A ghost called Resurrection Mary haunts the city of Chicago. ![]() Mary’s ghost was sited by the cemetery ![]() Mary has been sited at a local dance hall CASE DETAILS In January of 1979, a Chicago cab driver stopped to pick up a female passenger at the front gates of Resurrection Cemetery, the final resting place of more than 150,000 souls. But before he could let her in, the mysterious woman disappeared. The cab driver had just met Chicago’s most famous ghost, Resurrection Mary. Richard Crowe was a local historian and folklorist at the time of the sighting:
![]() Jerry Palus gave Mary’s ghost a ride home As the story goes, the first person to ever encounter Resurrection Mary was Jerry Palus. The year was 1939. The place…a Chicago dance hall where Jerry was a regular. Jerry was captivated by a young blonde woman and immediately asked her to dance. He learned little about her, except that her name was Mary and she lived on the south side of town. He danced with the young woman all night. When it was time to leave, Jerry offered Mary a ride home. Before his death in 1992, Jerry was interviewed about his encounter with Resurrection Mary. He described the events of that evening:
Jerry stopped in front of Resurrection Cemetery and let Mary out of the car. It was at that moment that she vanished before his eyes. Jerry admitted he was perplexed, but certainly willing to forgive one unexplained disappearance. ![]() Actual article about Mary Bregovy’s death Still wanting to know more about the mysterious woman, the very next day Jerry drove to the house where Mary had said she lived. Jerry found the house with little trouble. The woman who answered the door was Mary’s mother. When Jerry asked if he could see her daughter, the woman told him that Mary had been dead for five years. According to Richard Crowe, it then dawned on Jerry that Mary was no ordinary woman:
Years later, Richard Crowe learned the ghost was believed to be the restless spirit of a young woman named Mary Bregovy. Mary Bregovy had been killed in a traffic accident in 1934, a month before her 21st birthday. She was laid to rest in Resurrection Cemetery in her favorite white gown. Over the years, Resurrection Mary has been seen time and time again, at dance clubs, in taxis, and walking outside the cemetery, looking for someone to take her home. In 1980, Clare Rudnicki was driving along the front of Resurrection Cemetery, when she too spotted Mary:
Clare’s husband, Mark Rudnicki, was also in the car:
In October of 1989, Janet Kalal and a friend were out for an evening drive. After about an hour, they found themselves at Resurrection Cemetery. It was then, Janet recalled, that a pale young woman stepped in front of the car:
Does the ghost of Mary Bregovy really haunt Chicago? Or is Resurrection Mary just an urban myth? In any case, should you find yourself driving in the city late one night and happen to spot a pale young woman in a flowing white gown, you might think twice about offering her a ride. Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season six with Robert Stack and in season three with Dennis Farina. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Various seasons available now on Hulu. |
Luci Szafraniec
The Resurrection Cemetery did an investigation into this ghost seen by so many people. They narrowed it down to five possible young ladies who died during that time period. The cemetery was getting way too many reports if this young lady wandering with blonde hair long white gown who would disappear thru the gates once she was dropped off there. She would always be walking along the cemetery and many people have seen her appearance there.
The best ‘Chicago’ response to this story is ‘ My best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with the girl who saw Ferris, I mean Mary, pass out at 31 Flavors last night’.
If you know you know.
Ya okay it’s been documented by a guy that met her at a dance hall in 1939 or can you read
Tina Kurowski
Used to work at the horse stables close by. One Halloween, we were taken by my friends mom to the main entrance. The gates were obviously closed, but I could tell you that the iron bars on them were pulled apart with embedded thumbprints in them. There is no way something human could do that, even if the bars were welded hot because how, even if they were heated, can someone do that? I’ve also watch those bars changed several times over in the late 70s and early 1980s, only to have the bars pulled apart again with the embedded thumbprints.
Well whatever it was, couldn’t be a ghost as it would just walk straight through the gate, right?
I believe these sightings are real.
There have been far too many sightings since 1939.
None of the witnesses would benefit from fabricating a sighting, so it has to be legit. It is very sad to think of how Mary died in a tragic car accident at such a young age.
Terry Avallone
Sometimeed in mid 90’s my husband and I were returning from Downtown Chicagoi
I was sleeping on the couch one day and as I was waking up I blinked and for a moment it looked like there was a girl in a white gown standing over watching me. She had dirty blonde hair. This was out west in dupage county though. Another time I was walking through the woods at night and had a vision of a girl in a white gown clawing at me. I didn’t see it but had a mental image. That was different tho, more of a wedding dress probably a different girl or imagination I don’t know how this stuff works.
I’d date that girl, no matter she’s a ghost. Totally no luck with living ones..
Me too. She seems like a kind, affectionate spirit.
The waman is lost she need to know she’s dead that’s all that is wrong whit her she need help after so many years can someone go to her. Amidium and taolk to her and send her free pleas.
James Harwood
What season is that
Season 6 – Episode 15 . Has been my favorite episode since I was little.
Regardless of what it is that makes up the life of a ‘ghost’, it seems like wandering around lost and lonely for all time would be a very despondent, depressing, frightening, confusing, heartbreaking way to spend eternity. I wouldn’t wish that barren existence on my worst enemy. Maybe that constitutes the punishment of hell for some individuals.
I am Mary… you may not know when I’m coming, but I’m there. You drive on my street and I will see you. Good luck!!!
ok that was stupid
I just made a note of that, ‘Mary’. Thanks so much for the update. So greatly appreciated………
Luci Szafraniec
I have heard these stories all my life and so believe the ghost is real. How could so many people report seeing her at different times and years. Every time I would drive past that cemetery I could feel sa strong electricity coming from that cemetery like string electric currents I am very sensitive to the spirit world so I do believe something is there something causing it to happen. When I lived there I would close all windows glass doors afraid she would appear on my balcony since I truly believed in her appearances. The spirit world is nothing to play with it is very serious. They moved her grave to the front entrance that could have caused disruption with her resting in peace maybe that is why she roams about her should is not at rest and she died so very young not living a full life maybe that is why she always comes back she is not at peace between this world and the heavenly world she is between both worlds still. Pray she finally finds rest peace.
I forgot to mention in my last post that in The Bible, God often talks about the “Peacefulness” & “Restlessness” of Human Souls. Those that believe in Him tend to have “peace” in their soul, while those who don’t believe in Him &/or resist Him seem to be “restless”.
Black Bieber
Resurrection Mary’s spirit during that 50 year period (1939 – 1989) seemed to be at some type of “unrest”, as ghosts who (are witnessed by living beings) wander around very often seem to have some “unfinished business” that they obviously can’t finish but wish they could finish. Although it seems unlikely due to the her spirit’s “restlessness”, hopefully, Mary Bergovy (born 1912 – died 1934) believed in God. Also, although this program stated that Mary died “a month before her 21st Birthday”, if her info from Ancestry.com is correct, then she was already 21 years old & would’ve turned 22 years old a month later when she died.
I bought a vhs copy of ghosts of chicago with richard crowe,the jerry palus interview was on it and was only 5 minutes long with not enough info,my question is how true was the palus account? was the girl`s name really mary or did palus think it was?what was the real palus story ?and how much was embellished by the unsolved mystery show?did palus really visit the address the next day?my problem is that all researchers believe all the accounts without questioning if it`s fake.
Sue Walsh
Jerry Palus was my Uncle. Knew him all my life. He swore up and down the story was true. I agree that what of the interview was too short but I think that there’s more footage on another program. The interview was at Vito and Nick’s or Nick and Vito’s. I
recognized the blue chairs. Even met Richard Crowe a few times at family functions and his sister and I are Facebook friends.
That’s right Martyn. But that Mary doesn’t match the description of other accounts of the hitchhiking Mary. Those that seen the hitchhiking Mary seen pictures of (Gerry’s) Mary and they said that’s not her. Is it possible that there is more than one Resurection Mary? I saw the Gerry Palus interview on TV but I can’t recall if it was mentioned that others in the dance hall seen Gerry with her. Does anyone know? I’m not trying to be a skeptic. Just wondering.
Oops….I misspelled Jerry’s name.
Otis … Than why would Mary give him that address, if it’s not her ?
Martyn Wigmore
I don’t think there is any mystery as to resurrection Mary’s identity. Resurrection Mary gave Gerry Palus her address, and her parents confirmed that Mary had lived there up to five years ago, then she died.
Literally, thanks Martyn. There’s no mystery regarding her identity. The ghost itself told the guy where she lived, he then went and confirmed it. That can’t be made up.
Much research has been done on this. It is still confusing what deceased person is the actual ghost named Mary. The sightings of her wondering around the Justice area describe her as having blonde hair and blue eyes but Jerry Palus describes her and the picture he seen of her where she lived, as different. Brown hair. Some researchers believe it is actually Anna Norkus who danced at the ballroom (now known as Willowbrook Ballroom) and was unfortunately killed in a car wreck on Harlem Ave. on her way home. The story of a woman getting into an argument with her date at the ballroom and then walked away on Archer Ave and getting struck/killed by a hit and run driver is false. No record of such incident. I recommend reading about Anna Norkus. Think you’ll find it very interesting. She supposedly was buried at, and later moved in Resurrection Cemetary and her grave is unmarked. A contact of mine claims to know the unmarked grave sight and I plan to go see it with him soon.
I used to think it was Anna too, but Anna died when she was only 12. Girls back then in that area usually dated / married around age 16-25. Anna had short blonde hair, was petite and slim. She had a sister, Sophie, who had longer hair, same color with a similar build who was 16 at the time Anna died, also injured in the same wreck. I’m wondering if it was Sophie who was the ghost.
Whenever friends or I would drive by, which was pretty often, we would always try to catch a glimpse of her. Never did, but good legend.
im really scared of ghosts should i really be also i watch this show its awesime i watch it on escap
Bernard Short
I remember this case here because when Unsolved Mysteries had interviewed this big fella with the glasses he said that the young woman that Jerry once danced with was ice cold to the touch but in reality he worked at a Funeral Home for a while & has touched many corpses fresh outta the freezer but I remember the reinactment scene when a car loaded with 4 passengers were then driving down Archer Ave. along the front of Ressurection Cemetery back in Chicago & had seen a ghostly glow on the right hand side of the street which turned up to be a young woman who had died in a traffic accident back in 1934 but this case file is very spooky to those who’d watched it back then.
My family is buried there my dad grandmother n etc I beleave it is all true… Also it is a beautiful cemetery
imscared i live there
Back in 1988 my sister & I were driving home from cousins house out south. We were driving along & we seen a woman running down the highway. I had to stop the car because she was right in the center of our lane. She was hitting my car and came around to my window screaming for help. She was covered in blood. She had long hair and it appeared to be light brown and she had a white gown or long blouse on covered in blood. We were so afraid of what was chasing her & decided to drive to nearby tollbooth & report to state troopers. Then we got back on road to home & when we got home my mom called state police to see if they found anyone. They said they did not find anyone and no report of accidents. This was crazy! For many years we’ve talked about this & to this day we really don’t know what happened. This was real!! We both seen this woman & heard her screams…. It was horribly real!! I would love to know who and what happened?? This was on a highway near Worth Illinois back in 1988.
What highway was it near worth Illinois? Because I have friends that live in worth Illinois and when I go out there I always go on the highway so which highway was it?
john langone
There r no tollbooths n that area.
Yep. Lydia’s Bridge is right up the road from me in Jamestown NC. Never have seen her but a real similar story.
On DESTINATION AMERICA channel they have a program called MYSTERIES and MONSTERS in AMERICA. They had a segment on LYDIA the ghostly hitch=hiker. It is almost the same story accept its in a different state and she hangs out by the bridge where she died, its worth a look.
As a paranormal investigator from the Chicago area, I can tell you that this spirit has been encountered by multiple witnesses spanning over fifty years. The full story (including the multiple sightings) can be found in many Chicago paranormal books. Although I have never personally witnessed this spirit in action, it is one of the oldest and most well-documented sightings in the United States.
I thought resurrection Mary had short blonde hair? The other Mary Who was killed in the loop with a couple of her friends she had brown hair. Which one of the mary is seen walking down Archer Avenue the blonde? And has she ever went to her mother and father’s house or had somebody drop her off there?
Vicki Jotzat
The only problem I see with some of these “sightings” is that Mary is KNOWN for only showing herself to men traveling alone!!! So all these women who have claimed to have seen her? I have to wonder if they saw something else entirely…….cuz it doesn’t fit with the lore…..n trust me I know it well even did a report on her back in school LoL
One of the spookiest and well done segments they ever produced. Doubt in the veracity of the incident. But its awesome.
i have a feeling that this is all phony
Combat Arms CA
im not seeing why that was so hard
Bernard Short
That story is pretty spooky there because I remember watching that story several years ago back on Lifetime because the man back in the late 1930’s claimed that he had danced with this young woman because her hands were like ice to the touch but right after the dance he’d then offer her a ride home but instead he was ordered to stop along this cemetery then as she gotten outta the car & as the man watched this young woman had vanished before his very eyes which was kinda spooky there but this story is very great.
i saw that episode some one knows my thinking
Was also on unsolved mysteries in the early 90,s
She is really buried in that cemetery. As far as the ghost I’m not sure but I’ve seen her tombstone.
Oh it’s so real trust me on that one
Not real
I know some ones dad who has seen her.
I have been there. The cemetary has no record of Mary Bregovy
Well if Mary died in 1934 then her death certificate my have been lost or because of how old the certificate is it might of aged and got thrown out because it is or was unreadable
I Saw her in 1982, it was a foggy rainy night. I saw a real plain face girl walking like she was determined. I never did see her feet, that came to me 10 years latter. I just thought that that poor girl was going to ruin that beautiful antique light blue dress to me but there was a glow like to it. I believe it was white. Being 18 years old at that time I found it weird that I was worried about her dress..I hit my brakes and they screeched and I spun the car around and When I looked for her she was gone. There was no place for her to go to, but she was gone. To this day I still can’t believe that I was worried about her ruining that antique dress. I have never worried about a girls dress before or since. I did worry about getting laid a lot back then. LOL The report ON unsolved mysteries didn’t do the story justice. I saw what I saw and I know what I know.
Dave your story is credible for several reasons you say she didn’t have feet and it’s 1982 the separation began to diminish throughout the 80s to where ended up being just a dress without a curl is the story I heard in 85. And many reports that the dress was actually a very light pale blue have been reported. Me and my nephew saw a lady in white apparition ( that’s what these are called) they’re worldwide….. in Colorado in broad daylight
Dorothy Wingenfeld
Search for “mary Bregovy” at Ancestry.com
Bregovy, Mary 19720716
b. Apr. 7, 1912 d. Mar. 10, 1934 Resurrection Catholic Cem…
Cook County
Illinois, USA
Bregovy, Mary 32105701
b. 1888 d. Feb. 3, 1922 Resurrection Catholic Cem…
Cook Count
Jon segotti
Are u for real?
ya listen to that person
Why doesn’t any one set up cameras around archer ave to see if u can catch the ghost of Mary on camera? Thank you
Frank Kuzmanic
Richard crowe was a personal friend of mine for over 20 years. My parents,grandparents and aunts and uncles are buried in resurrection. Richard had a picture of the front gate pulled apart by 2 hands with burn marks where the 4 fingers were. I pèrsonally thought it was done with a torch and car jack. Richard believed it real. Im 64 now and grew up in Oak Lawn. I was in batchellor grove cemetery the first time in 1958. My parents best friend lived in the closest house. The son did steal a headstone and had it under his bed . Richard had never been there until i took him. He took a picture across old oak park ane where i was told a man named BAtchellor lived. There were huge 10 foot iron gates that were chained but we squeezed through. Richard took a picture of the foundation where the original house stood. It had burned down. I called hey rich, take a look at this. He took a picture and when he had it developed, his name Rich was written in ectoplasm.
She stopped appearing in the late 80s that’s why