When a young mother disappears, her 3 year old son may be the only witness.

A young lady with dark brown curly hair and a striped tank top, Bonnie Haim.
Bonnie Haim


Gender: Female
DOB: 5/21/69
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 110 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown


On Christmas morning, 1992, in Jacksonville, Florida, Bonnie Haim, a young wife and mother, opened presents with her son. Bonnie’s husband, Michael, captured the moment forever on video. Less than two weeks later, Bonnie Haim inexplicably vanished.

A chalky footprint on a concrete floor.

Is this the footprint of a killer?

Police began to suspect that Bonnie was dead—a victim of foul play. Their suspicions soon focused on Michael Haim. Among the most damning evidence was the extraordinary testimony of a surprising witness—Michael and Bonnie’s three-year-old son, Aaron. This case has fueled a bitter, but unusual family dispute. Bonnie’s own parents say she willfully abandoned Michael. But some of Michael’s relatives are equally convinced that he murdered Bonnie.

Michael worked as a manager in the construction supply company owned by his Aunt Eveann and her husband. Bonnie did their accounts. Eveann claimed that Michael was often abusive to Bonnie at the office and at least once, became physical:

“One day they got into an argument… in the parking lot. And she came in crying and he had slammed her hand in the door and her nails were broke and she was very upset at that point.”

A brown leather purse is found in a dumpster.

Bonnie’s purse was found in a dumpster

Bonnie eventually decided to leave her husband, and in preparation, opened a bank account in her own name. To keep her plans secret, Bonnie had the bank statements mailed to her at work. According to Eveann, Michael was enraged when he found out. Bonnie closed the account. But according to those closest to her, Bonnie never wavered in her plan to divorce Michael. She gave money to a friend for safekeeping, put down a deposit on her own apartment, and enrolled her son in a new preschool.

But all that changed on the night of January 6, 1993. That evening, Bonnie came home from work at around 7:30 PM. She intended to drop by Eveann’s later, to finalize plans for a friend’s baby shower. According to Eveann, Bonnie called her at 8:30:

“She was crying and she was upset. I asked why, she said that she and Mike had gotten into a discussion. And I asked her if she wanted me to call her back later. And she said no, that she would just talk to me in the morning.”

A police officer peering into a grey sedan abandoned in a parking lot.

Detectives found her car at the airport

The next morning, neither Bonnie nor Michael showed up at work. However, hopes for Bonnie’s safe return began to dim that same morning. Her purse turned up roughly five miles from home, buried in a motel dumpster near the Jacksonville airport. According to Detective Robert Hinson of the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Department, robbery was not a motive due to the amount of money and credit cards left in the purse:

“The purse was secured by a maintenance worker, and a police officer was called to the scene, along with family members.”

Michael insisted from the start that he was not involved in his wife’s disappearance. He said that on the night of January 6th, Bonnie drove off alone after an argument at around 11 PM. According to Detective Hinson, Michael stated that he called his mother, Carolyn Haim, and asked her to watch Aaron while he looked for Bonnie:

“According to Carol and Mike, he was gone approximately 45 minutes. Then after he allegedly did that, he returned to the house where he waited until the next morning and never called the police, and called in and told his employer that he was going to be sick that day.”

A man and woman, both with brown mullets and white shirts, hugging.

Bonnie and Michael Haim

Detective Hinson was less than convinced by Haim’s account. His instincts led him back to the Jacksonville Airport, near the motel. Sure enough, it was there that Detective Hinson found Bonnie’s car, abandoned in a parking lot:

“What was unusual was the positioning of the driver’s seat, which appeared to be farther back than would have been comfortable for Bonnie. It was more in relation to someone about Michael Haim’s size. After the vehicle was processed, we found a shoe print on the driver’s side floor board. It was a very pristine print.”

Police concluded that the print had been made by the last person to drive the car. The distinctive tread pattern was traced to a rare style of athletic shoe. The exact pair was owned by none other than Michael Haim. However, Bonnie’s father Robert Pasciuto did not feel the shoe print had any significance:

“If it’s his footprint, I’m not sure it means anything. My footprint is in my wife’s car, that doesn’t mean I have ever done her any harm.”

Next, in a bold attempt to uncover the truth, Detective Hinson arranged for a child psychologist to interview Bonnie and Michael’s son:

“From what Aaron told us that day, my only conclusion was that there had been a domestic fight and that Michael Haim had killed his wife and had removed her, and that their three and a half year old son Aaron Haim had witnessed this.”

However, Bonnie’s father Robert was unconvinced by his grandson’s testimony:

“The credibility of a child is something that you have to judge in perspective. He’s said a couple of things that we know were not true. Mom’s car is in the lake. We know her car wasn’t there.”

The families continue to be split about what, if anything, Michael knows about his wife’s disappearance.


A piece of a skull was found while excavating the former home of Bonnie Haim. Michael Haim, Bonnie’s husband, went on trial in April 0f 2019 and the jury took less than ninety minutes to find him guilty of her murder. On May 21, 2019, Michael Haim was sentenced to life in prison.

Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season eight with Robert Stack and in season six with Dennis Farina. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Various seasons available now on Hulu.



  1. Jonathan

    I’m wondering if her father still.believes Michael is innocent even though his grandson found her remains in the backyard . He killed her , period !


  2. Jayce Crenshaw

    The saddest thing about this case is that this absolute POS husband got away with it for decades. I’m so proud of his son for suing for wrongful death and making the decision to dig up the backyard to look for his mom. I’d flip the switch myself if I could. Rot in hell Michael.


  3. JoAnn Wade

    So why was the son digging around their house when he got older? Did he have a surpressed memory from his mother’s murder? How was his relationship with their son after he murdered Bonnie?


  4. M

    Uhhhh did her dad even love her?? Why did think that was his dad and not hers?? That was an insane interview


  5. kevin adam kanzer

    i found it very bizarre that bonnies father defended mike. mike got what he deserved.


    • D. F.

      Her father must have spent time around his grandchild to make his conclusions. Could 110 pound woman press the gas pedal and break without disturbing a shoe print ? If it’s just a partial shoe print doesn’t that mean somebody already disturb Half of the shoe print after he would have drove it? Which proves what?


      • Scout

        In case you’re unaware, Bonnie’s remains were found in their backyard in 2014 and Michael was convicted and sent to prison in 2019. Their son had the house because he sued his father for wrongful death and won. He then found the body, which in large part led to the conviction.


  6. Anonymous two

    Regardless of whether you believe Michael is innocent or guilty, I can’t see a father waking a child and committing murder and then sending him off to daycare the very next day. Who has ever had a child and send them to daycare knows the daycare’s teachers knows “if your fish died the night before” .A preschool teacher or a teacher can catch anything out of the ordinary.The fact that neither side of the grandparents felt the child had witnessed a murder is interesting because they had time alone with him prior to him being adopted out so surely they asked him a few question and I would bet my life he probably told the grandparents or someone he hadn’t Seen anything. Don’t you think they asked? What if they believed him all along but what he said was completely different from the interviewer?If that was your grandchild and he trusted you don’t you think he would tell you the truth over strangers? Aaron said on the stand he told His therapist in one session he didn’t see nothing? I’m sure he told other people that as well , so where does the red blood and mom’s in a lake ,mom got ran over come from after 6 hours of drilling.How many times did he have to say he hadn’t seen anything before it would stop? six hours ?seven hours? when was it gonna stop?why did he ask why mom wasn’t home yet and he went to preschool normal that morning and appeared normal to the daycare workers until the child was pulled outside his classroom and scared with people questioning him. Then the next day one lady questioned him 6+ hours ??way too long for three year old child. Whether you believe the father is innocent or guilty how many hours is OK to question a three year, missing his mama? how many years of therapy is OK to involve a young child replaying a story over and over about a crime would never be healthy or in the best interest of that child. Surely anybody that loved him would have Advocated for the child and said hey this isn’t good for him?Years and years of talking about the night his mother disappeared would be too traumatic for an adult much less for a child for weekly visits to a therapist over this.You would have to strip him away from everybody that truly loved him and wanted his best interest in order to continue this kind of psychotherapy abuse for years.Nobody that loved him would have wanted this childhood for him,Which is why I guess they terminated his rights from all his family so they could replay his mother’s disappearance for years and years and years of weekly sessions without anybody saying hey this is Not healthy. apparently as a grown man him talking about being suicidal later on in life tells me that therapy was simply not good for him.


    • Esther

      My friend was killed by her husband, he smothered her with a pillow in front of their 4 year old son. He took the kid to school, told him that it was a bad dream, while the lid was in school he went back home, dressed her up, combed her hair, arranged her body in the bed, called the police, confessed the murder and then tried to commit suicide by stabbing himself in the neck while laying next to her. The police and ambulance arrived early enough to save him. The child needed to be picked up by his grandmother, he didn’t say anything about the incident.


      • A.friend

        That’s unfortunate for that child but it’s a different case, Aaron was never a witness and was interviewed by an expert and they found that the child had not been a witness as well as him saying opposite to what the interviewer stated. It’s illegal to interview a child that long and if he had witness something he has people he trusted he would have told but said opposite, He clung to his father, was not angry at him.. God knows the truth in this case, and the child had no business being interviewed over 6 hours, it’s a clear violation of his rights.. Imagine Not seeing a crime but still going to therapy your entire life and made to believe you did? Ohh God knows in this case the dirt that went down and everyone that took part, God knows what you did, and you owe the child that became a man the truth..


        • Jess Sameach

          You know that a lot of Aaron’s initial details were confirmed by the exhumation of her body, right?

          He didn’t wake the child up TO murder her in front of him. They were screaming and fighting, which wakes children up. We know they were fighting, Aaron specifically said she was buried in the yard and oops…that is where she was found.

          Sure, these methods may not be used now. But it is so weird, feeble and disgusting to undermine what this child went through and how many accuracies he happened to have. There are videos of his initial interviews, he did not get lead into those questions before disclosing his first initial statement.

          He did not understand what his dad did, and at first clung to a parent as children do. But he began to show more and more fear of his father and even with distance from all family,with independent therapy he NEVER wanted a relationship with his dad and knew he was guilty.


    • nettiemari

      A father who loved his wife and son would not have abused his wife and would not have taken his son’s mother away from him. Of course he killed her, he had the motive, she was leaving him, and he buried her right there in the yard. Do you think he would not have noticed someone burying someone in his own yard, hello?


    • Sharon Tines

      That’s ridiculous. His own family didn’t even care enough to take him in… He was adopted out. They must be monsters to turn their own grandchild away and allow him to be adopted by another family.
      Also, her body was found buried in the backyard if the very house they lived in at that time. I seriously doubt a stranger would bury her in her own back yard. That was the work of her evil, abusive husband. To think anyone else killed and buried her there is ludicrous. Thank goodness the murderer got life in prison.


      • Michelle

        Yes I agree her family was not supportive at all… it seems they believed he was innocent smh


      • s

        You don’t know anything about my family or what happened behind the scenes. There were legal reasons prohibiting anyone from taking him in. He is still our family.


      • Jess Sameach

        The family did love him and want him. But while he was in their custody Michael could have access to him and they could see it was causing him emotional distress. They made the decision to foster him out for HIS benefit. Even though it really hurt them. They were worried for his safety and how his mental health would suffer each time his father came to visit him and would whisper things to him that people couldn’t hear.

        What they did was very selfless and painful. They thought of him instead of themselves.


      • Jeanna

        Most of her family did not think Michael was innocent. They actually sued Mike on Aaron’s behalf. Because of their situations and Mike not being imprisoned, they thought adoption was best for him. I believe it was open and they still had some contact. Aaron loves the family that adopted him and has no memories of the murder or anything related to it, such as the questioning.


    • Scout

      Hi, how are you related to Michael?


      • S

        Not related to Michael – related to Bonnie.


        • Trish

          I purchased the house earlier this year and even have spoken to the sisters – funny thing – I had already learned everything about the story and had so much compassion for Bonnie…and to realize during closing that this was the actual house amaze me…furthermore me and her have the same birthday May 21st…her mom was made Patricia my name is Patricia…and my child was born on January 5th and she died on January 6th…GO FIGURE!!!


    • Wally

      Sorry but if you find it hard to believe that a man could kill his wife and send the kid to school the next day, then you don’t pay attention to the world. The kid aid he did then dug up the body once he got the house for himself. No one ever believes the kids but at that age they are usually pretty honest.


  7. Anonymous

    There is simply no words on how a Innocent three year old boy goes to daycare on the morning after his mother goes missing and he’s completely normal to the daycare workers and to everyone that comes in contact with him that morning UNTIL he’s pulled out of that class by visitors to be interrogated and is frightened and terrified after the visitors.It’s no secret that day care workers testified to all of this and it’s completely unforgivable what was told to this child to make him so frightened..Aaron remembered being scared at the daycare because he Refused to walk back inside the next day and had a total meltdown and he requested to go back home, and his request was granted. How could you scare a child at three years old so severely. There are ways to question a child and Aarons rights were so violated on this day and I hope this never happens to another child.My heart goes out on him on so many levels because he was Treated so cruelly and inhumane at three years old.


  8. Brooke

    WOW. A lot of mental gymnastics going on here by all the ppl defending the killer husband, who is obviously guilty. Whatever. He’s in prison where he belongs so… ‍♀️


    • Anonymous

      Maybe you believe every person In prison is guilty but I can tell you for a fact not every person behind bars are guilty, intelligent people actually think for themselves and people that buy into everything they’re told by the media or even sometimes the police can get all the facts incorrect. Look at the JonBenet Ramsey case The police and a lot of the world wanted to Believe it was her own mother, which is very sick and disgusting. Just because we don’t have all the answers in a case doesn’t mean we have to make things up as we go along or to crucify someone to bring closure…In this particular case,There are a lot of people that know they did wrong with this case, But God will get the last word and I’m not passenger judgment on nobody!


      • Pam

        Completely agree. I’m looking and hearing trial details, it was a lot of things that didn’t add up. Seems the media painted a picture but it was a lot of other factors that came into play. I’m trying to understand how the police were there for a while after her disappearance with dogs and sonar and a clear picture of grass growing through a pallet and somehow she ends up there. Why would her body have so much bone missing. The body seemed to be rewrapped in my opinion. Something seemed really off about this case.


        • Tom

          Another strange thing the aunt was on air speaking to media getting the story out and said something like Bonnie if your out there Aaron keeps asking for you! A son missing his mama would certainly keep asking for her. Then the original news lady said she remembered all them years ago the father was asking the little boy where’s mommy where’s mommy? He kept asking for her so there would be NO need for Mr. Haim to ask his son the same thing the child was already asking! the news anchor should’ve never made a statement trying to remember something for over 20 years ago, because I think she was mistaken. A few incorrect statements here and there is all it takes To sabotage someone.


          • Yours truly

            How much money did the state case workers,Therapist, court system make off of this child all those years? Knowing all along it was illegal to interrogate a three year old hour after hour after hour? I guess if someone would’ve said he’s made all these random statements after six hours after his grandma conveniently left the room, but we forgot to record them(right) but none of the forensics Science or evidence can support these so-called statements we forgot to record..

        • Scout

          Who do you think snuck into his backyard and buried Bonnie? How do you think it would it be possible for Michael not to notice that a body has been buried in his backyard?


      • Oooh Matron

        As an ex-prison officer of 12 years service I can tell you that it is VERY rare for a convicted criminal to be found to be innocent, VERY VERY rare. Of the millions of prisoners world wide you hear of one or two on the news being found innocent because its a sensation not because it’s in anyway common place.


      • Jess Sameach

        No one thinks all people in prison are guilty. But there was a lot of evidence against Michael BEFORE the body was found…in his backyard…where only he had access to bury her. No one could have buried her there without him knowing. He lived there, it is simply not possible. He argued with her, she left at 11 (according to him) and is never seen again, and then, what? A stranger murders her, looks up her address, brings her to her house and buries her in her own backyard while her husband is sleeping there, and arranges things on top of it without the husband ever seeing, hearing or noticing anything is amiss?

        Give me a break. I have never seen more of a slam dunk in my life.


    • Oooh Matron

      I think all the killer’s weird relatives are on here defending him…geeze just waiting for know-it-all “anonymous” to announce the woman killed herself and buried herself under the concrete. YES a kid of three would watch a murder and then carry on just playing with the dog, he wouldn’t say anything he’s three and doesn’t understand, stop trying to put adult reactions onto a baby.


      • Yours truly

        Sorry he told to many people he didn’t see his dad hurt anyone, your welcome to name call you so called “Christian” right? But the truth will always remain the truth, God knows and I know the child refused to walk back into the daycare where he was interrogated and scared. Some how he will figure it out, All of it, he’s not a dummy like some of you want him to be..


    • A

      Those that truly knew Aaron at 3 years and 5 months knew if something upset him, he made his feeling KNOWN!.He made statements he did not witness a crime, and some of us were listening!!!If he was too scared to walk in a daycare where he was questioning the day before, he made his feeling KNOWN when something upset him. When someone showed up to his home (not his father )and he wanted them to leave, HE TOLD SOMEONE HIS FEELING!!!!. We were LISTENING to him!!!In the end you can dislike a parent but you don’t toy with a child for revenge. You don’t have an owner of a gun that was tossed off a bridge come forward and still try to pass it off on someone else. If you remove a child from a parent out of caution , don’t lie to the child and the world in the process.


    • Nanette

      100%! Aaron knows his father is guilty as sin


      • NB

        The news played a story about Aaron at six with his case worker.A six year old child could not write a letter like that. If you had kids or worked with kids that age you would know that.


  9. Anonymous

    So one person said the husband was abusive because he shut the car door on her finger nail helping her get out of the car and closing the door? I know several people that have accidentally shut the door on themselves getting out of the car? so she held her hand in place of the door while the husband slams the door breaking her nails? that don’t even make any sense?Cause if he purposely slammed your finger nails in the door and broke her nail and it was intentional, why didn’t someone call the police?? but seriously that made no sense?No other family members ever call the police or reported any abuse, or seen anything? she was never seen with black eyes or bruises or making police reports or neighbors hearing craziness going on? Interesting enough the same lady that said he slammed her hand in the door worked hard to get all rights taken away from her first husband that she shared a child with and had her son adopted out entirely to another man, Maybe someone needs to talk to her first husband for a character witness?


  10. Judge Pate

    First off the gun they found never belong to Mike Haim, call the detectives they know it was the foster moms neighbors gun. No gun powered found anywhere not blood or shots heard in the area that night. So how did he kill her in the middle of the night and hide her body with the neighbors bedroom on that side and they not hear a commotion going on, surely you would need heavy lighting at night and no neighbors close to the houses heard screams, no blood was found when they search with The forensics team? The police said he had no scratches on him? daycare workers testified in the custody trial someone pulled Aaron out of daycare to talk to him and he was hysterical and they had a hard time calming Aaron down.. The child ask his father in front of the news crew live” moms not home yet? Yep still have the entire interview so does Chanel 4 news.. Bonnie was not the type to have a one nighter with a married man, especially her husbands Coworker? Especially if she really was so afraid of him. Wonder why the boyfriend down played his affair? Why did the boyfriend over the years take other women to the hotel her purse was found at? That’s disturbing and sick. Why would they have inmates testified and there was no evidence of a confession anywhere on those tapes.. If you were Michael haim and someone framed you wouldn’t you want someone to look at both sides?


  11. anonymous

    Daycare workers testified Aaron was pulled out of class at 3 and questions and he was crying and hysterical after they talked with him as school. The child was on his dads lap and asked his dad on air “ moms not home yet? but after 6+ hours by a very young social worker he said moms car is in a lake, dad ran mom over in her car, and all this stuff they knew was not true, since the house and the car was process for blood and gun power? No neighbors heard screams and no blood or gun power or anything damaged at the home. She had long nails but the police said Mike had no scratches? The gun found in the river checked out to be a neighbor of the foster family that raised Aaron. police know the gun was NOT Mike’s. The boyfriend down played the relationship with Bonnie. If she was scared of her husband why would she have had a fling with her husbands Coworker? That never made sense? I think she loved the married man and he wasn’t honest about their relationship. Why? He also admitted to taking other women to the hotel where Bonnie’s purse was found? Why would he do that? Mike also made calls the morning after he said she left from a Rotary phone ,which means he was inside making calls ,he also was home when the police called him that morning and also other people called the house asking for Bonnie and he answered the phone so when did he have time to bury a body? The police called that morning and told them they found her purse and for Mike to meet them. Then the police came back to Mike’s house. Bonnie had a will at 23, and the state did not respect her wishes. they took a child from all his family and placed him in foster care with no regards to the child or Bonnie’s wishes or Bonnie’s family. the state needed the jail house snitched cause they know this case was weak. Maybe out of respect for Bonnie someone will post this and look into the facts. She deserves justice and I don’t think it was served..


  12. does not add up

    It never made sense to me how no neighbors heard screams or shots fired, the houses were close, no blood found, yep they tested the home for blood and nothing discovered? No gun powered, she had long nails and his face and everything looked normal according to police. Someone goes to the kids daycare and scared the crap out the child asking questions, they were not qualified to ask a 3 year old, his daycare workers testified to this. The Chanel 4 Jax news had the kid on air the day after and he sit on dads lap and asked “moms not home yet”? But 6 plus hours of a young social worker claims he said his mother got ran over and then shot and all this other stuff that they knew didn’t happen because they tested her car and the home. Then they put him in foster care and a neighbor of the foster family Admitted the gun thrown off the bridge belong to a neighbor of the foster family not Michael HAIM’s gun? police and Aaron know this. The next day M. Haim is making phone calls early that morning from a rotary phone . also he takes incoming calls from inside the house from a rotary phone. when did he have time to get rid of a body and make sounds and blood disappear like magic? then he goes to the hotel after the police called him that morning and told him where to meet, as they found a purse immediately. No way in hell he had time to bury a body and the police come back to his house that morning and by no trace find not a thing broken, disturbed? And let’s not forget the boyfriend that was married claims she just happened to have a hook up with her husband’s coworker but it wasn’t romantic of any sort ?we all know if a woman is going to have an affair that man was probably leading her on and emotions were involved. She loved the boyfriend, maybe going to leave her husband for him, but he down plays the entire thing? I can’t see a women being scared of a husband yet is so fast to have a fling with HIS coworker? Never made a bit of sense. Why would they need jail house snitched to lie? I think the Prosecution knew good and well there’s all kind of holes in this theory and the snitches were their only option. Sorry state weak case!


  13. Karma

    I think her parents and his parents knew he killed her. I think his parents helped him hide the body until he could bury it in the backyard. How could her mother see all the evidence and hear what her grandson said and still not believe it even after they found her in the backyard. What did they think, she buried herself back there!


    • Shhh

      Or the aunt and uncle or did it. The uncles fingerprints were in her scattered papers in vehicle when they found the car. Sounds fishy to me. Why would a family member go so much against the own family. To bring guilt to someone else I think. Bonnie stated she was scared of them to the mother because of things she found out.


      • Jess Sameach

        Michasl’s relatives need to get a life. You should be embarrassed that we can all tell who is related to Michael based on behaviour alone.


  14. Hall

    I don’t understand how anyone can defend a killer. This was an act of pure evil, he should have been handed the death penalty for killing her and taking her away from her son. This one man has ruined lives.
    R.I.P to Bonnie Haim


    • Pam

      Grass growing in between the Pallet right after they said she was murdered is enough reasonable doubt to me, Because if he dug a fresh grave there’s no way grass will be growing high that quickly in between it’s 100% reasonable doubt and if guns are going off and she was bleeding they would’ve found the evidence to support that theory..but did not. We make all these accusations but have zero evidence to back up the theories.


    • Dirty Birdy

      The company she worked for under the original name has some lawsuits filed over the years from females. Go to the court house and check it out, then look up if the some of the females are still ALIVE and the date of death.


    • Oooh Matron

      Sadly it seems the killers sick relatives have taken over this forum and are trying to divert blame away from the killer, beyond vile.


  15. Anonymous Too

    Good: life without parole. I don’t know which is worse, though: the scumbag that murdered his wife in front of their son, or the people on here who jumped to his defense. In any case, he finally got what he deserved.


  16. B Clark

    Sue316 why do you say the Uncle did it? How was he the beneficiary? What did he get from her death? Didn’t sound like they had much at the time.


    • Greg

      She knew Info that would send him to jail. Most business owner keeps a policy on their employees. She stated to the mom she found out some things and was scared. Read no justice for Bonnie.


  17. B Clark

    Why have a few people said it was the Uncle and he was the only one to benefit from Bonnie’s death? What did the Uncle get and why was he the only one ?
    As others, also curious why Aaron didn’ t go with family? Why did he go to foster family and then adopted outside the family??


    • Let’s keep it real

      They felt it was best to take him away from Bonnie’s mother and father and family and do complete opposite of what Bonnie’s wishes were in her will. Since the therapist couldn’t get nowhere at the time that he had a relationship with his family and his father supervised they felt if they put him in foster and he has no contact with anybody eventually he would say exactly what they wanted him to say and be a good little boy and repeat what they tell him to say and that’s what he learned to do.. Didn’t matter if he’d already suffered the loss of losing his mother he had to suffer more. Her mother was a very religious person and went on to be a teacher had six kids plenty of experience to raise her grandson. Not to mention the legal fees the grandparents spent trying to win custody so he could have a normal life away from the quack doctors.


  18. Gorett

    Michael was such a good person, like some people say, but was not good enough to take care of his child.
    I can see the big heart he carries, many people have 2 faces, they can be a angel and devil the same time, the one who suffers most is the son, lost his mother, did not have the father support, in my point of view all member of the babe’s family should be a shame, after the tragedy, they were not able to give love and take care the babe, very selfishness.


    • 100 percent Accurate

      I don’t think the family was given an option in keeping the child, It was either agree Aaron needed therapy for the rest Of his natural childhood so he could talk about a crime every week or it would’ve been believing a child that made statements he had not witnessed any type of crime in any shape or fashion, Opposing what the interviewer stated? The interviewer was very very young she interviewed a three year old child for over six hours that( many times wanted to go home. )She was never going to let Aaron leave untill some statement was made Regardless of the Childs wishes or rights, or truths. There’s so many interviews on Camera that were recorded back in the day but not this particular interview .. hum?How does an interviewer Get credibility when she claims he made statements like his mom was in the lake his ,mom got ran over with the car and said a three year-old child use verbal statements referring to “a hide a bed “three year olds don’t say hide a bed?The average idiot might 100% believe this interviewer BUT, she knows the truth and she had an agenda to make before she met Aaron. How much money did therapist and case workers make off of this child?


  19. Anonymous

    A book is written by Bonnie’s mother called no justice for Bonnie by patty bickle on Amazon that states other evidence that you would have never heard in the trial. There was a lot of things never heard in court stated in this book. Some names are changed for legal purposes. It’s a story that is opposite to what is heard in court that couldn’t be talked about in court:


  20. Chuck

    This is just another horrible incident that ruined a young man’s life, along with his dear Mom and family. Its time for the father to pay for his crime, “Life without Parole”


  21. Amber

    What hurts me the most is how did this poor child end up getting adopted out? This is a very judge-y presumption (maybe the adoptive parents were the Godparents, etc.) but I don’t understand how he did not end up with grandparents at least. He lost his entire family in one swoop. How devastating.


    • Mama bear

      This is a sad case because the police could not make an arrest on Michael Haim early on so they were going to use the child as a pawn and ended up stripping him away from everybody he loved and trusted mainly to hurt Mr. Haim.But little did they consider if he truly wasn’t a witness the years of destruction therapy would have in the long run nor did they care.At the end of the day they think it all was for the greater good for Aaron but sadly it was just years of psychotherapy abuse. I mean do you really think if Bonnie could see a video of a caseworker and his foster mom and Aaron smiling (really)and talking about the her purse being found and He had all these new details he never had three years prior when he was interviewed.How ever did he get a play book of details of his moms case out of the blue? I mean people are not completely ignorant here we know what happened to Aaron..And deep down in Aaron’s heart he knows the answers too.


  22. Mary

    Domestic abuse is a horrible thing. It kills the child’s soul watching one parent abuse the other parent. You feel powerless to stop it. The trauma takes years to get over, and some never do. It is my hope that Aaron Fraser begins to heal from this. It’s not easy and the road is long.


  23. Kathleen Hussey

    To everyone on this thread commenting about what a nice guy Michael Haim was and is, in their eyes, I want to let you know that every abusive man that it’s been my unfortunate position (from birth til 58 yrs. old) to have known (whether he was a father, uncle, brother-in-law, boyfriend, husband, acquaintance or the near stranger who beat the crap out of me for 6 hours when I was 15 due to his being drunk out of his mind on moon shine) most people who knew them would have thought they were great guys. None of those men would have shown a shred of evidence around their friends, neighbors, bosses or any one else outside their homes that would have warned others how they could act in private, with a woman they feel the absolute need and right to control by any means necessary, You also would have no idea what a man can act like if he drinks or take tranquilizers until he blacks out, yet still is halfway conscious. So, while, yes, it is fine to say what a helpful nice person YOU always found them to be, do not think that means you know them like their wife and children have known them. Even the most gentle sweet person can flip out and lose it and do something they may forever regret doing. No one, not even a killer, is 100% a “bad” person. Everyone has SOME good qualities. Then too, you must consider there are some people who are extremely devious, monsters who hide in human skin, it seems. They can act so sweet yet be hiding a world of horrifying behavior. Surely we all know that by now. Michael called his mother to come & watch the kids about 11 p.m. the night he claimed his wife had left in her car after they’d argued, so he could go look for her, because she hadn’t returned. He was gone 45 minutes, he (and his Mother) said. Hmmm…just about long enough to finish burying her in the backyard (although he probably did that before he called his mother)..and then time enough to go drop her car off where they found it. I bet if the police had checked all the taxi records they’d have found out he took a cab home that night. His shoe print, his EXACT FULL shoeprint, with no smudges on it , (as would be the case if anyone else had put their feet in the driver’s side floorboard) was the only one found on her driver’s side floorboard and the driver’s seat was found pushed back further than it would have been if she had driven it there. Her money and credit cards were all found in her purse in a dumpster so robbery was not the reason she couldn’t be found. The purse and car being found tells us she did not run off because NO ONE runs off and puts their money in a dumpster, leaves the car and walks away. Those facts alone should have told everyone that she had not “run off & abandoned her children”. It’s surprising that her parents didn’t publicly accuse their son in law of being guilty, but then again, the parents may have just acted like they didn’t suspect him so they could stay on good terms with him and still be in their grandchildren’s lives. (Even if they suspected him highly, that may’ve been the best thing for them to do as long as they didn’t know for sure that she was dead). It makes no sense to think someone else took her purse & car, killed her and then took her body BACK to her own backyard and buried her. Some are saying that the Uncle did it…really?? How did he not get seen burying her in that backyard? Does any of this sound like Michael Haim is innocent ?


  24. Murphy

    My heart and prayers go to her. She is with the LORD now. As far as her husband, when he tries to go thru the Pearly Gates in heaven, he will have to answer to the LORD for his inhumane and evil actions.


  25. Hurt Anonymous.

    Husband may have thought at first to eliminate his wife’s body and her car and Aaron by driving the car into the lake. Hence Aaron’s mentioning the lake. The evil one must’ve stayed there a while contemplating on how and what to do. eventually reasoned to follow a “better way”. Father is guilty, plain and simple.


  26. Gumshoe

    I always suspected that the husband did it. There where too many holes in his story. She was going to leave him. he was abusive. probably wasn’t to please to find out she had a secret bank account. He then killed her on purpose or by accident. The thing is he covered it up and then lied about for years. Its sad to say the neighbors that knew him were lied to by him. Even if he is the nicest guy you would meet. He still killed his wife. So the question is did anybody really know him or did they see only what he wanted them to see. Sad that she never got to live to see her children grow up.


  27. Anonymous

    The child, Aaron, had a father, two sets of grandparents and other family members. Why was he placed in a foster home instead of with family? We’re all of these people suspect? And how did they win a wrongful death suit against Michael?


  28. Anonymous

    For what it’s worth, I would be a character witness for Mike. Was friends with him from the time I met him in the mid 90’s at work. Hung out with him often during that time. He was one of the calmest, friendliest people I know. Met his nice family including his hanicapped sister he always treated with loving patience. Mike was kinda country and unassuming and I find it unbelievable that he was capable of this act. I pray I’m correct in that judgement of his character and for both families involved.


    • Chrisa

      That is usually how abusers appear to outsiders


    • Someone

      Just because he appeared like a kind, and caring person doesn’t mean that he was that way to his wife. Many people have described serial killers in the same manner. That they never would have harmed anyone and how shocked they are at their crimes.

      It just seems odd that a stranger would have the same rare shoe as the husband, and that they’d find her years later buried in her own yard. If a stranger killed her then why bury her in her own yard, and how would her husband not notice any disturbances?


      • Dee

        if they all went somewhere to eat or someplace as a family he probably did drive that car.It seems she was light weight so it’s possible she drove that car after him and didn’t completely erase all of his shoe print. I wonder if they ever looked up phone records because maybe they missed an additional love interest somewhere.Where there is one lover sometimes there are more


  29. Anonymous

    Regardless of the outcome, sending love and prayers <3


  30. Anonymous

    You know what I don’t get is why her own father was defending the husband it’s pretty messed up. And the poor kid had to witness this. Hope her husbnad rots in prison he should not be let out!!


  31. Anonymous

    I do not know and con not be a judge of this mans character, although he seems to be held in high regard by those that know him. I haven’t read far enough yet to see whether a case has been heard. But just on what I have read so far I would without doubt say that he did indeed murder his wife.


  32. Dave

    Go to https://core.duvalclerk.com/CoreCms.aspx?mode=PublicAccess

    look up:


  33. anomonious

    Where is his x girlfriend Charlene from Florida but was with him in TN and NC


  34. anomonious

    Great parents knew them in Tennessee, went out with Michael very nice guy on the surface hope lady justice is served


  35. Jordan

  36. Bigbear

    We’ve known Michael for many years. I have overheard neighbor say a bad word about Michael. I’ve never seen any displays of temper or any tendency to violence. Michael goes out if his way to be helpful and friendly to the neighbors. It is impossible to believe this man could have committed such an act of violence and covered it up for more than 20 years. Where was the blood? How could he have hidden a body so well in such a short period of time? Surely the police searched the house, the cars,the yard and everywhere else. I don’t buy it.


    • Lindsey

      he was a very nice man from my interactions with him at work. He was very helpful and always was helping at work when he was supposed to be off.


    • Scout

      The body was buried in their backyard. Their son sued his father for wrongful death in civil court and got the house as part of the settlement, and he found the body. Michael Haim was convicted and sent to prison in 2019.


  37. Sue316

    I also grew up on the same street in Waynesville. Everyone in the neighborhood loves this man and still supports him. Have you heard anything from Bonnie’s parents? No the reason is because they still believe in michaels innocence also. The person who committed this crime was the uncle he was the only person who benefitted from Bonnie’s death. I’m thankful Michael will finally have a chance to clear his name and put this behind him!


    • Teresa Tomlinson

      Are you kidding me?? They found her remains at their house what more do you need? He killed her you know he killed her! And I’d be different if she really was missing in her body never showed up but her body was turned up at their house he was mad she was going to leave him saving her money and he couldn’t take it I hope he gets what he deserves which is life in prison better yet the death penalty if y’all have it


  38. ballu

    es lady ko uske boy frend ne mara hai


  39. Littlebear

    I grew up across the street from this guy in waynesville nc. I always knew something was different and strange about him. very rude and stand off guy. not many neighbors liked him. but now I know why. prayers are with the victims family! I am glad they have him justice will be served!


    • Sue316

      Your an idiot I also was a neighbor and everyone in the neighborhood loved this man and are still standing behind him and believe he is innocent…. Have you heard anything from Bonnie parents??? No you wanna know why??? Because they still believe in his innocence also!!! This crime was committed by the uncle who was the only person to get anything from Bonnie’s death….


  40. Dianne

    I worked and was friends with Michael. I am so devastated right now. Do you know how many family gatherings we had around that pool. I left my children with this man!!!! I would never guessed in a million years he was capable of doing this. How could this have happened????? RIP Bonnie, you did not deserve this!!!


    • Lindsey

      I worked with him in NC just last year. I never would have thought he would have this hidden. Prayers for his family and Bonnie’s family.


  41. Lorine D

    I lived in Jacksonville Florida… Today the official said that the body (skull) found WAS =( Bonnie Haim AND *ARRESTED* Micheal Haim (the husband) for Murder ….. go to firstcoastnews.com (local news station) to hear/read the details …..


  42. Tammy K

    So sad to hear this.. I knew this family back when they lived in the state of Virginia.. Norfolk. Military housing before they moved to Florida. I was friends with her sister Michelle. Bonnie & our next door niegbor, Sheila would hang out. Sometimes the 4 of us. We were young pre teens back then… The good old days!! I hope this family has had some sort of closure.. Peace and prayers (Bonnie)


  43. a viewer of Un. Mysteries

    Of course someone checked out the creek or the lake for a body, right? Or wherever the creek washed into? Logical? Hopefully?


  44. Anonymous

    Any update?


  45. curious

    does anyone know if the fragment they found belong to her?


  46. Anonymous

    Just waiting for more information to come out about this story. I have been a family friend with Michael’s family for almost 20 years. I never knew Michael only seen him at his parents house a few times. Of course this subject never came up. I being a kid at the time did not think much about it. But now as an adult it is very scary to me.


  47. elj

    Gut feeling mystery solved!


    • gaynor

      I feel in my heart he did this knowing she was leaving him men like him prey on innocent woman and then once the lady has seen his true colours . All of a sudden she dissapears


  48. Steve Ferguson

    My guess is the husband will be a suicide candidate before this is all over. Poor kid will always be a huge victim in this.


  49. Anonymous

    Any parent would want to believe that their child is safe and just took off in the middle of the night rather than dead. Her parents are amazing people, my heart goes out to them. The sadness they must feel right now hurts my heart. It is a horrible situation that i as a parent hope and pray that i never know. I know both families and i just hope the truth one day (hopefully soon) comes out.


  50. Anonymous

    Any parent would want to believe that their child is safe and just took off in the middle of the night rather than dead. Her parents are amazing people, my heart goes out to them. The sadness they must feel right now hurts my heart. It is a horrible situation that i as a parent hope and pray that i never know. I know both families and i just hope the truth one day (hopefully soon) comes out.


  51. That's just Insane

    You would think that his parents believed he was innocent. And her parents guilty. I just think that no mother in her right mind would desert her child(ren). But what’s done in the dark will come to light. He took away his son life also, by murdering his mother. Justice may be late, but it won’t be denied!


  52. Christy

    How can her own mother think that she would have deserted her own little boy without knowing all the facts? It’s a good thing that the detective on this case took the investigation seriously. Otherwise someone may get away with murder.


  53. ronnie

    I used to live on this street at the time….and most people in the neighborhood believed that he did it. A purse found in a dumpster with cash and credit cards still in it? Burglary, mugging, think not. Shoe print found in car matched her husbands…shotgun found in creek pointed out by son. This guy could be getting a visit from the local authorities very soon.


  54. Sophia Pasciuto

    If that’s her I don’t want to believe that’s my aunt I’m hoping she is still living just like my family if she is dead rest in peace aunt Bonnie


  55. jennifer

    He might have meant gun in the lake from what ive researched the father threw a gun in the lake and the little boy told his foster mother as they were walking over a bridge and she notifies police and a gun was found that had been in the lake approximately two years after his mothers disappearance


  56. Jax Newspaper Reader 12-14-2014


    It was announced today that a woman’s body has been found buried in the back yard of the house that Bonnie and Michael lived when she disappeared in 1993. The body was discovered during the demolition of a backyard pool. Was the 3 year old child “mostly correct” when he said his Mom’s “car” was “in the lake”, when in reality he meant the Mom’s “body” “by the pool ?” lake and pool are the same to a 3 year old. Too late for prison for Michael ?


    • u jumped the gun

      No such announcement was made on Sunday. The news did report pieces of bone, possibly part of a skull. How did you hear that it was a woman’s body?


    • Anonymous

      Part of a skull fragment was found. we are still waiting for it to be verified as human. We do not know anything else at this time.


  57. Diana

    Looks like they found her. Skeletal remains have been found on the property on Dolphin Ave. where Bonnie lived.


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