Why did a young mother suddenly disappear before testifying against her mother at trial?


Lena Chapin

Lena Chapin didn’t have what most would consider an ideal childhood. She and her five sisters constantly move from town to town, based on whoever their mother, Sandy, is with at the time. In Lena’s preteen years, Sandy and the girls move to a farm owned by their third stepfather, Gary McCullough. Although a bit rough around the edges, Gary is “a good guy” and a caring step-father to the sisters, and the girls love him.

Lena (right) and her sister Brandi

It isn’t long before Sandy begins her next affair – this time with a local 21-year-old named Kris Klemp. Gary learns about the affair and has also figured out that she is forging bad checks on his bank account. Gary talks to lawyer about getting a divorce. And that’s when Gary disappears.

Three days later, Sandy tells the local sheriff that Gary went off to buy fighting roosters and never came home. When asked to take a polygraph, Sandy replies, “If you find a body, I’ll take a polygraph.” Lena, 13-year-old at the time, is the only one who knows what really happened to Gary.

Lena and her sisters moved to Gary McCullough’s farm

Lena keeps the secret for years, but finally at 17, racked by guilt, Lena tells Gary’s brother, Albert, exactly what happened to Gary. Lena says that Sandy shot Gary and burned his body in a brush pile, then forced her to help clean up the crime scene and toss his charred bones out the truck window as they drove down a country road. What Lena doesn’t know is that Albert is secretly recording her confession, which he immediately gives to the sheriff. Sandy finds out about the tape and, as Lena’s legal guardian, convinces Lena to walk back her confession. Lena doesn’t speak of the murder again and goes on with her life, has a baby, gets a job, and is happily living with her boyfriend.

Lena’s stepfather, Gary McCullough

Then, as Lena approaches her 21st birthday and her independence from Sandy, she disappears on Valentine’s Day, 2006. When her boyfriend comes home from work, he finds Sandy packing up all of Lena’s belongings. Sandy tells him that Lena has run off to Florida with another guy. Yet all her clothes, photos, car, and most importantly her son, — the love of her life–are all left behind. Afraid of their mother, Lena’s sisters don’t report Lena missing. But a few years later, when a wrongful death civil lawsuit is brought against Sandy by Gary’s family, the local sheriff tries to serve Lena with a subpoena. That’s when everyone acknowledges Lena is truly missing. At trial, despite not having testimony from Lena, Sandy and her now husband, Kris Klemp, are found guilty of the wrongful death of Gary McCullough. They’re ordered to pay restitution of $7 million dollars.

Lena confessed to Albert

Lena’s sisters are convinced their mother killed Lena and, once again, masterfully disposed of the body. But if Lena is dead, where is her body? Her sisters won’t stop searching until they find her.




  1. Ron

    Robert stack would opt. For a phsyic on this case for some how to get answers!!!!!! But I want to let all the sisters know how much we all love and care for them and hope they raise their children so much better than ther mother did.i live in mo. And hope some day Sandy will be taken to justice for the stuff she has put all her family members through.. and pray for her next boyfriend watch out …


  2. Iulls

    Me parece surrealista que no estén en la cárcel. Pero lo más importante es poner llegar a lograr la custodia del niño pero sin ponerlo en peligro y alejarse todo lo posible de ese demonio llamado madre.


  3. Shadow

    Why didnt the judge gave them nothing? Im wondering that for first. Justice isnt served. In the movie the girl talked about a hole
    in their yard. And how she thinks that her mom is hiding Lena there. It was covered but they could’ve just put that machine there. Im sure that its somewhere in either her house or the yard.


  4. Dominic

    Yeah, I think that piece of shit of a mum did something to her daughter to “shut her up permanently” which i think is horrible


  5. Heather Murdock

    Hi, i don’t know if it has been looked into but yall were talking about the dog was buried by a tree on top of a hill but then your mom said it was the other spot and i think the second spot was where you had searched with the ground scanner thing. Perhaps she changed the spot she said the dog was because she actually buarried your sister with the dog and she didnt want anyone snooping around the original spot she said the dog was. if it hasnt been explored, it might be worth looking into. I am very sorry for all your family has gone through and the pain you are still going through.


    • Harlie Schmidt

      Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I hope they used the ground penetrating radar to search the area where the well was at that Brandi mentioned at the end of the episode. Lena could be there, especially since it has been filled in.


      • Seret

        agreed on the well. When the sister is walking and says “It was right here” you can see a circle outline where it use to be. Hope it will be searched.


    • Alex Ford

      This was my thought also, try the ground penetrating radar by the well and the place where the dog was supposedly buried.
      I wonder if this has been submitted as a tip, or if it were to be a valid one at that? Do we think the people overseeing these cases read the comments?


  6. Rebecca

    I hope someone manages to get colter away from that monster as the fact she did that to her own daughter and tried to do something to another is disgusting


    • Mona

      Did someone check the missing well on the original property where Lehnia used to live…Its crazy but one of the older sisters did point out that there was an unallocated well ,all the way from the mudroom..that was filled up before the family moved from there and lehnia was missing around d that time Valentines day 2006…I guess there could be answers on that property


  7. Rod

    Can somebody PLEASE tell me which season this is on? I know it’s episode 6, or so they say. But I’m not finding it on any season.


  8. Flo

    This hole case is jaw-dropping. How can one be so cold-blooded? I´m pretty sure Lena´s remains were also burned like Gary´s remains. But I really hope they will find at least some evidence….


    • KR

      I love my mom so much and I cannot really believe that any parents would rather choose to lose a child and move on with her life thinking that no one will hunt her.


  9. Nikki

    Why weren’t multiple different ground radar tests done like there’s a couple other things they could have tried that radar the ground on top of that why wasn’t the other tree checked or most importantly the well site?Not everything they could do was done.


    • Nikki

      And why did Sandy and Chris not serve jail time it’s ridiculous also how the heck was Sandy allowed to get custody of Colter when she obviously murdered Gary with Kris


    • Brandi

      They couldn’t do the ground penetration at the Sligo home because of the rocky terrain and rough area it would have had to have been scanned I cried believe me when they said no they couldn’t do it


      • Robert Parker

        I just rewatched season 1 on Netflix this is a horrible story. I feel so bad for those sisters, do you know if there are any updates. And please lmk if Lena’s remains were found.


      • Tracy

        I live in Cassville and have lived in the area most of my life. The local police were in my place of business this evening talking over the high points of this case and how much it still bothers them. I had asked if anything had resurfaced lately to spark the discussion. Sadly, they replied, ‘no’. They continued to tell me that they are always actively looking for your sister and/or anything that could possibly bring about new information. Then they described to me just how difficult it is in this area to investigate and search for ‘bodies because we have thousands of acres of Mark Twain National Forest. All of it is federally controlled land that you are not allowed to hunt or cultivate in any manner. That alone makes these woods extremely dense and the terrain can be dangerous (due to being located where foothills of the Boston Mountains meet the plateau). That and the rural population complies more problems with available resources and advanced tech tools.’ They shared with me that there are still areas that their ‘radios can’t penetrate’ and at times their ‘GPS screen has gone black and can’t tell us where we’re at or where we’re going. It only says what direction you’re heading: North.’ They continued to tell me that they personally feel overwhelmed at times, thinking of all the ‘missing person filings that come through this area’ and wondering ‘how many of them could be lost forever’ here due to a plethora of circumstances. I know, this seems a bit grimm. On the other hand, I cannot express to your family how very familiar and unsettled our communities remain, even now, over your family’s tragedy. I just felt compelled to let you know that y’all are not forgotten. As Sandy is so familiar with SW MO and NWA, there’s still a chance that Lena could be here and many of us are still searching. Listening to the local officers speaking candidly of their fearful suspicions of others that have, ‘got away with murder around here, only because it’s not a murder without a body’, was nothing I hadn’t heard before. Relating that there are ‘other murder cases in which they think they know exactly what’s happened but can’t prove it’ really shook me. The officers suggested I watch this on netflix that it is the most accurate public documentation they knew of. So my opinion… They couldn’t use the ground radar at the well site, and the description of the well and mud room leads me to think it was more a cistern. They aren’t as deep as a well, but designed to hold water and were very common in Missouri’s rural homes for a long while. Two people could shovel it out in less than a day and I’ve got friends and shovels if you need us!! If Sandy isn’t brought to justice in this life, she will answer for it in the next, but no one here wants to wait that long. Keep hope. My prayers and thoughts are with you all.


    • Mona

      I agree …that well site could bring back lots of answers as well as peace to so ,any family member of Lena and Gary .


  10. Hollie

    It takes an extremely hot fire to cremate a body, how on earth could they get a fire out in the open to 1000 to 1300°C that’s 1800 to 2500°F a normal bonfire is 600°C that’s 1100°F. Especially with how much fluid is in a body. It would take hours, like 6+ for the body/bodies to be cremated and then cool enough to touch. The mother is a complete sociopath who is killing anyone who gets in her way, why on earth does she have custody of Lena’s son? God only knows how much danger he is in.


  11. Ashley

    I think a medium would be extremely helpful in locating Lena’s remains, to finally bring Sandy to justice. Sandy is a complete sociopath & a master manipulator.


  12. Lightning

    this was so hard to hear to see

    if i could if i could make a wish i wish i could help to search
    you girls had this long history if i could say its time to take a little rest and i will help
    whatever it takes if it turns out i end up missing too i can only say it was worth to help you girls

    my thoughts will allways go out to you girls !!! i hope someday there will get this peace this closure for you i really do

    greeting lightning


    • Brandi

      Thank you ❤️


      • David Wilson

        Brandi, I’m 61 and live in Scotland. I’ve been researching my family tree and yesterday I discovered Gary Gene McCullough is a very distant cousin on my Paternal line. As I began entering details about Gary I was shocked to discover that he had gone missing, then I discovered the whole sad sickening story about what had happened and that Lena had also disappeared in similarly murky circumstances. It is outrageous that Sandra and Kris have not be convicted and jailed for these heinous despicable crimes. Truly appalling. I hope and pray that justice will finally be served on the evil pair and that Gary and Lena’s remains can be found, that they can finally be returned to their loved ones and rest in peace.


  13. Cold case chick

    Besides not using the ground penetrating radar at the other site that supposedly sandy buried the dog, it’slike they forgot about the well. Like others, I think she burned Lena’s body and what remained was put into the well before Sandy had the well filled in and covered. Covering a well makes no sense but given that this is a psychopath, it’s especially suspicious.


    • Mona

      I think that sandy didnt have to fill up the well if it was just the burned remains like Gary … my guess is that it should be actual body …and since it has been filled up ,there should be DNA in the soil and some other body evidence.


  14. Ashley

    With the use of GPR, depending on the frequency of the antenna and length of intervals, a burial could have easily been missed. I would be interested in seeing the data and if there were any anomalies. Also, if the body was burned it would still produce ash and small chunks of bone. No body is every completely burned away to nothing. A team of forensic archaeologists would be a great team-up for this case.


  15. ivona

    Sandy and Kris need to be locked up. I think Lena was cremated at well and since she changed her story into saying that the dog was burried under a tree, why the police didnt check the trees where sandy said she burried the dog. She manipulated Lena and then killed her when she found out about the confession tape, also why wasnt it used as an evidence to the court? And its definitely not okay for Lena’s child to be left for Sandy to take care of it. Sandy got what she wanted by manipulating Lena. She also took her other daughter in middle of nowhere and have a person hold a gun to her head. Sandy is guilty, and Kris helped her out.


  16. Lester

    Sorry to say. After watching this episode. I suspect that they burnt Lena as they did Gary and disposed of it the same way. With Sandy and Chris now divorced might provide an opportunity to get him to give evidence against Sandy granting him immunity. Also with one daughter seen them carry Gary’s body wrapped up should have been enough to have brought charges against them I would have thought. From what I gather they did grown scanning in one area and not by the tree where the dog was supposedly originally buried at the old house nor was the grown scanned where the well might have been at the old house either. I really hope this case gets solved. I also would have thought that with Sandy’s history that she would or could be considered as unfit to have custody of Colter as well as possibly due to her age having such a young boy when there are other family members. I hope they will try and get custody and that my comment has given them ideas of a possible way forward.


    • Melissa

      Im hoping that they solve the case and found her body but if they didn’t it would be very disappointing I’ve seen this episode and I know that from what I saw in the episode was that the mother wanted custody of the kid and saw a opportunity to do something because one of her kids told someone what the mother did if her daughter was still alive I’m sure she would show up to court and say what she had to say but I hope that they have found her and found her mother guilty


  17. Indira

    Sigue manteniendo el mismo.nombre? Sigue suelta por la vida? Cuanta impunidad! ¿A nadie le resultó raro que la unica testigo ocular, quien ya habia declarado y posteriormente se retractó por presión de la madre, desaparezca juusto cuando es citada a declarar como cómplice del homicidio? Me estan jodiendo… y encima van y le dan la custodia a la principal sospechosa! Y yo me quejo del sistema judicial de mi país. Vergonzoso.


  18. Katie

    After watching “Missing Witness” I am outraged and furious! How could someone do that to not only their husband, but to their entire family, and then she does it again to her own daughter! What is wrong with people and the justice system?! How and why did she get custody? Did she pay them off like she did with those missing posters? Why is it all they had to do was pay a fine? Why not a prison sentence too?! Why wasn’t ultraviolet lights used at the crime scene after she cleaned up? We all know you cannot clean up every drop of blood. Why hasn’t warrants been issued to dig up earth and stuff at both properties? I hope the child is told the truth about his mother when he’s older and also about the vile human that’s raising him now. I really wish the family the very best and hope they get answers, a bunch of very brave girls and my heart goes out to them.


  19. Mary

    Maybe to put a new crew to investigate this case, how come they leave it slide the evidence that Lena confess to her ex stepfather? Forensic files episode they solved mystery that seemingly look impossible even finding blood stains in one house after 10 years had passed.. seriously is it not enough evidence that Lena confession of whom is the murderer of Gary??
    One of her daughters saw Sandy trying to clean the floor and didn’t want her kids to go inside and see her doing that. Try look from there.
    It’s ridiculous to ignore a recorded confession so what other evidence are you looking for?????
    Obviously you can find his body as they burned it as it mentioned.. so will you leave this case go then, because you didn’t found the body? Seriously???


  20. KLT

    Can’t believe this kind of thing is happening in real world. Manipulation at its finest. Norma Bates kind of thing.


  21. Kim

    Same here. I am really outrage and sad. It bothers me eight that thought that how much Lena loves her son and her murderer took away her beloved son. How is that possible that Sandy can get free from one case to another, remarry over and over, and have a son? Check out Forensic Files or Cold Cases where the authority has done much better job to for justice. It’s different feeling when watching these shows. It’s the feeling of relieved and satisfied knowing that justice has been done.


  22. Alejandro Alvarez

    Lena was cremated too, they had the experiense to kill and the justice? in nowhere.
    The FBI where is or the criminologist is a joke?


  23. Arash

    Why they didn’t search the area that Sandy claimed she buried the dog?


  24. Willow

    Did everyone just forget to look for the well that was covered up? If the body isn’t there, at least a clue could be. Like a weapon or something!


  25. nobody

    After watch the episode I thought Lena was cremated after killed by Sandy. Same as Gary. That’s why her sister can’t find her body. Might be Lena’s son was watching when she got killed….?


  26. Padraig



  27. Confused

    How the f* could Sandy get custody of Lena’s son??
    Whats wrong with the system over there I the US?!


  28. grace

    IT IS so wrong! they sould be locked up!! they killed gery and lena so how is this possible that they are free?? just because ther is no body?? come on!!!!


  29. Johanna

    Can please somebody lock Sandy and Kris up?! I mean how is it even possible that she simple had to pay a certain amount of money (which she didn’t even do!!) for taking one’s life??? And then still having custody over a kid…? The child whos mother she killed??
    I must say I am just outraged and sad, that this can even happen. I’m feeling very, very sorry for this family and simply wish them all the best.


  30. Marisol Smiley

    Berkshire ufo. My name is marisol smiley I saw this episode and I was burn in Connecticut. I was six years old in 1969. I believe I too was abducted that same summer in 1969. I have never forgotten what happened to me I was labeled crazy by some and I was also spank for saying that the mobsters are real and they took me. My mom punished me so I never spoke of this for a very long time.


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