A serial killer is believed to be responsible for 9 murders near Interstate 70 in the Midwest.
CASE DETAILS Twenty-six year-old Robin Fuldauer of Indianapolis, Indiana, wanted more than anything to marry and start a family. But that would never happen. On April 8, 1992 , Robin was found shot to death at the store where she worked. ![]() They were all killed in malls along I-70 Twenty-three year-old Patricia Smith and 32-year-old Patricia Magers worked side-by-side at a bridal shop in Wichita, Kansas. Just three days after Robin Fuldauer was murdered, both women were shot to death in the back storeroom of the loan shop. Three weeks later, 24-year old Nancy Kitzmiller of St. Charles, Missouri, was shot to death in the boot store where she worked as a manager. Four murders in three different states, separated by more than 1200 miles. At first glance, they seemed to be random killings. Yet each took place at a shopping mall just off Interstate 70. ![]() A witness saw the man leaving the scene The Woodson Village Shopping Center in Raytown, Missouri, is near an access road to Interstate 70. On May 7, 1992, thirty-seven year old Sarah Blessing was working alone in a gift shop at the mall. At 6:30 p.m., a local auctioneer noticed a stranger walking into his auction house. He looked around briefly, then he walked out again. Tim Hickman, who owned a video store, watched the man cross the parking lot and pass by his store. Minutes later, Tim heard a gunshot. He reached his front door just as the man was disappearing around the corner. ![]() They were all shot where they worked A grocery clerk saw the stranger as he climbed the embankment to an Interstate 70 access road and vanished. Meanwhile, Tim Hickman went next door to the gift shop:
Sara Blessing lay lifeless in a pool of blood. Police believed the Raytown murder was connected to the earlier shopping mall killings. A multi-state task force was set up. Lab tests confirmed that all five women had been killed by the same gun, most likely a semi-automatic .22 caliber pistol. That gun was also linked to the murder of 40-year old Michael McCown of Terre Haute, Indiana. He had been killed in a shopping mall ceramics store near Interstate 70 on April 27, 1992. There were now six victims. ![]() Authorities believe the killer used a rare Erma Werke ET .22 pistol The most promising lead came from the murders of Patricia Smith and Patricia Magers at the bridal shop in Wichita. Police got one good description of the killer. It was from a customer who walked in just minutes after the two women had been murdered. Using the customer’s description and other eyewitness accounts, a police artist created an aged composite of what he may look like today. Detective Rich Plummer with the St. Charles City Police Department:
There were three additional murders in Texas in 1993 and 1994 that police believe were the work of the same killer, bringing the number of victims to nine. Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season six with Robert Stack and in season five with Dennis Farina. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Various seasons available now on Hulu. SUBMIT A TIP |
The jeweler’s rouge was used on the gun to keep it from jamming. The Intratec Tec22 Scorpion gun mentioned in the murders were very notorious for jamming at the feed ramp. Those guns are famous for constant jamming and being total crap.
I don’t believe all of the homicides where of the same person. I think we are looking at at least 3 different people. The drawing on the left for example has a completely different hairline. The spouse to one of the Wichita ladies has a similar bald spot. The i35 was of a much old person.
After reading many books I think the original 6 were done by Herb Baumeister. And I think the Texas 3 were done by Douglas Belt.
Do you know what he looked like in his young age?
the problem with the truck driver idea is this person needs to get away quickly to the interstate and that’s not going to happen driving a big truck.
I agree. I would say that they are looking for some type of regional manager or regional supervisor. Who has to travel to inspect locations
With exception to Wichita a truck driver is possible. Wichita is too far out of the way for that spree. And it has toll booths that would have traced him. ( That one was probably someone more local.)
There were 10 killings. I believe the last 4 were from a truck driver. He graduated into more serious crimes. But took a break because he was in prison until 2001. The first 6 were from someone with a cellphone. His go to prompt was workers having an unexpected shift. He would wait weeks for that prompt on his cellphone. Or right away like in Wichita. The preparing people for an unexpected arrangement was a critique of Herb Baumeister. But you can clearly see Douglas Belt in the 2001 surveillance.
He could’ve as well parked his truck on a off ramp and walked to where the murders were committed so nobody sees a vehicle and gets a license plate
Hates women because his son drowned due to a negligent mother. And some of you were right… Wasn’t a truck driver, meticulous with his weapons,codes talk to himself, and he is definitely squirmy. If anyone here is interested especially the guy who seen him in colorado… I have pics if u would like to see them
Unsolved Mysteries
Hello, if you have any tips regarding this case, please send them to unsolved@unsolved.com. Thank you!
I’ve been reporting the same person for 10 years.x no one has done JACK.
I’m curious to know, since I reported it as my father.
I want to see them
can i see these pictures i want to compare them with mine
Jackie McFarland
I think my dad was the I 70 killer. He was a truck driver and traveled the I70 route all the time. He was born in Kansas and lived in Indiana at the time of the murders but moved to Michigan not long after the Texas murders. He had an extreme hatred for his mother and twin sister, who were both petite women with dark hair. I can also place him in Texas around the time of those murders as well. And the composite sketch is so close to what he looked like when he was younger… right down to the lazy left eyelid and receding hairline that gave him a high forehead. The only thing missing is the scar he had on his chin. I submitted a tip on here months ago and got no response.
Unsolved Mysteries Post author
Jackie, thank you very much for sharing that information about your father. We pass all tips on to the agencies handling each case, and we have passed this most recent information on to them as well. Thank you very much for your help to solve a mystery!
Hi Unsolved Mysteries
I remember being so freaked as a kid, as soon as the “Original Music” to Unsolved Mysteries came on…
I don’t think I was even allowed to watch it initially because I was too young & wouldn’t be able to sleep.
30 years later, it’s crazy to think I’d be randomly commenting on the “Unsolved Mysteries” message board.
I just wanted to say Unsolved Mysteries thank you….for keeping the show going after all theses years.
I appreciate when you take the time, to at least reply to & acknowledge the “genuine” tips.
I just read in the comments about the lady who thought her Dad could possibly be one of the murders…the gravity of that is so heavy.
Even though the majority of these crimes are decades old….we all still want to see them solved, regardless of how long it takes…to have closure for the families.
For her sake I hope that lady is mistaken about her father, but in reality these criminals are fathers, mothers, sons & daughter’s.
The people putting themselves on the line to give tips also pay a price, as sometimes it’s their family or friend’s who have done these atrocious crimes.
Unfortunately, there’s no real winners in injustice.
To the tipsters, thank you for having the courage to say your truth.
To Unsolved Mysteries, on behalf of all the “genuine tipsters”, please keep replying & acknowledging “the leads” that come in.
Without replying, genuine people won’t be as motivated to come forth if it’s not going to be reciprocated.
And where possible, without jeopardising the case obviously, please keep us updated, where appropriate. Without hope, there is no hope.
To see some of these cases being covered, updated & even solved years later, is very encouraging.
And finally, & most importantly, my condolences & compassion goes to the families & friends of the victims.
No words can express your loss & pain. No answer can justify or could ever explain why evil seemingly brings such destruction to innocent people, for no reason.
My heart & prayers, are for you to one day receive answers, closure & hopefully justice, sooner than later. No ones life was intended to ever be lived in vain & without purpose.
I pray God’s love, peace, protection & healing for your hearts. God Bless
What sort of rig did he drive? Everything else is super compelling but I’m stuck on this. Doesn’t seem like a super efficient getaway car.
I’ve seen even Taxi drivers with a GPS get lost trying to drive down Kellogg in Wichita. And they drive through it all the time. That escape seemed to have been done with someone of knowledge of Wichita. More so back then because they didn’t even have GPS technology like today. The other ones I agree were probably a truck driver. Those crimes happened more in the day when a truck would be less obvious. There where just too many differences with the Wichita case.
olivia mansfield
my name is Olivia, and I’m doing research on the i-70 killer. is there any information you can give me regarding the possible suspect, anything will help.
Herb Baumeister told me he did them. I was puzzled about Wichita. He said he planned Wichita differently. Douglas Belt later interrupted him and showed me how he liked to cut bras off. He did the last 3. After he got out of prison he did one last i70 killing in 2001.
Hudson closson
Hey Olivia my buddies and I finna do a project on this for social studie, can you please dish the project for the boys? we would be greatly in debt. Thank you
Finna Sauce
YO! We also finna do a project on this. If you would be so kind as to sauce us the project, we would be in debt.
Hudson closson
Hello Jackie, I read about how you might suspect that your father may have been the I-70 killer, we are doing a social studies project and have ad a hard time finding information, we would love for you to share some information with us. if you could that would be great, thank you
Freddy Kruger
I meant to say between 1949 and 1959 it all fits perfectly
Freddy Kruger
I think Falls from West Virginia was the I-70 serial killer born in 1969 being 45 years of age it all sounds about right I really think he was a Drifter cameras and Technology at that time had not developed into what they have become today had there have been technology like there yesterday I have no doubt he would have been captured he probably even left the tag on his car that went to the car that would have led authorities to him or to someone in his family and from there they would have found out it was falls but I think he got killed I think the sex worker in West Virginia killed him or he would have kept on with this Rampage you don’t just stop killing it’s very rare So Rare they only two cases I know of are Jack the Ripper and of course zodiac and James DeAngelo AK the Golden State killer but he was called through DNA because he raped his victims Falls never raped anyone technology just wasn’t what it was back in the early nineties
You do come across desperate criminals that will not make a career out of it. More so during a bad economy. Because the economy was so good in 1992, a truck driver is the likely occupation.
Jack The Ripper actually did have a different set of crimes he was never linked to. On Aaron Kosminski’s birthday they had The Whitehall mystery.
I just read that Neal Falls a serial killer who was murdered could be this killer. Certainly looks like him. The reply button is not working when trying to reply to a specific thread.
Bill Blaski
Just watched this episode on Pluto tv. The guy had a face to face view of the killer. Did they not have a single piece of DNA. I believe this killer continued to kill but in another area. I believe just like the East area raptist. With familial dna we may locate this scum bag
G Sokolov
Just watched as well. I don’t think they have DNA. He wasn’t a rapist like EARONS, so there wasn’t anything to work with.
He was a drifter-type serial killer who just happened to stop before law enforcement caught up with him. It is likely he traveled all over the country.
I think he could have been a pilot. Small aircraft can fly in and out of municipal airports anywhere without record or communication with the tiny, often unmanned, offices. Even borrow the small airport courtesy cars, keys always left available. Small planes with larger rubber wheels can land anywhere, a field or wherever, and no runway needed. The Corundum and red rouge could have come from an aerial-applicator pilot or agricultural-aircraft. I bet the guy was in the Navy at some point too. He has a striking resemblance to a spray pilot from Nebraska.
Deanna milam
Many years ago I worked at one of the Payless Shoes store. I can’t remember if it was the same one that Robin had worked at. I was an assistant manager at the time and was in my early twenties then and had worked there for several months and became pregnant and decided I didn’t like working there and many times I was there alone and it was in a strip mall and I think at that time there was a Sherwin Williams paint store beside it and I think it closed earlier. I many times felt afraid being alone in the store. So my husband and I decided I should quit there and babysit or something so I could be home. I have always felt bad that Robin was killed and all the other women too and I think it said there was a Male killed also. I have often thought of how that might have been me instead of her. I am so sorry this happened to these wonderful people. I pray that someday this person will be caught and bring justice to their families. God bless all of them and their families.
It is perfectly feasible that some serial killers will simply stop killing, so the detective in this segment got that wrong. He was likely fulfilling a fantasy he wanted to try and was roaming the country to keep his trail cold. This guy was terrified of getting caught and wasn’t like traditional psychopaths who could care less one way or another. Like another poster said, I think he is living a normal life now and probably didn’t have a compulsion to kill. If he isn’t already incarcerated or dead..it could be impossible to get him.
I agree. It is more classified as a crime spree then a career criminal. And Wichita is out of place. Without Wichita you can see his path better. Two in Indiana to start April. Two in Missouri starting May. He is really going west the entire time.
Yes, I think it was some kind of one-off thrill for him.
Raymond Greer
Has anyone turned up any new leads on this since last year?
After studying the Jack the Ripper five you almost needs the same skills to look at these 5 robberies. I theorize that Herb Baumeister used his cell phone to intentionally 3rd party other phone calls. And in all 5 robberies he waited for a shift change. What makes the i70 killer so unique, is the killer had a lot of knowledge to make the correct timing.
I wonder if the I-70 Serial Killer is named Lester Jones? This man received Life in Prison in Colorado for killing a woman. This man’s picture can be seen on the YouTube video entitled Mother of Three Lived a Double Life For 15 Years Until One Man Killed Her. He can be seen at the five minute mark. Apparently he’s surviving time at a Prison in Delta Colorado. Thanks.
There were two i70 killers. The 2nd one was in prison until 2001. Lester didn’t go to prison until 1999. People don’t just kill 2 people in Texas and just take several years off. The first killer was married because he bought a pair of shoes for himself and his wife. I’m not sure if Lester was married back then. But he does fit the criminology of hiding things from his wife. (That is a good suspect with criminology principles.)
I dont think he has anything to do with the Yogurt shop murders ,not his M.O.at all,he does not leave any DNA he does not undress his victims,hes not there for sex ,money, or anything else just to kill,he hates women. I believe he is probably done killing ,living a normal life as if nothing ever happened,I also think they have the wrong dates they said they believe him to have been born between 1949 and 1959 when they said they think he was in his late twenties early thirties that just does not add up,he would have been born probably mid sixties
Check for connection to austin tx “yogurt shop murders.” Identical m.o. store employees herdedinto back tied up and killed on dec 6 1991
you said u thought u seen him in Michigan,could it be because he knows you survived and keeping tract of you
No One
Murder weapon looks like auto-pistol I sold years ago to a close friend. Willing 2 discuss “anonymously” & in pvt. if desired/warranted. I do not believe my x-friend to be directly involved.
what was his first name?
I almost thought I was looking at a woman looking at that ammunition. I was wondering if one of the ladies owned the gun and the killer knew about it.
Began on April 8, 1992 with the murder Payless ShoeSource (second murder)
first was in 1990 (unrelated)
On April 27 why Michael ?
Same name as the killer
In jail now
It was an unexpected shift change. That is what prompted the killer. It was his point of no return. Michael went to the chiropractor. And thought about taking the day off. The killer had a cellphone. (Which really narrows down the suspects for that time period.) The original cellphones had a defect of picking up other phone call conversations. Michael decided to open the shop that day. And the killer must had overheard the telephone conversation.
The only killing that didn’t have an unexpected shift change was the Kansas City suburb. But it was still prompted by an unexpected shift change at blockbuster video. The Texas killings didn’t have those tools or scouting piliminaries.
Where was this blockbuster cause i dont remember one being over in that area and he didnt walk he had to drive away , Can you elaberate
He is a truck driver, very quiet. My mother said we were kidnapped by him for three days. I don’t know if it’s true, it’s easier to believe it did not happen. Very sad.maybe it’s a different guy his nose is too big in the pic.
client @ NBRC in 1996/97,had a truck and small camper.Had ties to the midwest
What make or year of pickup and what color
Hi Gary,
Any chance anyone has replied to your questions on here? I see you’re the only one really asking, and it’s the questions I’d have too. Available to chat, if you’d like. Thanks.
In 1992, I worked at a pet shop in the plaza in St. Charles, Missouri where he killed the clerk in the Boot Village store. I was only 18 at the time. So just a kid really.
Around this time, there was a man hanging around the plaza. We assumed was a transient. He did not fit the composite sketch or descriptions going around or else I would have contacted the authorities long ago. Nobody every came around to question any of us as far as I know. At least I was never interviewed. It has always bothered me because we were a small shop and often had two women working. Some of us fit his MO. So he may have very well considered our shop as a target.
The man who was hanging around for about a week or so before it happened was around 5’8 and had brown hair and a beard. There as no reddish tint to it. I am not certain about his eye color. But if I think they were brown or hazel. He wore jeans, hiking boots and a green jacket that resembled an old army surplus jacket. He may have had a hat on.
One night while we were closing shop, I saw him wearing a back pack/ruck sack type thing. He startled my co worker as he appeared to come out of nowhere as he rounded the corner and crossed in front of our shop and was headed towards Zumbehl road. We assumed he was heading out to hitch hike or something.
One day he approached the lady that worked at the hair salon a few doors down seeking work. She said that he was deaf and tried to speak to her. He spoke like someone who was deaf or had a speech impediment. He wrote a note down on paper asking if they were hiring. She was startled but felt bad for him and I think offered him $20 or something stating that they didn’t have any job openings. I remember thinking that it was weird that he would go into a hair salon seeking work. In retrospect, I bet he was casing her place out as a possible target. Boot Village was a few doors up from them at the corner where Panera Bread is now. It would make sense that he would stick to our end of the plaza since Dierberg’s grocery store generated much more traffic and potential witnesses. The plaza was a little more quiet up that end. I think he came into our store one time. He never spoke. I think I just asked him if I could help him with anything or at least acknowledged him. Never spoke to him.
Since people are saying his hair was blonde or reddish blonde, I am betting he bleached his hair out and cut it and shaved his beard in order to change appearance. Also, I don’t know if anyone has ever come forward stating that the man was deaf or mute or had some sort of speech issue.
The closest person to ever fit the description of the man I saw hanging out in the plaza where I worked was Herbert Baumeister. If you added a beard to his face, he would be a closer match than the composite sketch. The sketch makes the face too long. And this man did not have blonde or reddish hair.
I hope my information helps. I was going to contact the FBI or St. Charles Police. It jolted my memory when I saw a blurb on the news the other night regarding the pistol that was used.
The first homicide also had a witness at the paint shop report a possible transient with a green jacket talking to himself. That is a good suspect. The person later dyed his hair red and it showed up in the bullets. I believe it was that gay guy from Indianapolis Herb Baumeister. But Wichita and Texas don’t add up. Unsolved Mysteries had a better image of the murder weapon than what they came up with 20 years later. This case is a hard one.
Your account is very interesting and offers more clues. Because all of the homicides happened during an unexpected shift change. He may have been furious about not hiring and paying all of the overtime to someone. Herb Baumeister owned thrift stores and often helped the homeless.
I believe Neal Falls, who was killed while attempting to assault/kill a craigslist prostitute in 2015, was the I70 killer. Victimology was similar, and he was a frequent user of I70. Most importantly, there a hell of a resemblance to the sketch. >> http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=33tt9vq&s=8#.Vv2YE3qYJoM
He is a good suspect. You are correct about victimology. But he didn’t have ties to the press like the Indianapolis guy. There were a few rumors only someone with connections to the press could jumpstart.
one murder, she was murdered by her, a man was involved maybe, female care provider she was elderly, so, why not rid her from our responsibility, they asked the state to care for her and that was refused. they paid private person to care for her, and we can’t pay too much more for her care, before were broke, so, just so you understand, I see a talk between the person being paid, to her S. other, they said, XXXXX XXXX XXXX to me, What are we going to do? Question, did you do blastic test on mc veys guns? and did they match any of these other bullets, of the shooting victims?
one was murdered by her lover or ex lover- you refused me – so, I am going to make you feel how it feels. he 5ft 9in, born in 1943, 3-4-5 are not like the others! hope we this helps
I agree with you 100 percent. The witness described a different gun than the other homicides. And without giving any names, a related guy also teaches very good college courses that teach against racism. The person has a good heart for African Americans just like the killer. Also the i70 killer specifically avoided Illinois because he possibly feared the toll roads recording him. Why would he do that just to pay tolls going to Wichita? The ballistic evidence is not all public. We know for sure that the two in Indiana are connected. And the African American described a different gun completely. He said it looked like an Ozzie handgun.
Wichita is nowhere near I-70, it’s about 100 miles from Wichita to the I-135/I-70 junction in Salina, KS.
I 35 runs up to Kansas City and joins I 70. I 135 is a spur from Wichita to Salina which also joins I 70
You are absolutely correct. And if it was a broken down owner operator he would have needed cash for a tow truck and his equipment would have not been able to travel the distance.
The ballistic evidence is correct. That is probably why his next victim was male. (He almost killed a male in Wichita.)
He planned Wichita differently. At other locations he disguised himself as a transient to wiretap copper landlines with his cellphone. At the Wichita location, he couldn’t just do that.
Another clue about Wichita. The victims knew the customer. So the killer must of had knowledge of the missing coat piece. They wouldn’t have just unlocked the door for him without him telling them something about the product. (A cellphone accidentally merging with the private conversation is my theory.)
We’re They Radom Victims!
Yes. But the stores had a gay attraction to them. Two of them were stocked out for weeks.
The only victim that may have been known is the fourth victim. It used to be a hair salon where the killer may have once had his hair done. (He did change his appearance a lot.)
I think the killer had a cellphone and had people work that wasn’t supposed to work. (With exception to Wichita. That was planned differently. Someone at a busy wedding was used for that.) Only rich people had cellphones in 1992.
hugh holt
I would be looking at a Barber who worked in a Mall in Indiana , possibly with a woman boss who owned the Beauty shop/Barber shop. A man who got fired in 1992. The jewelry rouge on the shell casings is his calling card and I would bet he takes hair samples or jewelry as reminders.
Hi Hugh, Any chance you recall the name or location of the Beauty/Barber shop? Thank you.
I agree with the red stuff being hair dye. It has the same compounds as jewelry rouge. They could actually test that for DNA. It has never been done before. But with nuclear DNA they can test acids now.
Composite of the I – 70 serial killer . Four murders in three different states, separated by more than 1200 miles. At first glance, they seemed to be random killings . Yet each took place at a shopping mall just off Interstate 70 .
What is your point in re-stating the facts of the case?
‘ think some people are getting Robert Ben Rhodes who used the cb handle “Whips and Chains” confused with Dr. No, Dragon, Stargazer. Rhodes was arrested in 1990. He had the bad eye. That doesn’t mean the other guy doesn’t have a bad eye. Just saying it sounds like some psycho mix up going on.
I believe he was balding,perhaps wearing a toupee,he may of became a trucker just so he could revisit his crimes,i think he DID murder in his home town,but has changed his M.O by now, or is laying low,may never kill again,in fear of being caught
In one of the drawings he appears to be going bald.
Luis Freeh
I find it interesting this was a spree shooting. So his motivation isn’t sexual. There are also similar shootings in Texas 1-2 years later. I think there were also shootings from freeway in Arizona or New Mexico. (Not sure what years) but it’s like this person has gone dormant. Serial killers don’t typically do that. Being that the victims were women I’m going to guess that his wife cheated on him and he was getting a divorce. Maybe he also lost job at same time. I feel like something triggered this spree. And a cheating wife is a pretty good trigger. He knows he can’t kill her it would be obvious so he takes his rage against women out on others. After a few years of this (if Texas was him) he gets over everything and moves on, plus the fear of getting caught. All it might take is something else to set him off again. He probably is not well liked and only has minor brushes with law, bar fight, speeding ticket etc.
We can only guess what triggered him. The first case is always crucial in showing that. I think the $50 was left in the cash register for a reason. The guy was drunk and perhaps stubborn. Then when he got home and heard about a very young man causing trouble, I believe his ego was boosted. The Wichita case was planned differently. But his backtrack showed him attempting to go back east. Going east the killer seems to kill men. (It just seems like a bestowed habit.) We can also see anger with that business no longer being a beauty salon, because he goes back west and waits a few weeks because of his hair. He spent the most time planning for St. George. And the least amount of planning by Kansas City. All but Wichita were thoroughly scanned through.
Luis Freeh
If the Scotland yard couldn’t solve Jack the Ripper the FBI will never solve the I70 Killer. Both were very similar. Texas even had a suspect for Jack the Ripper.
This case haunts me. I posted on here a few years ago about knowing who I thought this killer is and I’m still convinced it is him. I also think he reads these blogs.
Is the administrator of this page still available? And is there a way to contact someone so I would know it’s a legitimate contact and not the person responsible for these murders . I know that sounds paranoid but for good reasons
You can contact us through our tip form (https://unsolved.com/content/tips), by email at unsolved@unsolved.com, or through our app.
The picture of a gun listed is not an Erme Werke Luger Riffle like the police poster for this case shows. It’s very different. See the St Charles MO web site for the actual poster of the gun and info on a $25,000 reward.
Much of their ballistics evidence looks strange. It was the first mistake I noticed.
Were there any fingerprints or DNA found in these cases? Was anything stolen from the stores where the victims worked? Maybe souvenirs were taken that would be recognized by someone in the perpetrators life would recognize?
That is really difficult to determine. In one case you have a relative suspected. His DNA would commonly be at the crime scene. At the Payless there was an unaccounted sell of two pairs of tennis shoes. Other shoes were stolen. The police found the people that did steal them but eliminated them as murder suspects.
Too bad they couldn’t trace cellphones back then like they do today. There is a white pickup sold to someone. That pickup could have a history. Even the police didn’t have cellphones back then. He could have called for a cab or anything. The killer was a rich person. He didn’t need to steal. He probably has a history of shoplifting.
timothy mcveigh maybe I-70 serial killer?!!
debora lewis
I really do not think it was Tim Mcveigh,he was born in 1968 which would have made him 24 in 1992 they said late 20s early 30s ,he wanted everyone to know what he was doing ,not the same ,the I70 killer shot these people targeting women,and does NOT want to be known!!
I also thought Tim Mcveigh….he was jaded coming out of the army. If I remember correctly he once made remarks about being turned into a killer by the US govt. It is not a stretch to think he started out executing people in broad daylight to see if he could get away with it and built up to the bombing scheme after Waco.
White people all look alike to an African American witness. It is possible his depiction may have been slightly inaccurate. But so many features don’t match Timothy McVeigh. The sleepy eyebrows for one. Timothy had pop out eyes.
I have been tracking a trucker since March of 1984. He dumped my ol’ lady’s body in Balt Co. MD & hit i-70 .he drives a black Peterbilt with sleeper ,chrome stacks . cb handles are stargazer ,red dragon & Dr.No. don’t recall the name but another trucker/ serial killer was convicted of murdering women & dumping their bodies along the interstate highways.FBI claimed he went by the same cb handles,although he vehemently denied it.I believe he ( the real stargazer s/k) has ties to New Mexico, Oklahoma, mo. & Louisiana .also may be a Vietnam vet.& have prior military police training or a former police officer.He is definitely a killer of chance , oportunity ,rather than .preference.
I encountered a man on I70 traveling from paducah, ky to springfield, mo. I can’t remember the exact location it was around 99 or 2000 at a gas station where the gas pumps are on the side of the gas station and cannot be seen from the clerk’s window. I was 25 and getting gas when this man started walking towards me he was about 6 to Sandy reddish hair definitely appeared to be a trucker and he asked me if I wanted ice cream that he has in his truck because the store didn’t have room for it. I told him no it would melt before I got home he started walking towards me I was pumping gas he started coming around the front of the vehicle towards me I hung the gas nozzle up jumped in my car but he didn’t know is my son and my sister in the car they were sleeping and had their seats down. He chased me around to the driver’s door I jumped in and took off I knew at that moment I was going to die if I didn’t get out of there. I still remember his face very vividly and he has very similar characteristics as this catches on here.
This I-70 Killer case was very scary. He brutally shot these young women in the small stores and shops. Midwest area. He’s definitely an organized offender. Finds the right shops with only women at the desk and places near the interstate he can quickly perform his crimes and get away. Women are targeted…Could have been a mother like Ed Kemper he’s trying to kill or a bad relationship like Ted Bundy. This case can be solved. Woman police officers in these shops pretending to be store owners one solution or having plain clothes officers in the stores waiting for the offender. This is definitely an intelligent and dangerous offender. 3 different states trying to make it look random. They matched the 22 though forensics. Hope they catch this man.
The FBI was not 100 percent accurate on the profile. Though it is true he was doing to them what he wanted to do to someone else. It seems more like a disgruntled store executive. All we can do is learn from his mistakes. When someone looks crazy, don’t let them in the store. Security guards will take care of drunks. The killer was probably very nice sober. There were plenty of recover programs for him.
Jewlers rouge or loose style of makeup from early 80’s? Transferred from hand to casing when loading the clip? Maybe a Ruger Mark II?
It is hard to tell looking at 9 cases. That is a possibility. Also a silencer would make the firearm almost a foot long. But some cases for sure did not have a silencer at all.
Beat up and kicked out of family business in Nov 91 resulted in left eye problem for a few months. Unemployed and depressed, forced to look for work with his families prior die cutting customers in these locations. Stopped killing the day before discovering his wife was facing life or death illness…..
I cant get Baumister out of my mind. He took a break from his regular routine from 91 to 93 (which was causing the gay men to disappear) then gay men started disappearing again In 93. Its quite possible that Falls could have killed those in TX because he had a small caliber semi automatic that favored the I70 gun though not exactly like it. Seems he also spent a lot of time in TX.
But he didn’t take a break from his regular routine. He had at least one victim in Indianapolis in 91 before he bought the house. The house is what changed his routine. He started bringing men home to the house. Before that he was dumping them in shallow water.
That’s who I believe did it. He is the only one methodical enough to use all of those disguises. A profile is just so difficult to make of him. One minute he would grow a bread and look like a bum. The next he dyed his hair dressed to kill. (That fits the profile of the gay guy. His wife was his beard. Then he would be an absolute monster.)
The killing spree did happen right after his 45th birthday. And he may have felt young again because everyone thought it was someone in their 20s. I’m 100 percent on that guy.
know who this is
I’m almost positive I know this killer. I have no proof but do know this man had connections in every area these murders took place and could be linked to all these areas at the time of the murders. The composite also looks similar to him but needs tweaked. I guarantee he is still killing and I know he is still alive.
Please email us with more information at unsolved@unsolved.com
How to you know this and who is it. Just curious cause I know for a fact who it is. I am just patiently waiting for his arrest.
I’m wondering if his eye is messed up (right or left) that maybe he was in an accident in his youth, “drinking and driving”, since the case indicates it was round the highway, maybe the truck stops are a cover up so to speak, for which reason other than being a sales person and a trucker would a person have to be to travel on the highway. The other reason would be hr/miles, and from the composite, looks like the guy is a heavy smoker and from the age, he might either be dead as is or is in some clinic for cancer. I’m also thinking that from the time frame he has odd hour employment or even split shift like 3 days on, 4days off etc. another thing would be maybe he’s a plant employee of a manufacturing plant. If he is a heavy smoker, then theirs a chance he could also be a supervisor with a very stressful job. I do know that any and every supervisor I’ve ever met is a 1 pack a day, sometimes even 2 packs
Or it could have been Possible serial killer Neal Falls – who looks much like the composit down to the lazy eyelid. Neal would have been around 23 years old in 1992. He lived in Greensburg, KS from 1992-1996 and had a gun permit registered over in Butler, IN. He had many guns without permits as well.
Your 6th sense is very interesting. Herb Baumeister had a drinking and driving accident. And his friends covered up for him. He was never convicted.
Herb Baumeister also had shoplifting prior.
The second i70 killer was a truck driver. That messed me up also. Douglas Belt was a copycat.
Any connection ?
dale schwart
When I first read about this killer I was under the impression that he had a messed up eye I think it was like the right side of his face. If someone knows of what I wrote about please inform me.
Herb Baumeister later committed suicide. I don’t know what side of the head was injured.
I knew a guy that went by those handles when I was a truck driver but he died about 5yrs ago in Colorado in a truck accident, he also drove the same color truck and make
Thank you – we have passed the information on to the authorities.
know who this is
I am sure he is still alive
debora lewis
is the reason the gun has not been traced is because it is an older gun and not registered,maybe owned by a collector
Only one witness reported seeing a gun. And it was nothing described by the police. Even the only survivor had her back turned and didn’t see the gun. It can be difficult to identify. If silencers or short bump stocks were used. The would change the appearance of the firearm.
I believe that the composite is incorrect. although the picture resembles the killer, there is something wrong with the picture.
debora lewis
what is wrong with the composite
He has hat hair in the composite. Hair doesn’t normally sit on his forehead quite that way. He is actually 6’1″ tall but tends to carry his shoulders forward makes him appear smaller at a glance. His eyes look tired. He’s probably high. Smoking pot and driving long distance while looking for work. Wearing his fathers borrowed dress jacket for interviews because he didn’t own a suit. Eye is a little droopy from a fight the end of November.
francis P mcanarney
takes lots of money to drive long distances looking for victims.
It is really difficult to make a composite of that person. There was his pokerface. Then there was his high as a kite stare. I’m sure the Wichita witness could positively identify Baumeister. (Even he is still living.)
I think Caledonia Jane Doe is a victim of the i70 serial killer
That looks like Michael Ross. It is difficult to get an exact height on someone sitting down in a station wagon.
A pickup with a camper shell can be mistaken for a station wagon. (Because Michael didn’t own a station wagon.)
Michael Bruce Ross liked people named Tammy. He also killed Tammy Wilson.
I lived off of I70 from birth till now. There have been many bodies dumped in my home area. I think some of the bodies might be the guy from Gary IN. Just saying.
I actually looked into your lead because Gary Indiana has a lot of homicides. The i70 killer for some unknown reason avoided the Chicago area. Maybe because tolls are well documented. The guy didn’t have money, so he would have popped out as a criminal. (That is the first thing they notice is a fare evasion.)
bonnie compton
I was married to this man for 7 years I know its him
debora lewis
are you talking about the hwy 70 serial killer,if so, has anyone talked to you!I would be interested in finding this out,This man needs to be caught!!
Are you sure? How do you know?
Calvin Ye
It is believe that Herb Baumeister committed those murders.
No. He committed other murders in Indiana near I-70 long before. I-70 is absolutely the only connection.
Herb Baumeister only killed men. His preferred methods of killing were strangulation and drowning. His victims on I-70 and Indianapolis were pretty much all found in shallow water. Nothing suggests he ever shot anyone or killed a woman.
The profilers will disagree with you. But you are correct. He was from Indianapolis. He got wasted on drugs or alcohol for his birthday. Spent several hours the next day in front on a paint store. He was still too intoxicated to drive home. So he bought a pair of shoes for him and his wife and hitched a ride to his residence. It was the only scene he hitched a ride. And the detectives thought he was a bum. They searched every shelter looking for him. Only female killers will kill people shopping. But with gay men they are just like a female killer.
Herb also had tools and resources that make the i70 killer unique from other executions. He used to work for the paper. After the 4th victim the press falsely reported that the victim wore a ponytail. The police never said that. I believe Herb started that misinformation. Up until then, the killer was whatever. But the next two victims were made gender specific. (He attempted to murder another man. Only Herb would let a victim go like that after trying to kill them.) And he had a cellphone. The original wireless phones would at times inadvertently intercept someone else’s conversations. I accidentally did that on the original wireless phones. A person could do that intentionally. But you had to be close by. It wasn’t a switchboard.
One of the victims survived vicky webb…that was never mentioned!
debora lewis
Vicki Webb was mentioned as a survivor maybe not in my comment but anyone who has followed this case knows that
Vicki W.
Yes I did….. I believe I saw the man today in Michigan and called it in on a tip line. So interesting that a 2014 comment spoke of Michigan.
Curious if this man looks familiar to you…
he was incarcerated in Michigan for quite some time (multiple time) and just released yesterday…he is a multiple offender, fits the age and was very slender at the time of the murders – had family in St Charles Missouri, too.
you said you thought you seen him in Michigan ,could it be because he knows u survived and keeping tract of you,
can you describe him as much as you can remember,i heard he laughed when the gun jammed the second time,did it look like he was balding or wearing a toupee and if he laughed what kind of a laugh was it ,like a little chuckle or a longer louder laugh,people are saying something was wrong with one of his eyes can you tell me what they are talking about
His hair would have temporarily went back to normal. The beauty salon that went our of business had a homicide. That was the homicide before Saint Charles.
Robert Stack only had time to mention a 7th victim. But for those that still can’t figure out who it was, they have the later crimes.
debora lewis
i believe the crimes are related im also wondering if the missing Michigan girl Jessica is a victim of the hwy 70 killer no money was taken ,he may have changed his MO by now by taking his victims, the faces look a little alike of the suspect .I think he is a trucker,does not like women ,prob wasnt close to his mother, was bullied,for some kind of flaw,changes jobs frequently,is married to someone just for a cover!Does not rape his victims prob does not even have sex with his wife!Has no children prob never been in a serious relationship until married at a later age
I believe I met this man on two occasions in 1993-94. The second time was hair raising and I contacted the MO State police but they were unable to find him. He’s not a truck driver but frequents truck stops in his travels. Or at least he did back then. My story is fairly long and I’ll spare you the whole thing. I’m an over the road truck driver and first encountered this man in Colorado Springs Co where he was quite Bizzar and scared the young lady bartender at a hotel terribly. It wasn’t till several months later after seeing all of the posters in Truckstops that I ran into this Squirrel again in a Truckstop in MO. He made the hair stand up on the back of my neck cause he recognized me and knew I recognized him. I had to lose him at the truck stop cause he was trying to figure what I was driving and where I was parked!!!!!!! I went straight to the fuel desk and pulled the poster and it’s him!!!!!! Biggest mistake on the composit is there’s no mention of his distinct New England accent. I thought he’d been captured years ago till I saw him profiled on M William Phelps show Dark Minds on ID. Sent a note to the show but got no response. Shame the MO State Police didn’t catch him that night but I suspect he got out of there quick after our encounter!!!!! He was very concerned about what car he was driving when in Co Springs but I have no idea. He’s one squirrelly character and I’m convinced to this day he’s the guy!!!!! They have his age about right and if he’s still alive I’d guess him to be mid 60s by now. I think I’ll write Mr Phelps directly and see if he’s interested in the story though I doubt it will help catch him now! At least maybe they’ll get his accent into the profile!!!
What is his name?