A nineteen-year-old is the innocent victim of a gang-related shooting. ![]() Kevin Wheel ![]() Was Kevin the victim of a gang shooting? CASE DETAILS ![]() No leads came from the flyers On May 3, 1991, just south of Los Angeles in Hawaiian Gardens, California, Kevin Wheel was gunned down by four suspected gang members. He was Teresa Wheel’s only son:
Hawaiian Gardens had its share of gang activity and Kevin knew several gang members. It was a casual association that proved fatal. On the night he was killed, Kevin spent the evening at a friend’s house. He was driving home around 11:30 P.M. when, according to eyewitnesses, a car began to follow him and then opened fire. Kevin was struck twice in the head and three times in the back. An hour later, he was dead. L.A. County Sheriff’s Sergeant Jacqueline Franco immediately suspected it was a gang shooting:
![]() Kevin’s parents are on a crusade for answers Following his death, Kevin’s parents would not sit still. They posted thousands of flyers around the area where he was shot. Teresa would not let Kevin’s murder be just another gang-related shooting:
Sergeant Franco:
Teresa and her husband are still coming to terms with their son’s untimely death:
Police believe Kevin’s killers were four males, possibly Hispanic. They were driving a white compact car, and may have been members of a gang based in nearby Artesia. Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season six with Robert Stack and in season six with Dennis Farina. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Various seasons available now on Hulu. SUBMIT A TIP |
Sus that Theresa knows who the killer was and that she even went to the funeral. My nephew was also a victim of gang violence also in HG by gang members of Artesia and
No private info about who did it was ever passed along to us. Very odd.
Ernest Holton Jr
If The Cops Know Who Did It They Would Just Question Every Gang Member Or Give Them A Lie Detector Test That Way They Can Get Their Man And The Case Will Be Closed Somebody Needs To Step Up And Say Something This Case Needs To Solved And Closed Once And For All.
What was the name of Kevin’s killer? Theresa Wheeler claims his killer is dead but she never gives his name. Nobody was ever charged with Kevin’s murder. Nobody knows for sure who killed Kevin. People in those gangs will say anything.
Teresa Wheel
Thank you all for your comments! The pain never goes away.
You and your son stay on my mind. My heart breaks for you, with a prayer of victory you were given the opportunity to see him buried. As much pain you have had to endure, I hope this gave you some relief. I found it angering that no one recognized you. I wish arms were wrapped around you too that day. As a Mother, or sibling, gang member, knew of his sins. Miserable inhuman, masquerading
as “good people”. Unforgivable! Bless you.
When are you going to update this case?
Unsolved Mysteries Post author
We are unaware of an update in this case. If you have any information, please use the tips form or contact us directly through the app or unsolved@unsolved.com. Thank you.
Teresa wheel
It was Artesia gang members. The one who actually did the shooting died of a heart attack about a year and a half ago. No justice for Kevin. Just glad the murder is dead… I (mom) went to his grave side service and luckily no one recognized me. He is so missed and loved.
Kevin’s Mom
Many prayers lifted up for you & your favorite. It’s a hurt that’s never goes away. Kevin may not have gotten justice here on earth, but know; his killer met his maker & received righteous judgment by God.
I apologize, it was family not favorite .
So sorry that this happened to your son. My prayers are with you and the entire family. Hopefully, those gang members got what they deserved… such a senseless killing.
I believe the detective had it accurate in this case. It was likely an initiation killing. It is frustrating that the authorities couldn’t round up known members and interrogate them…but the law doesn’t work like that. I feel so sad for the parents as it is likely this case will never get solved. I cannot imagine the senselessness they must feel over this.
so sad no one is probably ever going to speak up because they’re fearful. poor kevin probably won’t ever get justive
Blue bird
Why Would someone Do Something So Mean To A 19 Year old Young Man God Bless U And RIP!