An autistic man who walked away from a group home leaves clues that he is still alive.

Two photos of Gordon Page, Jr. He is a young adult with short brown hair.

Gordon Page Jr.


Gender: Male
DOB: 4/15/63
Height: 6’3”
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
Defining Characteristics: Tan birthmark on the side of his torso; when crossing streets, he turns eyes, but will not turn head
Remarks: Last seen 5/91


Gordon Page, Jr. or “Gordie,” was born autistic, but his father, Gordon Sr., said it wasn’t until much later in his life that he was diagnosed:

“I guess maybe when he was real young, we thought something was wrong, but we didn’t know what. He didn’t walk like other kids and run like other kids. As he got older, you know, he’d just sit there and look around and didn’t even move.”

A brown pick up truck hits a light green station wagon on the driver's side.

Gordon stole a truck and had an accident

However, according to Gordon Sr., Gordie showed a great propensity for memorization, especially when it came to baseball:

“I would say he probably had twenty five or thirty thousand baseball cards. He knew the names of every player, all the statistics of the cards, and he would just sit there and memorize them.”

Gordie’s mother, Linda, says Gordy didn’t realize he was slower than the other kids until he reached junior high:

“His peers started getting ahead of him. And when he needed to go into a special ed room, it bothered him. He had a hard time in 11th and 12th grade because he couldn’t keep up with everybody who was passing him by.”

Three people are walking towards a large van in the background.

Gordon’s father had to say goodbye

Gordie graduated from a Grand Rapids, Michigan high school in June of 1981. He was ready for his first job. His father helped him apply at a local grocery store:

“He said, ‘Dad, I got the job. I start Monday. Isn’t that great?’ And it made me feel so happy. And I dropped him off at work in the morning. And it made me feel proud as a father to see him working and to see him happy.

But soon, the store manager said that Gordie was having trouble talking to the customers.

His father’s coaching wasn’t enough. It just didn’t work out at the grocery store.

Linda and Gordon were worried about their son’s future. They asked a social worker to evaluate him. He was diagnosed as a schizophrenic. It was recommended that he start living in a group home. Gordon Sr. said they decided to give it a try:

“We went to visit a group home and the lady said he can’t stay there until he goes to see if he needs to be stabilized on medication in the hospital. So we did that. We finally agreed. And the doctor there put him on Ritalin and Valium. And Gordon wasn’t Gordon after that.”

An open window with brown curtains drawn to the side.

Gordon Jr. disappeared from the group home

Eventually, Gordie was accepted by a well-regarded group home. There, his medication was adjusted and he started to feel better. In September of 1989, with Gordie in good hands, his parents felt they could finally relocate to Florida as they long planned. Gordie stayed behind in Michigan.

For several months, things went well. But one day while heavily medicated, Gordie stole a truck that was left running in the driveway of the home. According to Detective Chet Bush, Jr. of the Kent County Sheriff’s Department, Gordie was involved in a hit-and-run accident:

“We interviewed the lady who was the victim in the accident. She gave us a description which fit Gordon. Our officers then received another call, a call from one of our elementary schools that a person fitting Gordon Page’s description was at this elementary school wanting to teach a class. So we responded there and at that time, picked up Mr. Gordon Page.”

Gordie was sent to a county hospital. There, psychiatric social worker Bill Arnold evaluated him:

“He was brought in with a label of schizophrenia. People that are schizophrenic will, with medication, over a couple weeks, start to clear up in their thinking, and their behavior will come in line, and they start getting back more to normal. With Gordon, that didn’t work.”

After several months of intensive therapy, Bill realized that Gordie was not schizophrenic; he was autistic:

“Once we got him off all those medications and started treating him as possibly an autistic, and working on training and just giving him some respect, he was a totally different individual.”

The Pages found a different group home in Grand Rapids, one that specialized in autism.

On May 22, 1991, Gordon Sr. shared an emotional goodbye with his son:

“We kind of stood there and talked and we hugged and talked a little bit more and then we walked over to the van. And I said, ‘Everything’s going to work out.'”

As his father started to drive away, Gordie broke away from the orderlies and began pounding on the van:

“It’s very painful, now in retrospect. I wish I’d allowed him just to get in, crawl back, and just driven him home to Florida. But you don’t think of those things, and we didn’t know what we were going to be facing in the future.”

Four days after his father left, Gordie disappeared. An eyewitness reported seeing Gordie hitchhiking toward Interstate 96. A search of the area turned up no leads and Gordie has not been seen since. Linda Page says she and Gordon Sr. just want Gordie back:

“We’ll never stop looking for Gordie, because we love him. We’ve always been a close family. He would know that we want him back.”

Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season seven with Robert Stack and in season three with Dennis Farina. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Various seasons available now on Hulu.




  1. Yeti

    If you have a tip. Someone posted this

    JANUARY 4, 2024 AT 11:51 AMHave you contacted the Kent County (MI) Sheriff’s office with this information? They can be reached at the Investigative Division: 616-632-6125. Just tell them you have a tip on a Missing Person.

    Also I have a FB page decided to Gordie. It’s called Where is Gordie? Feel free to visit it if you like:

    Thank you, and have a wonderful day!!


  2. Sam S

    Any update? (I don’t have Facebook)


  3. David

    I worked with Gordon for many years right before he went missing. We spent time 1:1, so I got to know him well. I documented my interactions with Gordon, but no one ever followed up with me . I have some serious thoughts about what happened to him.


    • Jessica

      Hi David! I’m hoping crime junkie, audio chuck can do an episode on him… do you want to chat I want to collect data…this case really broke me.


      • Patti Garner

        Hey Jessica. If you need details about Gordie, let me know. I manage a FB page called Where is Gordie, and a lot of the information is on there. You can also email me at Thank you for your interest in Gordie!


    • Patti Garner

      Hey David. Have you contacted the Kent Co. Sheriff’s office, who’s in charge of his case? It’s infuriating that no one has contacted you! I manage a FB page called Where is Gordie?, and I do get tips periodically. We have about 2500 followers. Anyway, if you’d like to keep in touch, please feel free, OK? The more we can spread the word about Gordie, the more likely it is that we’ll eventually find out what happened to him! Here is the FB page:

      Thank you, David, for helping Gordie!


    • Brooke

      Yeah, I could be waaaayy off, but the parents are off to me.


  4. alyssa

    so many people have seen him over the years more likely seen someone who resembled him. is it possible he’s still in michigan somewhere in a mental hospital as an unknown person? is there a way to get a court order to check on all unknown people living in such a place

    i was ten years old when he went missing and watched unsolved as a kid his story always haunted me. i pray answers come soon for him.
    suggestions would be to get a billboard up in michigan close to where he went missing from but on a major interstate im betting someone would call in leads if they knew something but didnt put the two together


  5. Sandy

    This story really upset me.

    Something is wrong with this story. Just for the sake of speculation; if Gordie did leave, and nothing was done to him in that group home (I’m talking about homicide.) They say an eye witness saw him hitchhiking, and then he disappeared into thin air, never to be seen again.

    That sounds like a cover-up story, it sounds like a weak story someone would make up about someone nobody cared about, and so there’s no need for a better story because no one is going to care; just sounds like a complete lie to me.

    No, something bad happened to Gordie Page; either he was killed in that group home and they’ve covered it up, or someone did something to him after he left. The cruel people in this world would kill someone like that poor man, he was either killed or he was taken, people don’t just disappear like this never to be seen again by another eyewitness. Not someone like Gordie, he would definitely stand out and people would definitely remember him. Gordie would leave a trail of witnesses because of his odd behavior, not just disappear. I don’t believe this weakl fabrication at all.

    And guess what?
    You don’t get to get away with what you did to Gordie Page. There is a Judge that you will have to face and make an account to for hurting Gordie and He was there, watching every single evil thing you did to Gordie. His Name is Jesus Christ.
    You won’t be able to get away from Him on that Day because you will be under His power. And Gordie who is in Heaven will get justice on that Day.

    “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment”
    Holy Bible Hebrews 9:27


    • Tina

      I’m telling you I’ve seen this guy before but if I’m not mistaken I’ve seen him in niagara falls ont he walks around downtown n if it’s not him well than this kid has a twin cause I swear I had to watch this show 9 times n I’m telling u its the same guy I use to see downtown niagara falls Ontario
      The kid looks just like him n the kid seems really lost n I asked him one time where his family is but he just started laughing at me n told me they are all gone .. anyways I know I’ve seen thos kid I just know .. anyways I’m in stratford ont right now but I’ll be back in the falls n when I do I’m going to take a picture of this kid n I’m going ti send it to thus sute n than u tell me what you think!! Anyways this is so sad cause u have no idea how many people out there that are lost .. it’s up to us to help them find there way home . Also I’ll be in the falls on the 15th so I’m going to go downtown n sit at the soup kitchen n see when that kid comes n hopefully he dose cause now this is going to be on my mind cause it has been since I watched this show over n over again. Anyways God bless him n his family n if I could help I will n again i don’t know the guys name but he looks just like him let me tell u . Anyways we will see xaysr I’m going to see if I can find him . Anyways God bless everyone..


      • June

        I hope you see him again and call authorities. I pray it’s him.


      • Patti Garner

        Hey Tina! Have you contacted the Kent County (MI) Sheriff’s office with this information? They can be reached at the Investigative Division: 616-632-6125. Just tell them you have a tip on a Missing Person.

        Also I have a FB page decided to Gordie. It’s called Where is Gordie? Feel free to visit it if you like:

        Thank you, and have a wonderful day!!


        • Tina

          I’ve seen this guy in Niagara falls ont .. he hangs out downtown I swear it’s the same guy when I seen his face wow I know I’ve seen him … I don’t know what to say .. also I now live in Stratford ont ATMso I have not seen him since a year ago .. I don’t know I just have this feeling n here I’m sitting here n the show comes on again .. well if it’s him he lives outside and he stays to himself he doesn’t talk to anyone at all.. anyways I will be back in the Niagara falls ont this year so well I’m there I’m now going to be looking for him and when I do I’m going to try my best to see if it’s him cause I will contact some one as soon as I see him again.. he hangs out downtown Niagara falls ont.. idk this guy looks just like him wow but I’ve never seen him with anyone ever .. I remember him because he asked me if I could buy him a drink one time in front of Tim Hortons so I bought him a drink n I asked him where his family was n he told me he has no one n that he’s all alone n that’s the way he likes it . I don’t know I’m still in shock rn .. if his mom can see this please know that if I see him again I will contact someone I promise I will cause I have kids .. this is so heart breaking..


          • Alicia

            Any update Tina?

          • Chelle

            Tina, go ahead and contact Niagara Falls police right NOW about this and let them find him. Don’t wait until you’re back there.

          • Robert Stack

            The guy that you saw… is he older? Realize it’s been years and years since this segment…

          • Kryssy

            Tina – you refer to this person you last saw a year ago as “kid” multiple times. Gordon was 27 years old in 1991 when he disappeared. He would now be 61 years old. if you saw a 60 year old man a year ago I highly doubt you’d refer to him as a “kid”. Your statement makes little sense.

          • JC

            How do you know it’s Gordie ? Does he look like he’s around 60 ? Hope you’re right and it is him. Take a picture of the guy like you said and send it to the investigators handling the case in Michigan.

          • Jon

            If you see him , say the names lance and Todd. Maybe you’ll get something out of him

    • Janice

      Amen to that.


    • Ryan Richardson

      As a healthcare provider, I am infuriated by this case. His parents were lead down a wrong path, he suffered side effects of inappropriate meds (Ritalin and Valium) misdiagnosed as schizophrenia when he was autistic. There was no reason to put him in a home if his parents were capable to take care of him. It makes me so sick even 35 years later


      • Diana

        I agree with you, though I am not a medical expert, I also take into account that this was the 1980s-90s, an era when autism wasn’t still very well undedstood, nor was even a officially established “mainsrream” health condition, like it is today, so for that time era, medical/mental experts did and guided his parents within what they hardly understood of the condition, and with little methods of treatment available at the time. Luckily, autism is now much more understood and managed much more appropiately, but unfortunately for Gordie, he came into this world with that condition in a very wrong time period.


  6. Ryan

    Unfortunately when a person has been missing this long, 32 years in Gordy’s case, said person is most likely dead. There are rare cases when somebody resurfaces alive after a long period of time but, again, it is rare.


    • Jim

      I unfortunately agree. What a good looking kid and, more than that, a loving dad. Why not let him just work at a grocery store with a name plate and a “I have Autism, please be patient with me!” Sign?


    • tina

      I really don’t believe that at all I’ve seen ppl that were missing for longer n were found.. this is a very sad story


  7. Jordan

    I m a mother to an autistic daughter. I would never leave her in a group home ever. It’s a shame when the Dad says if I could do it all over again I would have let him get into the van. This case breaks my heart. I recently rewatched it and it always makes me cry. Made my husband cry too. I hope and pray that they find him. The family needs and deserves answers on what happened to him!


    • Danooch

      Please don’t be too judgmental of that father. Autism was just beginning to be recognized back in those days, and his father was doing what doctors told him needed to be done to help his son. (Whereas you have the benefit of a far more knowledgeable and enlightened treatment protocol than was available back then. Judge not. No comparison.)


  8. Mike Fournier

    I I pray that God will direct his path to where he needs to be and that people will love them the way he is, for it is not his fault the way that he is for he is gods special child. Please pray that God will help him in direct his path to people that would love them care for him And help him to develop even though this is happened to him when he was born God doesn’t make any mistakes not even for Gordon. What do you think?


  9. Ben

    As a resident of Grand Rapids, the area where he ran away was largely farmland and woodland at that time and is close to the GR airport with giant fenced off fields nearby. I hope for the best, but I think it’s more likely he got lost in the woods and expired from exposure to the elements or God-forbid may have fallen in and drowned in the nearby Thornapple River. Based on the parents’ description of their son, I can’t imagine he would have the ability to communicate and hitchhike to some unknown city and support himself until today. Of course I hope and pray this isn’t the case.


  10. Deborah

    As the mother of an adult autistic son there is no way it was appropriate to leave your disabled child in that way and leave for another state. There couldn’t have been a stronger message given of being unwanted. Hopefully he found people who care about him.


    • Brittany

      I completely agree! They talked about loving him yet dumped him in a home and moved all the way to florida?! That confused the hell out of me


    • Dr Pysch

      Understand that back then it was common to put individuals in group homes. Autism wasn’t really understood or known. The family thought they were doing what was right. Times are different now. Don’t judge today’s standards to the time then.


      • Ash

        I understand that much less was known about autism back then. But the parents STILL moved to Florida, because that had been their plan all along. Putting him in a group home is one thing. It’s what they were told by doctors to do. Putting him in a group home, for the second time, AND MOVING STATES AWAY, is a total other ballgame and I see this as a type of neglect. Whether your child is 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, how dare you stick them in a place that is foreign to them with people who they have no established relationship with…AND THEN MOVE AWAY. How dare anyone do that. THAT has nothing to do with a time when we knew less about the human condition, it has nothing to do with knowing little about the condition itself, but it has everything to do with parents who cared more about themselves and less about their son. It is appalling, really. He left 4 days after they left. He banged on the windows of the vehicle when they were telling him goodbye and that still wasn’t enough to make them change their plans. I think he left because he was in a search for his mom and dad who he couldn’t comprehend would leave him, because who would, and who knows what happened to him during that search. It’s massively difficult to put the blame on them for you and most, but in the reality of it all, I believe they’ve got only themselves to blame and it’s apparent they – kinda – realized that when it was all too late.


  11. Anonymous

    The John Doe found in Hendrixville Alabama also stole cars and was desperate for money. Gordon stole cars before and was desperate to go with his dad back to Florida. The Doe was on a 4 month crime spree before his luck ran out.


  12. Sabrina

    This case still gets me from this day .
    Unknown answer .
    I wish , it was solved so his family can get justice but I feel this is one of them unsolved cases that will remain unsolved .
    God bless gordy Jr . And his family . I hope someday they get answers .
    I always think about this case once in a while God bless the page family .


  13. Sabrina

    This case still gets me from this day .
    Unknown answer .
    I wish , it was solved so his family can get justice but I feel this is one of them unsolved cases that will remain unsolved .
    God bless gordy Jr . And his family . I hope someday they get answers .


  14. Dana

    • Jason

      Unfortunately it isn’t much of an update. The cards were found under the overpass not long after he disappeared. Honestly, the headline was a little misleading because it made it sound like the cards were found recently.


      • Jason

        I watched a decades-old “Unsolved Mysteries” this evening. The episode ran a segment on Gordy Page….I was shocked to find that his whereabouts/status is still unknown!

        But in researching this online this evening, I found another article that was also misleading, since it seemed to say the baseball cards were ONLY RECENTLY found. Instead, as in this article, the baseball cards were found shortly after his disappearance.

        I do not think this is anything deceptive, though.

        How does someone who is autistic disappear into the general population? Somehow, somewhere, there will be attention called to a special needs adult that comes out of the blue….right?

        Its a sad story. The depiction in Unsolved Mysteries of the moment when his dad drove away, and Gordon was pressing against the vehicle window, asking to be let into the car just broke my heart. I could NEVER drive away. I just would not be able to do it. I am not judging his father’s decision nor making any statement about his choice, by the way. I am only saying that I would think there MUST be a workable situation where Gordon could live w/ the family, among contentment, love and support, and be a productive adult.


  15. Ron hunt

    I have a 9 year old son who is autistic so this really hits home I saw this episode years ago and I do check for up dates Never give up God bless we’re praying for him and his family


  16. Laura

    Just saw this tonight. I couldn’t stop crying. I pray they find him. Pray!


  17. Darlene Coldwell

    Wow some of the cases on here is heartbreaking, I was and still am crying for Gordie to find his way home.


    • Jackie

      Same here. I have a mentally challenged son & Gordie’s sweet demeaner, like my son, touches my heart. I’ve prayed for him for years.


  18. Christina Lewis

    This story is heart wrenching, so vulnerable and unable to communicate with others in a normal way. I fear he is probably dead or living among the homeless on the streets. May God take care of him.


  19. Jk

    This case breaks my heart. Shame on the parents. Its one thing to stay in state but they went and moved to Florida. He was looking for them.


    • Phyllis Comparato

      I agree, they should have taken him with them.


    • Allison

      I think in a perfect world, yes but unfortunately what people don’t understand is that you can’t move to another state with an adult child with disabilities and say “I just moved here and I need services for my adult child”. You will be depending on services wanted put on waiting list which can be 2 to 10 years long before they start to see what the person needs. So that would probably mean him not working since from what was said he didn’t seem to have the ability to work on his own ( without a job coach) and probably living with his parents. Where as in Michigan, I would believe that he had all that set up already.


    • Melissa

      I try not to blame parents cause some parents just can’t deal with things properly and think their child will be better and “happy” with “professionals”. So I understand why they put him in a home. I also understand wanting to “enjoy” their retirement. But, why not place him in a home in Florida? Surely even though he’s in a home, you’re still going to visit him, so why waste so much time and money traveling when you could place him closer to you. Poor guy just missing his family. I hope the medical community makes better strides in mental health.


  20. Jason Stone

    My son is autistic, so this one effected me more than most. It’s also tremendously sad that after all these years it has not been resolved.

    We all live in hope…..


  21. Catherine Anne

    I watched a rerun of this episode over the weekend. I spent the weekend looking for a photo of a conducter of a children’s railroad in Roaring Camp Santa Cruz California. When I found the photo, the gentleman looked too old to be Gordy. I just wanted you to know, folks are still looking. May you have comfort…


  22. Chris

    As a parent of an autistic boy this one hit home. So long ago but I deeply hope to be pleasantly surprised one day and hear that he is OK. I believe someone knows something but perhaps has
    lost the will and the courage to speak up.


  23. Bill

    I keep checking back for updates. I saw Linda’s post (I assume it’s genuine) and My heart goes out to them. There’s a lot of hate on this thread, but I doubt ANY of them could handle what the Pages have gone through.


  24. C.C.

    I was at a mall in Flint, Michigan. I saw this man that reminded me so much of Gordy. He was wearing headphones off to the side, waiting for Macys to open. He didn’t move his head when he looked around, only his eyes.I think he picked up i was staring at him because he started to act nervous and look side to side, never moving his head. He was heavier than the pics I have seen and hair was shaggy. I remember thinking he looked custodial in his attire, or maybe he was just dressed that way. I saw him once more at a bus stop on Lapeer Rd. He was standing off to the side by himself and wearing headphones.


    • Corrina Lee

      Did you report the sighting to the authorities? Never know if it might lead to answers for the family of this missing man.


  25. G

    People with his condition alot of times dont have the same kind of feelings we do. Empathy forgiveness etc.


    • Rhiannon

      That’s a myth & dangerous one. Autism (among) is pronounced difficultly to read others and know what their feeling, something early researchers falsely assumed was an inability to feel. To this day this leads to the abuse of autistic children by family who think their child has no feelings to hurt or is trying to hurt them on purpose.

      I have a friend who personally suffered this. It was so bad that he fled them as soon as he was able, even knowing it would leave him homeless for an unknown period. They went so far as not bothering to tell him that an uncle had died!

      Truth is if an autistic person knows your having a bad day your more likely to get an apology (even if they didn’t contribute), a hug, some help, or all three.


  26. Charles

    This is absolutely heartbreaking. Had Gordie have been spotted, then he would have been easily identified I would imagine. Could he be wondering around Michigan? Did the police ever check any local homeless shelters? I certainly hope he didn’t get picked up hitchhiking by a person who meant to do him harm. What other possible scenarios could there be? Could he have wondered into the wilderness and perished?


  27. Brad Debbaudt

    So sad that Gordie has not been found yet. Today would be his 56th birthday. I have autism myself and Unsolved Mysteries has always been one of my personal favorite programs. I’ve seen this story numerous times. I know and understand how much it’d mean to Gordie’s family if they at least find an answer. Sadly, Gordie’s father Gordon Page Sr. passed away last year never knowin’ what happened with his first born son. His mother and two brothers are still around and I know how much they’d like to have an answer. My uncle specializes in cold cases and I know he could help. My heart goes out to the page family. I phope and pray they find an answer soon.


  28. Jasmine Koidhis

    Didn’t they ever investigate the staff that worked in this group home for autistic people? Couldn’t out of frustration that they may of caused harm to Gordon by accident and covered it up with him escaping? Or intentionally caused them harm? Could of Gordon hitchhiked and met with fowl play coming home to Florida? I’m just saying something is not right here so many punctures holes in this story. I do not believe the parents had anything to do with the disappearance at all.


    • Sandyjeanie

      I discovered an unidentified male on the Doe Network: 82UMTN..who looks eerily like Gordon Page Jr..and the time line is accurate as well..along with the direction that he may have been heading. The authorities would not even look into the possibility that the unidentified male could be Gordon..because the man had a missing tooth and a couple of broken ribs. Well..isn’t it possible that someone at the group home caused those injuries before Gordon left the home?? I wish they would investigate this case..but they won’t.


      • Unsolved Mysteries Post author

        Thank you for this information Sandyjeanie. Unfortunately, Doe 82UMTN has been excluded from Gordy’s case according to NAMUS.


        • Sandyjeanie

          I know that the man from the Doe Network has been excluded but what harm would it do to test his DNA?? It really bothers me that they won’t & I can’t let it go. Yes, there are a few things that don’t match; but, there’s a whole lot that does match. Test his DNA..for God’s sake!!


          • Patti Garner

            I agree. And keep in mind that while Gordie doesn’t have DNA registered anywhere, he DOES have dental records. The Kent County Sheriff’s office has access to them.

  29. Lib

    This story breaks my heart. The pain of losing a child is incomparable. I could feel your love and heartbreak in the episode. One day Jesus will wipe away every tear. Hugs to you, Mrs and Mr Page.


  30. Kristie W.Payton....Gonzales, Louisiana

    God bless you Gordie, your loved ones, and all who has helped in this case…whether hands on or prayers, etc..


  31. Joe

    This is so very sad. I seen this rerun episode on the HULU app, so hopefully now that new people are seeing these Unsolved Mystery episodes something new on this case will come up. This story really breaks my heart. I’ve worked as a caregiver/nurse for those with developmental disabilities for about 10 years now. Hopefully Gordie is still alive and being taken care of.


  32. Andrew

    I remember this story when it was new. I really expected an update on this one.


  33. Jane

    And lastly, Mrs. Page owes you zero explanations for she and her husband’s actions. Unless you know how the disability services works, it’s very easy to believe what the social workers, doctors, and psychiatric staff tell you. And if you don’t know the system, it’s very hard for you to advocate for your child.

    Stop punishing the family by blaming them for their loved one’s disappearance. They’ve paid for it enough.


  34. Misty

    And lastly, Mrs. Page owes you zero explanations for she and her husband’s actions. Unless you know how the disability services works, it’s very easy to believe what the social workers, doctors, and psychiatric staff tell you. And if you don’t know the system, it’s very hard for you to advocate for your child.

    Stop punishing the family by blaming them for their loved one’s disappearance. They’ve paid for it enough.


  35. Misty

    Dear Ms. Page:

    My son has autism as well, and I think about your son. It breaks my heart, as I see so many things that are similar to my own child.

    How reprehensible for anyone to blame Mr. and Mrs. Page. Unless you have a child with autism you have no idea how challenging it is…no idea. And being that he was born in the 1960’s, autism wasn’t as prevalent as it is now. How could they have known?

    The sad reality of any parent raising a kid with disabilities is knowing that we won’t be around forever, and that for some of our kids they will need care until they die. Mr. and Mrs. Page would have had to think of this eventually, whether they stayed in FL or in MI. Considering how terrible waivered services for people with disabilities are in FL, the Page’s made the right decision in having Gordy stay in MI.

    My heart goes out to the Page’s, and whatever the outcome I hope they find the answers they deserve.


  36. Shurlock

  37. Melanie

    Help me please cops killed my father. It was in 1988 in Bexar county in San Antonio.


  38. Truth

    Shame on the parents.. He was looking for you!! You lost your son!


    • Parent of a special child

      Why the Hell are people blaming the parents, they did what the health professionals told them to do back then, No one knew what to do back then and those that say they do are only being aholes, the parents no matter what you think of them were doing was the health care professionals told them it is still done on a daily basis even in this day and time, people who judge, it must be nice living in your glass houses


      • Lag2002

        “Linda and Gordon were worried about their son’s future. They asked a social worker to evaluate him. He was diagnosed as a schizophrenic. It was recommended that he start living in a group home. Gordon Sr. said they decided to give it a try:” Social workers are not health care workers! If someone told me my son needed to be put in a home, that person would be a physician or in this case a psychiatrist. When the home said he had to be on drugs before they would accept him, that should have been a major warning in and of itself. Even in 1991 there was enough data out there for them to have known this. No I am not a Dr., nurse or social worker. I am a parent who has lived this since my 35 year old was 12 yrs old. I never even considered putting him a home of any type. In 2012 he was injured & now has a brain injury. He was in a coma for 6 days and It was suggested I take him off life support. That didn’t happen either. Everyone wanted me to put him in a home, except me. I did put in in a day home so I could work but 1st time he came home with poopie pull ups, that stopped too. I quit working & earn a whole $230.00 a week taking care of him. It is tough I will admit but noone else will love and care about him, not just for him (which very few if any of those homes do). I already have his care for after I die taken care of. So please don’t try to convince me that leaving him a home not once but twice and moving was for his good.


        • Rhiannon

          In the 1980s taking the social workers word was commonly treated by both parents, police, and even many doctors as a definitive authority. This was wrong for several reason, but people didn’t realize this until a number of scandals broke and they were reduced to their current status.

          But not before it sent many people to jail and shattered dozens of families. The public scares and scandals they contributed to include: Satanic Panic & The “Repressed Memory” Accusations.

          The good news is that these scandals also caused great reforms in how social workers operate, but sadly the scars still remain. Gordon is but one of many casualties.


        • Monica

          Ive seen this story since my childhood. It wasnt until maybe a yr or two ago I saw this segment again, and it really tore me up inside bc now Im an adult with my second born who is autistic. I would have NEVER placed my boy in a group home. especially not twice and after seeing his reaction? How can anyone do that? He was mentally unstable he wasnt riddled with disease and handicap that they needed physical daily help. Hire someone to help. it also baffled me how they moved to Florida and left him behind. No way. My heart hurts just thinking of leaving my baby Jrue behind and him running after us. I know its hard, It is HARD but I love my baby way more than normal, Id die without him.Group homes are known for emotional, physical and sexual abuse. I believe in my heart that the group home tried to restrain and went too far. Just like the school did my baby last yr and I filed a police report. He had a black and a green bruise on his shoulder and a big gash. I asked to see bus cameras bc i just knew it happened there, nope. It had to have happened at the school. They eventually tried to say he came to school like that bc I would NOT let it go. Every school yr I mention it and will continue to warn the staff not to try me this time. I see that nothing will be done so I will most def be arrested if this happens again. No exceptions. I also see a lot of bus drivers abuse these special needs children so, with that being said, I think that group home knows exactly what happened to Gordy. I plan to sit down and put effort into this.I will start with the group home.


    • Parent of a special child

      Shame on you, must be nice living in your glass house


  39. Anonymous

    My dear Lord Jesus, with all these negative comments I wonder where anyone’s compassion is. If for nothing else but the respect for the parents that have lost their loved one. They were following medical advice for the best interest of their son. Please keep your comments to yourself if you can’t be nice. I’m sorry we live in an age that doesn’t understand that if you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all, and if you have to say anything, pray instead for those involved. Now, I watched the episode that ended with Gordy fading into the back ground and was exhibiting some body movements and jerking. There is a man that is seen frequently walking up and down the North side of Bridge Street in Brighton Colorado on any given day. I have seen him even today, walking and a car pulled over and handed him some money saying, just go to church ok?. I have tried to talk with him once but he appeared to be agravated or uncomfortable, it resulted in me leaving. The manager at Safeway Grocers had said that he had an encounter with him and that the police may have called him Allen. He wears gloves and a jacket, sun glasses, and a hat on even the hottest of days like today. He has jerking motions and a solid walk, stiff, like if he were in a leg cast, but is not. My prayer is that in any case Gordy be reunited with his family and that the parents have the peace of our Lord Jesus that goes beyond understanding when one has a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ as Saviour.


  40. Anonymous

    Im a former police officer, the reality is, with his condition he would not have gotton too far, most likely a truck driver got him to a point of not know where he was, gound by police and taken to hospital, uf they vould not locate missing person filed he be admitted to ling term state hospital.
    By this time if he didnt get into a hospital he met the wrong person and foul play.
    Its nice to thi k hes someplace good but doubtful


  41. Anonymous

    I’ve got to say, how concerned were the parents if they left Gordie in Michigan in a group home, and moved to Florida? Couldn’t they have found a group home in Florida?


    • Mary Hamilton

      We’ve got a son like Gordie and brought him home when other places never worked out.


    • B. Klein

      The parents had to deal with autism when little was known of the condition. Those who were supposed to know advised Gordie’s parents that it was better for him to be placed in a group home. The parents spent a great deal of time and research in selecting just the right place for Jr. Then once Jr. entered the home, the parents were instructed NOT to have any communications with him for a period of time (I forgot if it was six weeks or 90 days). Thinking they were doing the right thing for their son, they followed the instructions. They have been brokenhearted all these years.


    • lindy

      Exactly what I was thinking!


    • m. ballard

      My thoughts exactly.


  42. KG

    I remember watching this as a kid when it originally aired. I always thought this would be one that would be solved.


  43. Gordie's family

    Just family reading this as It just came thru on computer screen. Thank you Unsolved Mysteries. He is always in our hearts.


  44. Tammy

    My son was of the same disability as Gordy. He was lost two times while traveling from Florida to Maryland by Greyhound. I put out an East coast lookout with police. Thank God he was found both times. A person with this disability is very difficult to handle, not knowing the thoughts, what the next behavior can be…I feared my son…And loved him. May he rest in peace…He passed 5 yrs. ago at age 22, with lung cancer. I pray Gordy finds his way home. He does want to be with “mom” and “dad”. He’s a lost child no matter his age. God Bless.





    • Tammy

      My autistic son was put in homes, camps, and detention centers before his diagnosis. While in a boys home near my home, my son awalled and found his way to me. He was all scratched up from sticker bushes and he slept with me that night just because he wanted to be with “mom”. He was 15. I had to send him back the next morning with the juvenile officers. I wish I could’ve protected him. I didn’t get any help for him at the time because he was only treated for his behaviors and not his disability. And I had no money to pay for help. He was lost on those highways three days before found… Blistered feet. He was treated like a guinea pig by switching medications constantly. I had to home school my son because he wasn’t social. My son couldn’t work. He was book smart. I tried him with living independent,. No luck. If I were you and had the money, I would do billboards in scattered areas around MI state. I believe in God and feel Gordy’s okay and will be found.


      • Lag2002

        Tammy sad to say but disabled are still being treated for their actions, rather than the disability. So unfair for anyone to have to go thru that. Just wanted to point out that Gordon did not have any contact with law enforcement until he had been put in a home and ran away.


    • Tammy

      My heart goes out to you. I wish I could help.


    • Amanda

      I watched this as a young child and have always thought of Gordie. I still hope for a positive outcome.


      • Brian

        Just saw Gordie’s story for the first time last night on Unsolved Mysteries and it deeply touched me. Hopefully now that Amazon is circulating his episode again some new information will come to light.


    • Sylvia

      God bless you and your family. God is in charge. May you be comforted by his love and grace! My prayers are with you as a parent myself of a young man with Aspergers. I understand trying to figure out what to do especially when very little was known about the condition at the time. Bless you dear people! Sending love and light!


    • Cecilia Sheppard

      Mrs. Page, I watched this story many years ago and always wondered what happened to your son. I so hope you will be reunited with him. Please disregard the unkind comments on this thread; you and your family made the best choices you could. God bless you all.


    • Mark Gowings

      I just watched the story on a rerun of Unsolved Mysteries. I’m from Grand Rapids, but was never aware of this. I feel for you and your family. It must be a never ending agony of the deepest heartache, not knowing where Gordie is. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


    • Daniel Cea

      Mr. & Mrs. Page,

      I am so very sorry for what happened to your son and I am also appalled at how anyone could point fingers at what you and your husband did to try and help him.

      I just saw your story on a rerun of UM and for some reason it is sticking with me more than most stories. Again I am truly sorry and for everything you have experienced and hope that one day it will come to a happy conclusion.


    • Mikel Ravenscroft

      God bless Gordie. I hope angels are watching over him. I love him. I will always think of him. He looks like my boy. I cried today for gordie. God bless you. God bless gordie.


    • Jason

      Thank you. Youre in my thoughts and prayers. I keep checking to see if there are any updates.


  46. Corrina Lee

    I remember seeing this episode on the re-runs. I know I probably saw it when Robert Stack hosted the tv show, but I was really little at the time so I wouldn’t remember any details being that young. It’s definitely heartbreaking. I’m in no way judging or criticizing the parents, but I would have never moved to Florida unless I was able to take my disabled child with me. My older brother has two disabled children and I know him and his wife would never move without taking their kids with them.

    That’s something that has made me wonder if he was trying to find his parents and that may be why he disappeared. I don’t know much about people with autism, but why else would he wander off?


    • Monica

      unfortunately, they roam. We call it eloping. Usually to escape an uncomfortable situation and it could be anything from too much sensory or abuse. I hate that his family didnt have a proper diagnosis in the beginning. He was functioning with autism. His future couldve been bright had he stayed with his family ONCE they properly diagnosed him. I think the group home did something. too many times they try to restrain them and go too far. Adults are mean and especially to special needs ppl. they will beat the heck out of the special needs, which is why i resigned twice from my job . A bus driver here is Florida beat a handicap boy on camera, on her bus bc he “kicked” her. He was in a wheelchair and had involuntary movements. I be damned if someone beats or kill mine just so I can go to some funky job thats gonna still be there when my baby is gone!


  47. LFA sr

    I saw this episode this morning at 5am and couldn’t go back to sleep. I really feel for his parents but I have to say how could you leave him there and move to Florida. I guess in the end all that matters is he’s missing and needs to be found.
    Gordie I know now with out a doubt you’ll be in my thoughts for the rest of my days god bless you friend and your parents, Louis A. Richmond, Va


  48. Falcone

    The group behind unsolved are the hardest working most compassionate group I’ve ever researched. I can’t imagine the thousands of tips you all receive each day ever year and still treat each one as a legitimate possibility. It’s because of these people that these sad stories (like Gordys’ case) can be some of the most hopeful as well. You are appreciated for your hard work UM.


  49. firstlady wishiwas

    well i am going to check into this some more via facebook and some other websites, but u cant always believe everything that u see or hear on the internet and talk, so i would really like to look into this some more for an accurate update to be able to get back on here to let everybody know as well..i do hope pray and wish the best for gordie but as some of u have already stated some people don’t always want to be found especially with gordie’s condition once they get out there on their own and feel reality and the difference of being without his parents and having to think and do for himself with no assistance from anyone and being somewhere that no one knows who u are its a life changing experience sometimes good sometimes bad but in the end we all always hope for the best…will definitely keep updated once something new develops..


  50. M

    I want to know now will to look today


  51. ANNE

    Gordon’s mother claimed they were “such a close family”,yet both she and her husband were planning to go off and live in Florida, and leave their Gordon behind in Michigan. I can’t imagine leaving a child like Gordon behind, he was living in a situation that left him without any real home. Naturally he’d miss his parents very much. Had I been his mother or father I’d have wanted to relocate him near where I planned to live, so I could visit him often. I think Gordon left the group home he was abandoned at and was trying to go find his parents. Totally heartbreaking !


  52. Peter

    It’s funny how a story can affect you. This is the one Unsolved Mystery in which i still remembered the name Gordie, after all these years. Sad story.


  53. Don

    I truly hope they find this man . I am a retired police detective , and would like nothing more than to reopen this case . It would however take a lot of help , and the cooperation of unsolved mysteries and any and all police agencies with information to this case .


  54. Fallrain

    My first thoughts on Gordie is he’s in some city, living on the streets, going unnoticed. All large metropolitan cities are full of homeless with mental illness/es. I wouldnt think that he’s a functioning adult working somewhere living a somewhat normal life. I’m sure his illness has gotten worsr over the years.


    • FellowAspie

      We are autistic. Not ill. There is no progression because it’s not a illnesses. We are just different. There is no reason to believe he couldn’t survive on his own with Asperger’s. Many of us do. Hopefully that is the case and he just wants to be left alone.


  55. no name

    The mother and father are to blame for leaving him and are to blame for the way he is and don’t anyone hate on me for what I say because I know more about this than any of you


  56. Angela

    Gordon Page Jr has always been on my mind since I saw his story when I was a kid. I hope that he is found one day, safe and sound.


  57. Viento

    Post submitted by Bill Hatic; that states the Gordon Page Jr. Died; I THOUGHT that he was never FOUND.
    How is it that he’s Dead? If he was never FOUND??!


  58. Bill Hatic

    I join condolences for the loss of Gordon Page Jr.


  59. Patti Garner

    Gordie has not been found (sadly), but there is now a FB page devoted to him. Please visit it if you can:


  60. alie

    so i first saw his story on the re runs by denis farnia and it haunted me so sad that he is missing all this time nothing stood out to me in the showing then i found the orignal broadcast with robert stack which had more details on what was going on with gordie in terms of his illness. what caught my attention was a fireman said he saw someone matching gordies description trying to hitchhike. now if gordie in fact was hitchhike how come the person who picked him up did not come forward and say hey he was in my car and i picked him up at such and such a time and dropped him off at this location. now this person could have been not truthful and did some harm to him, he/she could have passed away and we would never know if they had gordie in the car. no one picked him up at all and he just continued to walk. or someone did in fact pick him up but they have not realised it was gordon and they have no idea he was ever missing or knows of his story


  61. crystal fuller lewis

    there is this mentally challenged boy that I had just shared on facebook there are so many similarities but whoever first shared it back on march 10 didn’t put his where abouts I shared on my facebook and wrote to unsolved mysteries praying that its the same man and that him and his family can be reunited.


  62. Jeff

    I feel bad for the parents and some of the remarks people are saying about them. It is not there fault. I hope Gordon finds his way home.


  63. Janice

    I worked with a man named Gordon at a grocery store in Chicago a long ime ago. They have a lot of similarities.


  64. Anonymous

    What kind of parent leaves their autistic child behind in a group and moves to a different state? The child is obviously going to struggle without proper support.


    • Anonymous

      Please don’t be so quick to judge. Parents clearly tried very hard to get help for their son and 25 years ago even the “experts” got it wrong.


  65. Diana

    There was a story on my Facebook feed that this man was found last week!


  66. Eilene Moore

    Hello AKSCHILD. Please tell the police about this man that you suspect could be the missing Gordon. Could be one and the same.


  67. akschild

    I know that this made sound odd, but there’s a man that lives in my neighborhood that bears a resemblance to an older version of this man. He worked at a nearby convenience store and after interacting with him it would not be a surprise if he were autistic. It’s likely simply someone that resembles him.


    • Rey

      can we get an update on this comment ? Did you try to follow up with this person ? .. you just never know .. or maybe he doesn’t want to be ‘found’ .. anything’s possible


    • Angie

      Omg call it in if it is him then it would be great! That he would be alive!


  68. Gaby Garza

    I don’t know why they didn’t look for him. The cops and city should of stripped the city or where ever the group home was. I’m pretty sure they could of found something about him if they looked harder.


  69. Maria

    My God please say this person has been found! This Story really touched my heart because my autistic son is 13 but I saw this when he was really young as well as this morning & I pray that this family will have some peace & justice because special needs people are smarter than we are but if we don’t take the time to see that then how can we know? Meanwhile please update us on this mystery please!!! Please find him if he’s not found already & let his parents rest knowing he’s OK & doing fine. Also I pray he’s not dead!!! Lord help him please!!!


  70. sprinkles

    This one has always haunted me. Where ever you are, Gordon, whether on earth or in Heaven, I hope that you’re OK.


    • Gail

      Yes…this one has haunted me, too.


    • Angie

      I just saw this video on YouTube from Unsolved Mysteries
      I wonder where he is
      Poor guy
      I pray he isn’t dead but I fear that he is


      • Jason

        Gail, sprinkles, and Angie – me too! i am haunted by it, and very sad….it is spring 2023 and i only have known about this since this evening, from an “unsolved mysteries” episode from the 1990s shown on Pluto TV.


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