African statues seems to have an effect on the fertility of women who touch them.

Fertility Statues

Women who touched them got pregnant
They came from a small village on the Ivory Coast, north of the Gulf of Guinea. They stand five feet tall, male and female, carved from solid ebony. To a local tribe called the Baule, the rare statues possess an amazing and awe-inspiring force: it is the power of fertility.

Anyone could come and touch the statues
In 1994, Edward Muier was searching the world for artifacts bizarre enough to add to the Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum. He found the statues in a small curio shop. According to the owner, once the village shaman blesses the statues, they’re placed in a doorway facing each other. When a woman walks through and touches them, she’ll become pregnant.
Muier brought the statues back to the United States and, as a joke, put them in a doorway where they could do their best work. But what began as a joke quickly took on a life of its own. According to Muier:
“Within a few weeks, our receptionist was pregnant. And she is the person closest to them, and basically had to pass them more than anybody else. And she got teased unmercifully. I mean, ‘Oh, Lucy touched the statues.’ You know, ‘It must work. It must work.’ And then along came Kimberli.”
Kimberli Martin was the Ripley’s accounting clerk:
“I had just recently gotten married, so my husband and I had made the decision that we didn’t want to start a family for about three or four years. Once I was told the history of the statues, I had made the decision myself that I wanted to stay as far away from them as possible.”
But for Kimberli, there was no escaping the statues’ seductive powers:
“I was walking down the hall and I tripped along the base of the female statue, looked down and my hand was resting on it. Thought at the time that the damage had been done. Couldn’t do anything about it then, so I just went on about my business. A month and a half later, I found out I was pregnant. I should not have gotten pregnant. Definitely, I was practicing birth control at the time. That was definitely a surprise, but it was a wonderful surprise.”
In 13 months, 13 women who came in contact with the statues became pregnant, including three of the 10 women who worked in the office. Edward Muier said that
as the word spread, strangers came in off the street to touch the statues:
“We just weren’t prepared for people phoning at all hours of the day, wanting to come and touch a statue. We decided to put them in our local museum in Orlando and let people come for free.”
Nancy McCaffrey gave it a try:
“It was just funny. I got a little nervous. Didn’t know exactly where to touch the statue or how to touch the statue. So we giggled our way through it, but I was really hoping it would work.”
Two weeks later, Nancy was pregnant:
“I really think it did have something to do with it. I don’t know how. I don’t know why. But it’s just a little too ironic for me.”
According to Edward Muier, Ripley’s has received postcards confirming nearly a thousand pregnancies:
“I think you’ll find if you talk to any one of those people, you’ll find that they believe these statues had something to do with their pregnancy. Maybe that’s the power of suggestion, but it’s their power. They believe it.”
Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season nine with Robert Stack and in season four with Dennis Farina. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Various seasons available now on Hulu.
Bobbie Jo
I meant 1999 not 1998
Where are the statues now in the United States
I wonder if anyone has done a DNA test to see if it is real or just a coincidence.
These things work! I’m a baby of the statues. My parents were married for 5 years. And they were desperately praying for a baby. My mother went to a doctor and they told her she wouldn’t be having any kids whatsoever. They went on vacation with their best friends and a couple in a restaurant were talking about these statues and my parents happened to be listening in. Immediately they ran to see them and about a month or so later found out they were pregnant with me. Wether it be a coincidence or not that is a pretty amazing story to me. ☺️
Bobbie Jo
I was told in 1998 that I couldn’t have children ,but in 2000 I went to myrtle Beach and my mother made me rub all over the female statue this was in like July of 2000 ,then in November I was told I was 6 weeks pregnant. So I’m a true believer of the statues.
My Brother is also the baby of the statues and I’m his little sister. My parents were married for years. And they were trying to have kids. My mother saw the news about the statues in Florida and my dad was hesitant at first but they went to Buena Park and they touched the statues and that’s how my brother was born. To me I’m always a believer.
Nikki & CJ
Me and my boyfriend of 8 year’s recently went on our first vacation to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and learned about the statues, that were located at Ripley’s believe it or not. After a miscarriage in September of 2018, we have been trying with no luck. Due to the current restrictions we weren’t supposed to touch them. But we didn’t know when we would have another chance, so we both rubbed them. Currently in the two week wait
My husband and I took a trip to Knoxville and Gatlinburg on a whim this weekend. He has children and I have children but we have no children together. I had a tubal ligation in 2011 and a tubal reversal in March of this year. We have been TTC for 7 month unsuccessfully. While walking the strip in Gatlinburg this weekend we also saw the African Fertility Statues and thought what the heck, so we both touched both the male and female. We also rubbed them 1 day past my ovulation date.
Praying for a bundle of joy!
My husband and I have been trying for 3 months so far.
Touched the statues in gatlinburg tn at Ripley’s believe it or not on tuesday 11/19/2019. My husband and I touched both of them.
We both touched them one day after my ovulation. So fingers crossed
My husband and I took a trip to Gatlinburg, TN on Valentine’s Day weekend on February 14, 2020. We touched the statue. We have been trying to conceive for 2 years. When multiple doctors told us it’s impossible for me to get pregnant naturally on our own. We’re hoping for our miracle baby.
Gabrielle Gonzales
Im interested in the statues
Eric coronado
Me and my girlfriend are interested in the statues we wanna have a bby
Touched them in March 8 of 2014 after 2 years of unprotected intercourse with my fiancé. Became pregnant March 9 and now have an almost 5 year old daughter.
Selena Melton
I want to know that too if so I need to find them I’m confused where they are at I’m seeing several different places if there I’m Orlando FL then here I come I really want to see if it works.
I touched them today! We will see!
Nick knack
Why can’t we comment on the story above about the gold budda and Roger Roxas? There is no way to comment on that story? I recently read where his son was searching for his dads lost gold.
Unsolved Mysteries Post author
Hi Nick- thank you for bringing this to our attention. We hope to have the issue fixed soon.
I traveled to Myrtle Beach today, February 3rd, 2018. I touch both statues and I’m excited to see if it works. 37 months of TTC! Fingers crossed with high hopes!
Where exactly can i go to touch the statues
I have been trying for years to have children. Hopefully the statutes work for me. I will keep you posted.
Dod it Work.?
Jaquanna Rogers-Roberts
Did it work?
Jacqueline Gillespie
Would it you guys visit New York ?
Cj & Sara
We just went today jan 20, 2018 to see them at myrtle beach and my wife touched them. We are hoping and praying they are real and will work for us too. Been trying for our first child for 3 years now.
That’s weird because the original statues are on permanent display at the Orlando Ripley’s…i just touched them on Jan 27th 2018
I went today February 3rd! I sure hope this is real as well. Keep us all posted!
Rosalinda garza
When are they coming to Houston Texas fertility statues????
Rosalinda Garza
When will fertility statues come to Houston Texas
Tori W
I recently visited the statues in Orlando, FL and have also learned that I am pregnant! According to my doctor we conceived within the same week in which we visited the statues!
I just touched them on Jan 27th 2018!! I’m hoping i finally conceive, we’ve been trying for 30mos…I’m in my two week wait now 🙂
I toook my kids to the ripely’s believe saw the statue. Not thinking how real it was touch it, my kids was like mommy you touch laughed and I don’t believe it. That was March 29, 2017, I found I was pregnant was 6 weeks and 7 days on June 28. It was really a surprise I was on the depo birth control for a few years and stopped for 2 months thinking it takes time to get of out your blood system. It has happened both were I have taken the depo and it took about 6 months to a year to get out of my system . I really think that this statue played a big part..
Hi, are they the new pair of statues or the original ones? I’ve been reading on Ripleys’s website that they have a new pair & they are “testing” them out. Would you know? Thanks & congratulations on your pregnancy
Trina aldrich
Where is it located at ?
The one my children and went to was in Orlando Florida.
A Man And A woman Must Have Sexual Intercourse In Order For The Woman To Become Pregnant!
Lyn reynolds
I touched the fertility statue in may 27th 2017,don’t know if it will work for me as I’m 47 don’t think my partner and me can have any more,would be so happy if it did work
Trina aldrich
I want to know where it located at please?
They do come to Texas, San Antonio, they came in April of 2010. According to the website, they will be touring again soon, check there.
We’re r they located
Ripleys believe it or not museum london piccadilly circus.
Superstitious 16 y/o DONT want to get pregnant??!
Ok so yes… I know where babies come from and I won’t be doing any of THAT anytime soon… but I accidentally bumped the statues, makes me wonder… just slightly freaked out… I know it’s silly but I would freak if it worked, and not in a good way.. and I would get in so much trouble even though I am never near boys if ya know what I mean… I’m probably being ridiculous but…
Sam johnsonSam
where are these located now????
They are in London piccadilly circus
Sam johnson
They are in London
Where are the statute’s located now…I’m in Houston and I can afford the out of the country fees thanks
They are currently in the Gold Coast, Queensland Australia went and seen them today.
Ripely’s believe or not museum in Orlando,Florida
Kathleen house
I touched it twice and months ago it finally did something iam mental pauseing and my tube are tied and burned my doctors appointment to find out if iam prego on Dec 12 2016 I will let every body know if it worked for me thank you ripley for having women get pregnant that cant
Linda chavez
So did it work.for you..
Keesha Carey
Hello I want to know did it work for you after you touched the statue
janett P wilson
Did it work for you?
Norma J. (San Antonio)
I am interested in going to Ripley’s in San Antonio or around Texas. I want to experience the touching of your Fertile Stairs. I have 3 son’s and I am wanting to try and come out pregnant again. My younger son is 25, but I had a tubealization and burnt and cut my tubes at 21. I regret doing that decision at a young age, but I’m willing to take a chance in touching your Fertile Statue. I’m hoping it will work Rk for me. Now do we have those specific statues or if we order them online, will they work the same. Can you text me the Tour Website. Thank You
When are you going back to the Philippines. I really want to touch the statues
can i touch it on the sight or just in person
Bring them through texas please i can’t afford to go to london lol
Do you ever tour through San Antonio, TX??? If you haven’t, would you please??? i want to visit this statue …
where is the statue right now, id like to visit
I touched them in Feb 2001 in Buena Park, Ca two months later in April 2001 I was pregnant. Had been trying for 16 yrs. My son is now 14, why have they not toured anymore?
Where is the statue located now, I would love to visit it now.
Hi Lizzie – according to Ripley’s website, the statues are currently in London.
They are ripleys belive it or not in , located in picadilly circus in london
do the statues work if you were tied cut and Burnt ???