A young girl sees dead people… quite literally. ![]() Heidi sees Con’s ghost ![]() Con’s bloody hand CASE DETAILS ![]() Dr. Roll meets with Heidi Is it possible to bridge the gap between the living and the dead? In the small town of Ellerslie, Georgia, eight-year-old Heidi Wyrick apparently demonstrated the astounding ability to speak with the dead. It all began in February of 1989, just after Heidi’s family had moved to Ellerslie. According to Heidi, a man named “Con” appeared at the front door:
Lisa Wyrick, Heidi’s mother, thought someone was trying to kidnap her daughter:
![]() James S. Gordy, died in 1974 When Andy Wyrick arrived home, he and Lisa searched the entire neighborhood for someone who fit Con’s description. However, they came up empty handed. Then shortly after her visit from Con, Heidi told her mother about meeting another man. According to Lisa, this time the man’s name was Mr. Gordy:
Lisa happened to mention Con and Mr. Gordy to her sister who had just bought the house next door. As it turned out, a man named James S. Gordy was the former owner of her sister’s house. Lisa was shocked:
Catherine Ledford’s family had owned the house next to the Wyricks. When Lisa got in touch with her, Catherine verified that James Gordy had died in 1974:
Catherine Ledford had no photographs of Mr. Gordy, but she corroborated Heidi’s description. Mr. Gordy had gray hair, always wore a suit and tie, and shiny black shoes. She brought over photographs of her family. Heidi began looking through the photos:
![]() Lon “Con” Batchelor In the picture, Heidi recognized a man with a bandage on his arm and blood on his shirt. According to Catherine Ledford, Heidi had identified Catherine’s Uncle Lon:
Heidi’s mother Lisa was now convinced that Heidi’s friends were not just figments of her imagination… they were actual dead people:
For the next four years, Heidi continued to encounter the benevolent spirits of the two men—James Gordy and Lon Batchelor—both of whom had long been dead. Then in 1993, Heidi’s mother became pregnant. Not long after, an evil spirit came to visit. Lisa Wyrick remembered Heidi’s change in behavior:
According to Lisa, the new spirit became a frequent and sometimes violent guest:
On February 3, 1994, Heidi’s baby sister, Jordan, was born. Two weeks later, Lisa noticed that Heidi’s other-wordly visitations took a horrifying turn:
Heidi’s father Andy never gave his daughter’s scratches much thought. He just assumed she inadvertently scratched herself during the night. Then, two nights later, he too woke up with a searing pain:
The Wyrick’s called up a noted parapsychologist, Dr. William Roll, to investigate the unusual occurrences:
Incredibly, Heidi had chosen the photograph of James Gordy. For the second time, Heidi Wyrick had correctly identified her spirits from a photo line-up. Dr. Roll was now certain that Heidi’s experiences were genuine:
Why indeed? Was it all just coincidence? Did Heidi simply make two lucky guesses? Or does Heidi Wyrick possess some mysterious power to communicate with the dead? Heidi is now a young woman and no longer lives in the old family home. She reports that she has not seen Mr. Gordy for years. However, she continues to see the mysterious dark figure, as well as numerous other spirits. The sightings are so frequent that Heidi now takes them in stride. Not even the dark figure can scare her. Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season seven with Robert Stack and in season three with Dennis Farina. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Various seasons available now on Hulu. |
She must read Islamic Holy Quran because it’s the only one can fire the spirits away.
Helena Bigeros
xD yea…. No. Just no.
This is true
What I don’t get and I don’t think he did but did the dad die fron a meth laced cigarette? That just sounds made up now had it been Fetnfentanyl laced it would be 100x more likely but I don’t even think the times would match up with that
he the dad is the dark figure
This is so crazy i believe every word of it
That girl had a gift. The scariest ghost are the ones that want to show you how they got injured. But they can only video message places they have been before. Unless they get clearance then they will appear as dark figures. Those ghost actually try to make your body feel what they felt when they were alive. And when they can’t they will just leave scratches. They usually are attracted to spirits that were conjured. So you may first see someone that died around that place. If you are Christian, they are not allowed to do that. That is why the girl is not a renowned medium today as an adult.
What caused the death of Andy Wyrik? He was so young? Does anybody know?
He was in a Psychiatric facility when he passed away. He was given cigarettes at a Psychiatric Facility in Wellstone Regional Hospital but someone had snunk in Methanphetamine and given it to several of the other patients. His name was not Thomas Gregory that was one of the people that he had given the narcotics to that also ended up passing away. I took a Ghost tour of the facility and talked to them like they are people too. Poltergeist activity happens mostly because not enough electrical currents are flowing to the different areas of a residence. You can turn on lights in your basement and even in attics and it will decrease the electromagnetic flow that is powering the Poltergeists like the ones that have shown up even on movies like Paranormal Activity and Paranormal Estates. Lizzie Bordens Bed & Breakfast has light switches in the main breaker box even that have not been switched on in a long time. Switching even those on would help decrease the activity and keep people from seeing more things that have happened in those residences that have been renovated alot better than just leaving a light on in even a bathroom aka restroom. I’ve been dealing with Poltergeist activity all my life. I sing nursery rhymes even around them because I’m a good mother figure type. Keeping candies as a offering around crosses and positive saying plagues in areas that have been known for the hauntings as we call them can help decrease many of the activities too. Thanks for reading. #NianticEmployee
So in this comment, you claim that Heidi’s father died in a psych facility due to a cigarette laced with meth. In another comment just down the page, you say “Heidis dad is still alive and well. But his name is Recardo Gonzales now and he lives in Amsterdam.” Why should anyone listening to your ramblings if you can’t keep your thoughts consistent? Not to mention all your pseudoscientific alternative medicine promotion.
I completely agree. So which is it? He died in a psychiatric hospital or he’s alive and well in Amsterdam? Care to comment on that because I haven’t seen a comment from you yet which addresses it’!!!!!!!!!!! Where are you now?
I apologize for Typos etc.
This comment is in regards to the three scratches that Heidi and her Father experienced.
My Great Grandfather built the house of which several famliy members have lived in, even to this day (sorry, SoCal – not THE South) in a city south of Los Angeles.
I was really close to my Great Grandmum. I was 14 when she died. She had mentioned to my Mother about conversations that I was having with someone but she didn’t see anyone, which would be scary in itself since these convos would happen inside of the house. My Mother later told me that my GGMum could sense a feeling of a pretty intense nature that would surround her in what I thought of as a change in air pressure; kind of like when you can feel a storm coming in?
I was always sensitive to certain things like knowing someone had died in a house with me not knowing who they were. As a child I hadn’t quiet developed a well tuned sensor of how to say things and when if any. There was one time a friends of hers was talking about her deceased husband and I apparently said well, he said if you would stop yelling at him maybe he wouldn’t have left (shrugs and facepalms) My GGMum was a very devout Catholic but was well traveled which came with the understandings of different cultures, customs, and religions and even though she was Catholic she still had certain beliefs that were the results of her life experiences.
She and I were going to visit my Grandparents (her son) and when we got to their house I knocked on the door three times and she put her hand on my shoulder and gave a small little squeeze and said in her slightly Northern Irish accent. My dear boy-o. Knock twice – only the Great Deceiver knocks thrice. My Grandfather knowing it was us at the door asked is this Master Alessandro? To which I replied NO! It is the great desteamer…yeah, so that was me when I was a kid lol.
Flash forward probably about 10 years and I was hosting a big group of friends at our house for an after Prom Party. Knowing most of my friends for at least half my life also meant they knew my younger brother and sister as well. My younger Brother and I along with the other gents were outside in the backyard being idiots and my younger sister and all of the girls were inside.
One of my really good girlfriends was giving my sister a pedicure and we could hear them laughing when all of a sudden we hear screams coming from inside the house so all of the Lads go running to the door (we had a two story home of which the bottom portion was my apartment while the rest of my family was upstairs) and we are greated by the girls who are absolutely hysterical. My sister was crying and was absolutely terrified.
They told me that they were inside in a backroom area all hanging out when they heard scratches coming from behind the wall. They were fsint at first and then got louder and then they heard a slightly loud thump on the wall. One of the girs knocked back and the noise behind the wall knocked back. She did it again and then nothing and they all thought it was me messing with them. A few mins went by and they heard three little knocks. My friend Claud knocked back twice really hard and then the noise from behind the wall made a noise like someone had kicked the wall really hard one time. The girls screamed but we didn’t hear them the first time.
So, at this point they are all scared absolutely sh*tless. Claud started to reach out towards the wall and the wall made three very loud knocks about two seconds apart. They all stood up and were like wtf? Then it started pounding and didn’t stop and this is when they all came running out into the backyard.
I of course thought it was my Mum but she was asleep. So, I went into the room was that the girls were in and made a sarcastic quick light knock three times. The guys laughed and the girls gave us all the look they give their significant others when one of them is being an arse (like me).
I waited a few seconds and heard nothing and we all kind of laughed and when I stsrted to walk away we all heard three very small knocks. So I knocked a little louder. It knocked back a little louder than I did and then nothing. So I started to walk backwards away from the wall and the noise behind the wall pounded, like, I mean a serious serious pounding very quick together. At this point everyone lost their sh*t and the knocking didn’t stop. Three quick knocks and then 3 seconds of ailence and then repeat. I grabbed my GGMum’s Rosary that was hanging on the doorframe of my bedroom and ran over to the wall and put it up against it. Knocking stopped. Never happened again as far as I know. At least to me it didn’t until later in life when I was living with my wife and in a different State.
In the morning when we all got back from going out for breakfast I told my Mum about the whole thing and she just stopped what she was doing and stared at me and said you didn’t knock back did you? When SHE was younger and shortly after my birth was having a bath and the whole thing in the same fashion happened to her but she was alone. Scared the sh*t out of her and she even called my GrandDa and he came down with a gun and cleared the whole house (he was an officer with LAPD at the time) because she was so hysterical that there was someone in the house.
Flash forward to my early mid 30’s and my wife and I had just got into bed. We had only been in bed for about maybe 20 mins when we heard three very slow knocks from outside by the window that faced the backyard. It sounded like someone had kicked the windowell (with houses that have basements at least in Colorado they have a window that someone can get out from the basement incase they needed to get out due to fires etc. The window well is about 4ft deep and is about a half circle. In our case we had a fully finished basement that we used to rent out. There was a corrugated metal half circle that gave the whole structural integrity so the whole wouldn’t collapse and block the window. Hope that made sense. Not sure how else to describe it. Sooooo…
The noise the knocking made sounded exactly like someone was trying to knock the mud off of their shoes. Just a quick knockknockknock. I asked my wife if she heard what I heard and she said yes and I shot straight up out of bed and grabbed a flashlight and a handgun thinking that someone was trying to break in. Went outside in the pouring rain expecting to see shoe prints in the mud. Nothing.
Came inside and cleared the house on the main level. Went back and told my wife if she didn’t hear from me after I went downstairs into the basement (no one had been loving there for a few months) to call 911 and to get into the car and meet the police down the block away from the house.
I’m freaked. She’s freaked AND she knows the story from when I was a kid and about my Mother.
Cleared the downstairs and kept saying if anyone was there to come out. We did have a college aged girl loving in the basement and she had her estranged bf let him self in and waited for her until she came home. So, this is ezactly where my mind is going – not to what happened when I was a kid. Nothing. Checked every place down there. So, now I am soaking wet in a pair of fleece pants sitting on the stairs of the basement at the downstairs landing. Furnace kicked on and I nearly shat myself lol. My Wife yelled for me and I told her I was okay. I went through the basement and turned all of the lights off. Double checked everything and started to walk up the stairs and to this day I have only had three other times that I felt like this but I swear to God I felt like there was something about to grab my shoulder from behind. I spun around half expecting to see someone coming after me. Nothing. No one there.
I gave myself a few mins to try to collect myself and finally after a min or two stsrted to stand up from sitting on a stair maybe about 5 from the top when a light turned on. Nope. Not even a little okay.
My Wife eventually tells me that when she was a kid and was living in the house that she and her mother were renting (yes, we were living in the same house as we saved up enough for a home of our own) that she had a slumber party with her friends and one of them brought a Oija Board. They played with it. Supposedly contacted a malevolent spirit that caused loads of uneasiness for a few years after until they had a Priest come and bless the house and after that they also smudged it as well. Nothing after that she said but on occasion she would feel something but decided not to tell me about it. When she finally told me that night she said she was worried becasue she thought it wouldn’t want me there…uhhhhh…okay? More to the story but basically my Mother had to have her house blessed again. When the Priest came he talked to my Sister and her Husband, my two nephews, and my Mother about what they had experienced as individuals etc. When he was done talking to everyone he said he would like them all to wait outside because he felt a sense of heaviness (Priest lingo for there is something not friendly here). Afterwards everyone came back in and went on with their lives until when several months had gone by and things started to happen again. When the Priest came back he told my Mother that he felt that something was either attached to the house or someone in it. My youngest nephew who is Austic often has full conversations with an imaginary friend that he has drawn a few times and I can’t I exactly say that I think it was a warm and fuzzy kind of BFF. Anyway, Priest comes several times over the course of two months. When my Mother asked why he felt something was attached he then told her at the time that Satan likes to find ways to mock The Trinity. Hearing noises at 333 in the a.m. or…yup…fml…three phantom knocks, lights flocker three times etc.
That was a really REALLY long story of the three scratch marks that the poor little girl suffered. My nephew had three scratches as well. Cats were declawed so it wasn’t them ♂️. Meh.
your story scares me dude but when I was little my sisters ex boyfriend came on my bed with me and my sister and the door suddenly open by itself and when i was 13 I would hear a man and lady screaming at each other me my mom and my sister would see and hear things and we had to deal with this for 3 years until we moved to a new house
It is your Grandpa making an appearance. Your mom has intestinal hemorrhaging. Building up her immune system with even Elderberry immune support gummies would help. Have her drink warm water instead of black tea with honey. You could be placing these immune support gummies in a candy dish along wish even dinner mints to spice things up the right way in your residences. Immune support is more than just digestive tract. #NianticEmployee
You could try broiling broccoli or even brussell sprouts on the stove whilst you are airing out your residences. You should also be leaving lights on in more areas than one at all times when trying to create an electromagnetic flow that will work to decrease Poltergeists in your adjacent rooms even. You may hear a cycle down of something that happened. Other neighbors may even be asked by other residences to help them find the culprit of the noises they have been hearing. Having music going helps too. Sometimes the songs you may be asked to play aren’t bad songs. It might be a song you’d rather enjoy. I’ve been talking about even purchasing things like Stovetop stuffing that is made with Sage. But you can even buy the turkey flavored or chicken flavored. Buying sage in a canister to make sure you are occasionally using it in the foods you are cooking or baking will help bless your internal organs even. Remember Poltergeists act out when they show up in a residence or around a residence that proper living hasn’t been established. Thanks for reading. #NianticEmployee
Hello, how are you? Are you dealing with a haunting of some sort?
The little girl who played Heidi was, undoubtedly, the cutest little girl I’ve ever seen!!!
She didn’t play Heidi. It was all real video surveillance of interviews that the family had during the investigations of the actual Poltergeist activities. Sometimes things have a way of fixing its self. Alot of us have been dealing with Poltergesit activity all of our lives. We were wondering why some of these people would say they lived in residences that we never heard of anyone actually moving into. They would tell us things about how they had been treated by people they were related to and when the people that did those horrible things to them succumb to death that they had caused them they may show up to show you someone else who downed them but you didn’t. They won’t always show up looking like they did when you saw them before. But this is how it is sometimes. We have to realize the way we treat people does really matter. #NianticEmployee
sorry about the little girl
PJ Noetling
Interesting observations about the Wyrick family. I dont believe it was impure motivates. However, the documentary was after Blair Witch and it was great for Discovery Channel. My daughter was the little girl in the film. We were instructed travel to so and so place without any details. So my daughter and I jumped in the car and made a mad dash from Gainesville, GA to a small country road east of Columbus, GA. As we walked crossed over threshold of front door, there was intense heavy dark presence. The producer, cant remember her name, but very nice gal, explained my daughter is playing ghost in a documentary. She was passing it off as another job, no big deal. Hindsight is 20/20, I should have declined and headed home with my daughter. But, I wanted to support my daughter and in reality, selfishly, didnt want to travel 2.5 hours back home at 7pm. As they were talking with each actor about their scene, I’d stroll to different place the intense vile power filled the house (i.e. hallway, bathroom, livingroom), but the most energy was between the post and fireplace and piano to the right. Filming begins and last for two days, but there was a huge problem the 6 hour battery pack drained in less than 20 minutes. There is so much to say about the house, just have time to go over everything that happened during filming. But, what I can say the entire crew, actors and everyone on the set walked away reevaluating their position on the unknown and invisible realm. My daughter enjoyed her time playing with Heidi’s sister Jordan in between shoots, the entire Wyrick were very normal family. Heidi’s father, Andy, was regular guy from the south, loved hunting. In fact, just returned from deer hunting as filming began. You could tell he was uncomfortable about the filming, didnt desire any recognition and reluctantly talked about his violent night attacks that left him powerless filled with unspoken fear. I am glad to hear the Wyrick’s sold the house, but God help whoever lives there.
The house on Rural Retreat Lake Road had to be rebuilt along time ago. There was a lady by the name of Constance Maria Hotsteitler that lived there at one point. She had fallen asleep with a cigarette in her hand whilst taking a nap and burned the house to the ground. I grew up in the house that got rebuilt on the land. It is located at 380 Rural Retreat Lake Road, Rural Retreat, Virginia, 24368. I saw her in the basement but she chased me out of the basement. The electromagnetic flow in the basement is causing alot of the Poltergeist activities in many different residences. I wasn’t harmed but she did stand at the foot of the stairs and warn me about the basement being to dark for anyone to stay down there. Other people tried having their bedroom in the basement and had some pretty harsh run ins with other Poltergeists even pretending to be people who were alive and well living at the residence. The lights work in the basement but there needs to be more electromagnetic flow for all of the switches to work the right way even in the upstairs portion. I did send extra light bulbs when I had packages delivered from Amazon.com to the current residents of the house. There is another home that is brick in stature just up the road from the residence and people have seen even a Poltergeist of Evelyn Steffey and Charlie Steffey in the residence trying to warn them about the light fixtures in the cabin in the woods. They were the owners prior of the property. I worked on the farm with them when I was just a little girl. Charlie actually lost one of his arms in a Corn harvester whilst harvesting crops. Don’t mistreat the residences because the people that lived there prior to that didn’t mistreat even the animals on the farm. Making sure the light fixtures that are in the barns close as well as the milk house building would pull some of the electromagnetic force field and could cause even the ground to be able to heal the right way. But making sure even the cattle that is being raised on the farm are cared for in the right way the way they used to do would help. The lil old lady that lives in the house down the way Juanita Frances Hartle would say the same thing if she didn’t have dementia. She also worked on the farm whilst also working at the Interstate Motorlodge that is located in Wytheville, Virginia. Immune support gummies are ready available at even veterinarian offices to give to all of your pets. There are shows like Dr. Pol that talk about proper hygiene even on the inside of even your cattle. This is what they are talking about. The cattle should take kindly to even the Elderberry Immune support gummies we usually buy for ourselves in Dollar Tree stores. They are normally located where the Cough drops are located. Making homeamde theraflu by putting cough drops we sometimes call Throat Lasages in warm water and drinking it would really help alleviate some of the cold symptoms alot of us have been having for along time too. I do this alot in my own home. I was using this method with even my two small sons I had in my home here in Bluffton, Indiana before we were rouged by some Poltergeists pretending to be our real landlord and cops out of the residence at 67 Sunrise Way 2A and 2B Bluffton, Indiana 46714. Some Poltergeists kidnapped my sons out of my home and yes, they did not ask my permission is why I said they kidnapped them. When they entered they didn’t even see me because they didn’t look in my direction. They’ve been rouging to be my in-laws that had died already is what you need to know. Whilst they were actually still alive as themselves they wouldn’t listen to me about what to use for proper hygiene or even taking showers. To heal COVID-19 which has still been going around we need to build up the immune system and making sure to have even Jolly Rancher candies in your home for the constant Antioxidant consumption would really help. My nickname for the family at the residence on Rural Retreat Lake Road is Sissy Gravley. But Tequilla is my real name on my birth certificate and Dawn is middle name Gravley was my birth last name but I got married so my last name is Gross. I was Tequilla Gravley in the Rural Retreat Elementary School and Rural Retreat High School yearbook for the school in Rural Retreat, Virginia here in the USA. The zip code for Rural Retreat, Virginia is 24368. The area code is 276 now but at one point it was 540. We started out with the phone number 540-686-6866… But well let’s just end this now. I’ve been watching even RuPauls Drag Race sometimes. But Okay so the new seasons there are Poltergeists showing. But as long as things are being done the right way in the buildings where it is being taped things should be okay. You may notice them in some of the newer movies that are coming about. I’ve just been playing music, movies and answering questions online on various sites.
I just watched the episode about the little girl who could see dead people. It mentions that the girl and her father started being scratched during the night. Then the professional was called and investigated the hauntings. I am wondering what happened with the scratching? It is never mentioned again in the story. Did they find out who/what is was, and did the scratching events continue or cease? Also, how did Heidi’s dad die? He was still a young man and yet he passed away. Were they still living in the house at the time? Thanks so much!!
Heidis dad is still alive and well. But his name is Recardo Gonzales now and he lives in Amsterdam. Please don’t be spreading rumors about them. The scratches well I’ve woke up with scratches on me but I didn’t talk about it. Being the right kind of person in your home will keep this kind of thing from escalating. I was waking up with these scratches whilst I was in West Virginia. There was a Poltergeist that got told about himself whilst I was in West Virginia at 108 Meadows Lane in Beckley, West Virginia. I was in Apt #3. He began scratching the wall and talking about ol swamp hermits that howled at the moon and all kinds of things whilst I was living there. He wouldn’t leave and well I ended up knocking him out because he got abusive with me. He’s been crying about it ever since. He shows up in different residences and tries to take over different peoples bodies. But he went stiff tongued when he had lashed out on someone who was not another Poltergeist and I told him he was stupid… His tongue started hanging out of the side of his mouth. He also talked about he wasn’t sure if he ever had a brain and that maybe he had a brain tumor. He was seen on video surveillance in doctors offices telling the doctor a state Psychiatrist that that ol lady out there is mad at me and I did stuff and I don’t know what I’m going to do maybe she needs me to be put on a Psychiatrics. He said all kinds of things. I saw him try to learn to throw a actual punch at a punching bag. He remembers nothing most of the time. Apartment 2 is where they used to live and he was attacked then is what you think but no he is the one that attacked and killed an old residence and well that person was talked about on Unsolved Mysteries. His name was actually Sherman Martin and he used to talk about stalking Alan Jackson all the time. They had pictures in the residences still whilst I was living there that people had never just took down off the walls. I scared the daylights out of them because they were trying to boss me around in my own apartment and wouldn’t just leave and not come back. I threw my own coffee table across the floor and I thought their eyes were gonna pop out of their sockets. Sometimes you just have to show them whose boss. The downstairs was full of Poltergeists of people who had actually died and some of them were people that had gotten hit on those roads. I taught them how to program police scanners to keep them busy sometimes. I taught them about even sites like gamesville.com but they didn’t understand “why it got spin stuck.” There was a car slot game on there at one point that I had the one that was going by Danny Ray Massey at the time play because he wouldn’t just be quiet. I had a refurbished dell laptop computer has a backup laptop at the time. Watch out when you are crossing the roads anyway. They see things and to them it will just be like a deer in the headlights look. Make sure you are staying warm. Think the worst winter time you could possibly deal with. layer up clothes and work on building up electromagnetic currents in your residences the right way without blocking off even power outlets you aren’t using. use the plastic covers on them and make sure you are using as many of them as possible even if it is just a night light. Immune support gummies and warmer beverages are a must all year long. Ice cream is okay try putting a scoop in french vanilla coffee if it’s vanilla.
John Cavaquinho
Most of these replies are so badly written I’m not even going to try to guess what they mean.
Your eye sight must be getting bad or something. Building up your immunities in the bodies natural heating system may actually help decrease the frozen particles in the premblobes of your brain to increase eye function. Eat immune support gummies too. Warm compresses are not enough. #NianticEmployee
Ronald R Delby
Things will happen from time to time. Im sitting in Va right now at a table and window behind laptop where from outside a visitor a niece too photos from outside and a man is peering out from this window. Im not scared but sometimes it gets spooky up here. He could actually be watching me type this as i type it. I have lived here longer than even the ones who built it in 1895. I guess im senior here now. I use to be very afraid but now im more intrigued. Im strong and they do not bother me here I love this old house….I hope im granted to stay on the property when I pass away.
You need to build up your immunities. You can do this by purchasing more things to power in the outlets in your residence. These are Poltergeists that everyone have been dealing with for along time. Purchasing even Immune support gummies along with coffees and cough drops to make homemade Theraflus will help also decrease the likelihood of it being your brains natural chemical combusters that are causing you to have hallucinations and this means seeing things or hearing them in the environment. Sitting in silence to long can also cause you to hear or see things because the thought of being alone can cause brains chemical combusters to malfunction. #NianticEmployee
Seems as though you might be hitting those gummies pretty hard. And may I guess with Tequilla.
When the scratches appeared to both father and daughter, that was indeed a demonic attack.
If Lon and Mr. Gordy were both decent, Christian men, why were they ghosts on the property and not resting in peace, in Heaven?
I believe what Heidi saw, but I wonder if Mr Gordy and Lon (Con) were ghosts or “demons, pretending to be ghosts”. That house was a hot spot for activity, and was possibly a portal. I believe that some demons are more evil than others and there are some that just like to pull naughty pranks on vulnerable people, because they can. Some seem hell bent on wanting to tell present residents of people that used to live on their property, years before. That’s usually what hauntings are about: someone or something is telling the present living people about others who had been there before.
Heidi’s father, Andy died back in 2012. He died very young; in his mid forties. Being stressed out and scared over these things happening probably took a toll on that poor man’s life.
I hope Heidi and the rest of her family has found peace and are able to move on and be happy.
It’s sad when people believe that all spirits are evil. I believe that spirits sometimes stick around due to unfinished business or that they are just trying to help.Mr Gordy seemed to know that some dark force would plaque the family eventually so he stayed around to help.To me that is a true neighborly Christian.
Sometimes they don’t understand what happened to them and why they passed away. Sometimes things are classified as death caused by a sickness when they show up they show you something that happened before they passed away. Some were slain and their death was classified as just a heart attack or even cancerous moles that seeped into their brain cavities even. This can cause displacement figures and we sometimes call them shadow figures. #NianticEmployee
Concerning Post
Tina we have limited views on what happens after we die . You have no idea if those men were actually the two men in question or something else – I’m guessing they were who they claimed to be by their nature , the interactions were friendly.
Some people claim deceased spirits can travel freely from this world to the next –
One more thing – man enters heaven only after the return of Christ not before – reread that Bible
That is not true. I’d argue my point but your reply strayed from the topic of the article in its self. #NianticEmployee
I believe Mr. Gordy was there as a protective spirit. Heide was mostly outside with M. Gordy. Heide and her mom Lisa are both mediums. Like Amy Allen, they can see and talk to spirits. And it was also said that it ran in the family way back in the past. Im hoping that she is able to some what control it. They are 100% physic mediums.
Electromagnetic flow capacity is the normal cause of actual Poltergeists that show up and show you things about even their childhood. There were two Poltergeists showing up as grown males is what you think but no, If you watch the entire episode you will see more than one Poltergeist. As a state psychologist that is actually licensed it is not a good idea to post comments on even sites like this to argue with yourself in the comments. The IP addresses and locations are always logged on every internet site. It has always been like this. I also work for other various companies including the actual Niantic company that runs Pokemon Go game application on peoples cellular phones. But that’s besides the point. Making sure the residences even if it is a actual office building as proper fluctuating electrical currents everywhere in the building can also decrease the liklihood of Poltergeist activity in the first place. Even if the Poltergeist has been seen floating over a lake. #NianticEmployee
As an actual state Psychologist that works with even the criminally insane, Tina, I beg to differ. People who end up with the scratches aren’t living the right way currently in their homing facility of their choosing or could possibly afford. If they have been doing harm to anyone who aren’t acting like they normally would in a residence it’s possible for the actual Poltergeist that is linked to the residence where the other person is currently living to cause the scratches on someone else they’ve even been lying on in this lifetime on Earth. Building up immunity is a way to cause fractions that would relieve the attacking because the body of the person would then be even more healthy than the person causing the scratches to appear on the other said person in the first place. Drinking warm vitamin c drinks is what God would actually do to even try to save the planet. I’m still alive and well. I have even Laffy Taffy that is banana in flavor to help keep my antibodies built up to keep things from attacking and leaving scratches on the actual Medium that people in Wytheville, Virginia already knew about even in Rural Retreat, Virginia. #NianticEmployee
Mr. Gordy was actually an ancestor of Jimmy Carter.
lawanda blake
They are both Poltergeists that have been seen in more than one area. We’ve seen them even here in Bluffton, Indiana, 46714. Building up your immunities can lessen the effects of seeing them or other Poltergeists. Making sure the electricity is flowing the right way through buildings can also lessen the effects. Think of the plants and animals most of us consider pets outside too. They could also be causing some of the electric current mechanics to malfunction if not properly cared for too. I set out beef stew in two different containers in the back yard to my residence at one point and squirrels, foxes, raccoons and even rabbits have been frollicking out of season here. Warm waters during the day would help too. They have a natural built in heating system but if we give them to much of the wrong things to drink or even eat theirs won’t work either. #NianticEmployee
Dany Mercury
I am almost certain that I found Lon Batchelor.
He was Alonzo Nathan “Lon” Batchelor, who was born in Georgia in 1884, married Clara Bell in 1911 and died in 1957, aged 73. He also lived for a while in Alabama.
That is information you can get from actually watching the entire episode and it is listed right here in the article. Building up your electromagnetic currents in your office building would help decrease some of the problems you are currently having in your office buildings. #NianticEmployee
Well I saw this episode and she is a sidekick she can contact the dead and see them or most kids can see the dead like a seven year old boy that can see a girl that was murdered and it has unfinished business and it can contact the other side of the living to finish her work that kid has a gift
Obviously everyone has the gift. Poltergeists have been showing up as even each other for along time. Fix the flux capacitor in the engage switch of your patrol car. #NianticEmployee
Dan Mercury
I have always been interested in knowing more about Lon Batchelor, but nobody seems to care about him. I cannot find him on findagrave or in newspapers, and I am unsure if I ever saw him on ancestry.
Details are scarce. He had a hand injury before he was 20 years old, and he died in 1957.
His niece was Catherine Kelley, which therefore probably means that they were related through marriage, and that makes it harder for me to connect them.
I believe that Catherine died in 2016.
Does anyone have exact dates for his birth and death, at the very least? Anything else, like a wife’s name?
All of this is actual listed and talked about in various scenes from the actual episode of Unsolved Mysteries and in the remake of the episode with a different host. The article here also lists the information. These were all real people that rouged up as Poltergeists along time ago. #NianticEmployee
Her she is correct! She was 4 in 1989 when it started. This segment was filmed in 1993 which would make Heidi 8 years old. Male sure you are resting the story correctly before commenting.
Yes reading the story in it’s entirety would be the way to go. Arguing with yourselves even in the comments here to try to gain fame status some where online is not a good idea. #NianticEmployee
Kuturar Holmes
I remember as a little girl my grandmother took me to one of her friends house in Ellersile Ga to pick Collards Greens. And the lady saying Glorann you know we got a hank (ghost) around here and they sat on the porch talking abort mr gordon as little girl i was scared sh*@less
I sing Hank Williams Sr songs but the song Midnight in Montgomery is a big hit too. Alan Jackson sings it but well so do I. But Stand by Me is by Ben E. King and I’ve been reborn so many times it’s not even funny. Build up your immunities in your immune system, please. Eating immune support gummies and drinking TheraFlu even every other day would help make sure you are healthier and can fight off even the smallest infections easier. We can heal even AIDS infection completely out of peoples systems instead of just making it go dormant with antibiotics if we were to get all of the organs even in the eyes to function the right way. Intestines need to be functioning the right way in order to completely heal any kind of infection. Keeping the chest, head and pancreas areas warmer all year long would actually help alot of the problems alleviate. #NianticEmployee
I found Heidi a superheroin.Nothing can scare her?Impossible!
That wasn’t her she died in ’94. She died in a nuclear blast attack over on the Barracks working the USPS service but was one of the soldiers that died in a ambush attack. #NianticEmployee
Melanie Camacho
Can anyone explain to me what Connecticut has to do with anything if this all took place in Georgia? I’m frustrated trying to do research about this. I live in the middle of three cemeteries in CT so I’m hardly a skeptic, but I am a writer and I prefer the facts. Having trouble making sense of this connection. Somebody please help me because my research has hit a dead end. Terrible pun, I know, but every respect intended to those surviving their gifts. God bless and thank you in advance.
That is a different episode in it’s entirety. The episode you are referring too is Ghost Boy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRntO05jrG4
Crissy B
I found the story very interesting, I was trying to find the episode in which a girl/woman by the name of Kathie was possessed by a demonic spirit. An exorcism was performed and she was last quoted as saying she could now obtain and retained employment and was much better. If anyone knows the season and episode, please let me know. I have searched Google and YouTube but to no avail.
Please Help! Didn’t get to see the full episode but my husband talks highly of it. Thank you,
Unsolved Mysteries Post author
Hi Crissy – that sounds like the segment about HOPE, which is streaming in S10:E8 with Robert Stack and in S1:E2 with Dennis Farina. It is also in SP002 on Lifetime and Escape.
The episode you are looking for may be this one. I have been to Hope house recently and I was the one that was cleaning up blood splatter in multiple places and releasing spirits of people who didn’t make it whilst this was going on previously. I have had better luck by remaining calm and keeping a rational and opened mind. Playing nursery rhymes in various rooms and making sure not to stay to quiet all the time also helps. Remember they do not realize they are not the ones that are still alive. Building up your bodies immune system is a good way to go when dealing with this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Exh1qXoC6jY #NianticEmployee
steve bull
I have watched this episode many times. it is a very interesting story. I think it is one of the most known ghost stories. I have talked to other people and they knew of ‘mr. gordy’.
Poltergeist activity is not uncommon. Electromagnetic flunctuation being fixed in the homes and even surrounding buildings would fix alot of the issues that these Poltergeists have been causing for along time. I’ve been just going with the flow of things. #NianticEmployee
this is not the rile store heidi it not 8 years old she is 4 years old … She meat gordy first not con …. gordy was not the owner of of Lisa’s sister house he was the caretaker of the owner …. this store is so messed up … i am sorry but this dome
Dang, that spelling though…
The article has been here for along time. The interviews are older than even you are probably at this point. #NianticEmployee
So excited that Unsolved mysteries returned to lifetime today! July 5th!
You can watch Unsolved Mysteries and get every old episode on PlutoTV. It’s an application that is downable even on your cellphone not landline phone with internet or data plan. These episodes are also all available on YouTube application. Both applications have websites http://www.plutotv.com and http://www.youtube.com #NianticEmployee
I have the real srory, and another one in Connecticut. I understand the connection its hard not to be afraid but having control over your fear is the most important thing, once that is accomplished nothing can frighten you. to Heidi, god bless.
The channel Destination America has the story as told by the family. It’s called a haunting in Georgia. You might find it online
That is a different story called Ghost Boy on Unsolved Mysteries. #NianticEmployee
I wish they would talk more about the little girl ghost
my last name is wyrick……
Black Bieber
This Ghost Story was very interesting to me, as a Christian. This (comparatively modern) story pretty much confirms the biblical statements that there are good spirits & evil spirits. Mr. James S. Gordy (who was also a Sunday School superintendent) & Lon “Con” Batchelor were apparently good, Christian men who went to heaven, as they were very kind to Heidi. However, I could see right away that the 3rd spirit was demonic, as he had “darkness” surrounding him (in contrast to the first 2 ghosts’ “light” surrounding them) and would use violence to hurt & scare Heidi & her family.
I love this Haunting. I was born in July of 1989. I’m so interested in ghost I even talk to them sometimes
You can get more stories of ghastly hauntings by Poltergeists by going to http:/www.castleofspirits.com #NianticEmployee
Wow i saw the movie but i did not Know the Movie was true
The movie Haunting in Connecticut is not about this little girl it’s about the little boy that was actually a haunting in Georgia and the information was misconstrued to keep the family from having rights to funds from the money that was donated to them even. The Ghost Boy episode came out before even the episode this article is about is what you need to know is not true but both have similar elements to them. The little girl is the one I keep seeing most of the time in the hallucinations. That family got funding for even the episodes that were in the Unsolved Mysteries episode. The male that the Haunting in Georgia episode is about was seen in Portland News, Indiana but he had died along time ago is what everyone was told. It is really messed up that people can’t watch episodes and keep their information straight. #NianticEmployee
There’s a small independent station in my home town who would love to air the Bob Stack narratives. Who shall they contact?
Please have them email their contact information to unsolved@unsolved.com Thanks!
Colleen Buck Guillot
I saw the movie.it was good.does anyone live in the house now? my group and i would love to investigate the whole property if possible.where is the family now and how are they doing?i wonder if they would let us interview them?if so ,we can be reached on our FB group page ”Guillot Paranormal Investigations”.we’re based here in New Orleans.
Killers looking for someone to interview for fame and then slaughter them again? Don’t even start. Your IP is logged on here too. Time to turn yourselves in Casey Buck and Cody Cox says Hi. #NianticEmployee
Otis A
The Mr. Gordy story made into a movie. I think it’s a great story,but I hate dark evil spirts
i hate that the movie isn’t true to the original story . I didn’t dislike the movie , it was quite tragic , but the original happenings are far more interesting . Could have done without the theatrics Hollywood ….. Thanks for ruining an amazing story !
Can you go back to using the Bob Stack naratives please?
A network or channel would need to want to air those episodes. We’d love to see that happen!
Bob Stack was not his name it was Robert Stack. New hosts means the possibility of new interviews if the people the story was about are still available at the appropriate times. They don’t do cast calls or recalls these are real people that have been dealing with alot because of even people like you their whole lives. Stop having such blatant disregard for even human life. Malcolm says Hi #NianticEmployee
Have all the videos of this story been removed from the internet for some reason? I am trying to find the video because I saw it years ago and wanted to show my Brothers the story. P
Due to guild restrictions in place when the show was created, we cannot allow segments to run on YouTube. But this story is still running on Lifetime – check out the current schedule here: http://www.mylifetime.com/lifetime-tv-schedule
Stop trying to act like you are the actual employee posting from the admin account. They know the episodes are all over the internet the company posts them themselves. #NianticEmployee
I Have it and it is a good interesting Hunting !
I own the Video and enjoy it!! Lovely family and very believable.. I myself have seen things and once you have,,,, all bets are off!!
You can buy a new copy of the whole Ghost dvd box set at this website address online https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00598JK2W/ref=sw_img_1?smid=A2WKRNW2QW01CQ&psc=1