Eleven murders of prostitutes working out of truck stops have been linked to an Ohio serial killer.

4 female victims of the ohio serial killer. Two caucasian prostitutes and two african american prostitutes

Four of the serial killer’s victims

Police officers and Ambulance arrive at the location of the body in a snowy field outside of a truck stop

The killer stole the women’s jewelry


On April 19th, 1990, the half-nude body of a woman was discovered behind a truck stop on Interstate 70 in Licking County, Ohio. She had been beaten to death, and all of her jewelry and several pieces of her clothing were missing. Despite a full investigation by local authorities, the victim was never identified.

Map of trucking routes in Ohio

The murders were along trucker routes

Four years earlier, the body of 23-year-old Shirley Dean Taylor had been found behind a traffic barrier 100 miles to the north. A known prostitute, Shirley had also been beaten to death. In addition, all of Shirley’s jewelry and several pieces of clothing had been removed from her body.

Two seemingly isolated crimes were committed four years and a hundred miles apart. Murder cases often are often solved when a pattern emerges, and in these highway killings, the pattern was just waiting to be discovered. But amazingly, the man who made the connection wasn’t actually looking for it. Investigative Reporter Michael Berens was starting to do research for a newspaper article about serial killers for the Columbia Dispatch:

“I remembered a statement that an FBI agent had once said, that prostitutes make the ideal serial killer victim because they’re transient and often their disappearances aren’t reported immediately. So I started looking at prostitute deaths all across Ohio, primarily using newspaper stories as the way to track those deaths.”

Man carrying a covered body into a field away from his semi-truck

The killer dumped the bodies by the road

Berens began to cross reference unsolved murder cases in Ohio. To his surprise, a distinct pattern began to emerge almost immediately. Eight women, in eight different counties, had been beaten or strangled to death. Each was found alongside a major interstate, each was a known or suspected prostitute, and each was known to have worked at truck stops.
With this in mind, Berens began looking into the little known subculture of Ohio’s interstate truck stops:

“You drive by them and you see these restaurants and these trucks but until you sit there, you don’t see the underbelly, the underworld of these little mini-cities that form each night and then break apart each morning and come together.”

Upon further investigation, Berens says he discovered a flourishing sex-for-sale industry at truck stops throughout the state:

“The prostitutes work off of CB radio and it’s all done anonymously. The prostitute will get on the radio and give her handle and some little catch phrase that she’s developed as her trademark and the truck will answer back and say ‘Yeah, this is the blue Peterbilt in row three, come meet me’. And she goes off to the truck. And then usually once she gets in the truck, she’ll use the trucker’s CB to radio to her next customer.”

On February 8th, 1987, twenty-seven year old Anna Marie Patterson became the sixth known victim in Ohio. In reviewing the investigation of her murder, Berens uncovered several possible clues to the killer’s identity.

Anna Marie had been working at a truck stop in Austintown, just south of Cleveland. Witnesses said her last call was from a driver of a black or dark blue Peterbilt truck. The man used the C.B. handle “Doctor No.” Twenty-five days later, Anna Marie’s body was found alongside interstate 71, north of Cincinnati. Warren County Sheriff James Collins was one of the officers assigned to the case:

“Anna Marie was found about 250 miles from where she was last seen, in a field, in a drainage ditch in about 4 to 6 inches of water.”

Anna Marie’s head had been bashed in and she was brutally beaten. An autopsy revealed that she had been killed within 48 hours of her disappearance. Disturbingly, the condition of her body clearly indicated that the killer had kept it refrigerated for nearly a month. Michael Berens:

“There has been some speculation that some of these victims have been driven many more miles than from where they were last seen to where they were found. There may be an indication that the killer is doing something with these victims, after death.”

According to Berens, the killing spree began nine years earlier with the murder of a woman who has never been identified. Since then, the bodies of seven other victims have been found along interstates in different counties. Each woman had been viciously beaten or strangled to death, and each had jewelry and clothing removed from her body.

A newspaper in Columbus, Ohio, ran Michael Berens’ shocking story, with its compelling evidence that explained how the murders of the eight women were the work of one killer. Ten days later, the Ohio Attorney General and the Buckeye State Sheriff’s Association formed a special task force. Ohio Attorney General Lee Fisher learned that counties within Ohio were not communicating properly:

“We were finding that what was happening in one county was not necessarily being told to another county. And a clue in one county that may have meant nothing may have meant a great deal in just the adjacent county.”

According to Michael Berens, another alarming clue in this case suggests a disturbing possibility about the killer’s identity:

“This killer scatters these bodies, and that’s the big question, why? There has even been speculation that the killer could be a security guard or even a police officer who knows enough about police investigative techniques to do that.”

At least two of the victims were last seen getting into a black or dark blue Peterbilt tractor, possibly pulling a refrigerated trailer. The driver may use the C.B. handles, ‘Dr. No’, ‘Stargazer’, or ‘Dragon’.

UPDATE: The Jane Doe discovered in 1990 has been identified as Patrice Corley. In October 2016, Corley’s family filed a missing person report, which led to her identification. Her murder investigation has been reopened. In February of 2019, forty-nine-year-old truck driver Samuel W. Legg was arrested and charged with the murder of Sharon Lynn Kedzierski who was found dead at a truck stop and had been listed as a Jane Doe for two decades. DNA evidence linked Legg to the murder, along with two others in Ohio and one in Illinois. All of the victims were found near truck stops. Police allege that he is the killer in the other Ohio prostitute murder cases. A judge ruled that Legg was currently not competent to stand trial and will undergo continuous evaluation until he is ruled competent to face charges of murder.

Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season four with Robert Stack and in season seven with Dennis Farina. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Various seasons available now on Hulu.




  1. Shawn

    I belive the killer was a man named Chris mcfarron he drove a blk peterbuilt truck .seems his handle was dr no.he ran a dedicated route an his father was a trucker they both ran routes frm cincy to Michigan to texas..at the time the killings stopped Chris lost his cdls do to drug use…he is now in prison for last 10years for kidnapping an killing a local business man leaving a bank with the co.payroll.he needs questioned on this with a lie detector….look him up he is in a ohio prison now..


  2. Michelle

    Could this be the same convicted murderer who murdered my aunt, Brenda Kay Hagy, in Jan 1995? His name is Sean Patrick Goble and drove a blue Peterbuilt. He strangled my aunt, left her on the side of I-81 and drove over her leg with his semi as he left. He picked her up in TN and dumped her body in VA. His female family members remember that he used to give them jewelry, which could possibly be from his victims. He was convicted of 3, but could have murdered more than 12+.


  3. summit city boiler service

    to the poster below, yes. there has been some preliminary reporting that Dr. No may have been identified as Samuel Legg III.


  4. Dawn

    Was the truck driver they just arrested the one involved in the above cases?


  5. Jenna

    Kitty: You’re full of it. Go troll somewhere else. this isn’t the place for that.


  6. juan

    I believe that Dellmus Colvin the man who murdered my aunt Dorothy Wetzel is the same man if no one believes me look both cases up


  7. Anonymous

    The Licking County Jane Doe has been identified as Patrice Corley:



  8. Julia A Whitehead

    Was any of the women named connie she ws found on 75 near Cincinnati back in the late 70’s ?


  9. Anonymous

    Racine Jane Doe found July21, 1999. Racine County Wisconsin. Savagely beaten, pierced ears, no earrings. No shoes, clothing male, probably not hers, IMHO. Found in a ditch by a cornfield, not far off interstate.


  10. Anonymous

    Im sorry, although I appreciate your thinking, the killer likely is not stealing the jewelry for monetary gain. Even to “lure” new victims. He didnt have to. He chose prostitutes that will willingly get into men’s trucks repeatedly without a second thought. If he was selling them or using them to profit,this could have yielded leads by now. He steals them as “trophies” and that is his primary reason. He relives his crimes. These items also help to identify and personalize the victims(clothes,jewelery), which he wants to make difficult or impossible. He wants them left bare and forgotten as a woman. Not having a friend or fellow prostitute recognizing whom she was based on a personal article she was wearing seen on the news or pictures from police, solely to protect his identity. He is proud of the “damage” he does to these women and wants that to be what defines them. Although he wants to protect his identity because this is his life’s mission, what he lives for, he leaves them by the side of the road so they are found. There is a part of me that believes he is sending a message to all the other “unclean” women who choose to use sex as a way to control men that “this is what you will eventually become”. There is a very clear and present aspect that this perpetrator lives to do this, wants to ensure the continuity of his “hobby/obsession”.Possibly not even working as a trucker at all, just using it as a way to capture victims. He likely is not a wealthy man, but somehow maintains enough income to support his hobby for months at a time without a steady job. Although it appears he has some knowledge in how to evade being identified and having his murders connected, my opinion is not that he has any personal law enforcement background. The manner in which he kills his victims, the brutality and anger in it, shows that he certainly has “issues” with women. I’d venture to say he may have a physical deformity of some kind of which he has been rejected severely, probably by his overbearing mother as well. I also believe he spends a great deal of time with at least some of his victims after the murder, prolonging the gratification and arousal. He is a loner, has no friends and no children. Unless this man is dead or in prison, he has not stopped. He is just likely older and not as able. Murders happening fewer and in entirely different area. Additionally, the first unidentified victim found is likely not his first. He probably murdered first a woman closer to his home and at a young age, of which probably has not been found. God rest their souls and I pray for the victims’families to have closure.


    • Anonymous

      I want to thank you for your ending. I recently found out my aunt was one of his victims and I never knew she existed. My father never speaks of her. I found this out through my older sister. I also learned I have a cousin of whom I have never met. I would just like to have the reassurance that my aunt may rest peacefully with her killer being brought to justice and knowing hr son was taken care of.


    • jones

      I agree it is 2015 So something had to stop him from killing again maybe he is in prison or dead


  11. Jennifer Harrison

    I’m sure I got away from this man. I was in his semi and he had a gun and put hand cuff on my left hand. A week later we chased him down 70east to get another girl from his grip. The girl that they found dead from inpls. Looked like me. Inpls in


  12. skeptible

    I may add why did they not check data base of truckers who owned dark colored trucks as in their description starting in close by in vicinity other than Ohio, many truckers come out of KY.


  13. skeptic

    I do not agree the killer took jewelry and clothing off for keep sake or to sell. He did this to make identifying the person more difficult. Probably from south of the Ohio boarder. Maybe around 34-40 years old. As for the scattering, well again, harder to identify the victims. He beat and strangled them instead of just strangling them for the kill, which says to me he had an anger issue in his life and probably abused his women/kids.


  14. Over night

    I was working out in Vail CO. I have never worked a truck stop but was contacted from my ad on line. He was staying in a small hotel in Grand junction CO it was 2 hours away on i70 It was not a big deal for me I figured since he wanted a overnight after that I would just post up in Grand junction for a few days. I believe the only reason I got out of that situation with out a scratch was because my friend was with me. My friend droped me off and I knocked on his door. He let me in. I knew something was off because he didn’t hand me any money he tried to talk about services but I don’t discuss that type of stuff I just do. He was a small man 5″5 charcoal hair about my size. He then pulled out his phone and told me I was arrested for prostitution. I’ve been in several pros stings and they are all set up the same. This was nothing like that he had what sounded like a police scanner on his phone but as he was talking in it I noticed that it was not responding to him like a conversation. I started to call my friend to tell him I was in a sting. He said there’s no way and he started driving to me. I kept him on the phone so he can hear. The guy told me I was under arrest but no other police came to the room thats when I knew I told him this is not a sting were are the other police I started to walk to the door and opened it but he stopped me so I tan over to the curtain and opened it.and pounded on the window. My friend tells me hes pulling up. He grabed mefrom the window I got free and opened the door he tried to slam it on mebut my leg was already through the door. I pushed it open and got out. I see several semi truck’s one with it’s lights on. He was waving to it to come on like asking for help there was 2 of them one in the hotel the other in the semi. He was on my heels but my friend pulled up and got out of the car he stopped in his tracks I got in the car and we drove off. I told my friend we needed to tell everyone we pulled over and I called the police Gave them his hotel room number and the number he called from. I then texted everyone that was posted in the vail and grand junction area with his info. After I calmed down I went over the phone conversation with him when he initially set up the appointment. I asked him if he was serious because he was 2 hours away and I didn’t want to drive all that way for nothing. He said he was “Dead serious ” I should have caught it there. I am gladvit was me though that came that way. Maybe I saved someone cause I wasn’t afraid to call the cops and thoughtful enough to text everyone in the area. He was definitely working with someone and it makes sense because he was a small man. I have worked in Grand junction several times and nearly every client warnd me to be safe and that several girls have came up missing. I also had another friend say to be careful because there are girls being found dead in Arizona. A point I would like to make is a truck driver can travel the entire country and can kill and drop off a girl anywhere in the us. 2009 2010 time frame


  15. Anonymous

    You need to check my ex. He was a security guard and also drove long hale trucks that were refrigerated. He lives in Vegas now.


  16. nosey neighbor

    Authorities believe Stargazer is Sean Patrick Goble, arrested in 1995, received two consecutive life sentences, and serving time in Tennessee. He was a trucker who drove a black Peterbuilt for a small trucking company out of North Carolina. They also believe he is responsible for about 50 of the missing, murdered and unidentified ladies in the United States today, as he left his victims with no shoes or panties and sometimes jewelry and many of those items were found at his house in North Carolina.


  17. Queen of cups

    I wanted to share an idea on this Star Gazer, Dragon person and a theory behind the name. I only out this theory out there because I haven’t seen it yet. Star Gazer has multiple definitions in the medical and veterinarian fields..I’ve taken this from the web
    1st..Stargazer disease
    Stargardt disease, or fundus flavimaculatus, is an inherited form of juvenile macular degeneration that causes progressive vision loss usually to the point of legal blindness. Several genes are associated with the disorder.
    2. A disorder that affects Animals, Reptiles,Bearded Dragons..
    It’s just a theory all requiring a Dr. So why not


  18. Ladyjane616

    Grand rapids michigan had a serial killer of prostitues…i believe 12 girls (may not be correct but more than 6…maybe 13 dont remember) in 1990s…please if we as human race love other humans are empathetic and live by the words i say here NOBODY deserves to die because they choose to sell their bodies or do drugs HECK nobody has the right to harm another person unless they are fighting for their lives as these girls probably tried…this is tge exact reason why EVERY STATE needs to allow and approach that DNA be taken from any employed individual or maybe even the extent of starting as children like a must to enter school this would solve ATON of unsolved and not allow the possibility of SERIAL anything in the future theyd be caught 1st time around…MY opinion does not mean should be everyones opinion however we as human beings should want to put a damper on the future of SERIAL period.
    Please if you read this and it matters to you reachout to your senate “we the people” are nothing and of no power if “we the people” dont make this change….nothing changes if nothing changes and united we stand divided we fall no more bullying not as kids not as adults not as SERIAL killers rapist robbers drunk drivers on and on.
    “Saysomething.org” (people will say that taking dna is an invasion of our privacy those persons are the ones affraid of what may be found out if there is nothing to hide then why are you hiding”. “We THE PEOPLE” are our goverments boss our presidents boss we vote them in we tell them what we would like them to do while in office by voting.


    • Tasha Bennor

      My mom was one of those victims.

      Thank you so much for remembering her and the others that were slain. She left behind 5 beautiful children. Her addiction to drugs and her lifestyle was not who she was. She was a wife, mother and a daughter. She MATTERED. I was only 8yrs old when she was discovered and I will never forget getting home from school to police in our driveway and it all over the news. She deserves JUSTICE.


    • Concerned American Citizen

      Lady Jane, this is a person speaking who advocates for victims and their families. However, turning America into a police state by requiring children give DNA in an effort to out serial anything, is decidedly not American. You say that anyone against this is essentially guilty of something extreme? This is nonsense. I don’t care how old this post is, I am appalled people actually think this way. I mean, 95% of people probably already have their DNA in a private data base, anyway. Have you ever seen the movie Gattaca?!?!


  19. Blue

    I wonder if they ever looked at James Robert Cruz (murderer/possible rapist of Dawn Marie Birnbaum, found on March 21,1993 in Centre County, Pennsylvania) for the early cases, he was a Columbiana County, Ohio based longhaul trucker who had routes all over the state as well as Pennsylvania.


  20. Fresh

    Theory….guy was a local driver killing these women. Look at the pattern..it was on his rt he may have been having problems at home with his wife…and some day we will find out who it is because they will find his trophies when or after he dies.
    Theory #2 we was a truck machanic that had Access to the truck over night…my have been a avide client of his and not his truck


  21. Tara

    My mom dated a truck driver who would beat on her when she went on the road with him he made comments that he could kill her n get away with it he said he would freeze her body n would toss pieces of her body along the interstate she never went with him


  22. Frustrated

    Let’s mention some of the girls who are missing that are not being talked about anymore. Nikki Lyn Forrest went missing in 2010. Her bag containing life sustaining medication for her unborn baby found not to far from I 75 and just off of county rd 25 A near Piqua Ohio where Shaylene Farrell went missing in 1994. Someone didn’t just zap them off the planet. Oh and Buckskin Girl found in Troy in 1981.


  23. They Matter For Closure

    Zanesville Ohio was left out of equation for Unsolved Female Residents Deaths.
    The mystery to how they ended up in locations has yet to be solved.
    Wasn’t until the last girl was found of 6 missing all deceased women they even spewed Serial Killer in Ohio. That was in 07.
    Here’s the list :
    Nancy Compton found deceased in rural area at culvert
    Rhonda Pennington found in a casized boat
    Buffy ( Knickname Possibly) Moody reported missing by WHIZ. Then WHIZ reported a male boyfriend called and she was with him visiting his relatives in Cincy area. She was washed out a culvert on major highway.
    Angela Kennedy found under Perine Bridge
    Stephanie Gallis found same location as Kennedy under same bridge
    Santana Ivey found same location as Compton but at second culvert. 8 bones were all that were left of her when found.
    Then killings stopped until July 2014.
    Lisa Myers would go missing and be found not far from her area in wooded culvert area
    All had gone missing All knew each other but one All had same issues of Drug use or Street activity but Compton.
    And yes cops should be on suspicious list. They are #1 in human trafficking. But also truck drivers should not be excluded due the fact Iveys body was located just 58 miles from first girl killed in Chillicothe found.
    It’s the routes not looked at that makes or leads to this killer being known and caught.
    Could be it’s a truck driver whose fantacized killing his wife for divorcing him, but failed to accomplish it. Or even his mother.
    One things for certain women don’t O.D in middle of no where buck naked under bridges or in culverts.
    Start asking about how these cases connect for similarities. Stop excepting there’s no ties to them being related. Because obviously Ohio has someone killing women at a rapid rate through out the entire state being ignored as being a serial killer by those who shouldn’t be being so silent about it.


    • kitty

      The name Dr. No suggests the snarkiness. Chinese smugglers of women and or children. Investigations cost a lot of money.. Some types of people will say that these women did it to themselves. The guilty parties.look for people lying about these women and talking trash about Them. Prostitues often get jealous over each other and many are capable of murder or even forced to do it.whatever these women have in common should be looked into. But then that could get you killed.they we’re probably also couriers of information among other things. If they were in trouble with the law that would get them snuffed but some people are paid off to look the other way.its a money world.


      • RISSSS

        kitty, please go away. Your nonsense does nothing for these threads. Some of these people might actually be serious, but you are a moron. Go troll somewhere else.


  24. my aunt

    I seen these show when it came on my aunt was killed by this man and they think that him and man was killing these girls so I think they need to keep looking for the other guy


  25. Beaches59

    There are women (supposed drug users and prostitutes) being killed in Chillicothe OHIO off of the highway 23. I wonder if detectives have even given this any thought or comparison to our interstate killer. These serial killers crave their kills they can’t stop the urge. Read Edmund Kemper interviews or watch interviews. This guy has done this in a lot of states other than Ohio or Wisconsin area, trust me. I think if this was really looked into by FBI and multiple states law enforcement it would be solved. Not to mention people have seen his truck and heard his cb handle also. If he’s 85 now he still needs to be caught, most serial killers even talk of how easy it is and how the victims are easy prey for them. Let’s stop the killer of these people, women who don’t deserve to die in such horror. This guy pisses me off!


  26. Beaches59

    I don’t know if anyone knows about the missing women lately, murdered and dumped in Chillicothe Ohio, highway 23?, I believe they were either addicted to drugs and possibly participating in prostitution as well but who knows if these women are connected in any way? THIS guy is wanting to get caught in my opinion. You should watch the interviews with the infamous Edmund Kemper. He explains his hatred for his Mom and how he easily lured his victims into their deaths. There were so many times he could’ve been caught. Whoever this killer of women is. There’s info about his truck. His handle of Dr. NO, OR STARGAZER? SOUNDS TO ME LIKE he’s an independent trucker, long hauls, he is or was running through all the eastern United States and even the lone star state. All states need to hook up on these serial killer cases and make it known that info is being shared and they will be caught. Truthfully we have to get this guy even if he’s in a care home, retired and home with his family. Maybe he’s acting out what he’s already done to his mother. One gal had supposedly been refrigerated for up to a month or two and then dumped in ohio again? This guy most likely has a private farm type setting with some buildings or a shop where he can carry out his sick secrets alone. We need to find him!!!!!!!!!!!


    • They Matter For Closure

      Look up Santana Ivey in Google.
      We knew the minute we heard it was the same as our area for the cases.
      Their not mentioning that now in media. So it means the killer has found a reprieve to go on killing. The killer moves on to place he or she doesn’t think will know about the killings. Once settled in they’ll start killing again because they have to have the urge as killer full filled.
      They probably killed during the media blitz in another Rural area so as to throw off it was them.
      But check out Santana’s story it’ll lead you to others cases Unsolved that just may be related to the ones Chillicothe found.


  27. Beaches59

    There are women (supposed drug users and prostitutes) being killed in Chillicothe OHIO off of the highway 23. I wonder if detectives have even given this any thought or comparison to our interstate killer. These serial killers crave their kills they can’t stop the urge. Read Edmund Kemper interviews or watch interviews. This guy has done this in a lot of states other than Ohio or Wisconsin area, trust me. I think if this was really looked into by FBI and multiple states law enforcement it would be solved. Not to mention people have seen his truck and heard his cb handle also. If he’s 85 now he still needs to be caught, most serial killers even talk of how easy it is and how the victims are easy prey for them. Let’s stop the killer of these people, women who don’t deserve to die in such horror. This guy pisses me off!


  28. chinaboy

    What I do not understand is the following: there is a lot of information about this murderer.
    For sure he is (or was) a truck driver. The police knows the make and colour of the truck. They know the routes he must have taken and they know the CB handles. And almost sure he is self employed. This is a lot of information to work with.
    It most be possible to get a list of all the trucks of the same make and colour based on the registration (if you have this in the US) or get this information from the producer.
    Because the route is known it should be possible to find out where trucks take gas, probably a self employed driver will pay by card rather than cash.
    Most important are the CB handles. As truckers are in constant contact with each other how comes nobody knows the people using these handles.
    As for peaches she must have a description of the man. Her information about the door handles is priceless as a truck has to get maintenance so people in the workshop would notice missing handles.
    For sure this guy did not start by killing people he must have started by abuse, mistreat women early, as an adolescent and maybe there are records for this. Possibly he even was treated by a shrink for his behavior.
    A man like this is sick and will not (cannot) change.
    The chances are that he is retired now and living somewhere alone, for sure prostitutes close to him will be abused.


    • Kathy

      You can add these in with the I-75 truck driver/ prostitute murders, there was a task force formed at one time, but I never heard anything came of it. I would bet that the killings have stopped though, guy would probably be too old by now


  29. peaches

    I was a prostitute working in the truck stop at the 165 mile marker in Bellville ohio with Marcia Mathews at the time of her death. I was kidnapped by a driver back in the early 80’s, he called himself cool breeze. he drove about two miles back down 71, pulled over on the side on the highway, he raped me and told he would kill me if I resisted in any way. he was a blond man about 35 to 40 years old. I remember the passenger door had no handles or window crank on the inside so that once I closed the door I was stuck. Marcia was a beautiful person, I will forever miss her. I may have been with the killer, I saw what he did to Marcia, I went to the hospital it was horrible. I will give all the info I have if someone would just ask me.


    • unsolved

      Hi Peaches – please email us at unsolved@unsolved.com – we would like to hear more.


    • Anonymous

      There is a guy who kidnapped a girl recently in NW Ohio while riding her bike. He was arrested and the police found a torture chamber in his barn. James D. Worley. He had been convicted of kidnapping in 1990. Could this be him? He attacked the 1990 victim with a screwdriver


  30. Brown 101

    Look at this site a lot of simularities to the jane doe found behind pilot!!! Please look


  31. AL

    Some year back in the mid 90″s I was at the old 76 truck stop for layover weekend, A young woman with the CB handle green eyes, ask me if she can use my CB to call this guy trucker that offer her a rid home, I offer her a rid home but she said I already have a rid, So she call out on the cb and used the handle Dr No , Greeneyes then handed me the mic to help dr No where my location was I was parked first line of truck behind the 76 old T/S and I told Dr No what kind of truck and color, then a big black Peter built roll up but it was dark and the street like was on the other side of his truck so it was hard to see what this guy look like, anyway she thank me and got into Dr No truck never seen her again, then about mouth or so I was at the Geneva, OH T/S getting fuel then gone into and waiting to pay I was looking at the wall and seen a post there with about 7 women Kathy it and then I said OMG there was that girl green eyes her name was Kathy or something like that, the a year later I was watching America most wanted and there I heard that name Dr No, there was a young gal pick up in Albany NY and found in the snow off of interstate 88 NY alive she survived, thank God, Sense then every truck stop I drove into and across I would listen on the CB for that cb handle (dr no) and dragon no luck ever hearing them handles again but every black pet I seen I would take a long look at it and try to remember the name on the door witch I don’t remember. This killer will pay for his wicked deeds in the end you can be sure of that…



    • Nosey Neighbor

      Back in Feb. 1991 a 16 yr. old runaway girl from Vt, was last seen getting into a black tractor trailer while hitchhiking on Rt. 7. She has never been located or heard from since. I just found last week on unidentified bodies in Maryland, that In July, 1991 a young, badly decomposed female totally fitting the description of Vt. girl (age, height, weight, hair, facial structure, jewelry, time frame ect. makes me believe this body in Maryland is our Heide, and has been turned over to the proper authorities to determine if DNA and dental records match. One of the things Maryland authorities believe is that this body was dumped in a underpass by a serial killer who is now serving time in prison in Tenn. for the slaying of three women, but detectives believe he is responsible for up to 50 hitch hiker/prostitutes murders, as they found a large collection of ladies shoes and underwear in his home in North Carolina when he was arrested in 1995, He received 2 life sentences in Dec 1995. The young decomposed body found in Maryland (that may be Heide’s) also had no shoes or underwear when it was found. Same as the three women that Sean Patrick Goble has admitted and serving time for in a Tennessee prison for. One of the ladies Goble admitted to killing was from Fredricksburg, Va, ( and his thumb prints matched a bloody plastic bag), a big coincidence is that not only the missing shoes and panties on the Frederick, Maryland unidentified , but that Fredrick Maryland and Fredricksburg, Va are only 1 hr, 45 mins. apart, all along route I90. I am replying beneath this comment, because if Sean Patrick Goble was in fact the serial killer that picked up Heidi in Danby, Vt., like I think, then in fact, Albany is only another hour away. Law enforcement believe that Sean Goble is the Star Gazer serial killer, as that was one of his CB handles and Goble drove truck for Rocky Road Express, a small trucking company located near Winston-Salem, NC and drove 4500 miles a week, according to logs. Ironically, in 2012 in the small Vt. town that Heide was last seen in, an unidentified female skull of a young Asian girl was found in the same town. After test done, it was determined that the skull was put there between 1990 and 2005, which leads me to believe Goble dropped off one victims remains and picked up his next victim, as that was his pattern. Also 3 teeth missing, post mortum on both Maryland and Vt. remains. I insist there is a connection here! Law enforcement believe Goble could be responsible for missing or murdered woman from Arkansas, Florida, Tennesee,Indiana, Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, and more, and I believe any where beyond and in between!


  32. Anonymous

    they said his handle was dr no but as a ex trucker i met a guy by dr feelgood i believe he could be who your looking for had a black pete was always picking up girl of the night real creepy guy sold drugs and offer to the girl to get them in his truck never knew his real name was a owner oper. always ran in to him in texas but he run 48 states


    • Beaches59

      Please…. Please turn that info in, somehow, someway to Ohio and New York…. TEXAS is so big.. This guy is so in need of a 5×8 cell…. Death penalty for him


  33. garrett

    i think i no the first woman that was killed


  34. jackie

    First just let me say I’m a female truck driver.
    A black or dark blue peterbilt is 95% a owner operator.
    This article restricts this action to inside Ohio.
    I am curious if they have found any other victims in other states.
    If not, then it’s a local regional driver.
    That narrows it down significantly.
    The pattern of dump sites shows a loop he is driving locally. What produce or reefer required industries have this route?
    The only thing that throws me off is that jog east of Columbus. Sorta out of the way. Maybe he was going home. Odd.
    I could give a s*%& about his pathetic trophy fetishes or hid mommy issues.


    • Anonymous

      Racine Jane Doe found July 21,1999 seems to fit. Found in Racine county Wisconsin. No jewelry, clothing missing, savagely beaten.


  35. Anonymous

    Does anyone else agree with me?


  36. Anonymous

    Solution 1. The killer is a Jack The Ripper wanna-be.
    Solution 2. The killer is an ex-police officer/ FBI who knows the profiles of criminals. The killer is also not very tough-looking and is weak hence the fact that he only targeted women.
    He is also not very wealthy considering he took jewelry, he is also mentally disturbed. His Mother was probably a prostitute considering he brutally killed them, she was probably abusive which lead to his mental break down. This person took the jewelry so he could sell it and use the money to lure out each woman.


    • Sassy 222

      I agree I’d like to see the one that haven’t been identified my best friend has been missing almost 24 yrs


    • tman

      your off if it was a cop police officers have to go through background checks plus if it was an ex police officer their prints would be in the system also its not possbile yo be a jack the ripper wanna be my theory is that the killer is a trucker


    • Crystal taylor

      Is there anymore information on Shirley Taylor She might be my aunt


    • kitty

      I highly doubt that. Your total profile of the killer is inaccurate.and it was probably umore than one person involved.not. necessarily disturbed .just on a mission to make money.and send the women home.they were murdered in the way they we’re in order to throw people off from the real intentions as to why they we’re murdered and by whom and for whom.you n people are expendable throwaway objects. can sell anything nowadays.ev


    • kitty

      The killer has knowledge of navajo Indian medicine ways and may carry quartz crystals and bird fetishes with him. He may pray to the Gila monster the great lizard. He may do something to the women’s eyes or eyelids.all this must be done at night perhaps during a certain moon phase.usually these ceremonies involve more than one person.taking the jewelry gives him a link with the women.


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