the drugs are going to get of her a flat affect so she doesn’t experience grief and pain then she wouldn’t all over with glee either. Heavily medicated or not grief and pain is still visible in one’s face, eyes, posture and demeanor.. Never once did she display a single sign of being in pain or grief except when she was arrested and when she broke down on the stand because she continually caught herself in her own lies..

      Regardless of what happened at the Silly String party the lie that Pro Killers tell that she was convicted due to that video is exactly that; a lie. She was convicted on the sum of the whole of all of the evidence. It all points directly to Killer Darlie as the one who butchered Devon and Damon while they slept. Multiple jurors has affirmed this fact.

      The way this author relayed the story about the photos and the juror having changed his mind is inaccurate. Author Barbara Davis claimed that she changed her mind and claimed that Killer Darlie darling didn’t do it. She always maintained that all of the information in her book was accurate and truthful. One of the excuses she gave for having changed her mind was that a “deep throat source” told her that the jurors were not shown all the photographs. That’s a bald-faced lie. The jurors were shown all the photographs. One of the photographs Barbara Davis claimed the jurors weren’t shown multiple jurors confirmed they did see. Barbara Davis tried to claim that the jurors were never shown the photographs of Killer Darlie’s bruises. She claims they were hidden from her as well. That’s a bald-faced lie. Barbara Davis darn well knew it was a bald-faced lie as she wrote about Killer Darlie’s bruises on page 306 in her book..

      The con artists who lied continually for Darlie the Baby Butcher turned the juror, Charles stating he did not remember seeing the pictures of the bruises into he was never shown the pictures. He then questioned his verdict of guilty. He questioned it because they conned him and played with his mind. He, along with other jurors, were later shown all of the photos. All of them, including the ones the defense, Killer Darlie and mother Darlie Kee continue to tell everyone the jurors were not shown, the jurors confirmed they were shown at trial. Multiple jurors confirmed they did see photos the liars claim they were never shown. Charles then changed his mind again and said he did agree with her his original verdict. Guilty. It is to be noted that he was an older gentleman. His memory would not have been as good as some of the younger jurors. The deceitful and criminal minded family and Pro Killer defenders targeted the juror most likely to not remember everything seen in a stack of over 900 photographs. It ended up backfiring on them. Their lies and conniving little scheme was exposed to be exactly what it was when the other jurors confirmed they absolutely did see photos that those liars claimed, continue to claim today, were never given to the jury.

      They lie because they have to lie. Innocent people do not need multiple people lying for them for over two decades for them. The lies never end with those people and the supporters who are too lazy to learn the facts of the case by utilizing the official documents, the police reports, the medical reports, the statements made the police, the depositions in the trials transcripts. One cannot watch a television production about this case and say that they know anything about this case other than Devon and Damon were brutally butchered. There isn’t a single TV production that gets all the facts correct. Some are worse than others. Some are disgusting and conniving in the way that they edited statements of jurors. “The Last Defense” intentionally and deceitfully edited the comments of a juror to make it appears though she based her guilty verdict on the fact that Killer Darlie has implants. That is disgusting. That is repugnant. That woman was just there doing her civic duty. More than likely she didn’t want to be there any more than most people want to be there when they get called for jury duty. She did her job anyways and those disgusting people intentionally edited her statements during interviews to make her look ridiculous and as though she did not take her duty seriously. As well as having convicted that disgusting baby butcherer because she had implants. Anyone with an ounce of sense, ask yourself, are you going to convict somebody of a homicide that ensures their death because they have implants? Are you going to send to somebody to their death because they have implants? No reasonable person would ever do such a thing. That is not how jury’s operate. Even jurors who do not want to be there are meticulous and take painstaking efforts to ensure they get it right. Especially in death penalty cases. The fact that the producers of “The Last Defense” would do something so despicable and disgusting in defense of a disgusting beast who butchered her sleeping five and six year old boys is proof that nothing they ever produce should be taken seriously. Nothing they ever produced should be put on the screen. They’re deceitful liars. They are deceitful liars in defense of a beast who butchered her sleeping five and six year old children. Repugnant. If I were that you’re I would have sued them. That juror was harassed relentlessly by the sick twisted people who support this baby butcherer and lie for her. That is not something that is unusual for them. They don’t call them the “Cult of Darlie” for no reason. Those people have messed with people’s lives because other people believe the truth of Killer Darlie’s guilt. They have tried to get people fired. They have called people’s churches and try to create trouble for them there. They have called CPS on multiple people. They have harassed their friends. They have driven people offline with their relentless bent and twisted harassment. The juror faced some of this criminal and neurodivergent behavior because the producers of “The Last Defense” chose to be disgusting and deceitful in the manner in which they edited statements given by a juror. They should have been sued.. I certainly would have sued them. The sick and twisted criminal behavior of the Cult of Darlie doesn’t exist only with the Cult of Darlie online. It exists with those with the money and the means to produce faumentary productions and those who work in the judicial system to free beasts who butcher their sleeping children. The last thing our imperfect judicial system that needs an overhaul needs is more liars and connivers compounding the problems that already exist within the system. The lion connive for a beast who butchered her sleeping 5-year-old and 6 year old little boys is so beyond repugnant. It is deserving of being disbarred and sued.

      In regards to the lies that the pro Killers tell about the fingerprints, Darlie Kee, family & supporters spend 10 years running around yelling RUN THE PRINT! The con with that little production was that they were claiming that there was a fingerprint that the prosecution did not run and that they should run. They are attempting to make it appear as though the prosecution was doing something nefarious by not running that print. The reality is they were told that they didn’t run the print because the print was too smeared. It would be impossible to make an identification using that print. For over a decade they ran around screaming and run the print and trying to make the prosecution look nefarious and as though they were hiding something by refusing to “run the print” The truth of that situation is the defense filed a motion with the court requesting permission for them to analyze and run that print. The court granted them permission to do so. They sat on that print for 10 years and did absolutely nothing with it. The whole time they were running around trying to give everybody the impression that the prosecution was doing something nefarious by not running that print. The entire time they had permission to have their own forensic investigators look at the print and run the print. 10 years they pulled that stunt. 10 years they conned people. 10 years they lied their asses off to everyone. Finally, when they needed to buy the baby butcherer oxygen she doesn’t deserve they decided to hold up the court proceedings by testing the print. That was going to take time. Which is exactly why they did it. So we sat around and waited for weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks for the test results to return. Low and behold when the results were returned, because they couldn’t con the court into waiting any longer, guess what the results of the defenses forensic investigator’s tests were? Nothing could be done with the print. No identification can be made because the print is too smeared. Exactly what the prosecution stated in 1996. The defense knew from the beginning that’s what would be found when their experts looked at the print. That’s why they put off running the test. For 10 years they lied and conned people knowing full well that they weren’t testing that print because they knew it will return exactly the findings that the prosecution’s experts found. A decade of constant lies and performances of RUN THE PRINT! Pretending that the prosecution was doing something nefarious when they knew from the very beginning that the prosecution was telling the truth. That’s who those people are..

      Another fingerprint was also processed. In 2015 they decided they wanted even more testing. Of course they’ve waited years to do this simply so they can buy her more oxygen. They don’t believe she’s actually innocent. They know these results are going to return nothing. This is all stalling tactics. This test was a test not available in 1996. They tested the bloody fingerprint for male DNA. No male DNA was found in that fingerprint. Once again, the Baby Butcher’s attempt to lie and con people into believing there was an imaginary man in the house that night failed.

      You also hear the Pro Killers and her family tell the lie that there is an unidentified print that was in the home. The lies on this fairy tale vary. The truth of the unidentified print is that there is a print that both of the little boys have been excluded as the source of as has Darin, the husband. At no point has Killer Darlie ever been excluded as the one to have left that print. You’ll hear them say that she has been. They are lying. That’s who they are. The experts state that the fingerprint is most likely the index finger belonging to a female. Mr Imaginary, she claims, was 6 ft and roughly 200 to 220 lb. No male that size left that fingerprint. It’s available online for everyone to see. It’s small and dainty. Also, even if professionals are not able to make an identification with a fingerprint they can tell whether it belongs to a male or a female. The ridge depth and the width between ridges in males and females differs. That wasn’t a fingerprint left by a male. She never claimed another unknown female was in the house. Who do you think the fingerprint belongs to?

      Killer Darlie had far more than a minute and a half to plant the sock. That’s a deliberate lie. It’s quite simple really if one is capable of being honest. She likely put the sock on her hand which explains why her DNA was found in the toe. She stabbed Devon and then Damon. That explains why her DNA was in the toe area of the sock and the boys blood was on the sock. She runs the sock. The sock was 75 yards from the home. That is 150 yards round trip. It takes 1:70nminutes, a tad over 2 minutes, to walk 150 yd at a pace of 3 mi per hour. Had more than enough time to leisurely walk and plant the sock. If she ran the socks she definitely had more than enough time. It took far less than a little over 2 minutes to run that sock. She comes back into the home scratches herself up and this is when she notices Damon is not dead. Damon has crawled away from the position where she had originally stabbed him and started heading out of the room. We believe that he attempted to pull himself up because a bloody handprint was found on the sofa with luminol. Killer Darlie washed it off but the luminol proved that it was there. She stabbed poor little Damon again and then picked up the telephone to call 911. There is no timeline until she picks up that phone. And guess what? The timeline fits that story perfectly. Damon died shortly after the EMT arrived at the home and put him in the ambulance. Very shortly after. That timeline works perfectly in conjunction with what the medical doctor said and the timeline that began when she called 911.

      If you genuinely want to reach and honest conclusion formed with integrity utilize the official documents. The police reports, the medical reports, the transcripts, the depositions, the statements given to the police, the police reports, the findings of the forensic investigators etc.. Don’t watch the television productions and allow yourself to believe that you have knowledge of what actually transpired. You do not. None of them get the information correct. As I’ve already explained some of them are disgusting and deceitful in the manner in which they present their disinformation and deceitful claims. One can only arrive at an honest conclusion by utilizing exactly the same information that was provided to the jury. Anyone who tells you otherwise does not know what they’re talking about or is simply not being honest.

      You may also hear or read Pro Killers whine and complain that we tell people to read the official documentation like they’re the holy Bible. We don’t believe that they’re the holy Bible. We know that they contain the factual information that is required to form an honest opinion born of Integrity of this baby butcher’s absolute guilt. They rail against them so much. That’s why they want to turn people away from reading those documents. They hate those documents because they prove exactly what the baby butcherer did.. They also tell the lie we don’t look at all of the evidence that has come to light after the trial. The reality is there is no evidence that has come to light after the trial that casts a shadow of a doubt on the original evidence in the verdict. They lie and say it does. They lie and conjure up imaginary test results that favor the killer. They’re lying.. that will come to light eventually. When the appellate court denies her final appeal and then the federal court denies her appeal, because this imaginary evidence that they claim is exculpatory and will free her and arrests for the real people involved will be imminent as soon as she walks out the doors of the prison, are just another great big fairy tale, everyone will know that lies they’ve been telling for years about the test results are exactly that. Make no mistake Pro Killers will continue to lie for decades after her execution that she was innocent. They will continue to make things up. They will continue to lie about the test results. They will lie in a threat on Facebook, their light will be exposed with unimpeachable sources and they will continue on telling that exact same lie anyway. They completely ignore that they’ve been exposed for the liar that they are and they go right on telling that very same lie right in that very same thread. That’s who they are. Exercise common sense and anyone who possess a modicum come of intelligence will be able to see exactly what they’ve been doing for over 2 decades. Lying.

      Don’t rely on my word. Don’t rely on anyone’s word that you meet online. Pro Killers lie incessantly for that woman. They alter evidence photos. They added blood to a pillow in an attempt to make her lies more believable. They altered a document to make her fairy tale seem true. Read the official documentation for yourself. No one wanted to believe that a mother was capable of committing such a horrific act. Many of us went into this not wanting this disgusting baby butcherer to be guilty. Once one reads all of the official documentation there is only one honest conclusion born of Integrity that one can come to. Guilty.


    • Baili

      The timing is off for Sells to have done this. That was one of my first thoughts as well, unfortunately he was incarcerated at this time.


    • Anonymous

      No testicle were sliced in this case. People don’t just kill fully cooperating people watching TV. Tommy would have been killed had he not killed. I seriously doubt if two k8ds would have driven Tommy Lynn Sells into a forced homicide.


    • Anonymous

      The killer’s middle name was Lynn. That is for certain.


    • Anonymous

      Why would Tommy go to the sink, wash himself, then go finish off a kid? The killer must have cut themselves.


  8. MeMe rose

    And there was a shoe print and there is no way that she was wereing shoes why she was sleeping so My final answer is she innocent and someone murder her boys. Or maybe she either slit and stabbed herself for her boys or someone did it 2 her. Unless it was her husband’s shoes and she put them on so she didn’t leave any evidence and my other reason she did is the cut. Take a look at the cuts and then say u have the knife slit yourself a little bit is it the same size as darlies that what the cops didn’t think so she is innocent or she Guilty.
    And there was the sock that had blood was she probly was wereing a sock and then got stabbed whtstile she was sleep and then her or somone took it outside to hide it


    • MattC

      The shoe print in the kitchen was Officer Walling’s. The boot print in the family room was the paramedics.


    • Anonymous

      The way she was cut shows me she was holding something and just got slashed on accident. I wish I could show an illustration. The knife gets very slippery with blood.


  9. MeMe rose

    Darlie Routier case what i think happened

    Darlie had 2 kill them cuz she would of heard her boys screaming and crying unless someone did kill her boys when they were in a deep sleep unless they everyone was in a deep sleep but the boys weren’t and they tried calling for Darlie but she didn’t answer cuz she was in a deep sleep or did her husband or did the boys killed themselves or after the boys were stabbed darlie slit herself so she could die with them 2?

    And there was a shoe print and there is no way that she was wereing shoes why she was sleeping so My final answer is she innocent and someone murder her boys and she etiher slit herself for her boys or someone did it 2 her


    • Neez

      A full grown man is completely capable of covering a 5 and 7 year olds mouth to kill them without any problem. She didn’t kill her boys, there’s absolutely no way.


    • Becky

      The shoe print was from a crime scene worker they proved that already! Darlie did it her bloody footprints was under the broken glass and vacuum cleaner. If there was an intruder that broke the glass while running away then Darlie ran after him her feet would have been cut and her blood would have been on top of the glass. She didn’t even try to help her boys, no holding them or trying to stop the bleeding.


  10. MeMe rose



  11. JezMyOpinion

    Her knife used to cut screen, jewelry wasn’t taken at sink where clean up occurred, she named 2 men in her jail letters & freaked out on the stand when asked about it, blood under the glass & vacuum, no cuts on her feet, wine glass was latched wouldn’t have been knocked down, Domain didn’t bark, motion lites not on, she called media herself to film that grave scene. Her mother had the opportunity a few years ago to go on Dr. Phil? Worldwide attn and any dna testing? She refused. Why? She knows her daughter did this. Her fans say necklace was embedded, had to be surgically removed but it simply fell off when bandage removed. Bruising on her arms prob caused by boys kicking her off. Her wounds were superficial & she didn’t know what/where carotid was. She was lucky she didn’t kill herself. She was such a light sleeper that she would wake up when Drake turned over in his crib yet she slept through all that? She’s guilty. http://www.darlieroutierfactandfiction.com/


  12. MattC

    Darlie is so guilty. Mountains of evidence. The bloody sink clean-up (where she cut herself), the bread knife with screen materials on it, the murder weapon from inside the home, the many changing stories of Darlie as she was dismantled on the stand at trial. The boy’s cast off blood on Darlie’s clothes, Darin’s sock placed in the open next to a garbage can and storm drain contained Darlie’s DNA in the toe area and the kid’s blood, staging the broken glass and vacuum cleaner with her bloody footprints underneath both…

    No sign of an intruder. Fenced in backyard broken gate undisturbed, despite Darlie having him exiting the garage. No blood in garage or backyard. Bloody smudged fingerprint, exhibit 85J, unidentified after run through AFIS (Jan 2020), contains no male DNA (2015). Darlie’s right ring finger never ruled out (State expert Pat Wertheim).


  13. jo

    I have been tracking Darin Routier and his lies for years and I have no idea why he was never investigated?
    Darlie asks why Darin’s underpants were such an important clue? Really?

    Those underpants were important because Darin said he went to bed naked that night yet when he showed up on those stairs when Darlie returned with the phone Darin was not only wearing a clean pair of jeans, but he was also wearing underpants that matched the blood type and stains as the jeans that were found hidden in that laundry room? The only person who could have worn and hidden those bloody jeans was the same person who was wearing the bloody underpants police took from Darin at the hospital.
    Thanks to Detective Jimmy Patterson Darin was never a suspect? Was that because he knew if he implicated Darin in the crime he would also be implicating his own criminal son who was a friend of Darin’s and also facing serious criminal charges?
    Why didn’t they question why Chad Patterson crushed his car right after the murders? Why didn’t they investigate the death of Chad Patterson’s girlfriend who just happen to turn up dead in Lake Hubbard close to where Darin stored his boat?
    Why aren’t they investigating these clues? Why do they refuse to investigate Darin Routier?


  14. jo

    Darlie Routier weill never see freedom unless she comes forward with the truth about Darin. She gave Darin a false alibi and has been lying for him for years. Police suspected right away they both committed the crime, but thanks to Detective Jimmy Patterson Darin was never investigated and Patterson made sure he was not a suspect.
    All the evidence is there and Greg Davis knows it. Davis knew all about Darin in August of 1996 and he chose to with hold all that evidence against Darin from the jury.
    Davis knew about those hidden bloody jeans belonging to Darin found in the utility room. He knew the only person who could have hid those bloody jeans was the same person who was wearing Darin’s bloody underpants. Davis knew in August Darin was the intruder all along.
    Darlie’s lawyers have all that evidence pointing to Darin and they refuse to investigate him, Why?
    While they are at it they need to fully investigate ex Detective Jimmy Patterson, Greg Davis, and Barbara Jovell. They have all they need to solve this crime sitting right there in front of them


  15. Skip

    I’ve always believed that Darlie was set up, and that her husband was involved. The boys that were murdered aren’t his, just the one he’d taken upstairs with him. In addition, I would think Darlie would have been screaming for help – would her husband have heard her? To this day, I keep looking for updates to this case in hopes that she will be found innocent and her life ultimately spared.


    • Sara

      Idk I am not sure if she did it or not…I don’t think she did if she did may she always burn in hell and that is too good….but if she did not she was set up, the cops never EVER even wanted to look for anyone else. They said she was guilty before looking at anyone else, they even brought up how she dyed her hair, and had breast implants just things that had nothing to do with a mom who always seemed by everyone close to them to love her kids. I don’t understand why the fact at the time she took care of her body, hair and makeup that made her guilty to them as well. I am not 100% convinced either way whether she did it or didn’t more leaning she didn’t. If she did she did NOT do it alone or maybe it was just her husband cause how in the world would anyone sleep through all that activity going on right down the steps that makes no sense. When I first heard this I thought for sure she was home alone I was shocked to hear Darren was home and just upstairs in bed. If she wanted her kids dead seems like she would have waited on both kids to die before calling the police but one was still alive and she was begging for them to save her son and hurry and get there. The cops never even tried to imagine another killer even when neighbors seen a car outside their neighborhood for a few days, they did not really do nothing to look for anyone else. I read due to the recent case of Susan Smith killing her children they automatically said Darlie was guilty nothing at all else mattered. I still find her husband at the time behavior odd. They expected her to remember every detail if she did not do it and your are almost fatally injured and your kids one dead one is dying how are you going to remember every single detail? They recording they took that pretty much sealed her case of guilty okay for one ppl all greive different. If you cry too much you are faking don’t cry enough you are guilty and that guy that filmed did not show earlier that day of the party where they all met there crying and kneeling on the grave. Her mother or relative, friend idk I don’t remember said they told her lets have him a party here to celebrate his life. Why did they clear the husband so fast they never even questioned him….it was like where was you oh in the house but up stairs asleep and was so not involved in what happened and they just took that at face value right then and there nothing else….maybe they both did it. Sadly though 2 small kids will never ever grow up, they will be what life had in store for them when they grew up like they was supposed to do. That is the worst part of this horrific tragedy,only Darlie, those lil boys dad, and those kids know what happened that horrific night.


    • raul miller

      I believe her husband had his hand in the murders, not sure how, but it appeared to be a bungled robbery.


    • Sharon

      Did you know they have a dog? You can see the dog bowls, plus the dog barked at one of the cops? Where was the dog when the so called intruder came in?


    • Magpie

      What do you mean not his? Of course they were his


    • Anonymous

      The husband was possibly withholding knowledge. And that is understandable. But what he is keeping hidden seemed more for protecting his wife than himself. She may have felt scorned from him. I mean he was her jewels. Something happened between him and her. They were not in unison by any means.


  16. UM fan

    She is guilty! Overwhelming evidence. Just read all the detailed evidence and there is no way you would still think she was innocent. When I didn’t know what crimes she had committed, I had an impression that she was extremely vain. Seeing her reactions made me think that she is a psychopath. She didn’t seem to be grieving at all. Instead, she constantly smirked and absolutely no tears. I think the motive is pretty clear. For those who are saying insurance money was the motive… No. I don’t think these murders had anything to do with money. Like I said before, she seems extremely vain and narcissistic and a bit psychopathic. I think she did it to draw attention to herself. She wanted the world to know her. Sympathize with her. I truly think that she thought she’d get away with it. Because she thinks that she is smarter than everyone, being a narcissistic and egotistical person. I have no doubt that the jury had the right verdict. She must remain in prison.


    • Kathy

      I totally agree with you, evidence is overwhelming.
      I don’t think husband was involved in murders but I do think he knew something.


      • jo

        Darin Routier should have been investigated and he still needs to be investigated. The jury never saw all the mounds of evidence against Darin and that is just wrong. I think people are now starting to pay attention to all the evidence that points to Darin’s guilt.


      • jo

        I have documented all the evidence against Darlie’s husband and I am convinced she knows exactly who murdered her boys and why. She is just now starting to open up but she lied for Darin for years even giving him a false alibi and Greg Davis knew all about it August and he still continued to prosecute Darlie. He gave Darlie many changes to come clean about Darin and she refused. Now she is wanting to expose facts about Darin but it might be to little to late for her. Let’s hope that is not the case.


    • jo

      Darin Routier should have been investigated and he still needs to be investigated. The jury never saw all the mounds of evidence against Darin and that is just wrong. I think people are now starting to pay attention to all the evidence that points to Darin’s guilt.


      • JezMyOpinion

        All evidence points to Darlie. Only to Darlie. She named two men in her jail house letters. Why would she be protecting him if he killed the boys? Nonsense. #DarlieDidIt.


    • Anonymous

      That was a very good evaluation UM Fan.


  17. Willa

    I have thought and thought this strange case through many times. I don’t think we will ever know what REALLY happened that night. The question is Are we really ready to put someone to death on a maybe?


    • jo

      They already have the evidence and answers all they have to do is investigate the husband. That should have been done 23 years ago but it wasn’t.


    • Sharon

      A maybe! Evidence convicted her. And even if she got a new trial and was aquited she would be charged with the other boy’s death. They is why they did not charge her with both crimes.


  18. Ana Carina Rivera

    I believe Darlie is innocent 100%. I also believe it was stupid to judge her because of the way she celebrated her baby’s birthday. Not all humanbeings have the same feelings or thoughts about death. There are people who decide to have a party instead of a funeral. People who instead of crying decide to laugh. People who don’t think of their loved one(s) as leaving this world but do think instead that their loved one(s) by God’s side in paradise. A reason to celebrate. I don’t know, I just believe her husband (at the time) had more of a motive and should have been investigated more.


    • monica

      they had lots of forensic evidence against her


    • Anonymous

      That is quite socialpathic. Someone who harms you and trys to make up by acting nice. Not everyone celebrates the death of a k8d like that. Something like that’s stings for months at minimum. A normal reaction would be anger towards the person who really did it.


  19. DragonWolfe

    there are a few facts that make this a difficult case. 1. there was an unidentified serial rapist operating in that area.
    2. not all of her kids were attacked and killed, most women that kill their kids kill all of them not leave one living.
    3. with the serial rapist angle it makes sense that if he saw the kids near Darlie, his intended victim he might have killed them to prevent them from waking up and alerting anyone else in the home to the attempted rape. this would explain why the youngest child and Darlie’s husband were unharmed and why the two kids nearest her were attacked and killed. 4. why would she scream and alert her husband to what had happened as quickly as she did if she was the killer? 5. her being cut almost to the point of death isn’t something a killer would do, they would cut themselves but not that deeply. 6. the money theory makes no sense when you consider her husband was worth considerably more than the boys were. 7. the only blood on the front of Darlie’s shirt was her own, had she been sleeping on her side blood spatter from the boys could have landed on the back of her shirt as it was found. If she did kill the boys she would have been covered in their blood. 8. does anyone really think that someone cut as severely as she was could have ran or walked 75 yards to plant a sock and then back to the house? she would have been spurting blood and there would have been a trail from her house to the sock and back again. there was no mention of such. the sock itself could have been explained as one darlie wore to bed and it came off, the assailant grabbed it so he wouldn’t leave prints when exiting the house and dropped it while running away. We may never know the truth, but I would want to make absolutely sure The right person was convicted especially in a death penalty case.


  20. Jade

    Justice delayed and long overdue for Devon and Damon Routier. Darlie Routier is a murderer and won’t escape execution.


    • jo

      it doesn’t bother you that her husband was never investigated and the prosecution with held evidence that would have pointed right at her husband?


  21. Stephanie T

    Anyone who believes a mother would butcher her children and herself for $5000 when she could have paid someone to knock off her husband for $800,000 is seriously stupid…. a rush to judgment by our corrupt Texas good ole boy system.


    • Anna

      I find it ridiculous how they judged her on her appearance in court. I don’t get what that had to do with anything at all. Since the trial Jurors and others who can be influential in not 100% saying freedom but having the evidence finally truly and honestly looked at mainly due to trial transcript with 33,000 errors and omissions; jurors or anyone else heard or knew about including the never saw photographs of Routier’s arm bruises;as well as other injuries photographed after the crime and an unidentified bloody fingerprint was found on the Routiers’ kitchen counter after the murder. They wanted it to be her whether it was or not!!!A series of post-conviction petitions, as well as a Texas investigation,have cast significant and extreme doubt on the state case of guilty and at this point the evidence cause they only showed what they wanted to be seen.
      For one thing, Routier and every known person in her house that night have been excluded as the source of a bloody fingerprint found on a coffee table, and Routier was excluded as the source of another bloody print on the door to the utility room — suggesting evidence of an intruder.
      The state said a fiber found on a bread knife was evidence that Routier used it to cut the garage window screen. But that fiber also was consistent with the fiberglass brush that had previously been used to dust for fingerprints. More and more things are being found out that was hidden from the court and media many jurors have any stated things like if I had seen the part of them having a service and weeping for their kids prior to the bday part tape we was shown 8 times I would not have voted guilty. Others have agreed that if they had known that not just one but 2 bloodys fingerprints was found one even on the way out of the utility room where she said she seen the intruder run off too I would not have dared said guilty. Given the pathologist’s estimate that Damon could have survived his wounds for only nine minutes, that the 911 call lasted six minutes, and that police arrived within a minute after the end of the call, that left barely over two minutes for Routier “to stab her sons, head for the garage, step through the slit in the window screen, jump a back fence or go through a back gate, run barefoot for 75 yards down an alley, drop a bloody sock, run 75 yards back, stab herself, clean up the blood around the sink, and stage whatever crime scene there was left to be staged,” as Texas Monthly put it.

      There also were questions about the state’s contention that Routier had stabbed her children, then herself: There were blood stains on the back of her nightshirt that prosecution witnesses suggested had been caused by knife splatter as she performed an overhead stabbing of her sons.

      Yet the droplets contained her blood as well as her sons’. Left unexplained was how her blood was on the knife as she stabbed her sons, if the state timeline was correct. Routier originally was represented by a court-appointed team that hired two forensic scientists to review the evidence from the crime scene. But before trial began, Routier replaced the team with Mulder, a prominent local defense attorney who had represented her husband and mother-in-law in a gag order hearing related to the trial. Mulder did not present the forensic findings or that a man matching the attacker’s description was seen 10 minutes from the Routier home after 2 a.m. the night of the murders. Nor did he raise the issue that Darin, not Routier, had committed the murders, a strategy her original lawyers later said they had planned to pursue. Reports say police found nothing missing did her or her now ex husband say nothing was missing or did they know exactly what these ppl owned. They wanted to convict her she may have drank too much that night and slept soundly or been on sleeping meds did they ask? Why did they never EVER check out the dad I don’t get this cause at all. Even if she did do it shouldn’t they have still extensively examined all evidence and the crime scene was trampled through because as soon as they got there or heck before she was the one….ppl said all these things a car was seen casing the area or maybe Darlie Routier’s husband discussed staging a home burglary insurance scam to pay off debt several months before two of the couple’s sons were stabbed to death in their living room, according to affidavits.Darin Routier recently admitted that he wanted to hire someone to break into their upscale Rowlett home in the spring of 1996 while the family was away, according to an account first reported in Texas Monthly’s July issue.
      He said he discussed it with his wife’s stepfather and possibly others, including some reputed car thieves, but never pursued the plan and didn’t tell authorities _ even after his wife was arrested, convicted and sent to death row. Maybe he did and it went wrong or maybe someone heard about it and decided to rob the place I just find it odd he didn’t hear a freaking thing…..They said cause she liked to be cleaned up and all that she was vain a lot of women love cleaning up and pretty clothes doesn’t mean we are going to murder our kids and that said nothing of her past as a mom just her appearance she was young, young married couples usually go beyond their means how would collecting $5,000 in life insurance had helped and wasn’t it her ex husband’s business that was suffering? How did she alone cut her own throat that deep? I found a website about a severe cut to someones throat If she did it she didn’t do it alone. Nothing was taken seriously in this case they judged her wow she went through some depression who the heck hasn’t for short periods for long periods some ppl never ever get over depression does not mean we are gonna kill our kids. THe running around on the call, who wouldn’t you would be terrified, confused and have no clue what to do. The tape was just stupid even though they said it was the biggest piece of evidence never got that they didn’t show the first half of the recording they left at the graveyard the crying and hugging, she bawled her eyes out the many times I have read this case and watched stuff from what I can remember I remember it was not Darlie’s idea to have a bday party it was suggested to celebrate his life from a friend or family member. Plus who are we to say how someone should or should not grieve everyone is different and the way we work and process death, and grief is like fingerprints no one is going to have the same reaction. This case has made me mad at the sheer blaming her because her appearance and making her a murderer because of that. The real evidence was barely even mentioned at all. As for the blood evidence Darlie also had to have been bleeding when she deposited the sock the cops didn’t seem interested in at all finding out how it got SOOO far away from the home (which we know because blood for each child was on that sock). Another problem with the blood evidence is that Darlie’s nightshirt was cut and removed from her while she was treated by a paramedic.They said the blood expert which if you think about it compared to knowledge of blood spatter analyst me with no knowledge could have been one cause she could have held her children when she first seen them and bam wow blood transference them saying drops from the same knife that killed the boys had to have been dropped at the same time she inflicted her own horrible wound. That makes no sense to me at all The boys’ blood could have been deposited on Darlie’s t-shirt as they were stabbed. Darlie’s blood could then have been deposited in that same area after she inflicted her own wounds. A mixture simply means that two blood types were present; it doesn’t necessarily tell us when the stains were deposited. Supporters insist that there’s no way Darlie’s blood would land on the same spot as the boys’ unless the blood of all three was on the knife at the same time. I see it as not only possible, but likely. Darlie’s neck was bleeding. She changed towels on that wound at least twice. Her blood on the shoulder areas, deposited later, could have easily mixed with the boys’ blood that was already on her t-shirt.She also could have used one of those towels on her kids. Besides, Darlie’s blood (not a mixture) was found in other areas on the back of her t-shirt, so it’s not surprising that some of it would mix with the boys’, and some of it wouldn’t. THe blood spatter testimony of state witness Tom Bevel was key in Routier’s conviction. His interpretation of blood stains at the crime scene convinced the jury that there had been no intruder. Routier’s lead defense attorney, Doug Mulder, committed a lethal error by not putting on the stand two blood spatter experts who had been enlisted by the court-appointed attorneys who had worked the case before he was hired. Terry Laber and Bart Epstein had reached conclusions that were very different from Bevel’s. Doug Mulder has since passed away not very long ago, very rare for a defense lawyer not to find his own same area expert witnesses in that case blood splatter analyst expert…..The blonde hair found that was at her home may have been her bleach blonde hair it falls out pretty bad actually it could have been on that window for days or months we just don’t know. After the Sheriff Cron arrived on scene no testing was done he said after 20 to 30 minutes to other officers as well that no intruder was here it was the mother. So if for sure this woman is innocent she didn’t have a chance back then anyway they wanted her to be the killer even if she wasn’t and she became their one and only interest in who committed this horrid crime. It for sure could have been anyone going in and out of that home they didn’t treat the home in anyway as a crime scene..Like I said she may have been involved idk only the ones who was there that horrific night know, but I don’t think if she was involved that even for one second she acted by herself. She would have had WAY too much to get done and she begged the paramedics to hurry and save her son that was still alive. If you are going to brutally kill your kids and you see the other is alive you would check before making that call, she begged them to save her son and tried to keep him awake. You know there is a crazy less amount of truly d@mning evidence in this case against Darlie as they was in trial and I mean the evidence is still there again that mom Casey you know who without a DOUBT in my mind she killed her daughter. I mean the body was found close to home in a place checked several times and her family was in constant contact with her I think she got someone to move the poor lil thing. Lying that her dad raped her what the heck did that have anything to do with murdering your child. Plus all she did was lie about everything. Who lies if a child on complete accident drowns in the family pool its tragic yes but it happens all the time sadly, so if that was what happened why hide her body and say a babysitter stole her. Her evidence went on and on and got worse every time the prosecution said something. I know that is a different case but I don’t get it the evidence against her was beyond overwhelming.Darlie had WAYYYY beyond less evidence against her. Now because she was pretty that helped the jury feel well this pretty young lady could not have done this. Where did the duck tape come from around her lil mouth why did it smell of chloroform, they even found a large amount of it in the home! Why was there a extensive search on chloroform on the history of the computer?Cindy Anthony,finally reported Caylee missing on July 15, 2008 after finding Casey’s car at an impound lot reeking of an odor she likened to death. Cindy told emergency dispatchers that Casey had rebuffed her attempts to see or speak to Caylee for a month.Casey and Caylee Anthony lived with her parents Cindy and George in the same house.July of 2008 jurors heard testimony that a dog named Bones who was trained to sniff out decomposing human remains found such a scent in the Anthonys’ backyard during a search on Bones’ search confirmed one performed the same day by a similarly trained dog named Gerus. Both dogs alerted their handlers that they had located the scent in an area between Caylee’s playhouse and her sandbox, according to the handlers’ testimony. They didn’t find her lil remains that day but these are TRAINED animals to detect this one thing so the technicians said doesn’t mean a body or remains was not there. One said “Whatever the cadaver dogs was alerting to could have been moved, destroyed, dissipated,” Also what happened to this Google Search For “Foolproof Suffocation” Found On Casey Anthony’s Computer From The Day Her Daughter Disappeared I guess the mom googled that one the same way she suddenly decided to say she googled chloroform out of the blue. I guess nurses now need to know how to suffocate a patient and give em chloroform. She may be where she belongs instead of living out her life if sadly the search how to suffocate someone on google was recovered after being deleted but not lost like they thought we they deleted it from the computer but it had been recovered on time before her trial was over she would not have been set free. With all the lying and misleading I don’t understand why they believed her even when she would just yawn in court. During this trial all these words was searched for , the prosecution’s experts also testified that the Anthony family computer had been used to Google words and phrases including:
      -Chest trauma
      -Internal bleeding
      -How to make chloroform
      -Neck breaking Now I know we all google odd things but before your kid is FINALLY reported as missing and before that you decide to look all this up? WAY WAY too much of a coincidence. My point is even without the late finding of suffocating something the evidence was piled up so far high it was ridiculous. Darlie’s case is mainly a bunch of guesses, how someone believes someone should grieve, lazy and judgemental law and ppl. If the case was that sound proof why the giant gaping holes in what the cops claim exactly what happened? However no one needs to forget about the young so so young victims of whomever committed this terribly sad and heinous crime that will someday be where they belong for their awful wickedness, viciousness, and pure evil. H3ll is too good for someone who would even harm a child so to murder these poor lil babies to take away what they would have been in this world, their wives and kids they would have had is just unimaginable and I am sure would have been wonderful but was cut WAY to short as all life seems to be but to 2 babies its hard even after all this time has passed its impossible to find words or make sense of taking a life at all but the life of a child. 🙁 I hope one way or another where she did not do it and has suffered in prison from grief and knowing everyone thinks she is a murderer or she did do it and should die soon. Either way it needs to get done finally!!! If she did do this awful, unforgivable act I do not think she did it alone so I hope all involved get their much deserved justice. If the cops had done their job 100% like they should have and followed all leads if she did do it for sure there would be no doubt but due to all the hiding of crucial evidence, shady behavior by them and saying cause she had dyed hair and fake boobs she was a self absorbed woman, cruel woman. I know I said this but fake breasts can be all over your body or you could be so attractive ppl pass out when they see you it has nothing to do with being about to kill anyone especially your own kids!!!! Just find a freaking ending to this case I am sure the family has suffered long enough…..


      • jo

        I believe her husband did drug her that night. Even if they did test for GHB or other rape drugs, which they didn’t, chances are they wouldn’t have found it because it was probably already out of her system by then. They need to investigate Darin Routier or Darlie will never be set free. Darlie needs to tell the truth about what she knows about Darin.


      • Abolishdeathpenalty



    • Alaska

      How do you know that killing the kids wasn’t a trial run to later have another intruder kill her husband?


      • Stephanie

        I almosy laughed out loud at this. Are you being serious or was it a joke? A trial run? Really? “Hey let me kill my kids and if that works, next week I’ll kill my husband. No one will think anything of it!” This theory is probably the craziest one I have ever heard. You off everyone at once. A murder trial run? You cannot be serious right now lolol.


    • Anonymous

      Money was not the motive. Her husband was naked with the baby and she couldn’t even touch him because of responsibilities.


  22. vee

    I thought it was well known that the one boy was stabbed on two different times. She could have ran the sock down the alley , cut herself, then seen him crawling away and stabbed him again.


  23. Victoria Wells

    I think she is innocent. You can’t get past the reasonable doubt even if you want to think she is guilty. Give her a new trial Dallas County, and make me proud to be a Texan in this case.


  24. gina wyatt

    Please stop with the “normal mom who’s never been in trouble, one day decides for no reason to kill 2 of her children”. She wont be the first, or unfortunately the last. What reason would a stranger have to kill the 2 defenseless children, yet let the adult witness live? Makes more sense to kill Darlie first, if it was a random senseless murder. And if as the defense wants another lie to be believed, someone was watching the home & family days before the murders, wouldn’t that person know there was an adult male, Darlies husband living there too. Stop with the b.s. too ” she very nearly died that night”. No she didn’t. No comparison her superficial wounds and the boys fatal wounds. Seeing how big the murder weapon was, she should be dead, except she didnt want to kill herself too. She & the defense lawyers have had 23years to prove her innocence. They can’t because she’s guilty.


  25. gina wyatt

    The defense has the right to have all evidence examined and submitted for any type of examination.. I dont believe after 23 years they didnt submit evidence for testing because Darlie is innocent. Shes guilty . That’s why there no evidence of anyone else committing these murders.And a. neighbor sees a car parked in front of the Routier home 7 0r 8 days before the murders, & the car leaves as she approaches. Of course she doesnt get a license plate #. . And she sees the same car hours after the murders yet STILL doesnt get a plate #. As if a murderer would pull up across the street hours after the murders while the scene is full of law enforcement. Why would a stranger murder 2 young boys, yet leave an adult witness alive ? And she “chased” & fought with the killer,? Yet there are no signs of anyone else being there. Her wounds are superficial, yet the boys wounds horrendous. She survived, they didn’t. The defense saying she was “slashed across the throat. No, she was cut just under her neck. Even the cuts on her fingers were barely there. Hardly the kind of deep cuts she should have had if she fought someone for the knife. Poor boys. It’s all about Darlie. Selfish murderer.


  26. Josh Blade

    Let’s be real here. I have a degree in Criminal Justice Technology and have studied countless crimes ranging from theft to sexual assaults to murder. I can tell you quite unequivocally, that with the evidence presented, there is enough reasonable doubt that a conviction should never have happened. This doesn’t necessarily mean she is innocent, it just means the prosecution could not prove it beyond reasonable doubt. While in my own mind, it’s difficult as an opinion to say if she is innocent or guilty, I can tell you she should not have been convicted. The evidence Could point to her, but Could is not good enough when someone is on trial for their life. The evidence Could also point to a possible unknown assailant. The very fact that there can’t be a consensus on her guilt or innocence should show anyone with sound mind that she cannot and should not be considered guilty beyond reasonable doubt. In this case, whether you think she did it or not, doubt is very reasonable.


  27. Deb Palenchar

    I don’t get why she’s convicted and placed on death row for one child and not the other


    • Anonymous

      It’s saves tax dollars. Plus there is extra insurance if things somehow get commuted. DNA can still exhortate. Then a second trial would not be necessary. Evidence doesn’t lie. But so much evidence is completely against her for the time being.


  28. jacinta

    Just listened to the 911 call … sounds guilty to me besides all the other evidence … 1. she was sure to say that someone came in more than once. 2. She called and not her husband although she was injured 3. She WAS snippy with her husband cuz. he seemed to have been thinking that she did it 4. Whether she or her husband stabbed her, they did not know enough to know how to do it “Properly” 5. She did not render aid 6. Her hysteria sounded forced. This is my opinion.


  29. Andrea

    did anyone ever think maybe the little bit of the boys blood they found on her shirt could be because it says they had all fallen asleep in the family room together so if the killer stabbed them and there mom.is right there there blood splatter would get on her


    • Anonymous

      You have all this jewelry laying around in plain view. If he was romanticly motivated, she was sleeping defenseless. Nothing was stopping an intruder from doing what he or she wanted.
      There has to be more to it than what the defendant is admitting to.


    • Anonymous

      Those are just expert witnesses. The defense had an opportunity to present their own expert witnesses. It wasn’t that they couldn’t afford it, they just couldn’t find any experts to disprove it.


  30. Lila

    Have you never heard of the serial killer, Tommy Lynn Sells? He would break into homes, use knives from the homeowners kitchen and kill sleeping women and children. He was put to death for his crimes and confessed to them or some of them before he died. It happens! People for whatever reason break into homes and kill innocent children with no motive. Tommy Lynns last killing was of a ten year old boy . He slit his throat while he slept and then tried to escape the home but the mother heard the son screaming and chased the killer from the home but not before he beat her and left her bruised and cut. Read about it, it’s true. He committed murders of children in Texas and other states. His motive for killing the ten year old boy was he saw them in a grocery store earlier in the day and felt that the mother was rude to him so he followed her home and went back later for the killing. Also, one of the jurors has since spoken out and said some evidence was not shown to them and if he had seen the pictures of her arms bruised and cut he could not have convicted her. He now swears she is innocent. She deserves a new trial. Don’t assume she did it. You were not there and to put someone to death without enough evidence is wrong!


  31. Sissy Kilburn for JUSTICE



  32. Kelly

    Lucy, you must look up a biography on Ed Edwards. There you will find a former detective named John Cameron who for 6 years investigated Ed Edwards movements for decades and connected him to the Zodiac Killer, JonBenet Ramsey, Lacy Peterson, Jimmy Hoffa, and so many more sensational homicides. It is incredible coincidence in all these cases with knowing the man’s MO for murder to disregard. I am skeptical by nature but this show John Cameron called “It’s Him”: The Murders of Edward Edwards he did on Investigative Discovery channel was mind blowing. He did such a thorough job of an exhaustive investigation. Every thing about the Darlie Routier case screams his name. It was the first thing I thought about after watching John Cameron’s show on Ed Edwards. I should have been a detective. I missed my calling. Ha!!



    GET THIS LIE OFF THE UNSOLVED PAGE PAGE, LIAR! This Is NOT an unsolved crime. The Savage Animal, Darlie Lynn Routier Was Convicted Over 20 Years Ago. THE BEAST AWAITS EXECUTION. Her time is, FINALLY, almost up. She conne,d yet another, DNA test out of the courts.
    ALL previous tests have done nothing but implicate the killer. Killer Darlie Lynn Routier. It’s long overdue for Devon and Damon to get justice. PUT THIS RABID ANIMAL DOWN. Thus thing does not deserve the sweet sleepy painless death she will be gifted with. This rabid animal deserves to be held down and BUTCHERED just the way she slaughtered her two children. Lucky for this baby killer society isn’t the savage she is. Good Riddance, Killer! Die Knowing the Silly String will Fly in Honor of Your Long Awaited Execution. A great Silly String celebration will be held AGAIN. WE WILL BE AS HAPPY AND GLEEFUL AS YOU WERE. DIE ANIMAL! DIE! Wish we could watch! Ha ha ha ha ha Hope it’s botched and she suffers and excruciatingly agonizing death. Aaahhhhahahahahahahahaha


    • jezmyopinion

      Her time is about over. She still has her federal appeals but that will just be a check list of her state appeals. Then she will be put down in a kinder manner that she allowed her sons. She and her supporters are now blaming Darin. Maybe he’ll finally speak about that awful night.


  34. thinkingoutloud

    I think Darlie and/or her husband were involved.They are the only 2 people who can testify for this case. Not sure what the motives would be, but it’s strange how an intruder could come into a home and not disrupt a thing but be capable of killing 2 young boys and stabbing a woman. Maybe Darlie or her husband stabbed Darlie/herself to make it look like she had been attacked too. IF they were involved, who is to say one of them quickly ran 75 yards to throw out a sock and then Darlie called the police? Did neighbors or witnesses see anything? There is no way an advanced skilled intruder could come in stab 3 people and flee with no other traces of evidence. There was blood all over the children and Darlie herself yet no blood trail is found??? Pretty fishy to me. There was also no other footprints either. I think it was an inside job for whatever reason. Just because they planned a birthday party doesn’t mean they weren’t planning on killing their sons.Pretty crazy case, but there is so much lack of evidence to prove that an intruder came in, stabbed three people, and disappeared without leaving any evidence. It is also suspicious that she wakes up, sees a man hovering over WITH A KNIFE, and runs straight to get a knife. She doesn’t even bother to check on her kids first or yell out for help. That’s shady to me. I think she’s involved.


    • Quennie

      I, too have been interested in this case ever since it happened. I know that post-partum depression can make you think and do strange things. In some countries, women who have killed their child within the first year of its life and are judged to be afflicted with this are not prosecuted. That said, I don’t believe Darlie Routier got a fair trial at all. People on here keep talking about “read the transcripts” ..HELLO, the transcripts are from the crooked trial, so what could they possibly prove? Also, concerning those “reliable” transcripts, please read up on what happened to the court reporter in this case. She bungled the transcripts so badly, no sense can be made from them. I read true crime all the time and I am amazed at the behavior of police and prosecutors when they are desperate to get a “win” in the courtroom or solve a complicated case. Like someone before me mentioned, these people’s jobs depend on them getting a conviction..regardless if the condemned is guilty or not. I don’t know who murdered these boys and attacked Darlie and neither does anyone else except the one who did it.


  35. Hailey-Eris

    Im confident that Darlie is guilty. 99.99999 percent confident. At the end of the day, though, I am not a police officer or an ME. So what the hell happened in the Routier home that morning of June 6, 1996? Who’s telling the truth and who’s telling lies? Only 3 people know the answer to that for sure: Devon, Damon, and Darlie


  36. chek

    I found my son dead in his bed one morning. I went into his bedroom to wake him up as he was sleeping unusually late. It was a beautiful summer day and we had planned to put in a new rose bush. I brought a cup of coffee with me to entice him to get out of bed. But after only stepping one foot into his bedroom I immediately saw that he was dead. I didn’t need a coroner to tell me that he had suffered a heart attack because he was in full rigor frozen in tan agonized state of terrible pain. And I will never get that image out of my head. This was just a few weeks before his birthday. I had to be put on tranquilizers because I just couldn’t function right after that and I had to stay on them for 2 years before I finally felt I could deal with it on my own. I only just recently stopped using the meds a month ago. I still cry several times a day though…when I hear something or see something that makes me think of him. I had to move away, I couldn’t live there anymore.
    The point I am trying to make is…in no way could I ever celebrate my dead son’s birthday the way Darlene Routier did her TWO dead sons with or without meds. I still can’t. I shut his birthday out because otherwise all I will do is cry the whole day. So I avoid it. I hear that will change…someday. But that scene of Darlene happily chewing gum next to the graves of her kids” Well that all by itself convinced me that she murdered those boys, because I saw no evidence of conscience visible in her that day. You need to understand that when a mother loses a child she will often blame herself, hold herself responsible for not being able to keep her child alive (as I still do) and will go on and on about why hadn’t she seen the signs,why hadn’t felt anything? Why? Why? Why?.

    Not Darlene…she didn’t seem to have a “why” in her, no sign of guilt at all, when she certainly SHOULD have. She acted more like somebody who just had a load taken off her shoulders. There was more “relief” there than “remorse.” Don’t forget someone supposedly came into her home and attacked her two kids with her just feet away. Seems to me that should have piled on tons of guilt and regret. Had it been me, I don’t think I could have lived with myself.

    Somebody cut her throat…and she didn’t wake up…oh really? What kind of mama alarm does she possess? Most mothers are up at the drop of a hairpin when we know we have children in the house to protect. But I tell you, I do feel sorry for her mother because her mother obviously believes her daughter is innocent. After all, it’s her daughter! This is just my opinion but I bet Darlene’s sentence gets commuted to life which may well be the real reason behind this TV show.
    You know…Darlene’s case reminds me of an equally horrible murder case just like this one. Anyone remember Jeffrey MacDonald? He too is still trying to get out of jail by having his lawyers come up with so-called new evidence aired on TV that supposedly proves his innocents. Why air it at all? I’ll tell you why…the hope is that a whole lot of people will call up the show or write whoever and raise such a fuss that …well…maybe, just maybe it can sway things in favor of the convicted. Otherwise, all they would have to do is simply present the new evidence through normal legal channels; it doesn’t have to go on TV…right? It’s the new age way lawyers play…better get use to it.


  37. Anonymous

    She, in my opinion, had accepted their deaths, entirely to quickly. There was no stages of norm of logical stages of coming to terms with what happen. She was gleeful, happy, snapping on that chewing gum, as if her child was ALIVE, and present at his birthday party. I have two kids, if anything like this happened to them when they were little, i would have to be put away, i would not want to live without them. I’m not sure how i would be able to go on, especially if they had been murdered! What nags at me, I can not wrap my head around why someone would want to come in , use a knife from the house inside, walk past an adult and start stabbing little children?? stabbing them right in the chest where they would surely die, why didn’t they stab her in the chest, ensuring her death AND, she slept through the ENTIRE, attack, including her own, yet awakes to her son tapping her on the shoulder, but she SLEPT, while getting slashed in the neck, stabbed in her arm and fighting, it defies ALL logic, as we know and Why are there so many times where she is smiling or laughing? that is not the behavior of woman destroyed by the murder of her two young children! Where is the motive to kill two sleeping children??? Every time she speaks of that night, she barely sheds a tear. The only time I saw her appearing crushed is in her mugshot. Finally, her lie detector results have never been told, only by her as inconclusive, but I can’t believe anything she says. Darlie, was not feeling she was getting any more attn, in her life in addition, she wasn’t a disciplinary mother, that’s why she constantly made them play outside, after this tragic event, darlie was ready to move with her life, go on her vacations, she has scheduled, as if nothing happen, yet she’d always her thr attn. I’m NOT convinced of her innocence, at all.


  38. Anonymous

    Physical evidence, which there is an abundance of in this case, is the TRUE gauge of guilt or innocence. And the facts are: there are fingerprints, DNA and the blood stained sock. What are authorities SO afraid might be revealed if the data goes into CODIS and AFIS? In recent decades the general public has blindly accepted the new dogma guilty until proven innocent In our Justice system, guilt or innocence is SUPPOSED to be based on the totality of circumstances and evidence and the merits of the prosecution’s case. It may not seem fair, but even if it’s PROBABLE that a defendant is guilty, it’s still a NOT GUILTY verdict that should be rendered. REASONABLE DOUBT folks! If there’s even a tiny amount, the jury isn’t to convict. I’m sorry, it doesn’t matter if she did or didn’t, the case is FULL of facts that PROVE one thing: reasonable doubt..


    • Magpie

      The only reason that the fingerprint has not been run through CODIS and AFIS is because DARLIE has delayed it for years by insisting on pointless DNA testing.


    • Cindy

      You were not on the jury. They heard all the evidence. Why do you discredit their verdict.
      What evidence makes your doubts reasonable. There was absolutely no evidence of an intruder. The screen was cut with a knife from her kitchen. That alone should erase any doubt


    • Anonymous

      Well if the sock was ruled mishandled evidence, all the evidence collected would be in question. I just think it was simply misplaced or possibly mishandled. God will have you drop change for the poor. Maybe an officer accidentally dropped it.


  39. Anonymous

    She is guilty, should be put to death immediately enough tax payers money has been wasted already!


  40. Anonymous

    Good point, Jennifer.


  41. Lynn

    This isn’t an unsolved mystery. The killer is on death row in Texas. Her name is Darlie Routier


  42. Michelle

    I’d like to hear more about the rapes and perp covering his hands with socks. But why kill the babies? Good god …makes no sense at all. They are going to kill her on death row. If she is really innocent…somebody better find some proof QUICKLY RIP sweet boys.


  43. Anonymous

    Why did she not go upstairs to check if baby hurt?
    No DNA evidence to support an intruder.
    Why would an intruder take a sock with him?
    If there was an intruder, why not just kill her, he had the knife. He would have left no witnesses. Was he scared off by an unarmed women? Then if robbery was the motive, he could have taken the jewelry from the counter at least.
    Completely obvious, with the forensic evidence, that she did this. Window screen fibres found on the kitchen knife, from their kitchen. Did intruder break in, take a knife to cut screen. Forensics proves she is guilty…no more debate.


  44. uneased

    if she was willing to kill to live the lavish lifestyle, why would she have killed her sons:
    1. her husbands life insurance was much more
    2. she had a five month old. Why would she kill 2/3 kids if she wanted to live in her lavish lifestyle. Kids that young cost a ton, the 7 and 5 year old doesn’t really. And why would she have sent out invitations and bought presents for her son if she was going to kill him.

    And 1.30 minutes really isn’t that long to run to put a sock in the alley and slit her throat.

    I think she was near the boys and so the cops thought she was the one who could have done it. There doesn’t seem like there is enough evidence to put her to death


    • JezMyOpinion

      There is plenty of evidence to put her down like the dog that she is. DNA confirms her guilt:
      Darin knew what she had done the second he saw the boys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDQOAj1LeqU&t=67s


      • Devilsadvocate

        You are posting you tube links and links created by some joe shmo who was obsessed with the case. Really?
        It’s preposterous that this lady get sentenced to death based on a botched crime scene and Casey Anthony gets away with murdering her baby. All because of a video the jury was solely fixated on. Didn’t show the memorial video with her bawling her eyes out 30 minutes before the odd video at the grave site did they?
        You only are aware of what the media makes you aware of.
        There’s a documentary on this case that introduces evidence, photos and videos that weren’t even presented at trial.
        This is not about how odd she behaved- who are you to tell someone how they should react after they’ve watched their kids suffer in agony. That probably does something to you mentally. I’d probably lose my mind. I sure as hell can tell you I don’t have a clue how I’d react or what is the normal way to act.
        This is all about reasonable doubt. If there is a shred of doubt that the person being charged with the crime actually did it then she should’ve never received the death penalty. And based on the one juror that came forward and said he gave in towards the end even though he wasn’t convinced she did it because of lack of physical evidence it wasn’t a fair trial.
        We both know there’s been too many cases where the prosecuting team and local law enforcement only focus on one person and ignore any other important leads and this is why innocent people get convicted all of the time. It’s scary.


  45. Sherri

    There is no doubt she murdered those two beautiful boys. She is a empty headed selfish person killing her will not be to soon for what she did to those boys!!!!


  46. Kyng

    I just watched her case on death row stories she is innocent her husband killed them precious babies god will punish him she’s fighting for her life falsely accused of a crime she was a victim how can she have all them multiple bruises her husband hired someone to murder her and the kids for that insurance money I think he bribed the police department to exclude him as a suspect


  47. Philippa

    How can they have allowed the death penalty when there are unidentified finger prints proving there was a third adult person in the house? It suggests they either don’t care about the death penalty or whether they murder people …


  48. Nik

    Why is this story in an unsolved site? It’s been solved and the killer is on death row.


  49. Kelly Dutton

    Edward Edwards the serial killer murdered Devon and Damon. It is posted on Facebook. A book has been written about it


  50. Dee

    This is such a sad story. I watched the American Justice episode on this case again last night, and there are a few things I didn’t remember… now I’m thinking about what happened all over again.

    First scenario- They were having financial problems. The jewelry and purse were sitting out on the table. What if Darin had planned a robbery for that night, what if he didn’t tell Darlie (people do things behind their spouse’s back all the time), and he assumed she and the boys would be in bed during the robbery? Instead, they stayed downtairs to watch television and fell asleep. The robber comes in, not expecting them to be there, one of the boys wakes up… and the robber couldn’t leave any witnesses, so he kills them. Then he attacks Darlie, she fights back… in a panic, the intruder runs away and forgets to grab the jewelry.

    Second scenario- Once again, financial problems. It said something about Darin having a large life insurance policy on himself… maybe he had an equally substantial policy on Darlie? He knew she watched television at night and slept downstairs. He planned either an intruder, or even himself, would attack and kill Darlie. The children woke up before Darlie could be killed, and they were murdered. Or, Darin wanted to get rid of the entire family, including the baby, but didn’t expect Darlie to fight back. The police were called before he could finish his plan. Either way, Darin’s plan failed. There is no way he would ever admit to either.

    Her DNA was found because she lived there and had been cut and was bleeding. Then there were the bruises on her arms, and the nurses who lied about it. I don’t know what to think, I always wanted to believe her. Since she is an adult and stronger, I assumed that is why she was able to fight back.


  51. Cgas

    My theory is that Darin planted the sock when he went to the neals


    • MMR



    • Anonymous

      One formula I have for screening interviews is the CYA approach. A defendant that is guilty will try to explain evidence that they think police have found. But by doing that they are making a mistake of explaining some unknown things. And we have that with the sock. She admitted to being outside after the homicides. She said it was to run after an intruder. Someone outside dropped that sock. And I see no evidence of an intruder.


  52. Anonymous

    are there any updates on this case???


  53. Brenda

    Doesn’t matter if she’s innocent or guilty, and also NO ONE but her or a killer does know. She did not receive a fair trial..would ANY trial in pseudo-God country in Texas with a bunch of hypocrites judging her and a blood thirsty prosecutor calling her a sinful woman be fair when much important evidence was kept from the jury?. She did not receive an honest investigation since the cops decided she was guilty in the first half hour of the crime, shoddiest detective work ever. One juror said after the trial “The defense didn’t prove her innocence” OMG. Several jurors have since said they would have never convicted her if they’d seen all the photos of her life-threatening injuries. Texas: Where they kill people to teach people not to kill people. The result? Texas has one of the highest homicide rates in the WORLD.


  54. Reader

    She did it. I read the transcript. If nothing else convinces, the knives used to cut th screen and to stab the children were found in the home.


    • Lucy

      I totally disagree, with all due respect. However, IF it was just supposed to be a robbery, the guy would most likely not be carrying a weapon. When he was startled by Darlie and the boys, he grabbed a knife from the kitchen. And the murders took place. Darlie had injuries that she could not have inflicted on herself. Those deep deep bruises shows rage. Anger. Her throat was cut so deep, it nearly killed her. I’m not saying its impossible for someone to cut their own throat… It does happen. But, to the point of nearly decapitating yourself? Personally, I’d say NO. Truly and very sincerely, I do believe in Darlies innocence. God bless and protect her.


    • Devilsadvocate

      Oh so you read the transcript and you’re an expert now? Man I sure hope you don’t ever get jury duty.
      Uh duh.. the knife was THEIRS. Of course it was found in their home. So what that knife was used to cut the stupid screen.. doesn’t mean it was her that cut the screen. This is common sense people not rocket science.


  55. D

    Shes not. Forensic files episode on her clearly show every piec3 of evidence pointing to darlie routier killing her children


    • Devilsadvocate

      if it was on Forensic Files it must be true! Lol
      Sorry.. I love forensic files too but you kind of have to be a little more educated on this case other than just watching forensic files. This one isn’t so cut and dry.


  56. D

    Darlie is definitely guilty. Watch forensic files episode on her.


    • Anonymous

      I just watched it. It was not 100 percent accurate. But I did learn a few things. The police were thorough in collecting evidence. They didn’t just drop a sock. But the show was wrong on a few things. She was bottomless because of the same reason her husband was fully nude. He had to put the baby asleep and the baby ended up putting him to sleep instead. And the going to the sink. The knife would have been too slick to finish out an attack. So she went to wash off and make the knife less slippery. She may have cut herself before then on accident. Because the amount of blood found. It is for sure that she was cut before a second attack was made on the boy. So the intruder leaving should have left blood prints going back into the living room. (That did not happen.)


  57. Kimberly

    Is Darlie left handed? Because the wound on her neck would suggest that she is if it was in fact self inflicted. It would suggest a right handed intruder however. I have been looking everywhere for an answer to that question, and I have not found it. I continue to ask this question because I noticed on the video at the gravesite that Darlie is spraying the silly string with her right hand, suggesting she is right handed not left handed like the so-called self inflicted wound would suggest. Most people are right handed, if you notice, even in the reenactment of night of the murder, the actress portraying Darlie where she is cutting her own neck is cutting on the wrong side! The actress is cutting herself as a right handed person would, not as a left handed person as the wound suggests. If Darlie is right handed, then I have to say I truly feel she is innocent. Even if she is left handed I still feel she might be innocent (based on all that I’ve seen and read that is). But DEFINITELY innocent if she is right handed.


    • Anonymous

      That is very good thinking. But I think they were accidents raising her arms to strike. The cuts on her left hand if you look at the pictures, show the bottom of the big knife sliding down on the fingers.


  58. Anonymous

    Don’t let this case bother you. She is guilty and where she belongs. DNA from june shows her guilt Not sure if you are aware of the latest DNA results from June 2016:
    DNA results 6/2015 confirm her guilt https://youcouldbewrong.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/dr-06262015103716.pdf
    Why ask 4 them 2 b sealed? http://justice4ever.com/wp-content/uploads/Darlie-Court-Order-DNA-sealed_edited.jpg


    • Philippa

      There was no blood on the front of her shirt. The back and bottom of the shirt implies her back was turned while laying higher than the victim. This is consistent with her story.


  59. Mandy

    what possible motive would an intruder have for killing two very small children?
    Doesn’t make any sense.
    She did it.


    • Devilsadvocate

      Is that a rhetorical question or just a joke?
      Seriously? Intruders murder innocent kids every day all over the world.
      I’m assuming you’ve heard of sex offenders right?


    • Anonymous

      It didn’t happen. If I was being robbed I would offer more than requested. (To keep their mind off of killing me.) So much was there for an intruder. All kinds of valuables. And a half dressed lady supposedly sleeping. I just don’t believe the defendants version of events.


    • Anonymous

      An inexperienced person would panic and become dangerous. But not for two boys. I agree with your motive eliminating.


  60. Enddeathrow

    Darlie routier is a beautiful (inside and out) kind loving woman period!! The woman is innocent in every single way!! Her husband is very very suspicious.. Always thought it was kinda strange how Darin routier said couch was pushed back lamp was pushed over coffee table moved and he says he heard a light glass break .. What!?? Do he didn’t hear anything the stabbing the moving everything around nothing but he heard a light glass break!? darlie routier has been sitting on death row for something she didn’t do ! N Darin routier is remarried to a girl who strangely looks like a cheap generic version of Darlie!!! I pray that God fixes this and help this kind loving beautiful soul be released and let her grieve her children with her mother n her surviving son drake


    • Observant1

      You question why Darin didn’t hear the violent murder of his two sons occurring while he slept upstairs??? I question why Darlie, a self proclaimed ‘light sleeper’ who was just a few feet from her children, didn’t wake up during their vicious murders. She supposedly didn’t even wake to her own throat being slashed, yet she miraculously wakes to Damon tapping her on the shoulder as he said momma???? Beautiful kind loving woman my foot! Darlie Routier is guilty!! God will fix this by keeping this woman away from the precious innocence of Damon and Devon…the two children she was supposed to love and protect. While I do agree Darin was complicit in some way, he did not murder Damon and Devon. There’s no way on earth Darlie would sit quietly on DR while Darin goes on to live a life of splendor with Drake and the new woman in his life.


    • Lucy

      Sweetie, I do agree. Darlie is a beautiful creation. Inside and out. I believe with all my heart, that she is innocent. I’ve researched her case, over and over again. I cannot be convinced otherwise. God bless.


  61. Chinaboy

    First of all what strikes me as a non American is that some people come to conclusions just by believing what the prosecution is telling (not proving). In case of accusing somebody of a crime especially a capital crime you should be 100% sure.
    In recent years to many people accused of gruesome acts have been convicted and later being proven to be innocent. In my opinion this is due to the fact that prosecutors need to get a high conviction rate to keep their job, the truth is not important it is important to get a conviction no matter what. Police knows this and will help the procecution to keep a good relation.
    As far as I know, lucky I had no experience with US lawenforcement, there is no limit for interogation and the used technique is to make the person of interest so exhausted that they will confess anything. There should be a limit on interogation time and a lawyer should always be present.
    A big problem is that nobody is able to tell an event two times exactly the same and this can be used as an explanation that the person is lying and therefore lie about everything.
    Specifically in this case, the fact that the mother had apparently cuts in the neck and arms I ask the question how can somebody cut herself not one time but several times. Imagine doing it yourself.
    As for the fact that she did not mention her baby upstairs, it seems normal to me that someone concentrate on what is happening what he or she can see and forget everything else.
    As somebody mentioned above when there is reasonable doubt she should not be in prison. The government is paying police and the prosecutors good money to do their job airtight.
    From what I read the least you can say is that the research is done poorly and the state will do everything to cover it up. Reason= if she should become accuited the state would have to pay a lot of indemnification and the prosecutor would lose his job.


  62. Charmaine

    Something has been bothering me about this case. Check out angel MATURINO RESENDIZ And was railroad track close to her home. His murder spree ran for many years.


  63. AD

    I have been trying very hard to find ANY information about the violent rapes in Dallas around this time with the similar MO.
    I can’t find anything at all.
    How can a major show such as this say such a thing and there be no way to verify it or research those cases?


  64. bernard Phillips

    Prove it!


  65. Sandy

    Wrongful convictions DO happen. Unfortunately, very few get exonerated. What tends to stop that, is the neighborhood, town, officials involved, etc. that are so convinced they got it right that they are unwilling to allow further testing. My question is, if they know for sure that they got it right, why not allow the appeals to test, retest, etc.? Then it can be put to rest.

    Regardless of if she is guilty or innocent, she should be allowed to have whatever evidence that was not tested, tested. If she’s proven guilty, then it’s done. If she’s not, she needs let out.

    I realize that DNA testing is not cheap, but it seems like exonerated life or death row inmates being released and no longer a drain on the state would kind of pay for itself.

    But here’s the bigger question: in a country so hell bent on incarceration and death penalty, wouldn’t we want to make EVERY attempt possible to ensure that those persons are truly guilty? And not just rely on a group of “peers” and a flawed justice system?

    Not that my opinion really matters, but I believe she is innocent. I have since the first time I heard about this, as a child.


  66. Former Law Emforcement Officer

    As a former Federal Law Enforcement Officer this case is blatantly obvious. I have poured through all the evidence. It’s unfortunate that an inept, poorly trained police department really botched this one and the truth is screamingly obvious; a killer has not been prosecuted. First, it’s inconceivable that she would try and orchestrate a crime of this magnitude, unbeknownst to her husband, with the hope to not be caught in the act by him. There’s a lot that happened that night and I just don’t believe that to be conceivable. The crime was brutal, violent, and I don’t believe someone would try that if someone uninvolved were sleeping in the same home. That said, I believe she is 100% guilty; meaning, she had help from someone. I believe the accomplice to be the other adult in the home at the time, her husband, Darin. Starting from the 911 call she continually used the word “they”; “they” came in and did this; “they” ran out the door, “they” killed my babies, etc. Its common in these situations for people to blend the truth with their lie. People panic (even when guilty) and don’t know how to react and the truth often spills out. This is often when mistakes are made (and they made a lot of them). People can plan a crime for years and when it actually unfolds they too can go into a form of shock (as she did). When saying “they” she was inadvertently admitting two people were involved (herself and Darin). Next, Darin’s peculiar comments about Darlie’s breast I found to be troubling. Your children were just murdered, your wife has been stabbed, and you’re making comments about how nice her breast are to the police. Next, it is reported that cast off blood spatter was found on Darin’s clothing, further proving my claim he assisted. Those comments were breezed over! Next, the defense says there’s no way Darlie’s injuries are self inflicted and I believe this to be true, Darin did it to her. The defense also claims there’s no way a bloody Darlie could have taken the sock three houses away and not leave any evidence, again, it’s because Darin took it there, hence the lack of a blood trail to the sock. Next, both Darin and Darlie failed a polygraph. Let it be known those tests are not entirely accurate but I don’t believe it to be a concidence both failed. In fact, the gentleman giving the test believed Darin to be lying as well. Next, the fact Darin was engaged in a insurance fraud less than a month before the children’s death doesn’t sit well with me either. In that scam Darin was attempting to have someone break in his home and he was going to pay that person part of the insurance claim. Again, this happened less than 30 days before the killings. Next, the reason Darlie has not outwardly implicated Darin is because it will not change her fate. In fact, it would cement her death sentence and take away any chance of her ever leaving prison. Therefore, she clings to the hope she will win an appeal and be freed as 100% innocent. That said, it has been reported that Darlie has recently made motions that appear to be implicating Darin as the co-killer without actually saying it. Why would someone wait 20 years if they thought their husband did it unless they were hiding something?? This is happening because she feels the end is near and it’s her way of sharing the blame without coming out and saying it. I could go on and on…


    • Cris

      Please do. The only thing I think you missed. Is that they did this on June 6th 1996. 666, these two are scary individuals. Who not even their offspring, can be collateral damage. The reason, no DNA has been found is they both killed these babies, there own children. There’s a level of evil that most of us cannot comprehend. If you can stab your children as they watch you and not bat an eye. Only satan can rule your life.


    • James

      As a Federal Law Enforcement Officer myself,I totally agree with this senerio. All the evidence would definetly support this theory.


    • Abolishdeathpenalty

      Wouldn’t you kill the husband first? So he wouldn’t try and stop you killing the kids? Just asking, not planning anything!!!


  67. June

    Darlie Routier stated she had been asleep. When Darin came downstairs she made the phone call. Not once did she mention she cuddled or touched either boy. How come then she is saturated with their blood? Even when help arrived she didn’t touch Devon or Damon. The nightshirt is all the evidence needed. May Devon and Damon rest in peace!


  68. Susan Jordan

    I have always thought that this site, and the television program that started it were pretty believable. Until now. Darlie Routier is guilty and is EXACTLY where she belongs. I am from another suburb of Dallas and have followed the story since the beginning. After reading everything I could find for and against her I am convinced, as are most people, that she murdered her children. I urge people to do some in-depth looking at this case. The supporters of Ms. Routier, along with her family, are not above telling outright lies to try to get people to send them money. Not one shred of evidence exists that points to an intruder, but there is plenty of evidence pointing to this so-called super mom.


  69. nosurprise

    Darlee is innocent. Look at Darin, why was he outside? There’s no reason for that. Find the person that left the sock and you have the killer.


    • TwoCents

      If Darin had killed Damon and Devon I highly doubt Darlie would be sitting quietly on Death Row while Darin lives a life of splendor. However, you did hit the nail on the head with your comment about the sock…and that’s why Darlie is on DR, still.


  70. Kai

    Her followers are some of the most stupid pig ignorant people I have ever come across. Read the transcripts before you open your mouth. There was zero evidence of an intruder in that house on that night. She killed those boys and staged the crime scene. Open your eyes. Her mother just tells lies all the time.


  71. Jay

    I don’t know about Darin sleeping through it all would the boys screams wake him????

    I mean my daughter crys at night from a dream and I’m running to the room???


  72. Free Games

    How old are your boys? Trammell pursued, and learned that the injured children were six and five. Devon and Damon were their names. In the meantime, a squad had detected the emergency vehicle wired by Trammell and reported to the dispatcher it was on its way to the Routier address.


  73. Angela G

    She’s guilty as sin and anyone with half a brain can see it. I hope she fries! She deserves a slow painful death for what she did to those children!


  74. Mr. Common Sense

    I think the killer stabbed the boys and blood from the knife also got blood on the mother when he stabbed her because she got stabbed last. She didnt see him good because she didnt wake up until already stabbed. At this point surviving on adrenaline. This Dean Poos guy sounds like a fool on tv and the prosecution obviously messed up and dont want to admit it. She was way to bruised and cut up to hurt herself that bad and the evidence points away from her.


  75. Lisa

    I believe with a heavy heart that Tx will kill her. She may very well be not guilty. The death penalty is flawed. The poor, the uneducated, and people of color are killed by the state of Texas. I pray she will get a new trial. To kill a human with out testing all the evidence is disgusting in this DNA society. The police were able to turn around the DNA results of the two escaped killers in NY in less than 5 hours while hunting them down….this crime is from 1996. The police don’t want the truth. Sad state of affairs when cops are too scared of the truth to even test the evidence!


  76. Tamika

    She’s a likable person so you don’t want her to be guilty but she is!!! Why would someone stab those boys the way they did but then give her a slice on the throat and then still leave her breathing!!! Listen to that 911 tape the her guilt is all in it!!! And the sock…most likely she put it there after the boys were stabbed and before she cut her self!! It only takes a few seconds for me to run 3 houses down from my house and it took her the same!!! Oh and you don’t hear your boys being stabbed that brutally…I DONT THINK SO!! You don’t know if the killer is black or white but you know what he was wearing!!! This woman is so GUILTY it STINKS!!!


  77. TSmith

    Darlie is innocent and deserves a new trial! The Rowlett police had no idea how to handle this case. I’ve spoken to Darlie and she wouldn’t take back that precious silly string party for the world her babies loved it and it was bought by her sister before Devon & Damian were killed. I have suffered the loss of a child and if I were to write a book on how to act with grief the inside would be blank. You are at a total shock and state that you just don’t know what to do and how to go on. Darlie clearly was in that state and if the jury would have seen the other parts of the video they wouldn’t have convicted her I’m sure of it. Prayers for Darlie, Drake and her family. This nightmare can happen to you people as well open your eyes and look at the facts! Rowlett once accused a man of killing his wife and kids and then they found her she had driven off the bridge in the Ice and they had drown he’d been on death row if it wasn’t for the state troopers Ruling it an accident!


  78. ana

    i believe she is innocent some people express thier emotions
    diffrently when they loose a loved one


  79. FontsDownloadFree

    If it was because she felt overwhelmed by the demands of parenting, why kill the two older boys and leave the baby, the one who is the most demanding, alive?


  80. Ambassador to the most high God Jesus Christ.

    My message is what the Holy Spirit has showed me about this unfortunate trajedy. One day we will all stand before the judge of all the earth Jesus Christ. The books will be opened and all our deeds done in our bodies good or bad will be judged. Those who sit in judgement on this issue need to be very careful. Because what judgement you judge in this matter you will be judged.


  81. Jade Jewel

    Even before I knew all of the evidence, I knew that she was innocent, for one reason. The silly string. I unfortunately have lost a small child, and I don’t wish that on anyone. However, every year on his birthday, we go and celebrate what would have been another year, and wonder what he would have been like at this age. I just feel that is something I could feel in my bones, you know? She is innocent and I pray that one day, the world will know that it was Tommy Lynn Sells. I did some investigating of my own. One of the little boys that he had killed, the child’s mother was put in prison for that. She got out only because it was one of the many that he confessed to. Now, he was just a few hours away, a few days before these murders took place. I looked at his police records. He did this and got away with it plenty of times before. This is his M.O. I hope that someone reads this and really checks it out. I will keep trying to get ahold of someone until I do. Because this isn’t right. May God bless her and her family. My prayers are with you all always. Thank you for listening. I know how to ramble, so I thank you again.


  82. Jade Jewel

    Tommy Lynn Sells is the name of the person that killed those children and attempted to murder her as well. I knew it from the moment that I saw this story on dateline. I hope that someone reads this and really looks into it, because I found out that just a few days before these murders happened, he just got out of prison. In the same state, just a few hours away from their home. I realize that a lot of people think that she did this, but one of the children that he had murdered before, his mother went to prison for his murder also. People do make mistakes, I just hope that someone figures it out before she dies, not being able to hold her son that has cancer now. God Bless her, my prayers are with you and your family.


    • Check your facts

      TLS was indeed STILL in prison during the time that these murders were committed!


    • Natalie

      You were improperly informed that Sells was released from prison prior to the murders. It was investigated and found that Tommy Lynn Sells was incarcerated at the time of Damon and Devon’s murders.


  83. eitherway

    Truth is only one person knows,we all only know what the media tells us,some are for and some are against,we can throw theories out there,but does any of it bring those boys back no.


  84. Lisa

    I believe they are putting an innocent woman to death. No mother, in their right mind, could kill their own babies. She called 911 and was obviously freaking out over the phone. Why would she cut her own throat, almost severing her carotid artery. I don’t believe the video from Devon’s birthday party, at the cemetery, proves that Darlie is guilty. She was trying to celebrate Devon’s 7th birthday, even though he was not here on Earth, any longer. I believe she did that in honor of her precious son. It was not a staged event. She loved those boys and she was just trying to honor them. She already sent out invitations to Devon’s 7th birthday party. Why would you plan a birthday party for your child if you were gonna murder them. Makes no sense. I pray that she gets exonerated and is released someday soon to properly grieve for her children and not have to worry about dying for a crime that she didn’t commit. #prayingforDarlie


  85. Danny Garcia

    How could Darin have slept through all this? Breaking glass, darlie running everywhere, screaming, he probably plays a big part in this. Also, this site does no mention, the routiers owned a dog, and during the commission of the crime, the dog was locked upstairs in Darin’s room.


    • Natalie

      I agree that Darin is complicit is one form or another, but do not believe he murdered his children. There’s no way on earth Darlie would be sitting on death row while Darin lives a life of splendor with their son Drake and another woman. You wonder how Darin could have slept through all this. I’m curious how Darlie could sleep through the sheer brutally violent murders of her son’s who were a mere few feet away from her. Darlie chose to sleep downstairs with Damon and Devon as she was a light sleeper and the simple movement of Drake turning over in his crib would wake her, yet she slept through her son’s murders….completely defies logic!


  86. Laura jade

    Darlie is guilty and where she belongs.There was overwhelming evidence of her guilt not reported here.Funny how this brutal child killer has never reoffended in all these years.Just like the hippies who killed Dr McDonald’s wife and kids.Common sense please.


    • Jessica

      Your an idiot. The person they believe done the murders was not a murderer till then. He was a child rapest. And right after the murders in the area there was even more rapes. And the mass rapest wore socks on his hands so there was not finger prints from him. So how do u explain all that?


  87. Tammy Thomas

    I still think it was in large part the silly string that got her convicted. The earliest stage of grief is denial and I think she was still in this stage at the time of the silly string incident. No, she wasn’t a hero. Maybe she is a bit self centered. And, Darren strikes me as quite odd-talking about her figure, ect. But none of that makes her guilty. I’m on the fence. In most of these cases I am not wishy-washy, but have a very definite opinion. This one baffles me.


    • Observant1

      It wasn’t the silly string party that convicted Darlie, it was the totality of all the evidence. However, one of many things that did disturb me about the silly string party is that Darlie’s pale face is completely unblemished. In that there is no mottled red blotches or red puffy eyes and nose. Just a pale plain gum gnawing smiling face spraying silly string on her murdered sons’ fresh grave.


  88. Linda

    Darlie is right where she belongs!!!


  89. Sky

    She’s guilty.


  90. Stephanie Hopkins

    Darlie is 110% INNOCENT! We already HAVE the intruder’s print (or one of the intruders, there may have been more than one) left ON the crime scene IN a combination of the victim’s blood. On ANY other case, that’d have been the VERY first thing that the cops pursued. But not in Darlie’s case. Why? Why, if they are SO convinced that she is guilty, is that print NOT in AFIS??? …because they’re afraid we’re going to find a hit and they’ll get yet ANOTHER lawsuit for ANOTHER wrongful conviction. That’s why.

    We ALREADY have unknown DNA found on the scene, too – from the first round of DNA testing. More DNA testing is ongoing… So, how long are we going to have to wait to get the DNA profile(s) put in CODIS, as I assume they’re going to attempt to block our efforts in that regard as they have the fingerprint.

    Texas is executing people right and left. They’ve already executed many innocents. Have you noticed the WAVE of MASSIVE numbers of people being exonerated in this last year or so???? It’s because everyone was “conviction happy” in the late 80s and 90s.

    It’s a disgrace.

    See http://www.facebook.com/FIGHTforDarlieRoutier for case updates – just click “like.”

    Facebook Group: “Prayers for Drake Routier,” who is undergoing chemotherapy for Leukemia. Since reaching adulthood, he is speaking out publicly about his mother’s innocence as well, and wants her home, by his side.

    Texas is scared – and ultimately, we WILL get these things done at the Federal Level… Why continue to stall and waste MORE years of her life?

    Darlie Lynn Routier was a VICTIM of a VIOLENT crime. She also lost her two precious sons. She survived – due to the necklace she was wearing embedding in her skin and causing the knife to miss her artery by a millimeter. And all for what? To be convicted of their MURDER???




      The TRUTH IS every single thing sent to be retested has either come back INCONCLUSIVE OR IT POINTS RIGHT BACK TO THE SAVAGE CHILD KILLER —->DARLIE LYNN ROUTIER.
      LIES WON’T STOP HE ANIMAL FROM BEING PUT DOWN. Strap her down and break out the Silly String Yeeeee Haaaww. Gonna have us a greeeeaaattt big celebration of Darlie’s Death. Just Like Darlie Celebrated Butchering Her Children. Instead of lying for a child killer why don’t you get her to confess and save her immortal soul? Lying for a baby killer will just land you in hell with her. Enjoy


  91. Sally Dirk

    If you simply watch the TV shows or read the Darlie site, you will believe she is innocent. I did. And I was horrified all of these holes and questions in the case were not being brought up by her appeal lawyers. So I started to research. Well, the so-called evidence of innocence, finger print, wounds, sock, dirty DA, bad experts, etc. , it has ALL been appealed, and answered by many different appellate judges and dismissed with thorough explanations why they are dismissing it. The things that bother folks here bothered me, until I understood the detail behind them. She is guilty. Even watching her now 15 years later, I can see how self centered she is. She asked Darin for a separation the night of the murders and he agreed. This made her angry and she took revenge on those kids. Sounds crazy to me too, but I believe it’s what happened. Darin caught her in the act and helped her cover it up. Additional DNA testing was granted in 2008 and it speaks volumes that there has been no further appeals filed based on any results. There is forensic evidence indeed that Damon was stabbed in two locations in that room and that he crawled 15 feet after being stabbed the first time. Darlie was out planting the sock and staging the house, comes back, finds him moving, stabs him again. She calls 911 and you can clearly hear her say, “…thought he was dead. ..” The woman is guilty of the worse kind of crime.


  92. April

    Wow I cannot believe how many people think she’s innocent,,why go after 2 little boys??when theirs an adult laying right there??why didn’t she scream for her husband while this supposed altercation happened??? I’ll tell ya why because it didn’t happen!!!!


  93. Laura

    When I first saw the video of the grave site birthday party I was sure she was not acting as a grieving parent would. Since that time my husband died suddenly. I was grieving then and still am now… but I saw a video of me on my birthday a week after he died and I did not look like a grieving wife. I won’t judge how anyone who
    is grieving acts in public ever again.


    • Anonymous

      I’m sorry for your husband. But when people are murdered the first reaction is hurt. That hurt later turns into anger. She displayed none of that. She was almost hiding her guilt. Guilt can kill people if they don’t ignore it.


  94. Michelle

    There is no way she did this. The system has failed her. They wrongly accused her based on circumstantial evidence. This case was screwed up from the beginning. Horrible police work and dirty DA. Darlie will have her day and she is going to be home with her family


    • Linda

      Most cases are based on Circumstantial evidence Michelle. There are very few cases that have direct evidence presented because most murders esp. are not committed in front of anyone nor are they video taped. So the evidence against Darlie is overwhelming as it sits today!


  95. Annie

    In reading the book on the case i believe she is innocent. The sock is now being tested for DNA evidence. There was also fingerprints found that do not belong to anyone in the house.


  96. Carie

    She is innocent. Looking at the wounds on her, you can tell she put up one hell of a fight. Poor thing. Husband and baby are the only one’s who where left unharmed. Hope the state fixes this.


    • Anonymous

      If she did put up a fight, she should of had some sort of description of her attacker. She told police she didn’t know because she was sleeping. So she admitted to being out of her mind.


  97. Tayaba

    I whole heartily be leave she is innocent. Why would you kill for 5,000 dollars ?come on now !her injuries say a lot. I hope they solve this before she is executed.


    • Anonymous

      Your a lady so I want to be careful going over the motive. She wanted attention and went about it in the wrong way. Her husband was not attending to that attention. It could have easily been prevented. She later made up a fantasy about being raped. They have more books about her psychological profile. I won’t read them. It is unnecessary.


  98. Boo boo

    All the woman does is talk about herself.the phone call she didnt even once worry about the baby upstairs?the so called intruder could of still been in the house?yet she stays on the phone saying oh my god oh my god my babies are dying.i would of been on that floor doing what ever I could to comfort and not let go of my child.the phone call to the emergency services says a lot to me cries out selfish,guilty and trying to cover her tracks from the word go


    • Damian

      I personally do not think it is fair to judge Darlie based on what she did or didn’t do in a scenario as horrific as that. I also don’t think it is fair for any of us to say “I would have done this” or “I would have done that”.

      You are correct that Darlie did not mention Drake on the 911 call. My guess would be that she was likely overwhelmed with the situation downstairs at the time. The intruder could have still been inside the house, but, according to Darlie’s own trial testimony, if he was anyway he would have been in the garage. To get upstairs to Drake the intruder would have had to have come back into the living area.

      The call lasted 5:48. She did not spend all of that time saying “my god, my babies are dying”, although I think that would be a reasonable comment to make.

      According to Darlie’s and Darin’s testimony, Darlie was attempting to render aid to the boys. She said that, at one point, she was next to Damon and was telling him to hold on. You can hear Darlie saying “hold on, honey” on the 911 call.

      The call might say a lot to you about selfishness and guilt, but I think you are overlooking the most important thing: Darlie called 911 while Damon was still alive. What murderer calls 911 while their victim is still alive?


    • Kai

      Exactly. It’s all about her and only her. Her,her family and followers only care about Justice for Darlie? Not one of them ever mentions justice for Damon and Devon. Darlie’s mother is a fine one to talk about lies. Since she herself has done nothing but lie for years. For example flat out denying that Darlie took a lie detector test. Which she failed. The whole Darlie clan are whitetrash. Nobody can believe a word they say. The mullet man husband is also a liar.


  99. amber n

    I saw this on forensic files 1 time and just about cried my eyes out. The same episode came on again tonight, I could barely watch it. Its so obvious of what this dumb bitch did to her kids. Look at the evidence of the blood splatters on her shirt pointing UP ONLY.. ONLY a killer would have these type of consistant of stains. Look a week later on the news at her DUMB FACE acting like a thing didnt even happend.


  100. Tammy Thomas

    I’m sorry Dickie for your problems c the Rowlett police. I’m glad you have your little one back. Do you think they will execute Darlie?


  101. Dicky fields

    I believe she is innocent
    Rowlett police was invoked in my daughter being taken and lied to me
    First off I got my daughter back 3 yrs
    But I found out 2 local officer were involved


    • Bry

      If it took you three years to get your child back then you were doing something wrong to get her taken and had to go through the courts to get her back…dont blame the RPD for your bad Parenting


  102. Tammy Thomas

    You may be right MizB and if you are she certainly is a sociopath. I just don’t know. Convince me. My main questions are about the bloody sock, Darlie’s injuries, and motive. Thanks for you input. I do value your opinion.


  103. MizB

    Don’t know why this was on Unsolved Mysteries as the case has been solved. Darlie did it, there was no intruder. The sociopathic narcissist is right where she belongs.


  104. Tammy

    After watching the UM segment about this case again I do think she is innocent. At least she deserves a new trial. One problem is motive. Prosecutors pointed to her wild lifestyle but other than spending money and maybe dressing like a hoochie mama she wasn’t that wild. In most cases where a parent kills, the spouse comes to believe in their guilt, not so in this case. Also Darlie had significant injuries and there was that sock. I don’t see where she had time to hide it. One of the other factors was the climate at the time due to the Susan Smith murders.


    • Justice for Devon and Damon

      Motive does not need to be proven in the US


    • WhatImHave you read the latest DNA results that heThinkingIs

      Have you read the latest DNA results that her supporters want sealed? No intruder at all. https://youcouldbewrong.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/dr-06262015103716.pdf


    • Brandy

      I saw this case on 48 Hours Hard Evidence and ever since then, this case has been bothering me everyday.. I feel like if there was a motive for money, the husband would be the first to go. Also, I remember hearing that he had planned a staged robbery, or wanted to, and that that night, the two had talked about divorce. Not to mention he failed his polygraph test.. I am not saying he is guilty, but the fact that she was questioned so immensely and him not so much makes me feel it was handled so wrongly. As if they just wanted her to be guilty. And how did he not wake up? (Unless there was no noise during the murder I supposed..but I don’t know). Not to mention the two bloody fingerprints that matched no one, not even paramedics or police. Also, in every picture I have seen of Darlie, she seems to be in jeans and a t-shirt, sure she probably dressed up a lot, but from what I’ve seen, she looks like a normal mom. It also creeps me out about the “sock sexual assaulter”..at first when I heard about a sock being found I thought it was too weird, like why a sock??? But after realizing that there was a possible killer and sexual offender who wore socks and stabbed people with knives from their own homes rang a huge bell for me. Not to mention the math put into this to show that it would probably be impossible for her to have staged the sock, especially without leaving a trail of blood considering she was bleeding excessively. Someone also mentioned that it was staged beforehand, but come on, there was both the boys blood on it. This whole thing has bothered me for so long and things, no matter where you look, don’t add up. Another thing…people grieve in different ways people. Not to mention that the video of her at the cemetery was taken after a withheld two hour long grieving session. This is just too weird and kind of overwhelming. The case needs to be reexamined.


    • M Daugherty

      The socks were extra ones in laundry room/utility.room. Which were used to clean or wax car? I think? Do i guess that’s why her skin/dna would be inside of it. Blood droplets????Of kids??? 75 yards in alley. It’s confusing. YES INDEED…All of it. She for the sake of death riw reasons. Absolutely needs all prints, blood or dna to be fully tested. Its win win for either side. If its unknown dna or prints . Then ease retry the case. If not. Audios biotch. Amen


  105. Tammy Thomas

    This case really bothers me. I just don’t know what to think. There seems to be evidence that she may be innocent. I don’t want her put to death.


    • killing"Jennifer

      If the sock was found 75 yards from the scene and she did it wouldn’t she leave a blood trail with all the blood she had on her from “killing” her children the real killer left that sock and that needs to be looked at before the put an innocent woman to death. They have this case WRONG!


    • JezMyOpinion

    • DD

      If you are really serious about finding out the truth about this case you should look at the evidence that they had against Darin, her husband, and never proceeded to charge him. I have uncovered an overwhelming amount of evidence that shows Darins guilt


    • KASSY

      I would like to know why they didn’t arrest Darin. The police may have interviewed Darin, but the lead detective didn’t even take notes when he spoke to Darin. They allowed Darin to go to the neighbors while his family was there dead and dying. They didn’t even interview him until he went to the hospital hours later. Patterson didn’t even take notes at that meeting. They never separated Darin from Darlie. Darin raced right into that recovery room to make sure he was right there when she woke. Darin was also right there when Darlie went to write her statement on the 8th. It just so happens Darlie had no memory so Darin filled those memories in for her . Telling her he got the baby, he handed the baby too her, he helped her on the stretcher. Those were Darins words and accounts of what he told Darlie to say. He knew she had no memory, maybe that is because he may have drugged her after all.


      • MattC

        They didn’t arrest Darin because there’s no evidence to place him as a direct part of the murders. Plus, the only eyewitness, Darlie, completely cleared him during her testimony.

        All the evidence points only to Darlie because she murdered her boys and cut herself at the sink.


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