Bigfoot sightings are rampant in the Pacific Northwest.

A pencil drawing of Big Foot.

Artist’s rendering of Bigfoot

A man standing in a large field, holding the imprint of Big Foot's foot print.

Alleged Bigfoot footprint


Many believe Bigfoot is the missing link between ape and human. For Peter Byrne, head of the Oregon-based Bigfoot Research Project, finding Bigfoot is a matter of scientific discovery:

“We don’t want to capture it. We don’t want to shoot it. The ultimate find, as far as we’re concerned, would be to do something like what Jane Goodall did, in other words, to find one, see if we can communicate, have it lead us to others, and then bring in the right people. Totally responsible people. Bring in scientists, and show them what we’ve found and document the whole thing, of course.”

Headshot of Peter Byrne

Peter Byrne

Until now, the evidence for Bigfoot has consisted of amateur photographs, plaster casts of large, humanoid footprints and home movies that supposedly show the creature in the wild. But if Bigfoot is real, the one type of evidence that must always be considered is eyewitness accounts.

Todd Neiss is a sergeant in the Army National Guard. In 1993, he was on demolition maneuvers with his unit when a distant movement caught his eye:

“I could distinctly see three large black figures. I would estimate the largest one to be between eight or nine feet. I could very plainly see they were upright on two legs and…during that entire time, all three of them were standing on two legs. Another sergeant walked up to me and said, ‘Neiss, did you see what I saw down at that second rock port?’ And, not to be a fool, I said, ‘Well, I don’t know, what’d you see?’ He followed with, ‘Well lack for a better word, what I saw were three, large, hair-covered, big feet.’”

Peter Byrne believes the creatures are nocturnal:

“When they’re seen in the daytime, it’s the result of disturbance of some kind. In this case, there was a National Guard exercise with explosions, and immediately after the explosion, three of these things were seen.”

When Elmer Frombach, a part-time prospector from Seattle, Washington, took his family on an outing near the Canadian border, he came home with one of the most amazing Bigfoot sightings on record.

A field of trees in Oregon.

Oregon wilderness

Elmer had just begun taking ore samples on a trail near a hillside, when he suddenly realized he was not alone:

“I saw a big black hairy mass. And at that time I kept thinking in my mind I’ve got to find a way to scare it, and I fired a shot above its head, and it turned just slightly, and then proceeded to walk down the trail as though I wasn’t even there. And as it walked away from me, it took perfect, human-like strides, down the trail, only like a giant man. This thing had crouched down at the end of the trail and it picked up a rock, the size of a basketball, and was using it to bang against the other rocks that again made a slight-sideways turn, just enough to see me out of the corner of it’s eye. I was scared and I wanted to get out of there. I kept running down the hillside and the thing was in hot pursuit the whole way.”

Elmer is confident the creature he saw was Bigfoot:

“What I saw there was a living creature and not some figment in my imagination. Modern science hasn’t absolutely proven…that this thing exists. But I tell you, quite frankly, I’ve seen one. I know it exists. And there is no doubt in my mind.”

However, eyewitness accounts like Elmer’s are not enough evidence to convince skeptics.

Daris Swindler, a Professor of Anthropology at the University of Washington, wants to see tangible proof of Bigfoot’s existence:

“I’m amazed that through all the years various people that have been hunting Sasquatch through the years, have not really found any, what we call bone or dental evidence of the creature. That to me would be very satisfying.”

Is the Pacific Northwest home to a colony of ape-like creatures? Eyewitness like Todd Neiss and Elmer Frombach are convinced Bigfoot is real. There only hope is that the scientific community will soon take notice.

Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season six with Robert Stack and season one with Dennis Farina. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Various seasons available now on Hulu.


  1. jeff

    i once went into a big foot’s cave he tortured me untill i bought him the new labrons


  2. Jeff Ducker

    My sister and I watch Expedition: Bigfoot….this is an interesting msytery


  3. Curtis Hoback

    I know that the Bigfoot is real too m sighting around Virginia and West Virginia and foot print and other edvindence they are real and we just need real prove it but they are smarter than we humans are when we look for them they are already watching us.


  4. Johnny Diamond

    All the pictures and videos are blurry. Hopefully someone can get a clear picture or a corpse of a big foot.


  5. Charles

    I think Bigfoot satisfies our lives of mystery within nature…at this point, we would have found a skeleton by now. Part of me believes that maybe they could exist.


  6. daniel



  7. RML

    Jeff: Are size 20 Air Jordans available at Payless stores?


  8. jeff

    I saw a big foot when I was younger and he wouldn’t let me go until I ate his hairy salami


  9. jeff

    ma name is jeff





    • Jon Nelson

      Sasquatch is smarter than what he’s given credit for .He stays out of sight because he knows mankind is dangerous. Bigfoot has not been seen much is part of the mystery that is real. The giant squid has only recently been proven to exist and it still remains unseen. Sasquatch is no different. Can you really blame Sasquatch for not wanting to be around destructive human beings. Creature is highly intelligent and deserves to remain highly elusive. Human beings we are on course to destroy the entire human race and they’re on course to destroy nature currently. Sadly the human race must humble themselves but this may not occur until everything on Earth is completely in Ruins.Jon Nelson,LPN


  11. Jeff

    I recently have seen Bigfoot at Payless buying some Air Jordan’s.


  12. Esmeralda anselmetti

    I saw Bigfoot wen I was bout 13 years old I’m now 45 but I saw it in sa tx n it was huge standing upright looks like a man but it was covered with long reddish brown hair n red eyes


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