A war veteran is gunned down in the parking lot of a computer company.

Smiling Matt Flores

Matt Flores

A co-worker looking at Matt slumped over on the driver side of his car

A co-worker heard the gunshot


Matt and Denise had it all—a loving marriage, a beautiful daughter, dreams of a full, happy life—dreams that vanished in an instant when Matt Flores was gunned down in cold blood. He was just 26.

A police officer wheeling the covered body of Matt onto an ambulance

Matt was pronounced dead at the scene

When Matt married Denise LePage, their friends called it the wedding of the century. Matt was a second lieutenant in the Army, who later served with honor in Operation Desert Storm. Once Matt came home to Fort Stewart, Georgia, he and Denise started a family. In July of 1993, their daughter Danielle was born. Eight months later, Matt began a promising career with a computer company based in California’s Silicon Valley. According to Denise, he traveled there for a brief training program:

“It was our new start in life as a family—us making decisions instead of the military. This was his dream come true. He finished with the military. He’d done everything right, and now he had landed the job of his dreams.”

March 24, 1994: Matt’s ninth day of training for his new job. That morning, he arrived at work and parked in the middle of the lot. Nearby, another employee sat listening to a talk show on her car radio. When a gunshot rang out, she moved to investigate. According to Sergeant George Teal of the Santa Clara Police Department, the female witness called 911 after realizing someone had been shot:

“Approximately four or five uniformed officers responded immediately, including a field supervisor. Paramedics and fire also responded immediately, but they were not able to revive him. He was pronounced dead at the scene.”

Police investigators at the scene of the crime

Police found no physical evidence

Matt Flores had been shot once in the back of the head at point-blank range. He probably never even saw his killer. And incredibly, no one else did either, even though there were more than 20 people in the parking lot at the time. Matt’s Mother, Ellen Mauro, was dumbfounded as to why someone would want to kill her son:

“He was never involved in anything in terms of drugs, gambling, fooling around—any of the things that you would think would lead to being murdered. Nothing.”

Almost immediately, the investigation was hampered by a terrible piece of bad luck. Despite the presence of several security cameras in the parking lot, the killing itself took place in a blind spot—just out of view. However, one of the cameras did give Sergeant Teal his most significant lead:

“About 20 minutes before the shooting, there was a two door sport model Ford Explorer that came into the parking lot and parked in one of the parking stalls facing directly into the camera lens. A few seconds later, a two door white Ford Probe came in the same lane that Matt would take later. The Explorer backed up, followed the white Probe. The Ford Probe could look something like Matt’s rental, which was a white Chevy Corsica. About four minutes before the shooting, we see that same Explorer exiting the parking lot, and then about three minutes before the shooting, we see the vehicle come back into the parking lot and go in the direction of where the shooting occurred.”

Security camera footage cars in the parking lot

The murderer’s car – caught on tape?

At 8:12 AM, two minutes before the shooting, two cars entered the lot. One was driven by the female eyewitness—the other by Matt Flores. At 8:14, the murder took place just out of camera range. According to Sergeant Teal, just 20 seconds later, the Ford Explorer was seen leaving the parking lot for the last time:

“If somebody were to watch the videotape and see the activities of the vehicle that morning and to see it leave right after Matt was shot, they certainly could say the vehicle was stalking Matt that morning.”

Because the Explorer initially followed a car that looked like Matt’s, Sergeant Teal believed the murder may have been a case of mistaken identity:

“Perhaps somebody went to that parking lot that morning to do harm to somebody else, and they got the wrong person.”

For Denise Flores, the reality of her husband’s murder continues to haunt her:

“Whoever did this to him, I want them to know what they’ve taken. One minute, life was great. We had everything. And the next minute, it was shattered. I don’t think she remembers him anymore. She was too little. I plan on showing her all the videos that we have so she knows what kind of a daddy that she had. But she won’t know what it feels like for Daddy to hug her. I lost everything that day.”

The case is still open and authorities hope that someone will come forward with a new lead. To date, the authorities’ most substantial clue is still the Ford Explorer videotaped in the parking lot. The vehicle is a two door sport model manufactured between 1991 and 1994. It has a distinctive black trim on its lower panels.

New info:

In May of 2016, $100,000 reward has been reissued to help solve the murder of Matt Flores. Read more: http://patch.com/california/milpitas/100000-reward-offered-1994-santa-clara-shooting-0

Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season eight with Robert Stack and in season five with Dennis Farina. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Various seasons available now on Hulu.




  1. Chelsea

    Soo not a case of mistaken identity, otherwise they would’ve got the person in the first white car… they were waiting for him specifically… DEFINITELY not a military cover up either, they’re not dumb, it would’ve never been made to look like a homicide, use your brain… ‍♀️ It was the wife yall… it’s so obvious… she was lying the whole interview, you can tell by her eyes, body language, and tone in her voice… this was the 90s, police were easily swayed by “pretty little ladies”, they don’t want to believe someone so attractive could be capable of something so cruel.. hope Matt’s family sees this comment.. I put all my money on Denise.. I’m sure she’s the one fueling the families belief it was a military cover up… Police need to look into Denise, now that it’s 2024…


  2. Jaime Sanchez

    This is such a sad story. Unbelievable


  3. Laura

    Sorry if this has been asked before, but were the authorities able to get any part of the license plate from the video?


  4. Paul

    Today marks 30 years since Matt Flores was executed in the parking lot of Applied Materials, Building 12. Tragically no one is any closer to finding his killer or killers. I never knew this young man and yet this case has stuck with me ever since I discovered it several years ago. So many unanswered questions and no one theory makes total sense. Personally I lean towards a professional or hired hit. Someone wanted this guy dead and unfortunately they seem to have gotten away with it.

    RIP Matthew Flores. A wonderful young man who’s life was cut far too short.


    • Christopher Payton

      Thank you for thinking about Matt and continuing to bring his story to the forefront. I am Matt’s first cousin Christopher Payton my mom’s sister. Ellen That was her son! We miss Matthew Heavily. Some people say it was the US government in that he knew too much robotics just started coming into fruition, Jealous employee that he beat out For the position! Regardless, I can’t believe they have never found his killer!


    • Frank G. Davis II

      My name is Frank Davis. I worked with Matt in the Army at Hunter Army Airfield, GA right before he left the military on terminal leave for this job. Matt was a super nice guy and clearly didn’t deserve this. I pray that someday we find out what happened to him for the benefit of his family. I remember a detective coming to Georgia and interviewing several of us. Unfortunately, we really didn’t have anything to offer, because I never knew of anyone who had an issue with him. Thanks for keeping this alive and Matt’s memory.


  5. D Duzac

    They said the main clue is the identification of the muder car. It isn’t, the main clue is to find out the occupant of the white car that looked like Matt’s car and find out who would want to kill them, if they are still alive.


  6. Bflex38

    Considering he lived in California and that’s where gangs and cartels are prevalent someone probably mistaken him for someone else because just one single shot just sounds like he was mistaken for some one else this is terribly sad for his family


  7. Jonjon

    This is such a sad case. This man had survived all the horrors of war, only to be killed by a random person over seemingly nothing.


  8. Liam G

    I think you can rule out mistaken identity unless a person of similar background, looks, and/or employment was also murdered in the months after this incident. I can’t see a brazen killer like this giving up on their intended target once they realised their mistake. They would go again and get it right next time. So unless there was another victim shortly afterwards that shared some of Matt’s characteristics – I’d say they knew whose life they were taking.


  9. Andrea

    If he was shot at point blank range, that means that someone exited a vehicle and walked up behind him as he himself were getting out of his car, then had to get back in vehicle and drive away. How is it that isn’t anywhere on a security camera? Is there any question about the range in which he was shot? In the re-enactment the female that found him did not seem to be that far away, and security guards responded quickly meaning they weren’t incredibly far away. Maybe it has nothing to do with the suspicious vehicle but someone that was already in the parking lot…. Perhaps walking.


    • Mase

      Considering this was the 90s his murder took place a lot of businesses didn’t have surveillance cameras all over the area like that then unfortunately but I’ve always felt like this was never a random crime or even mistaken identity I feel like it’s more to this story and that Matt probably knew his killers


      • Brandon J.

        This was the 1990s not the 1930s, there were 20 security cameras in the parking lot that day. I don’t know if I buy that “blind spot” thing. I wonder if there was footage that contained the shooting and a clear shot of the perp but it was destroyed and on purpose because it was someone important. There’s just too many things that don’t add up here.


  10. Ali Houssney

    In the end the Lord will avenge. He will set everything straight on the Day of Judgment and if this mystery killer never repents before he dies, his sin will be revealed for all to see. God knows everything that has ever been said, done and thought. My thoughts and prayers are with the Flores family.


  11. Charles

    Does anybody have any ideas on this? A crazed stalker? Jilted co-worker? Ex-lover from before his marriage? This is a frustrating mystery for sure.


  12. Dule kaboom

    So Matt pulled into the parking lot behind the female witness. My theory is this the explorer belonged to the husband or boyfriend of the first Lady witness. He suspected her of having an affair and staked out her work to see if he could catch her. Explains why he followed the 1 white care first which may have been her possible lover. Maybe the guy thought Matt was the guy shot him and then left. That first female witness who was listening to the talk show and pulled into the parking lot in front of Matt and parked right by him knows more



    I just watched this episode tonight. My thoughts were either a current employee that was slated to get the job Matt applied for and got, OR…. another outside applicant like him that didn’t get the job. I.E. jealousy perhaps?


  14. Nathan

    I was always fascinated about this case. It’s really just an opinion, but I’ve reviewed the descriptions they gave of the car, and examined pictures of ones similar to the one I saw on the footage. My best guess is that the shooter’s vehicle was a 1993 Ford Explorer Sport similar to the one in the picture shown on the link below.



  15. JohnnyCage

    Seems a bit sketchy that the police did not want the actual security footage aired. If what the police told Unsolved Mysteries was accurate for the recreation footage, this wasn’t a random murder. The killer arrived prior to Matt meaning they knew Matt’s schedule and vehicle description since they stalked a car similar to his company rental. This shows premeditation. But a Probe and a Corsica are a little too different to confuse so it seems like the killer only had a general description; that he’d be in a white car around that time in the morning. The model Explorer they were looking for is specific to only a 3yr span so you’d think they could’ve done a bit more legwork with a DMV search or a BOLO. Also, the parking lot had multiple cameras but the killing just happened to take place in a blind spot (they said it was an unassigned spot, but that’s a hell of a coincidence). In that area it seems like there’d be more cameras at other businesses/locations that could be facing the possible escape routes of the Explorer.
    The case just seems like such an easy egg to crack with the specific suspect vehicle (only produced in a 3 year period?), ballistics (they said he was shot point blank but gave no details of caliber or if a casing was found at the scene?), actual footage that could possibly show any at all features of the driver or occupants of the Explorer (but they refused to let the show air the actual footage?)
    Did the police drop the ball or is this a cover up?


  16. Baldwin Wallace

    OMG … it’s so obvious that the WIFE was having an affair and had him murdered for his insurance and army benefits. She had all the information available to her that she relayed to the killer so he could be waiting in the parking lot. It’s shocking that the police too often treat these evil, manipulative, conniving, and greedy females as if they are still innocent and sweet little 5yo girls. It’s sickening.


  17. Scott

    I was the second person on the scene. I noticed the first person standing next to Matt’s car on the drivers side near the back. I saw her panicking so I parked in front of Matt’s car. As I approached the car I saw blood spreading worse than any horror movie I have ever seen. I saw his body slumped against the car. I looked over the drivers door and saw his gun wound to the head. My brain has erased that memory. I can remember every millisecond of that experience like it happened yesterday with the exception of looking over the car door and seeing his wound. I’ve had PTSD since then and have been in therapy for years. I’m very disappointed and frustrated the killer has never been caught. To this day, I can’t enter a room, a situation, or a crowd of people without first looking for a place to run in case I’m in danger. I can’t imagine what his family has had to deal with even 26 years after the event.


  18. Security @ Applied Materials

    To Matt’s family, i am so sorry for your loss.. I just started working here @ Applied, and am in Aw of all this.. I was only 5 years old when this happend, and being here everyday/night i cant get it out of my head.. The answer we all seek is almost certain inside the Walls of Applied Materials… I see how these big wigs are, and i cant imagine being a threat to them… My gut feeling is it was a hired hit by an empolyee threatned by him in some way. I am very skilled at digging into peoples personal lives, creating doc profiles and hacking. I want to use my skills to solve this case, but i need somewhere to start, i feel as if there are secrects hidden, that nobody wants anyone to find. Like i want to see the footage inside the building, prior to the shooting, how were people acting? Normal like other days? Or did something stand out? I dont think they could hide all the evidence or cover it up fully, anyone wanting to dig with me, lets do it!!! I have full access to every bldg, and am willing to use it to get an answer. Lets solve this for his family.


  19. Alise

    Can someone show me the video of the killer car pulling into and out of the parking lot? I am good at making pictures more able to be seen if I can get the evidence shown to me because I saw unsolved mystery’s today and I want to help if I can. I am good with computers and I want to do what I can to help Matt’s family. Is their anyway you can show us the vehicle of the ford car going into and out of the parking lot on the video?


  20. John

    Can someone give me details on Matt’s military service? Is a DD-214 available? Interested to know his MOS, assigned units, deployed experience, etc.


  21. Chris Payton

    My name is Chris Payton I am Mat’s first cousin. We believe that this is some covert inside the military operation such as Matthew Knew Too Much… thank you everybody for your prayers and thoughts like my Aunt Ellen said any information someone comes across nothing is too big or too small please notify the Santa Clara Police Department.


  22. thinkingoutloud

    it’s even more upsetting if the shooters killed matt by mistake. you would think they would the model and license plate memorized prior to the shooting. also can the cameras really not identify the license plates from the cars? they can tell the make and color of the cars but not get a good look at the license plates?

    rip matt, sooo sad


  23. Dameon

    How many of us have ever felt threatened by the new handsome young talent at u or your wife’s work ? I know I was head over heals for a girlfriend of mine in my younger days and a striking guy like Matt was hired at her work..it kept me up a night or two..If they haven’t looked into a coworker of his who was a domestic violence victim yet , why not try ? He had only been there 2 weeks so someone nipped his employment there in the bud..The answer is within Apllied’s walls.


  24. Dameon

    I GUARANTEE Matt made someone angry that he landed that job or insecure about his own relationship with a girl due to Matt’s presence….Someone wanted him to no longer be a threat …It was either over a girl or the job he just landed..


  25. Larry

    I wonder if they investigated the driver of the white Ford Probe that the Ford Explorer initially followed or any other persons driving a similar car as Matt’s ? It still sounds like a case of mistaken identity. If someone was hired by a jealous husband they may not have been that familiar with the victims appearance.


  26. Magdi M Manjal

    This case has really caught my attention, because it sounds too easily to be solved. I think if the police digs deeper on it, this case would soon be solved. Here are some suggestive views:
    First: The killer cannot be a hit-man. A hit-man is a professional killer, who will not take risk of committing a homicide in a parking lot on the middle of the day
    Second: This might be the act of an angry man who encountered the victim earlier that day or the day before, during road-rage.
    Third: A jealous applicant or employee at the Silicon Valley
    Fourth: Police may need to investigate the victim’s military record to find out if he was a party of any military investigation involving sexual harassment, drug use, or any disciplinary action in which a third party was subject to punishment or disciplinary action. This third party might be the killer


  27. Brittany Howard

    Unsolved Mysteries I believe the car that police were looking for is a red Ford Explorer.


  28. possible

    what if matt was going to discover something important and a time traveler stopped him

    what was matt going to work on at applied mechanics?


  29. Ben

    This is so sad. I wish that i could help.


  30. Michael

    I am very very sorry about Matt’s loss, he looked like a very special young man.I am wondering if it is possible if the bullet was from a sniper much further away than the point blank range. It may have been a random killing with nothing to do with the Explorer. I also think they should investigate the person with the similar car to see what type of lifestyle they had at the time.


  31. Anonymous

    This case was so sad. I remember the video of him and his baby.


  32. Ellen Mauro

    I am Matthew’s mother. I miss him terribly. He did not deserve this. He is missed so much by our family and we plead with anyone who has any information, no matter how minor to please contact the Santa Clara Police Dept, the cold case unit. We will always be grateful for any help solving this tragedy


    • umfan

      Hello Ellen I wanted to say i am very sorry for your loss. I think it is absolutely terrible. How are is wife and daughter doing?


    • Patti Castro

      I’m so so sorry, Ellen. I have been a follower of this case since it first aired.
      I just watched the rerun of your son’s murder. I decided to find out if it had been solved. After going to this website, finding Matt’s case and reading through all the updates, I can see that it hasn’t.
      I know how it feels to lose a child. I lost my 23 year old son to complications from
      diabetes in December of 1995.
      A hidden blessing turned out to be that he appeared on the Nationally syndicated talk Show called the DANNY Show. I have the original tape that I have converted to a DVD. Sometimes I can watch it, sometimes I can’t. I have learned to ‘move on’ as they say, but I miss him everyday.
      It’s a pain I would never wish on anyone.
      May God heal and comfort you and your family.


    • Patti Castro

      I’m so so sorry, Ellen. I have been a follower of this case since it first aired.
      I just watched the rerun of your son’s murder. I decided to find out if it had been solved. After going to this website, finding Matt’s case and reading through all the updates, I can see that it hasn’t.
      I know how it feels to lose a child. I lost my 23 year old son to complications from
      diabetes in December of 1995.
      A hidden blessing turned out to be that he appeared on the Nationally syndicated talk Show called the DANNY Show. I have the original tape that I have converted to a DVD. Sometimes I can watch it, sometimes I can’t. I have learned to ‘move on’ as they say, but I miss him everyday.
      It’s a pain I would never wish on anyone.
      May God heal and comfort you and your family. I pray that God will help in finding and convicting the perzon(s) responsible for Matt’s murder.


    • Tom

      I’m very sorry for your loss. I know it’s very hard. I hope the police bring the killer to justice. God bless you.


  33. Johnny

    Matt Flores was shot once in the head and it looks like a professional hit. Mr. Flores had no enemies or dangerous vices. Must be that Flores car matched the one of the real victim. Then again…Why would a professional make that kind of mistake? Feel sorry for his wife, young daughter and parents. The Ford Explorer probably the best clue but it could have been painted or sent to the junkyard after 20+ yrs. A difficult case to solve.


  34. Unidentified

    Does anyone know where we can watch the video? I remember watching this as a kid and it was very sad and very sad now. It could be another job applicant jealously or mistaken identity. I know they’ll catch the killers one of these days soon.


  35. umfan

    I always thought was a puzzling and sad case. I learned Matt was a student at the University of Rhode Island. I live not too far there, Rhode Island is his home state ware he grew up. Its very sad and crazy to think how close it hits home. Also watching that surveillance in the original episode always creeped me out! i never understood why authorities never wanted the actual tape shown, just a re-creation? Overall a very sad and strange case.


    • Jason

      Rhe police have the original tape but wouldnt allow UM to broadcast it. So, the re-enacted it. The video shown on the episode is a re-enactment.

      My opinion is, this was a hit gone wrong. If it were a disgruntled employee, they’d find that out in a heartbeat. I was wondeeing if they could digitize the footage an close up on the plates? Could be far too late, but this doeant seem impossible to solve


  36. Gerry Kincaid

    I served with Matt at Hunter Army Airfield, 24th Division, he was an outstanding young officer of unquestioned integrity, with unlimited potential. No chance he was involved in anything illegitimate. What happened is still unbelievable.


  37. Caitie

    I’m surprised that no one seemed to see anything, considering how crowded the parking lot seemed to be. Someone has to know who owned the car that killed Matt…..it seems strange that no one has said anything


  38. Autumn Moore

    Is it possible the killer was mad that Matt got a job that the killer had applied for and wanted? Competition was/is high there. Did the authorities check identities of the other people who applied for the job? SV has had a high percentage of people with Asperger’s Syndrome, many of whom lack empathy, and thus have potential for harming someone in anger. I’m not dissing people w/ Aspergers, I’m speaking from direct experience having a close relative (who worked in SV) with Aspergers that was jailed 3 times for personal crimes against people, due in part to his lack of social skills and empathy, and also due to additional character disorder and complete narcissism (not all Aspergers people have these traits). And yes, the mistaken identity could be pissible too.


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