Two teenagers are murdered and their bodies placed on railroad tracks.

Smiling Don Henry and Smiling Kevin Ives

Don Henry & Kevin Ives

Don and Kevin laying down on train tracks

They were lying side by side on the tracks


In the pre-dawn hours of August 23, 1987, a 6000 ton cargo train made its regular night run to Little Rock, Arkansas. The train was just over a mile long and was traveling at a speed of 52 miles per hour. The train had been riding smoothly as engineer Stephen Shroyer approached the small town of Bryant, Arkansas. Suddenly, he saw something in his path, but couldn’t tell what it was. As the train drew closer, Shroyer made the horrifying discovery that two boys were lying motionless across the railroad tracks:

“From the time that we had placed the train into an emergency position and laid down on the horn, I would estimate about three to five seconds to impact. And that may not sound like a very long period of time, but when you’re bearing down a couple of children, it’s an eternity, honestly.”

Investigators searching for a green tarp next to the train

The green tarp was never found

Despite the engineer’s frantic emergency stop, the weight of the heavy cargo train carried it for a full half-mile. The boys’ bodies were terribly mangled. The two victims were identified as 16-year-old Don Henry and 17-year-old Kevin Ives, best friends and popular seniors at Bryant High School. The state medical examiner said the boys had been under the influence of marijuana and he ruled the deaths accidental. Don and Kevin’s parents, however, could not accept that ruling. Larry Ives began a crusade to find out what really happened and to salvage the reputation of his son Kevin:

“Well I couldn’t believe that Kevin was knocked out on marijuana or into any kind of heavy drugs, anything like that, because I was at home a lot during the day, when Kevin come in from school and Linda was here at night and we’d never seen him in a state that he even act like he was you know spaced out or however you want to phrase it.”

Kevin and Don were typical teenage boys. They loved to work on their cars. They loved to hunt. Don was a natural comedian and Kevin was his best audience. Most weekends, the two double-dated with their girlfriends. However, on the night of Saturday, August 22, 1987, Kevin and Don met a group of friends at the commuter parking lot, a favorite gathering place for the local teenagers. Around midnight, the two boys left to go back to Don’s house. Kevin waited on the porch while Don went inside to talk with his father, Curtis Henry:

“And he came in at approximately 12:15, and told me where he was going and everything. I told him just to be careful and he took one of my spotlights with him and took his .22.”

A mysterious figure walking out from the woods in the middle of the night

Was the mystery man the killer?

The two boys set off to go “spotlighting,” a form of night hunting which is illegal in Arkansas. One of them would shine a light in the animal’s eyes, transfixing the prey, while the other fired. That night, the boys chose their usual hunting ground, along the railroad tracks that ran behind Don’s house. Three hours later, the train came speeding down Bryant Hill. The boys were lying exactly parallel on the tracks, their arms straight down by their sides. According to the train crew, they were partially covered by a light green tarp. Lying parallel to both of them was Don’s .22 caliber rifle. According to Stephen Shroyer, neither boy was moving:

“I started lying down on the diesel horn. And I got no reaction, none at all, not so much as a flinch. And we just… passed over them.”

What had caused the two boys to lie side by side on the railroad tracks? The State medical examiner concluded they had smoked the equivalent of 20 marijuana cigarettes. He determined that Kevin and Don had been in a deep sleep induced by the drug and had never heard the oncoming train. He ruled their death an accident. Don and Kevin’s parents would not accept the medical examiner’s conclusion. Kevin’s father Larry hired a private investigator to find out what really happened:

“Every time he would try to find out something, it seemed like he would meet resistance from different authorities… and we weren’t getting anywhere.”

Five months after their sons were killed, the boys’ parents held a press conference. They hoped to force the authorities to re-open the investigation. The day after their press conference, the investigation was officially re-opened. Newly appointed Prosecutor Richard Garrett had the boys’ bodies exhumed for a second autopsy. The doctor concluded that, together, the boys had smoked, not 20, but between one and three marijuana cigarettes. He also found evidence that one boy was already dead, and one unconscious, before the train ever hit them. A grand jury reversed the medical examiner’s original finding of accidental death and officially ruled the boys’ deaths were “probable homicides.”

Prosecutor Garrett then focused on the green tarp reported by the train crew. Neither boy owned one. Garrett wanted to know who had covered them with it, and why:

“All four of the people on the train who were able to observe the scene prior to the accident, stated that the boys were partially covered by a green tarp.”

However, police who searched the scene later denied that Engineer Shroyer had even told them about the tarp. According to Shroyer, they even questioned the tarp’s existence:

“That to me would be like questioning the existence of the boys on the track. Because what’s real is real and what’s not is not. And… it was there, as well as the boys.”

Then, another intriguing lead surfaced. One week before the boys were killed, a man wearing military fatigues was spotted near the train tracks. His behavior aroused suspicion. When police officer Danny Allen stopped to question him, the man opened fire:

“I got up from the seat. The subject was gone… we searched the area and never found the subject.”

On the same night Kevin and Don died, witnesses again reported seeing a man in military fatigues. This time he was heading down a road less than 200 yards from the spot where the boys’ bodies were found. Police, however, were unable to locate him.

Don Henry’s t-shirt was analyzed by an expert pathologist. Cuts in the fabric indicated that Don was stabbed before the train ran over him. In light of this new evidence, the grand jury changed its ruling from probable homicide to definite homicide.

Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season one with Robert Stack and season five with Dennis Farina. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Various seasons available now on Hulu.




  1. Charlie

    Fantastic insights! Your post combines thorough research and clear communication skillfully. Eagerly awaiting more enriching content from your knowledgeable perspective


  2. Charlie

    Fantastic insights! Your post combines thorough research and clear communication skillfully. Eagerly awaiting more enriching content from your knowledgeable perspective


  3. Jeh

    There was a contra training camp near mena as well. It was a hub for the CIA to smuggle weapons to the contras and other groups in Central America throughout the 80s.


  4. William

    Anything the Government does not surprise me anymore and the thought of our government killing 2 boys to protect there investment and there habit discusses me and is a blemish on our Nation the Clintons are as corrupt as Biden but to execute 2 boys they need to be in prison and life without seeing the Sun rise


    • Pete Flynn

      Big cover ups back in them days . Also Trump and his partner Liberace involved in Atlantic City at boy toy parties at Trump Plaza


    • Joel

      Your comment has no merit and is off topic. All you cane to do was go off tangent and complain like trumpy dumpy about Biden. Get over it. Move on kid.


  5. Anonymous

    I really looked into Bill Clinton’s possible involvement. But he had nothing to do with the deaths. Just because your drug dealer kills someone doesn’t make you a killer. Now there was a lot of covering up. In Arkansas Marijuana is legal today. But back then a politician would be in deep trouble if he was caught allowing freight like that into his or her area.(even unknowingly.)


    • J

      He wasn’t directly connected but he was associated with some of those who were. Lots of state level corruption around the Clintons at the time which fostered an environment for drug running and various other illegal activities to thrive in the 80s


    • E Catalina

      How do we know the CIA didn’t promise to help him get elected as president in return for him letting them use his state for Reagan and the CIA to fund their illegal wars in Central America? Also, when the misactions of the medical examiner in the case came to light, Bill Clinton doubled down on letting him keep his job and then gave him a raise! I admit there’s no proof about Clinton, but there is motive and there is some unexplainable behavior towards the officials involved on Clinton’s part.


    • Rhonda

      Clinton’s are both as corrupt & evil as they come. Full on pedophiles!


  6. Donna Ginter

    Boonie Bearden is my nephew. Here it’s been over 35 years and his body yet to be found.


    • mick

      I mean, does anyone really think that almost 13,000 pages of evidence that the FBI has regarding those two boys would mean there’s only one person responsible for their deaths?


  7. Concerned Citizen

    My parents are friends with a lady in Arkansas who along with her deceased husband had owned a resort on Bull Shoals Lake and a real estate agency in Little Rock before retiring. When my mother asked her about this Bill Clinton (who was then running for President of the United States) she was immediately warned, “Oh no…. You don’t want the Clintons! They are part of the Dixie Mafia!”


    • Joel

      Well when your mom’s friend says that the Clintons are part of the dixie mafia then yea it must be true. Great reliable source that cant be verified with irrefutable facts.


  8. Patrick

    A former WWF wrestler Billy Jack Haynes has claimed he was there and the boys were indeed murdered after stumbling onto the drug drop. They were beaten to death and placed on the tracks to conceal any evidence. Billy claimed he was hired and paid 50k as muscle by the drug dealers to help product the deal that was being done since he was a giant. The poor boys were in the wrong place at the wrong time that night. Billy has spoken in detail about what he saw/did in a few Youtube interviews, he even met with one of the boys parents and she thanked him for coming forward. He said he regrets helping kill the boys and wants it off his conscience. To me it all seems to fit but opinions can vary. Not sure why a former wrestler would come out and lie about this particular case.


    • Hillary

      30 years later he decided to come forward? Why didn’t he then? Now he’s so noble…NOT! He just knows the dudes responsible are either too old to do anything or dead. What a joke!


  9. Piet de Zwart

    People are insane. There is no evidence of a homicide whatsoever. The damage caused by the train collision must’ve been horrendous. How can you even determine a hole in a shirt is a “stab wound” or that a skull was crushed prior to the collision?


  10. Sara

    Like many other similar segments… I can’t help to think if their parents had given them a respectable curfew and forbid them from illegal hunting, they would still be here.


  11. joe

    it was all part of an international drug trafficking ring that ran out of mena, arkansas during the time that bill clinton was governor. these kids saw something they shouldn’t have. this mystery will officially remain unsplved forever but if you put the pieces together then it all fits.


  12. Brandon Johns

    It’s odd. I never heard of this case until recently. I was born in saline county in 1981 and lived there until I was 14 not far from where this happened. I would have been 6 going into the 1st grade at the time of this incident. Had I heard about this I don’t think I would have ever ventured into the woods there again. Scary.


  13. anon

    What I read is these boys witnessed one of the CIA drug drop-offs that the Clintons were allowing in their state so the boys got killed.


  14. Squirt

    As much as I dislike the Clinton’s, I think this case is much simpler. These kids have been illegally night hunting for who knows how long. This enraged a land owner. The man dressed in camo is most likely the killer. The boys were put on the tracks to disguise the injuries. A land owner would do this, not some corrupt politicians or the cartel. It could have been someone who lived in the area and had seen these boys do this numerous times. I don’t believe the idiot with the non existent 8 second tape, he’s trying to get money for his buddy Detective on the go fund me. He’s implicated the Clintons knowing how many people hate them. Hoping to restart the case and get millions in donations to put the Clintons away for life. The mother also no longer believes his story either. I don’t think this is some huge conspiracy, but I do believe that these boys met ONE person who ended their life.


    • Sick to my stomach

      I wish i could talk to this mother!! I myself have an all to similar incident!! My brother and another teen was hit by a train in the exact same way and go figure the examiner said the same thing about the pot!! No way in hell not to mention the boys was struck on the head and laid head to head on a Saturday at about 4am in the morning in another government state!! I cannot even find a news article about their incident.. I think we could help each other!!


      • Ryla Pavlisick Rhoades

        I am trying to find out ANYTHING about your similar case involving two other boys that were killed in a very similar way. I saw a very small snippet mentioned in the unsolved mysteries tv series but there is NO MENTION of that case. That is WRONG!!! ALL THESE YOUNG MEN DESERVE JUSTICE AND THEIR FAMILIES DESERVE CLOSURE!!! Is there any information you can give to me to help me in researching this case?? I would like to help and I am a hobby researcher and historian. I want to help. Thank you


        • moontwin

          Maybe this is a decent place to start…? I was curious about it, too. I could only read a few comments on this page, because the vast majority of people wanted to ignite a vast and ever-flowing conspiracy. If a conspiracy, then why have a similar case with similar deaths? Good luck on your research.


        • Steve

          Please let me know if ANYONE reached out to you!! Esp if not, please contact me at, as I d love to assist in some way!


        • james

          There are two similar cases. THe Hainline and Decker. THere is also a one reinike and Smith where two boys were puton a railway line, It was in 1985. Carnage on Ice on Youtube does a feature on it Im also interested in those killed after Kevin Ives. A young man called Jeff Rhodes. and Jordan Ketelson. There is very little information about them.


      • Ryla Pavlisick Rhoades

        I am truly interested in your brothers case. This is truly a tragedy for all of the people involved in these cases but I have to question why there is no mention ANYWHERE about your case except for a small mention of your case on this tv series. If there is any where you can point me in the direction to research this case in particular? I am a hobby researcher and historian and I want to help.


      • Bill Blaski

        What was the name of your brother and his friend? What state was this in? Sorry for your loss.


      • M.A

        I am so so sorry about your brother! Can you please contact Ashley Flowers from the podcast Crime Junkies? she recently covered this case and is looking for any cases of victims of a similar crimes as she believes there could be a connection and would like to investigate this further! It might be a good way to get your brother’s case out there!


    • Seeker

      There is a man who said he witnessed the murders. He does say it involves a politician and drug running.


      • yeahok

        lol ok continue to psyop. we all know these two kids witnessed the drug running that was a part of the iran contra affair which is already known to the public yet still on march 2020 people are posting saying they know people who also laid down on train tracks? give me a break. let the public know the truth. no one is even looking at this story right now except for me. you CIA people get paid to post this garbage?



      Right so the police killing all the witnesses off before they can testify would be because they are best buds with the camo man they say did the crime. Because the boys were seen being beaten by police and thrown into the back of a police car one appearing unconscious, they must have been taking them to angry camo man.
      If they went out to kill a deer how were they going to get it home? Probably just after rabbits or other night time animals. I myself do not like hunting but nothing excuses how these two kids were murdered.


    • Hillary

      Your theory is not out there! But the medical examiner and multiple police, court authorities, etc were all involved in the cover up! So how would a land owner accomplish all that?


    • Sol

      I agree with you probably same neighbor who tried helping parents look for clues, like usually happens when people or children get kidnapped.


  15. software akuntansi

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  16. Copsdidit

    Cops were behind it I’d look at the chief of police q d he was running drugs from that area they walked into that area and saw something they were not supposed to. Cops killed them and stagged it.


    • lol

      Officer Eddie: (reading [Chief]’s license) Well well, [Chief], from [anywhere-ville].
      Officer Lou: I heard some guy got killed in [anywhere-ville] and they never solved the case. But you wouldn’t know anything about that now, would you, [Chief]?
      (Lou and Eddie laugh)
      Steve Sax: But there are hundreds of unsolved murders in [anywhere-ville].
      Officer Lou: You don’t know when to keep your mouth shut, do you, [Chiefy] Boy?


    • Melissa

      And that is probably why the green tarp disappeared. It was a tarp that police carry in their cars.


  17. Anon

    In the book, Linda Ives is not thrilled about her son’s story being part of The Clinton Chronicles.


  18. Amanda Lavalle

    There is a 4-part episode of the podcast, true crime garage, that basically solves this case. And although it seems unlikely in the beginning, the people ivolved in their deaths, confess by the end. And it totally ties into all the drug trafficking Roger Clinton was involved in, in Arkansas


  19. william

    Kris, hit the nail on the head. However they were not beaten by the rail road tracks proper, that happened in an old rental mobile home with in sight of the little store, and notorious pay phone if the store is still there.
    The last I knew there were 2, maybe 3 people involved that are still alive, the man in the camos, was most likely named Richard, who has also been dead for 30yrs now. but as far as this wrestler, or Larry Nichols being there, never happened!


  20. nyccityskyline

    • Tracy

      This has always been one of the most ridiculous conspiracy theories I have ever heard.


    • Ryla Pavlisick Rhoades

      I am trying to find out ANYTHING about your similar case involving two other boys that were killed in a very similar way. I saw a very small snippet mentioned in the unsolved mysteries tv series but there is NO MENTION of that case. That is WRONG!!! ALL THESE YOUNG MEN DESERVE JUSTICE AND THEIR FAMILIES DESERVE CLOSURE!!! Is there any information you can give to me to help me in researching this case?? I would like to help and I am a hobby researcher and historian. I want to help. Thank you


  21. Bill Blaski

    Ex-Wrestler Claims He Taped Train Running Over “Boys on the

    After reading this i do not believe Billy Jack. He recorded it, he wore a black wrestling mask, he placed them on the track? While i certainly believe the boys stumbled onto something that got them killed i am doubting Billy Jack. If this so called video exits, then it might finally close this case and give the Henry and Ives family some closure. I watched this segment as a kid and have always kept up with this case.


    • Mark Belmont

      Could be a bluff for self protection – like if anything happens to me my friends will release the video and yall are -. As it stands he’s not revealing the politicians name..


  22. Priscilla kellebrew

    What was the unsolved mysteries season and name was it on


    • Unsolved Mysteries Post author

      The segment name is “Friends to the End” and it is on streaming in S1:E5 with Robert Stack, S5:E11 with Dennis Farina, and on Lifetime and Escape in SP099.


    • Seeker

      I just watched it. It is the very first season, episode 5. It is on Prime.


  23. Bill Blaski

    • Bob

      Why hasn’t billy bobs crime foundation been extradited & subpoenaed?? The clinton asses need to be PROSECUTED for MANY killings!!! Just ask Larry Nichols – IF clinton crime bags haven’t killed him. They belong in HELL – Burning!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!


    • Bob Collins

      Why hasn’t billy bobs crime foundation been extradited & subpoenaed?? The clinton asses need to be PROSECUTED for MANY killings!!! Just ask Larry Nichols – IF clinton crime bags haven’t killed him. They belong in HELL – Burning!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!


  24. Bill Blaski

    I see another ending in this tragedy. These boys were night hunting, spot lighting. Did they investigate all the local land owners and relatives? People don’t take kindly to trespassers hunting on their land. I remember a case in TN were the land owner murdered 4 adults for riding 4wheelers on what he thought was his property line. I do hope one day this case gets solved and justice is served. They need a new set of detectives to take a new look at this case


    • LookWithinWithinYouWillSee

      Pretty sure they witnessed something they shouldn’t have, I will tell you I live in Arkansas and have alot of experience in these locations and have even been on those very tracks this area (Alexander) is a very odd place if you know where to look and who to talk to…Their is areas of it that are just loaded with meth labs at least back in the 90s their was more recently i recall multiple grow houses being busted there and more…lets just say I used to get around back in the day and for sure their was a quite large drug/theft ring going on there. It was big money at the time and I assume it was the leftovers from the time the Clintons had a hand in it so as organized as it was in the 90s I can only imagine what it was in the 80s. I feel if anything all these murders that happened over the years while the Clinton’s were here seem to have just stopped once they left or at least the cover ups being done by the medical examiner did once they were gone and moved on to Washington. I would have to say it is well known in the state that they are up to no good and they are ruthless, I only pray that Trump is actually going to surprise the Clinton’s and soon they will fall like dominoes, you need to notice many of the people that were done dirty by the Clinton’s in the past during their rise to power are now part of the Trump Admin and believe me they have a bone to pick with the Clinton’s and I am shocked that some of them were not also killed…see when your dealing with scum like that they typically clean their tracks as if they neglect to they wind up with RICO charges, it amazes me how well all this info was covered up as they rose to the top. The Impeachment was a slap on the wrist, but I think with current tech etc these cases need to be reopened and reexamined for new evidence that was, at the time unable to obtain with past tech. We should all strive our hardest to make sure people like this never find a seat of power in this country and if they do they should swing from the gallows before being turned into fertilizer to inevitably be mixed up with the rest of the turds.


      • Jophiel

        They cannot hide their sin from Him. Soon, the truth will be made known to all. No more secrets to keep. The judgement here, will not bring the punishment deserved. It is temporary. It is the judgement that awaits them after death, that they deserve. It is eternal.


    • Robert

  25. Ron

    Here’s a full documentary on the Boy’s case…
    Murder On The Tracks – The Story of Kevin Ives and Don Henry


  26. Anonymous

    Wow, it’s been nearly 30 years since Don & Kevin were murdered and placed on the railroad tracks. The 2 teenagers were experienced hunters and had a .22 with them. I think definitely there were 2-4 men involved in this incident. I say that because one man would have to subdue 2 men of around 120-180 pounds and take their weapon. Plus drag or carry their bodies to the railroad tracks. That’s plenty of time and effort. Why not just leave the bodies where they were? As many have posted, this appears to be a wrong time and wrong place kind of deal. They witnessed some kind of drug deal or weapons buy and had to be silenced. The placing and posing of the bodies on the tracks ensured death and acted as a warning to others not to interfere. Similar incidents of people placed on tracks suggests a ring of some kind. Points near towns with the tracks where drugs were distributed and transferred. Anybody who saw something or interfered silenced in some way. I think this case should be high priority in Cold Cases out there.


  27. Anonymous

    Laugh at me but , Bill Clinton is behind this.


  28. Anonymous

    If anyone knows anything, provide the proof and evidence of what happened and do it anonymous. I remember this case. It was sad what happened.


  29. Anonymous

    I’ve just read this, terrible! I’m so glad the train guy and freinds, etc. Didn’t stop questiong, and couldn’t accept, they were just high, when pot, doesn’t make you like that, so you wouldn’t even hear a train and it’s horn a blowing!!!
    Did the killer ever get caught?? Would be really nice to know!! H6


  30. Anonymous

    Al9 Gebhart did it,..Hillary’s lover and FAMILY henchman..ask David Reagan.. He Knows..


  31. Anonymous

    Yes, the Clintons. Anybody who says otherwise is just a PAID PUPPET.


  32. Anonymous

    Emporium, PA Jeffrey W. Russell,22, died August 29, 1981,as the result after being struck by train directly across from his parents home. His friend is said to of dropped him off around 3:30, although he changed his story about the location. He was in a fight the previous evening, the first to my knowledge. There was no autopsy, nor any inquest. His alcohol content was .224. His death was ruled a accident. His parents hired a lawyer, private detective, offered a reward, and wrote letters to people who they thought might help. There were many rumors that he was murdered. It has been nearly 34 years since his death, and people still wonder how he ended up on the tracts that morning.


  33. Anonymous

    Emporium, Pa Jeffery W. Russell,22, died August 29. 1981. He was struck and killed by a train, as he was laying between the tracks. His friend dropped off around 3:30 or so?, but changed his story about the location. He was in a fight the previous evening, the first that I know of. There was no autopsy, nor any inquest. His alcohol content was .224. This just a very brief description of some of things pertaining to Jeff Russell. It is sad that so many years have gone by, and still there are questions about how he ended up on the tracks that morning. The not knowing is the hard part… Jeff Russell death was ruled a accident….


  34. George

    Here’s a documentary loaded with info on Kevin and Don, and the cover-up that followed, and covers a timeline of events in the case that happened right up until this past August 2016…

    Murder On The Tracks – the Story Of Kevin Ives And Don Henry


  35. Lacy M. Christian

    I’ve recently discovered that I’m related to one of the boys. Kevin Ives is my 3rd cousin through my Dad. It makes this case more heartbreaking to me than when I first saw it


  36. alex bachicha

    this murder should of been solved long ago. i watched the clinton chronicals a couple of years ago and this murder mystery appeared on that documentary. It was well known cocaine was been flown and air dropped into Mena, AZ which those boys probably witnessed. The murder cover up was well done due to the fact then Governor Clinton had most law enforcement cover his and Hillary’s crimes. After watching this episode on Escape channel I am suspicous of this show by not presenting all the facts. This is high profile murder and you barely said anything about possible cocaine trafficking.


    • William

      Lol, Mena AR is over 100 miles away from where they lived and we’re killed.


      • Olivia

        Then explain the shadiness of the medical examiner. Beyond bizarre. How did so many things get overlooked and where did the tarp go? Come on. Once the parents hired their own independent examiner the outcome was homicide. Someone is covering something up here. It absolutely baffles me how people aren’t as least suspicious. Like people who commit suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head. It’s not even logical. Yet people connected to the Clintons have done just that. Any normal person would at least be thoroughly investigated…


  37. brian

    mena airport cocaine drops for bill clinton, to pay off favors like tyson chicken. they came upon a drop and were killed, medical examiner covered it up all authorities hushed it up. bill red nose clinton had cocaine parties with girls, dispicable. solved not unsolved u blockheads.


  38. Sarah Blackmon

    If you’ve lived in the Little Rock area you know it is VERY dangerous. I’ve lived in both Little Rock and Oakland and I was much safer in Oakland. I actually left Little Rock because it was too dangerous. Assuming the Clintons have anything to do with this is pretty ignorant. They are not the only people in the state of Arkansas. There’s a documentary called Bangin in Little Rock that details how dangerous the city is (including surrounding areas), so it doesn’t take much research to figure it out. Murder rates are also higher in Little Rock than they are in Oakland. 3 people (separate incidents) were murdered the week I moved and I left on Thursday morning so I don’t know what happened that weekend…


  39. Kris

    According to snopes:
    “In a 25 May 1990 hearing before U.S. Magistrate Henry Jones Jr., Katherine Brightop said her ex-boyfriend Paul William Criswell told her that he and three other men were involved in the teenagers’ deaths. Brightop said Criswell told her the boys tried to steal cocaine from Callaway’s home and they were caught and beaten to death before their bodies were placed on the tracks.”


  40. Franklin

    Any parent who encourages their child to kill animals in such a cowardly way deserves what they get. I’m just relieved that there are two less gun happy people in the world.


  41. SLA

    THE TRUTH ……..Don Henry & Kevin Ives witnessed a drug deal, that was being done at a pawn shop front for a drug/child porn ring. There were photograph negatives in the possession of two Ashdown, AR attorneys that met their suspicious demise. The negatives were of Bill & Hillary engaged in sex with underage boys! My__________was the DEA agent assigned to the case and an indictment was pending until his administration was over, however Clinton last act as president was to pardon himself & Hillary which left the indictment hanging. ________ dads good friend was the engineer on the train, and my cousin (by marriage) was the assistant in the morgue that performed the autopsy. Fahmi Malek was the director of the crime lab, and he was made to lie saying they smoked so much pot they just laid down and passed out, however, my cousin said they were full of bullet holes! The whole situation has been covered up for a long time. I’m glad to see that Linda Ives is finally speaking up!! Their lives were threatened for years because of it!!


  42. Anonymous

  43. rob main

    i still think the boys stumbled onto something they shouldn’t have.drug deal gone bad and what happens the man in the military uniform puts them on the railway wont say anything.that’s my opinion. take care.


  44. susan

    Two run away boys in east Texas were also found dead on tracks. , maybe a connection.


  45. Don't matter

    Dan Harman


  46. maharwood

    What a biased show! Completely ignoring the obvious!!!!
    It all ties into Ronald Reagan, Oliver North, the Nicaragua Contra Rebels, the CIA, Cocaine, and monies for Weapons, and the Mena airport. Bill Clinton, Fahmy Malak, Dan Harmon, Jackson Stephens (Stephens Inc.). were just the Arkansas connection! No conspiracy theory! Fact…
    I personally know the editor at the Mena news (at the time) Derwood Brett and others that were arrested for their involvement in the distribution locally of the cocaine at the time of the boys murder….
    And please do not forget- Roger Clinton, Tommy Macintosh. were also arrested and later pardoned. It all is tied together!!!


  47. Jason

    My best friend died in a eerily similar way as these two did. He was knocked out or supposedly passed out on the train tracks in Brantley county ga. His death makes no sense as they blew on the horn a good half mile before sticking him with the train. His name was Chris Bagly. His death will go unsolved but it would be nice for someone to shed some light on these mysteries.


  48. Ann

    Mudered boys!!


  49. Stunned by conspiracy fanaticals

    The Clintons? Really?? Where in the name of all that’s rational did this gossip rather than clear thought process come from? Are we really willing to “drink the Koolaid/Moonshine of at all costs to humane feelings. The emphasis should be sympathy for those young men who lost their lives and their families rather than taking nag the opportunity to spout fanatical hate rhetoric. In reading this mostly from spewed poisonous and unfounded vomit, I see very little sentiment and emphatic for these young men, their families and even the train crew. How low has humanity sank that humans are willing to jump on any “hate” bandwagon that raises its irrational and insane head. May God help us all!!


  50. Truth in Crime

    It’s sad that so much technology is being used to mislead and confuse the simpletons above who buy into the much discredited Clinton Chronicles and such. Just like they take their votes, they take their dignity and leave them with confused minds thinking they are intelligent. Sadly typing away at half-witted scandals to distract from their own sorry,
    empty lives.


  51. lord rob main

    find the mystery man in the miltary uniform and the case will be solved.rob main.


  52. rob main

    please let me know if there is any updates in the future rob main


  53. Johnny

    I was a few years younger than Don and Ken when I watched this Unsolved Mysteries episode. These teenagers were experienced hunters and had a rifle and a 22 with them. They probably would have shot if they were in danger. It would be interesting theory but they probably stumbled upon something illegal. It had to be more than 1 guy could be 2-4 to subdue them. Remember they had weapons. Most likely, it was a drug ring the kids stumbled upon. Could be a high ranking associate or somebody of importance was there. No witnesses could be left alive. The kids on the tracks was definitely a message to anybody interfering in this operation. They wanted those boys to be found and quick. Otherwise, they could have just left the bodies hidden in the woods. Don’t think this case will be solved.


  54. Anonymous

    There is a obituary for Jeffrey W. Russell 1959-1981 on Below the obituary a “DBS” made a comment. Maybe it’s just me, but I find it a bit odd. It is my understanding when Jeffery died the area on the tracks was never secured. I say this because his pocket watch was taken (and later returned), some of his remains were left on the tracks for his parents to take care of, and his keys were found later on the crossing. Do you get the point? I could go on and on……..


  55. Anonymous

    A great documentary about this case and the coverups that were done by authorities, as well as touching on the Mena smuggling overall:


  56. JP

    Bill and Hillary Clinton were involved? This is ridiculous. Because he was the governor of the state at the time and did shady things is really preposterous to suggest it without anything to back it up. You’re on glue. Or drinking the local shine. Get a clue. And no, I’m not a “puppet” nor do I support the Clintons but you really show your true intellect to jump on some idiotic bandwagon. Do you really all still beat your wives and drag them by the hair too?

    How about considering simple, worldly logic and consider that these kids may have pissed the wrong people off or run into the wrong sort of people? According to the story, they were out late at night (after 12) with spotlights and a gun in the wilderness.


    • clinton killer

      You obvious working for them u stupid idiot


    • Anonymous

      Claims made against Roger Clinton surfaced back in the early nineties ….this is not something people are just stirring up now just because that hag is running for president.


    • Mike

      The wrong people?? Maybe they ran into part of the Mena connection to the Iran Contra Affair… This is all Laid out in clear testimony in the book “Compromised” By Terry Reed, An actual participant as a contractor and pilot for Air America and CIA. He actually helped pilot the planes that were smuggling the drugs to Mena with Barry Seals. It goes into great detail of all the crimes committed and ALL the players involved. And yes, The Clintons were into it up to their necks. It’s a long book but extremely eye opening and interesting testimony. Mr Reed ruined his life comping out with this testimony but believed he was doing the right thing.


  57. Anonymous

    The Clintons? REALLY people? Turn off the computer and go outside, interact with actual people. You’re losing it.


  58. Mr Mike Jersey

    When will we see the movie on this very sad story?


    • Barry Seal

      Actually there is a new movie coming out called “Mena” about the drug operations the CIA ran through Mena, Arkansas during Clinton’s term as governor of the state. Tom Cruise is playing Barry Seal, the pilot who set up the operation. But I doubt seriously if they will reveal any real facts about the case. I agree, I would love to see more about these boys, maybe a movie or just more news coverage, this is the first time I’ve seen this story in the national media, I was surprised. There were others boys that were also killed and left on train tracks in eastern Oklahoma, not for from where this happened at about the same time.


  59. Mr Mike Jersey

    How come this is not on abc and nbc or on the controlled news? What are they hiding?


  60. Mike Jersey

    Keep this case open. Close in on the Clinton’s. Yes Billy and his wife Hillary.let’s make them pay for this.


  61. DJ

    Claims of Clinton involvement have been debunked. Although not a fan of the Clinton’s, there is solid evidence located here:


    • afbsi8211008374

      in that link they claim that vincent foster committed suicide, and tried to refute ALL of the claims, which indicate clear bias. the clinton body count is an exaggeration, yes, but some of the things, especially in the case of vincent foster, had extremely sketchy details and a lot of hard evidence contrary to the official investigation results.

      the writer dismisses this by appealing to authority (how could kenneth starr be wrong?). however, starr’s own lead investigator (miguel rodriguez) resigned because he believed the whole investigation was a cover up and he was actively prevented from pursuing investigatory leads that were contrary to the presumption of suicide. his letter of resignation and a 31 page memo was discovered in the national archives in 2009 i think, and you can find it online, wherein he details the reasons for his resignation and 12 important points of investigation that he was not allowed to pursue, including photographic evidence of a second bullet-like wound on foster’s neck, which is consistent with the report of the 4 paramedics who first arrived on the scene and examined foster’s body.


    • lulu

      snopes in paid for by the Clinton’s


    • Sarah

      I see no evidence. As soon as I’m don3 LOLing at snopes I’ll tell you about how I watched the Clintons destroy our state. Now they’re getting another shot at bringing down America. People are so blind…


    • Arlo

      Snopes has lied this entire election. They have thrown away all their credibility.


  62. Barry Seal

    I just watched your episode and I can’t believe there is no mention of Mena or cocaine. The murderer was not caught he went on to become President of US. No mention of the special “task force” that was formed that rounded up all the witness and then killed them before the trial. I have no respect for this show after seeing this joke of an episode.


    • Barry Seal

      Thank you for posting my comments. I take back the remark about the show, I do have respect for you guys for posting all the comments about it. I just wish you had gone into all the critical details that were left out. Maybe you can report on it again. Thank you.


  63. Mr.Mike Jersey

    And you want Hillary to run for president.


  64. Carl Gee

  65. Carl Gee

    Just as most of the other comments infer, I suspect that the Menna, Ark. cocaine trafficking operation was somehow tied to these young men’s demise. Unlike many though, I do not place the onus of responsibility may not fall onto the shoulders of the Clinton’s, but rather on the shoulders of their partners in crime, the CIA and George H.W. Bush. It is my belief that these boys witnessed something, and out of curiosity, went to get a closer look. They were discovered by posted guards, and were killed either intentionally or accidentally. Their bodies were then placed on the railroad tracks, covered with a tarp and left to be crushed and mangled by the oncoming train in hopes of doing away with any physical evidence of foul play. The fun and games these people play is really not fun nor is it a game for the American people, and MUST be stopped. I pray that we as a people can bring closure to this and other like atrocities perpetrated by these evil cabals.


    • Dick

      Great point. When operation an illegal drug trafficing ring you should not be held responsible for the criminals you bring into the operation.
      Lets say bill clint put a hit put on your neighbor but accidently gave him your addres and you got murdered. Of course you would not want bill to get more than a slap on the wrist. Get the guy who bill paid to do a job.


  66. Shannon

    Please check the tape Clinton Cronichles regarding this case


  67. Anonymous

    I’ve always heard it was the Saline County Sheriffs dept. They were all very corrupt back then. Several months after this happened Saline county prosecutor was arrested for drugs.


  68. Keyser Soze

    It wouldn’t surprise me if other deaths at the time were connected to the Mena drug syndicate, including the “accidental” deaths of Billy Don Hainline & Dennis Decker in Oklahoma in 1985 (also eerily similar to the manner of Ives’ and Henry’s murder); and even Norman Ladner’s “suicide” in Mississippi in 1989. Seems cartels were operating heavily at the time in the neighboring states of OK, AR, MS.


  69. greg aldridge

    im no fan of bill but I don’t see that happening but anything is possible cause a liberal
    can get away with everything still channels 3 6 9 would throw there support to them


    • JackRightcha

      Thanks for posting that info on the other uncanny similarity. Another case around the same time? So unreal.
      I’m curious to dig up information on how the Clintons are involved.

      Mysteries such as these drive me crazy! What only drives me crazier is Not reading about them at all.


    • Anon

      I can verify that IT DID HAPPEN & that they were responsible. A lot of our friends died mysteriously for speaking out about what happened that night, but they didn’t get all of us.


    • One who knows

      You better open ur eyes


  70. Mike Jersey

    A drug air strip out of Mena??? Did the boys see something they should not have?? All lead to then Gov Bill slick willy Clinton???


    • SIlly

      What a load of garbage. What would the kids have “seen that they should not have?” An airplane flying into an airport? A package being taken off an airplane? Its ridiculous. Go down to any major airport and watch packages come off the planes for a few days….guess what? You saw drugs coming off an airplane. The idea that these kids saw something incriminating at an airport, connected to some cocaine deal, and were killed for it, is flat out silly. What, exactly, would they have seen????


  71. Anonymous

    Bill and Hillary Clinton did it.


  72. Lee

    I saw this on u-tube about this case. It starts at 35:50.


  73. rob

    has the killer ver been brought to justice


  74. Anonymous

    has the killer ever been brought to justice


    • Mr. MIke Jersey.

      the boys on the tracks. A very good book. Mena, Ark. A air strip off drugs from So. America??? All ties lead to then Governer Bill Clinton!!! A cover up for sure.


    • Anon

      The Clintons are still running free aren’t they….well then, there is your answer…NO the killers haven’t & won’t ever be brought to justice…rather the killers wife is running for President. & I CAN VERIFY that they were MURDERED. However, the body count seems to rise anytime anyone speaks out publicly about my friends & the events of that night.


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