Mail bombings target two prominent televangelists. ![]() Police sketches of suspect Suspect: Gender: Male CASE DETAILS ![]() The package exploded without warning Televangelist Pat Robertson’s daily broadcasts over CBN, the Christian Broadcasting Network, are seen in nearly a million households nationwide. But his outspoken stance on controversial issues has made him the target of hate mail and death threats. Robertson’s broadcasts originate from his headquarters in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Each day, thousands of letters and packages arrive at the CBN mailroom, most of them donations from viewers. But on April 27, 1990, Scott Scheepers, a CBN security guard, was called to the mailroom to check a package addressed to Pat Robertson:
![]() The explosion left shrapnel in his leg Scheepers remained on guard and decided to check the contents of the package. He was baffled by several strips of newspaper sticking out of the box:
As Scott opened the box, he was suddenly thrown to the floor by an explosion:
Scott Scheepers was rushed to a nearby hospital where he underwent emergency surgery to remove shrapnel imbedded in his leg:
![]() Investigators found evidence of a pipe bomb Authorities determined that the package contained a homemade pipe bomb. They quickly linked the bomb to an earlier attack aimed at another televangelist–Pastor John Osteen. In 1960, Pastor Osteen founded the Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. The church was one of the largest in America and seated more than 8,000 worshipers. Like Robertson, Pastor Osteen used television to spread the gospel. And he was also the target of a similar mail bomb. On January 30, 1990, three months before the CBN bombing, John Osteen’s daughter, Lisa Cines, arrived in her office to open the day’s mail:
![]() The bomber made two explosive packages Lisa had been the victim of a pipe bomb wrapped in newspaper. She suffered third degree burns and cuts on her right leg and abdomen. But she recovered quickly, and just four weeks later returned to the pulpit. According to Kenneth Weaver, Chief Postal Inspector of the Eastern Region, the box used in both bombings was the type used by candle distributors:
A composite sketch depicted the man who was seen mailing the bombs. He’s described as a neatly dressed, white male with brown hair. He has an average build and weighs between 160 and 175 pounds. Both bombs were mailed from within twenty-five miles of Fayetteville, North Carolina. The US Postal Inspection Service is offering a reward of up to $50,000 in this case. Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season four with Robert Stack and in season eight with Dennis Farina. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Various seasons available now on Hulu. SUBMIT A TIP |
Sooner State Girl
Televangelists got a bad name after the Bakker’s and Jimmy Swaggart. Maybe this guy threatened them or attempted something and it was documented.
Did they ever find this guy?
I think it could be worth looking at this guy who mailed pipe bombs trying to kill his wife 5 years after this also in North Carolina
If you look at the 2 composites of the suspect and you compare it to Eric Rudolph’s photo especially when he was caught, noticing his hair style and eyes the composite does resemble a young Eric Rudolph! The FBI needs to reopen the case further interrogate Rudolph on the CBN bombings!
I kept waiting for the update that this was Eric Rudolph !!
@samantha I think your right and he would’ve been around and capable at that time as well. He looks exactly like the sketch. @unsolvedmysteries what can we do to solve this?
Looks like Cesar Sayoc is a good candidate the sketches look similar to his profile and he has targeted and bombed other people using the us postal service
The burgundy name on the box,perhaps a candle box for votive cups. My mom use to sell home interiors and the candles came in these types of boxes. Sometimes marked with the candle colors on the outside of the boxes.Perhaps the man’s wife/gf etc. Was a seller of such home furnishings.
Was Eric Rudolph ever considered? Ft Bragg is at Fayetteville, NC. The bombings were in 1990. Rudolph later evolved into 1996 Olympic bomber & Birmingham Clinic bomber. Could have been his early work. Strong feeling it’s him.
One of them was an Osteen and related to Joel Osteen. This man must go after prosperity televangelists.
Petaa motex
This guy targeted televangelists and ones who have controversy of their preaching styles and use of donation money. This guy is probably a fundamental extremist who views these guys as false prophets. I would look in that direction.
Any updates about this segment?
The sketches look like the father of the digger family from 19kids and counting tv show