How has an escaped convicted killer evaded law enforcement for more than 45 years? CASE DETAILS Mary Ellen’s murder rocks the town of Mansfield. On the night of November 14, 1965, 14-year-old Mary Ellen Deener and her younger sister head to the Half Hour Laundromat in Mansfield, Ohio. The family’s washer has broken down and Mary Ellen’s mother feels her daughters are safe because their grandmother lives next door to the laundromat. When the girls run out of change, Mary Ellen leaves, alone, in search of more quarters. Lester Eubanks, 22, a former Air Force medic who had been arrested twice for sex offenses, is out on bond for an attempted rape. When he spots Mary Ellen, he grabs her, drags her behind a vacant house, and attempts to rape her. She screams. Lester shoots her twice, then leaves her for dead. Forty-five minutes later, after still hearing her faint cries for help, Lester returns to the scene and smashes her head with a brick. Mary Ellen dies with a handful of coins next to her body. Her murder rocks the town of Mansfield. Mary Ellen’s older sister, Myrtle Carter, laments that their mother, plagued by guilt, died of a broken heart. By midnight the following day, Eubanks is apprehended by the Mansfield Police and confesses to the crime. In 1966, the following year, Eubanks is sentenced to death. In 1972, however, the US Supreme Court abolishes the death penalty and Eubanks’ death sentence is commuted to life in prison. This opens the door for Eubanks to take part in the Ohio prison system “rehabilitation” activities. Some prisoners attend football games, some go to the Ohio State Fair, while others are allowed to go shopping. On December 7, 1973, Lester Eubanks, who has been awarded “honor prisoner” status, along with three other prisoners, is dropped off at the Great Southern Shopping Mall outside Columbus, Ohio. When guards return four hours later, Lester is long gone. Eubanks confesses to the crime After America’s Most Wanted airs the story about Eubanks in 1994, authorities learn that Lester hid out in Detroit, Michigan for a few weeks, then boarded a Greyhound bus for Los Angeles. He changes his name to Victor Young and moves in with his cousin’s widow, Kay Banks. But Kay’s patience eventually runs out. In 1975, Kay fabricates a story that the FBI has been asking questions. Lester flees Kay’s home and hasn’t been seen since. Despite the assistance of the FBI and Interpol, Lester managed to stay one step ahead of law enforcement for more than 30 years. Eubanks boarded a Greyhound bus for Los Angeles. In 2015, U.S. Marshal David Siler takes over the Eubanks case. Siler is convinced Lester is married with children who have no idea that he is a murderer and prison escapee. Mary Ellen’s sister holds out hope that someone who knows Lester Eubanks, aka Victor Young, will step forward to bring justice to her sister’s killer. Eubanks has two distinctive physical features: a 1-1/2″ round scar on his upper-right arm and a 3″ scar on the same arm. He is left handed and a talented artist. Siler is convinced Lester is married with children who have no idea that he is a murderer. The U.S. Marshals Department is offering up to $50,000 for information leading to the arrest of Lester Eubanks. If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of Lester Eubanks, contact the US Marshals at 866-4-WANTED. |
I guess he is in Cuba or Hawaii ..
He for sure changed his name and left the country.
Hello. No doubt he has left the country because no one can live in his country without changing his face and only changing his name and never be recognized. So if you are looking for him, look among American immigrants living in other countries like Australia.
I think that Lester Was or is a clever person . Because not all the People can scape of that way and be unfounded for a los of years.
I think that Mary Ellen Denner’s case must have justice , bueno we have to admite that Lester was or is a very good person scaping.
hey there lasses, ladies, women and children, my name is Healy, Laura… beautiful morning to watch unsolved mysteries (am i right) what silly little goose let him go shopping when hes so dangerous like seriously guys that was really dumb of y’all. i dont think he would have facebook like come on hes not an imbecile. anyways loved reading all these interesting ideas (except yours dominika that was really idiotic) i will be coming back to this site every thursday at 4.30pm to see if there is any update. Hope they catch him im really scared *shivers in my boots*
its banksy case closed.
He’s a bum here in Philadelphia PA I even have picts.
Could you send me the pictures? I’m trying to investigate more about the case
Look for Victor Young on facebook, he really looks like him!
Stupid Idiotic Judicial system from an equally IDIOTIC state
Sergio López
!!Exelente programa!!
This is what surprises me. He was a consistent criminal. But he hasn’t be caught doing another crime in over 50 years? Either he’s done a great job hiding his crimes. Or we need to know how he was rehabbed.
Ok I will ask.. who were the people that decided to led loose his restrictions while in prison???
Why they don’t hack his fathers phone to find out were he is?
lee zhong
Thats cause they are stupid thats why,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I know someone that reminds me of him… You will have to contact me… He could be reading this…
I don’t think he is that tall tho…about the same age…very flashy but kind of secluded… He helps out others and let’s them stay with him for short periods of time… I do not know if he has a scar on his arm. He is very particular with his car… Washes it a lot… Wears very nice clothes…
Sharon Louise Danielle Sullivan
Hi there, I have a you tube channel relating to northern soul, Darrell Banks is a well known and well loved artist in the scene. I am doing a spotlight on Darrell banks and plan to include the murder of Mary Ellen as Lester Eubanks is Darrell’s cousin. Is it ok to use the photos etc, I also want to ask everyone if they can help find him or know anything to contact you, is this OK. Sharon Sullivan
Unsolved Mysteries
Hello! Please email us at for questions about licensing. Thank you!
Ms. Brett Norlin
Maybe a way to find him is to track down where hdd we displays his artwork.
(me again) I also think this: He is intelligent, close to the end of the show, they said that he knew people in certain states and that he is probably there but, what tells us he is? When he first saw that the police were able to locate him because of his family members and people he knew, he might of completely cut ties with anyone he knew and went to a new state, it would be understandable and, he was able to manage alone, heck, he painted houses to get money. He might have got fearful and just stopped interacting with people he once knew he might have even changed his name again… This is just an opinion, feel free to let me know about yours!
Hi, I have a question. Knowing he is a running fugitive for a lot of time now, I have considered he might have passed away and made my own research, counting the fact that he is running away from the police, I wondered if he might have changed his family member’s names in his… things..? I don’t know I’m not familiar with how this works. I just wondered if perhaps he could have changed completely his family records regarding the fact that he had already changed his name by now and, seeing it didn’t work because the police we’re able to locate him because of his father and Kay Banks… It might be a little far fetched but let me know your opinion!
look for Victor Young in facebook, there are some people that is very look like him, same nose, similar face, they may be related with him
He is living in Nevada with a past prisoner is what I heard.
he’s living in illinoi
Unsolved Mysteries Post author
Please send us more information at,, or through the Unsolved Mysteries app. Thank you.
I’m sure there are many people with facebook that have that name, I’m even more certain that a man on the run would not use Facebook.
I saw him here . Give my money
Unsolved Mysteries
Hi Marianne! If you have information regarding the whereabouts of Lester Eubanks, please submit a tip at
He is here in the uk roaming the streets of Leeds
Unsolved Mysteries Post author
Thank you for sharing this information, Kacper. Please send us any other details you may have either through our app,, or by emailing us directly at Thank you for helping to solve a mystery!
lee zhong
i thought i was day dreaming and told my self i was reading to match crime when i saw him on the street lamoooooooooooooooooooooo
I love this show and recently just watched the episode about lester William’s. I was on facebook and looked up his name and tiger names he has used. And I came across this facebook page of a guy called victor young and I was just letting you aware of that facebook profile