Is a satanic cult to blame for the murder of two Texas teens?

Left: Shane Stewart with blonde mullet, Right: Sally McNelly in a red dress

Sally McNelly and Shane Stewart

Police investigators rolling away the remains of Sally and Shane on a strecher

Their bones were found 17 miles from his car


Independence Day, 1988, was a reunion of sorts for Shane Stewart and Sally McNelly.  Each had recently returned to their hometown of San Angelo, Texas.  It was their first time together in months.  It was also the last time they would ever be seen alive.

A "cult" metting with a many lit candles

Shane’s keys were left in his car

The next morning, a ranger discovered Shane’s car abandoned near a local lake.  Fast food wrappers covered the front seat.  The keys were on the dashboard.  Shane and Sally were nowhere to be found.  Louis A. Hargraves was a Lieutenant for the Tom Green County Sheriff’s Department at the time of the murders:

“There were no signs of a struggle and so consequently we looked at it…from a standpoint of two kids ran off and got married.”

That November, two skeletons were found near a lake, 17 miles from where Shane’s car had been abandoned.  Shane’s father, Marshall Stewart, was driving when he heard the call on his police scanner:

“I got out of the pick-up and walked over to the area.  Gut feeling is apparent.  It was… Shane, dressed exactly like he’d left the house that night.  And I knelt down beside him and told him that I had found him and we would take him home.”

Keys on the dashboard of a car

Is there a connection to ritualistic parties?

The forces of nature had washed away all forensic clues.  But detectives were able to determine that both victims had been killed by a gunshot blast.

The discovery of Shane and Sally’s bodies were the culmination of a four month search which introduced their parents to a strange and frightening subculture.  Marshall Stewart and Pat Wade, Sally’s mother, discovered that their children were engaged in activities which many believed were linked to a satanic cult. In Sally’s case, it appeared to be part of a desperate search for acceptance in the wake of a painful and troubled childhood.

Marshall Stewart recalled the instant connection between Shane and Sally:

“When Shane and Sally met it was just like two people clicked on.  There was a bond there that was almost inseparable.  It was like the two kids were made for each other.”

Pat Wade remembered how much her daughter loved people:

“She would do anything for a friend.  Sally tried hard to please people.  She wanted people to like her.  She wanted people to respond to her.  And love her. I married and had Sally when I was very young.  So Sally and I spent a lot of our time growing up together.  We were like sisters when she was small.  And as Sally became a teenager, she became more and more rebellious and I had less and less role in her life.”

Man writting "no name cult"

They had alerted the police about the cult

Soon enough, Sally began to attend ritualistic parties on a regular basis.  One evening, she invited her friend Helen J. Williams to join her.  Helen recalled what happened at the party:

“Sally went into a trance.  And it really scared me.  Half of me said Sally’s pulling a stunt, just ignore it. And half of me said well, maybe it’s, they’re kind of having fun… Sally really got to a point to where she thought nobody loves me. These people come along and they say okay we’ll give you that love, we’ll give you that companionship you need, you just come with us and do what we ask.”

When Sally began dating Shane Stewart, she introduced him to her “new friends”.  Marshall Stewart saw immediate changes in his son’s behavior:

“Shane started getting into fights.  One day Shane was getting the better of this guy.  His two friends jumped in and then he was thrown into the river.  So I told him, I said you should’ve learned a lesson, one not to fight and two beware of where you are, what you’re doing because people can always gang up on you”

In March of 1988, Sheriff’s Deputy Larry Counts received a call from Sally:

“She and her boyfriend, Shane, were members of this group and they were trying to get away from it.  She said there was a lot of drugs involved.  There was a lot of group sex. She also expressed that she had a weapon that had been given to her by another member of the cult.  And when he gave it to her, he told her and Shane that the gun had been used in a murder/robbery.”

By that time, Shane and Sally were living together.  They met Deputy Counts in their apartment to hand over the gun.  Deputy Counts recalled their meeting:

“Well during this meeting when I first met them face to face, you’d really think they were making this stuff up. But they seemed sincere.  After they gave me this weapon and we did some checking on it, it turned out to be a stolen gun, then their story became a little bit more credible.  They did express fears that, that they might be hurt, she and her boyfriend might be in some danger because it’s a very secretive type group and they knew the ins, they knew the secrets.”

Six weeks later, Shane and Sally moved out of their apartment and left town, separately.  But by early summer, both had returned to San Angelo.

In June, just two weeks prior to her disappearance, Sally made a desperate phone call to Helen.  She told Helen someone was trying to kill her.  Helen tried to counsel her friend:

“I said, nobody’s gonna come and shoot you.  I said what did you do?  She said well I really can’t tell you.  She just tended to exaggerate things.  So I really didn’t think much of it.  And I really didn’t think to call Pat and say, Pat, Sally’s in trouble, there’s something wrong.  I mean, I didn’t think anything about it.”

Police reconstructed the events which preceded their disappearance.  At 9 PM, Shane and Sally watched the annual fireworks display at Lake Nasworthy.  Four hours later, a fisherman spotted them at O.C. Fisher Lake, six miles away.  Randall Littlefield was an eyewitness:

“I heard them talking about they didn’t want to be with them people no more.  I listened a little bit more and they continued arguing and I got to thinking, well it’s just a bunch of kids out there drinking, partying.  And I turned my boat around and I left.”

It was the last time anyone saw Shane Stewart and Sally McNelly alive.

Were Shane Stewart and Sally McNelly murdered by their “friends” as a direct result of their cult activities?  Police are convinced that witnesses to the crime are afraid to come forward.

UPDATE: In June of 2017, officers pulled over John Cyrus Gilbreath on suspicion of possession of marijuana. A female passenger in the car with Gilbreath told police that Gilbreath was a drug distributor, prompting police to search Gilbreath’s home.

During the search, investigators found writings, audio tapes, and biological evidence that they believe are connected to Shane and Sally’s murders.

Gilbreath has not been charged in connection with the murders, but has been named as a person of interest.

Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season four with Robert Stack and in season three with Dennis Farina. Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Various seasons available now on Hulu.




  1. Code of Silence Hater

    KSAN / KLST/ San Angelo Standard Times ??? Now that Texas Monthly Shane and Sally documentary is out on YouTube and Podcast with revealing OBVIOUS information that shows that law enforcement is involved in the murders of Shane Stewart and Sally McNelly you go SILENT and don’t do any follow up story ? You are supposed to report news not buddy up to the local CORRUPT law enforcement…


  2. Code of Silence Hater

    The murder of Christopher Hayes in San Angelo TX might be connected to the murders of Shane and Sally. I discovered an individual that is connected to Christopher Hayes that also has connections to Lisa Gregston and James Caldwell who committed suicides with one bullet and two people dead.The same person is connected to Shane and Sally. The same person is connected to my daughter’s situation. Seems this individual is coincidentally connected to several tragic situations “coincidentally”… And that same person is connected to the person I’m claiming is the Zodiac Killer….


  3. Code of Silence Hater

    The murders of Shane and Sally are connected to the Zodiac Killer. The Zodiac Killer is the same person that wrote the Scorpion Letters. Also, the Zodiac Killer raped a woman at Lake Nasworthy in 1983 in San Angelo… DCA … MWK


  4. Code of Silence Hater

    All of San Angelo needs to Google “Texas Monthly Shane and Sally podcast” then listen closely to the podcast where evidence in the Shane Stewart and Sally McNelly murder case was purposely being destroyed at both the police station and the Sheriffs office. Also, a deputy accusing an SAPD officer or officers of being involved in the murders. A female Sheriffs deputy accusing people at the Sheriffs office of purposely trashing the boxes of evidence in the Shane and Sally case. Even if the cops and deputies are lying then you are still left with cops and deputies as the main theme either way. Organized crime … I believe the Texas Rangers are also purposely covering up all of this. Especially the Texas Rangers I should emphasize…D.C.A = Z … MWK


  5. Code of Silence Hater

    Daniel Cain Adams – May 23….. MWK


  6. Code of Silence Hater

    All these years I have been posting on this story stating it was the police that did it and covered it up. Look at the podcast and on YouTube the cold case done on Shane and Sally. It’s BEYOND obvious that law enforcement is involved in the murders of Shane and Sally. And it’s no mystery to what Deputy has a connection to everything including the attempted murder of my daughter. Cowards …


  7. Code of Silence Hater

    This case involves corruption with all 3 law enforcement agencies in San Angelo. The FBI office in San Angelo/ Tom Green County Sheriff’s Office and the San Angelo Police Department.


  8. johny

    Wasn’t Randall Littlefield the last eyewitness to see Shane and Sally that night when the pickup truck drove straight to them?. I believe if they can put Randall under hypnosis they might can get more information from him. He said that he left when he heard them arguing talking about they don’t wanna be with the cult no more in the UM segment.


  9. johny maserati

    Did the police interviewed this man “John gilbreath”? They definetly should visit him in his jail cell set up an interview about “ Shane and Sally”. I don’t kno if he’s really a suspect but he definetly knows who might’ve killed them.


  10. JS

    Two men killed these kids. They were shot point-blank while sitting in the backseat of a grey Pontiac Firebird. The guy who owned the car had been doing some bodywork on the back right fender area and there was red
    sanded primer in that portion.
    One of the two men is now dead.


  11. Code of Silence Hater

    San Angelo law enforcement is involved in ORGANIZED CRIME. That includes numerous agencies. Hey — San Angelo law enforcement—- how can you ignore the “Lisa Gregston and James Caldwell situation “?


  12. D.Knight

    You have no idea what you’re talking about. Internet and alcohol don’t mix. Stop the spamming ffs.


  13. Jayne



  14. Code of Silence Hater

    “I have my real name on a small metallic tape. You see, while you have it in your possession, I want you to know it belongs to me and you think I may have left it accidentally.” (end of quote)… That was a quote from a letter the Zodiac Killer wrote. A watch was left at the murder scene of Cheri Jo Bates. A murder believed to be done by the Zodiac Killer. A mechanical watch is powered by a main spring. The main spring could be accurately described as a “small metallic tape” just like the description the Zodiac Killer gave. I believe the Zodiac Killer left his name or clue inside the watch in the main spring barrel. (its like a very small container inside the watch). To back my theory, the killer of Cheri Jo bates wrote a letter to police. In the letter the Killer stated he told Cheri Bates “Its about time”. Bates replied “About time for what”? The Killer stated “About time to die”. I believe the letter was written by the Zodiac Killer an he was playing with words on purpose and using the word “time”. The watch was not torn off the killer in the struggle but was left at the murder scene on purpose like was stated by the person claiming to be the Zodiac Killer. Also, of interest is there was at that time (1969 – 1970) a watch called “Zodiac” with the exact symbol chosen by the Zodiac Killer. So, numerous things point to a watch. Also, a poem was written on a desk at the library where Cheri Bates had been before she was murdered. The poem mentioned “time” more than once. The Zodiac Killer left a clue in the watch found at the Cheri Jo Bates murder and its obvious. I would not be surprised if the Zodiac Killer swapped watches with Paul Stine the murdered cab driver. It would not surprise me if there is a message inside the watch… In the murder scene photo of Paul Stine he is clearly wearing a watch. We know the Zodiac cut a portion of Paul Stine’s shirt and took it for proof. So, if the Zodiac planned to cut the shirt he could have also planned to swap watches (with his name inside or a clue) and out wit everyone… And its not a coincidence that Shane and Sally were murdered on July 4th and the Zodiac Killer killed Darlene Ferrin and seriously injured Michael Mageau on July 4th…


    • Mr. T

      No one is gonna read your rambling diatribe about the Zodiac killer and why are you even posting about such when this has absolutely no relation to Zodiac? Get a life and take your meds already. Conspiracy theorists get crazier by the year…


    • Aaron kosminski

      Whats he talking about ? The zodiac was involved in this case lol why are you talking about this. Might as well talk about jack the ripper. Lol


  15. Code of Silence Hater



  16. Code of Silence Hater



  17. Code of Silence Hater

    McAlester, OK…


  18. Yikes!

    Holy cripes!


  19. Code of Silence Hater

    The Shane and Sally case is connected to the Zodiac killer. I know the Zodiac’s full name/ address/ DOB/ phone number.
    The Zodiac has placed his full name in the 408 cipher connected with the word “Game” on the right side of the cipher. The zodiac also has his initials in the exact same area. “D.C.A.” …

    My initials are M.K.


  20. Code of Silence Hater

    I never knew who I was chasing until recently… A cab ride ends at a chosen destination for a reason. Cross streets were chosen by a “subject” for a reason. The reason was to make a “point” of the “subject’s” name is connected to the obvious subject. He was giving a clue to his last name. Some people play games and “point” to their signature in code. Some people live on a “point” to make a “point”. Somethings happen at a “point” to “point” at the “subject” at a “point”. The “subject” has been making “points” the entire time… Imagine someone hiding their identity and committing ominous crimes. Then writing and making threats to people with the same first name/ middle name/ and last name. So, now the person that is “hiding” his identity has his name right in public view. The person would find this very amusing. The person “hiding” his identity gave his self an ominous name. Since the person was obsessed with the selection of the name he chose for himself, would it be logical to conclude that the name chosen for his child would be on the same subject? If the ominous person had always (other than the cab ride, which broke the “pattern” to make his “point” and to point at his name) chosen past locations near water for ominous “thing”(s), where would the person choose to live? So, now it becomes. Something cult related happened at a point to point at the ominous subject at a point near the lake with the 4th being a common denominator twice and the recurring cult theme. Not finished yet. So, the ominous person chose “film” related themes over and over as part of his game playing theme to tease the public about his crimes… The ominous “thing” that happened very near where the ominous person lives had blank “film” left behind. So, now it becomes… Something cult related happened at a point to point at the ominous subject at a point near the lake with the 4th being a common denominator twice and a recurring cult theme and recurring film theme. The ominous person made his identity very clear over and over again. The ominous person committing crimes gave his full name to the public by writing threating letters and making phone calls to people that had parts of his name in common. One such person that he threatened had the same middle initial and same last name in common to his….
    The game is over. I know who you are… Finally …
    My chosen name “Code of Silence Hater” seems ironic now that I know your identity…


  21. Code of Silence Hater

    I have stated it before, but it is worth saying again. Ex-Cop and cult leader Nelson DeCloud (featured on Unsolved Mysteries) was on the run from charges in Liberty, Missouri. DeCloud had the entire USA to hide and he chose San Angelo, TX where Shane and Sally had been in a satanic cult and murdered? Lisa Gregston and James Caldwell from San Angelo,TX traveled to Oklahoma and committed “suicide” in a satanic ritual with on bullet (yes–one bullet). The Sheriff that stated it was a “suicide” about 1 year later in an unrelated case was charged with perjury and fired. Interesting… Why did Ex-Cop DeCloud choose San Angelo? Because “Birds of Feather Flock Together”…


    • A relative

      I’m James Caldwell’s brother. Believe me, their deaths had nothing to do with the occult or any cult activity. The fact that anyone still brings it up is a holdover of the Satanic Panic of the 1980s-1990s.

      Here’s how they committed suicide with a single bullet: They took a 30.06 belonging to Lisa’s brother and drove to the lake near OK. They laid out a blanked and a circle of candler. James laid on his back and Lisa laid on top of him. She propped the butt of the gun on the wheel of their car and put her head next to his. Then, with her arm extended, she pulled the trigger with her thumb.


  22. Code of Silence Hater

    I hope I’m wrong or the information is wrong.
    I recently discovered a connection between a person that stole a pistol from me and the Texas Ranger that investigated the Sheila Elrod murder. And the same person has a connection to a certain Ex-Chief of Police’s wife. And the same person (who stole my gun) I’m told was friends with Shane and Sally and hung around with cops. And the same person was friends with a cop that worked at Everett Musick Jewelers where Sheila Elrod was murdered in 1980.
    So, the person that stole my gun has connections to the Texas Ranger investigating Sheila Elrod murder/ a cop that worked at Everett Musick Jewelers with Sheila Elrod/ and the ex-wife of the Chief of Police…
    You can’t make this stuff up… True life is stranger than fiction…
    Criminals with badges…


  23. Code of Silence Hater

    This message is to all law enforcement in San Angelo that chooses to keep their mouth shut about the Ex-Mafia Chief of Police. You are enabling a Ex-Mafia Chief of Police to engage in: bribery/ corruption/ money laundering/ drug trafficking/ drug use/ racketeering and putting the general public at risk. This type of organized crime gets people killed. I had a Deputy tell me that the Chief of Police and the SAPD were involved in drug trafficking. I had a San Angelo lawyer tell me the then Chief of Police was a drug dealer in high school. I have read comments from people in reference to the arrest of the Chief of Police state over and over he was involved in drug trafficking and everybody knew it. I have read over and over that the Chief of police loved “booger candy” or other slangs for cocaine. San Angelo law enforcement from all agencies turned a blind eye to the Chief of Police’s illegal activity because of this stupid thing called “The Code of Silence”. Again, here is a quote of a quote. Ex-Mafia Chief of Police was quoting “all it takes for evil to conquer is for good men to do nothing”. And that is the same reason Ex-Chief of Police was able to get away with the attempted murder of my daughter and all his organized crime activity. To all the cops that obey “The Code of Silence” you are setting your standards exactly the same as prisoners and the MAFIA…


  24. Code of Silence Hater

    Look at my post made on January 12, 2018… That Ex-Tom Green County Deputy (felon) had a family member make national news. That Ex-Deputy had a family member (one of his family members was a SAPD officer) that managed the apartments that I lived in. My pistol was stolen from my apartment by the maintenance man and I filed a police report. The apartments paid for my stolen pistol because I pushed the issue (the maintenance man took a polygraph and failed). A woman doing a video production on the murder of Shane and Sally told me that the maintenance man’s brother was friends with Shane and Sally and hung around with cops. That same woman doing the video production told me evidence from the Shane and Sally case has vanished from the evidence room (I have never been able to confirm the info)….. In America its perfectly “legal” to thump on an unborn baby’s skull (a new born baby’s skull has not developed/ so the brain is unprotected) and stop the birth process for about 2 hours in an attempt to murder the baby (and lets not forget the baby monitor alarm was disabled). As long as the “hit” is ordered by the Mafia Chief of Police. I remember being on the phone with a SAPD officer way before Mafia Chief of Police was arrested. I called Mafia Chief of Police a “thug” and the police officer came unglued (he was offended). Imagine that—he is offended because I called a SAPD officer a “thug” and that “thug” has now been arrested !!! How does that officer think I feel knowing my daughter’s undeveloped skull was being thumped on and the birth process was stopped—and she almost died (and had an eye surgery because of it)—-? I’m positive one of the rackets that San Angelo law enforcement is involved in is “taxing” illegal drugs. All local law enforcement is involved because they turn a blind eye to the issue. My point or proof? When I was given a ride from Barnhart to San Angelo, the deputy warned me that the Chief of Police and SAPD were involved in drug trafficking. Why was the Chief of Police able to get away with his crimes for so long? Because of the “Code of Silence”. How would a cop feel if it was their newborn baby’s head being thumped on and the birth process stopped ? Would the officer want the “Code of Silence” to continue or for people to come forward and tell the truth? The San Angelo FBI office turned a blind eye (or worse) to the Mafia Chief of Police. The San Angelo FBI office had me place my complaint on paper and put on the floor outside their door in the lobby !!! … The Texas Rangers followed it up with messing with me. The Texas Rangers actually wrote on an envelope a name of a lawyer for me to go see that supposedly help me. Interesting because the lawyers office they were sending me to was where the doctor’s (the one that helped in the attempted murder of my daughter) husband worked. The Texas Rangers also made a little joke. They told me that if a doctor was doing brain surgery and left to go get a pizza knowing that it would kill the patient that it would NOT be criminal !!! Mafia Cops with an attitude…. Mafia Cops that are COWARDS !!!! Does everything I say sounds like garbage or a lie? I will point out $108 million reasons that this is ORGANIZED CRIME. Organized crime run by COPS… BIRDS OF FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER… I had a drug dealer in San Angelo threaten me after I had spoke with all law enforcement. In an attempt to scare me he stated “China Star” (several times). China Star was a restaurant directly across the street from a sub-police station. He made this threat within about a week from the Texas Rangers in Waco telling me “watch your back”. Which I now know was a threat. Cops are involved in drug trafficking…. And I might be wrong but I thought I remember the Unsolved Mystery video stating that one of the victims had a fortune cookie in their pocket stating “you will always be surrounded by your friends”—interesting coincidence….


  25. Code of Silence Hater

    So, I went to the FBI office in San Angelo at least 3 separate times 9 to 10 years ago with information connecting the then Chief of Police to the attempted murder of my daughter and connections to the Shane and Sally case—-and the FBI tried their best to get me to leave. They had me stay out in the lobby by the elevators? They had me write my complaint on paper and leave it outside their door in the lobby? Now we know that same Chief of Police is a criminal !!! So, what’s up? Is it standard procedure when someone goes to a FBI office to deny that person to speak with an agent? Is its standard procedure to have the person write the complaint on paper and leave it on the floor outside? Hypothetically speaking would it raise the level of criminal activity if there was approximately $108 million involved and a Sheriff and judge were taking “legal” contributions from a now known “questionable” company? Would it raise the level of criminal activity if I had previously mentioned (years ago) on this website a Tom Green County Sheriff’s deputy (felon) that his family member was charged (about 5 months ago) with a crime that made National news? And again we are not talking about small amounts of money. The crime involved $25 million and the 2 San Angelo individuals pocketed about $350,000. And I had previously on this website mentioned (years ago) that the Tom Green County Deputy (now a known criminal) had mentioned he had knowledge of VERY SERIOUS crimes. My point? Kinda hard to get justice for my daughter when the ORGANIZED CRIME in San Angelo is run my local law enforcement. Its kinda obvious that I was certain the Chief of Police was a Mafia Cop, because about 7 months to a year before he was arrested I went to the local police where I live and told them that if my daughter/ wife or me are murdered its involved with the Chief of Police in San Angelo and information that I gave all law enforcement concerning the Shane and Sally case and crooked San Angelo law enforcement. Kinda obvious that I knew the Chief of Police was a Mafia Cop when I stood outside the Tom Green County Courthouse with the Chief’s name on the sign with my allegations. I was questioned by a local news station, but they never aired the video. But “obvious” means nothing when local law enforcement can commit ANY crimes without worrying about being punished.


  26. Code of Silence Hater

    I can’t be specific on what I want to say because this website might not post it (not complaining about this website and I understand/ actually I’m very thankful for this website posting my comments). So, here goes…. Interesting how a doctor can get away with attempted murder because of what organization that is supposed to be monitoring doctors and where the head of that organization might live. Interesting how the nurse basically lost her license because of what she did to my daughter, but yet the doctor has nothing done to her–again —very helpful to have “friends” in high places. Interesting on how that organization ignored the word “conman” in the report.


  27. Code of Silence Hater

    It appears a relative of the Ex-Chief (apparently not his brother as I previously stated) bought a commercial property from the doctor. The Ex-Chief has numerous comments on social media about him being involved in drug trafficking and his drug use. How did the Chief go so long and not get busted? I told the City Manager about 9 to 10 years ago that the then Chief of Police was crooked. I told the City Manager that the Chief would some day get arrested. So, why did it take so long? I recently spoke with the Mayor of San Angelo. I told her go ask the City Manager if he remembers what I told him. I told her if he denies it, he is a liar. But, then again–there are the trash contracts in San Angelo that have a very shady past. Go to youtube and search for “Something stinks in San Angelo”. Its pretty obvious that contracts are the way to make money underneath the table. And we are talking about serious money. That is fueling ORGANIZED CRIME… Just ask the Ex-Chief of Police about “money laundering”….. The Shane and sally case will never be solved because of the crooked cops involved. My daughter’s attempted murder will never be investigated much less any justice because again—cops… It appears a huge amount of people were aware that the Ex-Chief was into drug trafficking, but yet he got away with everything this long—–why? Hey–Texas Rangers–can you answer that question? Funny or ironic—the answer is in the question…


  28. Code of Silence Hater

    The Ex-Chief of Police’s brother and (ex)sister-in-law sold the doctor a house (commercial property). The Ex-Chief of Police’s (ex) sister-in-law is related to the victim. The doctor has numerous connections to the Ex-Chief of Police and the Shane and Sally case. When I went to accuse the then Chief of Police of having connections to the attempted murder of my daughter he was allegedly (according to the F.B.I.) taking felony bribes at that very time I was trying to confront him. All I did was follow the evidence and it lead me straight to the then Chief of Police.
    There are protests and riots going on in America because of police doing illegal things. George Floyd could not breathe because of the police and he died. My baby daughter could not breathe because of the police and almost died. The Ex-Chief of Police actually gave me the answer to why the code of silence thrives. The Ex-Chief of Police was telling new police officers a quote “All it takes for evil to conquer is for good men to do nothing”… That is the exact reason “The Code of Silence” is successful, because “good men (or women)” do nothing… What happened to my daughter was a “hit” set up by the then Chief of Police. What the then Chief of Police/ doctor and nurse did was pure evil.


  29. Code of Silence Hater

    A certain individual might be playing with words.
    “Funy Muny” seems to be the joke he is making.


  30. Code of Silence Hater

    The FBI is AWESOME !!!


  31. Code of Silence Hater

    The more I look into this case the more connections I discover between the Shane and Sally murders and the attempted murder of my daughter. I just discovered that the doctors sister sold a house to the exact family of the person that told me who murdered Shane and Sally. I also discovered that the woman (G.C.–persons initials) that who told me who murdered Shane and Sally–that her father lived according to Google Maps—94 feet from a person mentioned on this website ( a witness). The doctors sister sold the house to “G.C.”-family member approximately 6 months after the attempted murder of my daughter. So, what I’m saying is at the very least it appears that the woman (G.C.) who gave me the information about the murders of Shane and Sally probably is friends with the doctor. The doctor is the same age as Shane and Sally, so it would not be a stretch of the imagination to conclude that the doctor could have been friends with Shane and Sally… Think about this—-law enforcement refuses to investigate the attempted murder of my daughter and to take a statement from me. Law enforcement refuses to meet with me. So, lets say that I’m lying about all of this or any of the things I’m stating. Then all law enforcement would have to do is get a statement from me–then prove that I’m lying on just one thing—and then get me for filing a false report… I believe that the murders of Shane and Sally, and the attempted murder of my daughter is being covered up by the Texas Rangers. I think that if it were investigated honestly it would lead back to the supposedly solved murder of Sheila Elrod that the Texas Rangers were involved in prosecuting…. And on the subject of Sheila Elrod—-what happened to the HIGH value jewelry that was missing before Sheila was murdered? I don’t think it was a coincidence that Sheila Elrod worked with cops at the jewelry store then she was murdered. The person that supposedly helped in the murder of Sheila Elrod stated he beat the polygraph when he was later being interviewed in prison by the Ex-Chief of Police. The polygraph was part of is plea agreement to avoid the death penalty. I believe that LOTS of law enforcement knows the truth about what is going on—but because the code of silence is so strong—nobody will talk… Final thought—-what do you think would happen when a baby is ready to be born (entire top of the head showing) and you stop the process and abandon the mother and baby for 1 1/2 to 2 hours? Do you think it was a coincidence that the nurse turned off the fetal baby alarm before abandoning my daughter and wife? Do you think its a coincidence that the nurse stated while being interviewed about what happened stated something to the effect “I had to depend on people I did not know and one of them was a con artist? That statement can be found on the Texas Nursing Board website.
    The people involved in the murders of Shane and Sally—and the attempted murder of my daughter are pure evil.


  32. Code of Silence Hater

    My brother in law was a state trooper before he married my sister. He had mentioned numerous times that he was related to someone at the Tom Green County Sheriffs Office. He gave the persons name but this was before anything happened to my daughter, so I did not think anything of it. I remember telling him about a crooked SAPD officer (“A.N.” persons initials). I told him I had listened to his cordless telephone conversations on my police scanner. I remember he asked more about how conversations could be picked up on a police scanner. He stated he would tell the Deputy he knew. He stated that a Deputy he knew would park on a hill top at night and watch a group of people perform satanic rituals… Then after the attempted murder of my daughter, my brother in law numerous times mentioned (bragged) that his state trooper partner was head of the Texas Rangers. I don’t know if he meant over a division or was the overall head of the Texas Rangers. So, I took the opportunity to ask him to call his friend at the Texas Rangers and ask him to look at the attempted murder of my daughter that IS related to the Shane and Sally murder case. He refused even after I basically begged NUMEROUS times. I have NEVER talked with my brother in law or sister after that…. Here is where it gets interesting. About 10 years before my daughter was born, I had words with my brother in law and sister. I stated something to them that would have made them extremely mad… So, after my brother in law would not call his ex-partner who “headed up the Texas Rangers” — I noticed a few things.. My brother-in-law’s sister lived at an apartment that a certain deputy just so happened to live at the EXACT same apartment. This deputy is the exact same deputy that was next door neighbors with my daughter’s doctor. This same deputy worked at K9 Security. The same Security company used by Everett Musick Jewelry Store where Sheila Elrod was murdered… My daughter’s nurse lived in a small Texas city. The population of the small Texas city is about 3,353 … And my brother-in-laws sister lives/ lived in the same small Texas city. My brother-in-laws sister is a nurse. There is only one tiny hospital in the small Texas city.. So–more than likely my daughter’s nurse and my brother-in-laws sister worked together. Also, from my understanding my brother-in-law was a state trooper in this small Texas city. My brother-in-laws family is from the same small Texas city… So, I think its very likely that my brother-in-law knows my daughter’s nurse. By the way–my sister is a nurse. I also think its very possible that my brother-in-law knows or is related to a certain deputy whose name keeps popping up (a Tom Green County Deputy)… The family of the nurse has a business. Partners of the business live in another tiny town with the population of 311 and that is where my brother-in-law and sister live.. In the past its interesting how I would mention the Shane and Sally case to my brother-in-law (who was an ex-state-trooper) and he had zero interest in it. Very interesting considering my brother-in-law is related to someone at the Tom Green County Sheriffs Office–THE EXACT PLACE–that is heading up the murder investigation of Shane and Sally. When I was still living in San Angelo, Tx and before I made any possible connections to my brother-in-law the following happened. I asked to borrow a gun from my brother in law because I was thinking it was possible that I would be murdered in relation to the Shane and Sally case. So, I drove to my brother-in-laws house. We went to his property outside of the tiny town he lives in. He loaded the pistol and we were getting ready to do some target practice. He started to hand me the gun and he stopped and said something to the effect “your not going to murder me or shoot me are you?”… I know everybody makes off hand jokes, but I remember is demeanor and it struck me as VERY odd.. I JUST WANT THE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO MY DAUGHTER… But——— IF——my brother-in-law is somehow connected to the Shane and Sally case —– or—if he has ANYTHING to do with what happened to my daughter—–I can see where he would be SCARED of me…
    Interesting how everything about the Shane and Sally case/ attempted murder of my daughter comes back to law enforcement… Interesting how the person doing the cold case video on the murders of Shane and Sally ask me about an “individual”. She stated the “individual” was friends (in the cult) with Shane and Sally and he hung around with cops. The “individual’s” brother was a maintenance man at the apartment complex that I lived in a very long time ago. The maintenance man had stolen a pistol out of my apartment and I filed a police report about the theft of the gun. The apartment complex was managed by a cops wife. She tried to jump down my throat and stated the maintenance man was given a job reference by a high ranking cop at the SAPD. I was like—so what–and I pushed the issue. The maintenance man took a polygraph and failed. I was paid for the stolen pistol. Here is where its gets interesting. I noticed that the maintenance man at one time lived in an apartment directly next to my brother-in-law… I have made the comment on this website before about the 1st suspects in any murder are always the family—-then MAYBE–the first place I should l should look on the attempted murder of my daughter is my family…


  33. Code of Silence Hater

    The Texas Rangers are helping to cover up the murders of Shane and Sally. The Texas Rangers are also helping to cover up the attempted murder of my daughter. The Texas Rangers in Waco, Tx told me to “watch your back” (after reporting information about the murders of Shane and Sally). A statement that I now know was a threat…The Texas Rangers are involved in organized crime..
    Texas Rangers—A crime scene is supposed to be secured. Interesting how a person who is not a law enforcement officer is allowed to walk all over a crime scene.
    Who is the 1st suspect in any murder?


  34. Code of Silence Hater

    I spoke with a member of the Texas Rangers. The Texas Rangers refuse to investigate the attempted murder of my daughter. The Texas Rangers refuse to take a report on the connections I discovered between the Shane and Sally murders and the attempted murder of my daughter. Basically what they are saying is you report on cops and we will try and kill your family members. Law enforcement is behaving like the mafia. They are a bunch of cowards. Again—why don’t you try and murder me? You tried to murder a baby.
    Come try to murder me….


  35. Code of Silence Hater

    The cover up concerning the murders of Shane and Sally continue. The cover up of the attempted murder of my daughter continues. I spoke with an officer at the SAPD. The SAPD refuses to investigate the attempted murder of my daughter. The officer stated that the district attorneys office in 2009 turned down any investigation into the attempted murder of my daughter. His statement made no sense at all…. There is currently someone working at the district attorneys office that I know for a fact was a crooked cop. This person used to be a SAPD officer… A long time ago I reported a crooked cop at the SAPD. The officer was a total drunk. The officer started harassing me because I made an internal affairs complaint about him at the SAPD. The SAPD made the internal affairs report vanish. The person that is working at the district attorneys office was with the alcoholic SAPD officer that was harassing me. They were working at a night club in San Angelo off duty in uniform. The alcoholic cop made threats to me with the now district attorney employee standing next to him… San Angelo, Tx legal system is totally corrupt…


  36. Code of Silence Hater

    I just got off the phone with the San Angelo, Tx police department (SAPD). I asked to speak with a officer. Michelle took my name and number and stated she would have him call me that he stepped out back for a minute. I then found the police officers direct number and I called back and spoke with another lady. She took my name and number. I then gave a online permanent case number for a report I had filed with the SAPD on August 21, 2019. The lady stated that she does not see any record of it. Then she transferred me to another lady that was oblivious… The officer never called me back…. So, over 30 years ago I reported on a crooked cop and made an internal affairs report. Only to be told later that I had never made an internal affairs complaint… So, today I find out that a online report that generated a permanent case number has vanished… SAPD and the Tom Green County Sheriffs Office has a way of making things vanish.. The 2 case numbers that I made online on August 21, 2019 are: T9001091 and T9001092… ORGANIZED CRIME !!!


  37. Code of Silence Hater

    I just got off the phone with the Texas Rangers in Waco, Tx I asked to speak with a Texas Ranger. The lady (Barbara) told me that none of the Texas Rangers were available. She asked me what this was about? I stated I had been to the Texas Rangers office in Waco,Tx about 30 years ago and I had reported information about the Shane and Sally murders. I stated that the Waco Texas Ranger had told me to “watch your back” and that was the last I heard from them. I stated then my daughter had almost been murdered and the San Angelo,Tx police would not investigate. I stated I investigated and it led to the same people I had reported about 30 years ago. She stated that I would have to talk with the Texas Rangers in San Angelo, Tx. I stated I had and that one of the Texas Rangers stated things that were untrue and did not make sense. (that was the jest of what I told her). She stated that there was nothing Waco Texas Rangers could do that they were “on the same level as San Angelo, Tx”… ..
    So, the main office for the Texas Rangers in Austin, Tx can not do anything because they don’t take murder information or complaints. And the other field offices will not do anything. No wonder Shane and Sally’s murder is so called “Unsolved”.. When cops are involved in a murder it remains unsolved. When cops get their weirdo/ friends/ cult members/ organized crime friends to try to kill a baby (my daughter) they know that they have nothing to worry about…. Again —a crime scene is supposed to be a crime scene.
    And —AGAIN—-come try to murder me—instead of being a coward and trying to murder my daughter———–COWARDS !!!!


  38. Code of Silence Hater

    Today (08-21-19) I called the Texas Rangers main office in Austin, Tx. I wanted to report all the information I had discovered on this case. Not just the cover up of the Shane and Sally case but mainly what happened to my daughter and the obvious connections to the Shane and Sally case. The Austin Texas Rangers office does not take complaints or information on murders……. Try to report bad cops and you will be given the run around.
    To the cops that tried to murder my daughter—why don’t you come after me? Why don’t you come and try to make me vanish? Your a bunch of cowards and weirdos involved in a cult. My daughter’s nurse who turned off the fetal alarm and thumbed my unborn daughter’s head (my daughter was in the crowned position) then left the room for 1 1/2 to 2 hours waiting for my daughter to die – lived across the street from someone mentioned on this story about Shane and Sally. The doctor who would not come into the delivery room lived next door to someone mentioned on this story about Shane and Sally. The people (cops) involved in the murders of Shane and Sally are a bunch weirdo—–COWARDS.
    Again–don’t be a coward and try to murder my daughter, come try to murder me.
    Again—a crime scene is supposed to be a crime scene–off limits so evidence can be secured… This case is an obvious cover up…
    To the Texas Ranger in San Angelo, TX that told me–“if a doctor was doing brain surgery and left to get a pizza during the brain surgery knowing it would kill the patient and the patient died—and it would be a civil matter not criminal—-.”.. What are you gaining by covering this up? That same Texas Ranger and another employee in the office then gave me a lawyers office to go too. The lawyers office was the same place the doctor’s husband worked… So, the Texas Rangers in San Angelo, TX like to play games and mock serious circumstances at the very least. When I was told that Shane and Sally were murdered by “M.S.” and law enforcement—it never occurred to me how high up the law enforcement officers involved would go…
    AGAIN—-to the crooked wierdo San Angelo, TX cops that were involved in the murders of Shane and Sally–and that tried to murder my daughter—come after me you COWARDS !!!


  39. Code of Silence Hater

    10 years ago today, San Angelo law enforcement (cult/ organized crime) tried to murder my daughter because I reported on the Shane and Sally case.
    Attempted murder…


  40. Code of Silence Hater

    I just got off the phone with the person in charge of investigating the Shane and Sally case. I asked him why law enforcement has NEVER contacted the individuals that were with me when we found the satanic evidence where Shane and Sally were later found. He did not have an answer to that question…
    So, 3 of us found satanic evidence while the bodies(Shane and Sally) were still missing. Then Shane and Sally were later found in that area. I told ALL San Angelo, Tx law enforcement agencies what we found and the names of the 2 people with me. I told them this information throughout the years and recently.
    The investigator claimed he had a phone call an he had to get off the phone. He stated he would call me back. I asked do you have my phone number? He stated yes… Do you think he called me back? NO—-NO—–NO
    The investigator has done that phone trick several times in the past. They do not want any information on this case.
    He never asked for the phone number of one of the individuals that was with me. That individual remembered what we found and went on to describe a dead body smell in the area. So, when law enforcement tells the public they have followed every tip—they are not telling the truth. Law enforcement wants this case to go away because law enforcement is involved in the murders of Shane and Sally.


  41. Code of Silence Hater

    I believe law enforcement associated with investigating this case and my daughter’s case are guilty of obstruction of justice and tampering with evidence.

    I have a question for the Texas Rangers in Waco, Tx….
    When you told me to “watch your back”. Was that statement a warning or a THREAT?


  42. Code of Silence Hater

    3 of us found satanic evidence around FM 584 while Shane and Sally were still missing. I reported it to law enforcement (Sheriffs Office) while they were still missing.. I kept reporting it for several years to law enforcement. I always gave the 2 individuals names that were with me.
    Recently (03/2019) I called one of the individuals and I asked him –did law enforcement ever call/ contact you? He replied “no”. Then he went on to describe the satanic evidence and he stated “there was a dead body smell in the area”…

    Law enforcement is not telling the truth when they state they have followed every tip.
    Law enforcement is involved in the murders of Shane and Sally.


  43. Video Producer

    I am working with a video production company and we are looking into this case to possibly feature it in a program. We are working to solve this case and bring justice to Sally and Shane’s killers. If Anyone on this thread has any information about the murders or knows anyone who would be willing to talk to us, please contact us at
    Thank you.


  44. Code of Silence Hater

    San Angelo, Tx law enforcement wants everybody to believe that a satanic cult had NOTHING to do with the murders of Shane and Sally…. Take a look at this “suicide” of a young couple that were from San Angelo,Tx:
    Lisa Gregston (17 yrs old) and James Caldwell (22 yrs old) both from San Angelo,Tx committed “suicide” in a satanic ritual. Lisa and James fired 1 shot to kill both of them…


  45. anonymous

    I for one hope they break this case wide open no matter who was involved. A friend of mine who has passed away many years ago stated that many of the high school kids who he went to school with at Lakeview knew who did it but were afraid to come forward. I for one have always had a gut feeling the major barrier is Cover up. Somebody in San Angelo has a lot to lose if this case get solved. Too many errors on the earlier investigation were glitched. Why would the Kids in the truck who had Salleys’ wallet and drivers licence not investigated further.. I am sorry but it is illegal to have possession of someone else license and the police in San Angelo, Texas knows that. I would not put anything passed the San Angelo Police department during that time. They know or they had family involved and they are covering it up with all fours.


    • Michael

      I hope this case is solved, but I do not think it will be. I think honest investigators should speak to a Ex-Tom Green County Deputy involved in tampering with evidence that was fired from the Sheriff’s Office. I would give his name here, but I think this website might not post my comment. I worked with this Ex-Deputy. He made numerous statements to me referencing very serious things.


    • Michael

      Anybody that gives information on this case is guaranteed retaliation from San Angelo,TX law enforcement. My wife had numerous tickets dismissed by the judge.
      She then received letters stating she would be arrested if she did not pay the ticket. She would go down and show the dismissal letter from the judge. They would say— sorry– everything is clear. She did that 2 times over a year period. Then about a year later samething. She received a letter staing she would be arrested if she did not pay. Even though we had a letter from the judge dismissing the ticket/s – I paid cash for the ticket and was given a receipt. Now 4 years later my wifes drivers license is suspended because of the ticket that was dismissed by a judge and that I paid to be done with it. I called San Angelo,Tx court clerk on 03-12-18 and was told the ticket/s were cleared and paid. They stated the their computers had not sent the cleared tickets to the OMNI system…. My point is why wasnt the tickets “cleared” the 3 previous times. This situation has come back to life 4 times now. This is retaliation for reporting on the murders of Shane and Sally and numerous crooked cops in San Angelo,TX…
      Not to mention the attempted murder of my daughter by people connected to the Shane and Sally murder case.


  46. zsazsa

    Good news folks!!!
    The san angelo standard times reported today that a suspect in this case was arrested June 12.
    Th article reports that this ma, John Gilbreath, kept a ledger and hair samples etc.
    Fingers crossed that the families will finally get closure.


    • Michael

      Law enforcement is involved in the murder of Shane and Sally, so expect the case to be covered up. Cops in America are above the law. If they get into trouble Trump will pardon them.


    • Michael

      Unfortunately, I have no doubt that nobody will ever be convicted in this case. I’m positive local law enforcement is involved in the murders of Shane and Sally. Interesting what a Barnhart,Tx Deputy told me on a ride from Barnhart,Tx to San Angelo,Tx… I told him I was investigating a retaliation incident that involved my daughter almost being killed by what I believed was police involvement. He instantly told me to be careful because his agency and others had been told that San Angelo Police were involved in drug trafficking. He mentioned a high ranking police officer. The name he mentioned was interesting because my daughter’s suspect led me straight to him. Also this high ranking officer had lied to me when I sat in his office. The update mentioned above names a suspect of interest John.. If john is connected to this case, I believe he will never make it to trial. Unfortunately, I believe “The Code of Silence” will silence him. I don’t remember the Barhart Deputy name, but how many Deputys are there in that tiny town… Also of interest is the high ranking officer mentioned was accussed of threatening a witness. The drug informant had to be moved out of San Angelo for her safety… Also interesting I recently reported on a meth lab in San Anglo across the street from an elementary. When I reported it I mentioned that a married cop was having an affair with a woman that is connected to the meth lab ( her niece was the cooker) and her niece lived directly across the hall in the apartment next door. I reported it to the: SAPD/ TGCS (Remembering Shane and Sally website) they took the post down within minutes/ local news. Moral to the story— anytime a cop is connected to any criminal activity it instantly gets swept under the rug. Not one law enforcement agency contacted me about the meth lab.


  47. Michael

    Meth being cooked in a very small apartment building across the street from an elementary. A married cop having an affair with a woman in the same small building. The woman’s niece was cooking the meth. The woman knows her niece is cooking the meth. The woman is a drug user. The cop is total innocent and uninvolved I’m sure. LOL… There is a major problem with cops in San Angelo,Tx…. Whats the difference between “Organized Crime” and “The Code of Silence”? Please think about it..


  48. zsazsa

    Is there anything to the cult activity side of this story?
    I seem to recall the police saying it was disproved.


  49. Michael

    The FBI gets involved in a stolen NFL super bowl jersey but yet they will not take control of the Shane and Sally murder case. Is this America?
    I see where the FBI places value.


  50. Anonymous

    I’ve never understand the appeal of satanism and all that dark stuff, yet growing up it seemed to attract so many young girls that were my friends, girls that grew up in the boonies, hicks I guess some would call us, they get so bored and try to be cool. But it’s NOT cool, it’s sickening, the government is sickening, all of Hollywood is sickening, all politicians are sickening cause they are all in on it too.


    • Anonymous

      I agree with you. I left San Angelo and plan to never return there. I called the Texas Rangers one time because of suspicions with the probation personnel. No help from them. And I heard all about the corrupt lawyers, attorneys and public officials. It’s all about the Money. It’s less stressful for me to live in the country w/o a tv, computer, have cell phone data for limited use, no newspaper, magazines or radio.


    • Mr. T

      That is because you fail to understand what satanism actually is. Real satanism preaches no harm to animals and humans. Go actually do some research before you think that what a bunch of teeny boppers are doing on a Friday night is what satanism truly is….


      • Duane

        Satanism, AKA devil worship is a name stolen and plagiarized by modern day Satanists. The term has been in existence many many decades prior to the founding of the Church of Satan. You are the one that needs to do some research. Modern day satanists, always wearing their emotions on their sleeve


  51. Michael

    Now lets talk about the second suspect in my daughters so called “accident”. My daughters nurse at one time lived directly across the street from someone that Shane knew very very well. I had been told over 20 years ago that this person that Shane knew very very well had committed the murders along with law enforcement. The nurse after my daughters so called accident made a weird post on her facebook page. The post was something to the effect “Satan is a friend of mine”. I made a print out of it and sent it to the Texas Nursing Board. And the person that Shane knew very very well drew a big star instead of taking notes when I approached him over 20 years ago. Also interesting is that I sat across the desk from a Texas Ranger in San Angelo, Tx who acted like a weirdo and lined up about 8 writing pens on his desk neatly spaced then he tried to stare me down in attempt to intimidate me. The Shane and Sally case is connected to Organized Crime. The nurse lived at another address at one time. The family at this address had a family member accused of the Sheila Elrod murder. These family members have organized crime convictions. Interesting because the neighbor that is friends with the doctor has a family member with a organized crime conviction. Coincidence that the doctor has numerous connections to a high ranking law enforcement officer and he is accused of making “burn” threats against a witness? Fellow police officers were accusing him. This means they are lying or he is lying… Since the doctor has numerous connections to the high ranking cop and he fooled me when I was in his office I conclude “Birds of Feather Flock Together”… Prisoners remind me of cops. Cops and prisoners both abide by “The Code of Silence”. Again, Michael Clay was burned alive and the SAPD was accused of murdering him. The doctor led me straight to a cop accused of making “burn” threats. Cops don’t investigate cops— they invoke “The Code of Silence”…. And intimidation and retaliation.


  52. Michael

    Approximately 2008 or 2009 I had started a new job in San Angelo,Tx. A coworker brought up the murders of Shane and Sally numerous times to me. I played dumb on the subject and I did not carry on the subject. Also several times she mentioned cult activity in San Angelo. I always acted uninterested. I thought it was more than odd that she kept pursing the subject. Odd because of course I had already reported to numerous law enforcement agencies what I had discovered about the Shane and Sally murders. All of the above with the coworker happened just before my wifes pregnacy. After my daughter was born I no longer worked at the place with the girl bringing up Shane and Sally – cult activity. I kept running into the xcoworker. She would ask about my daughter. I would vent about what happened to my daughter when she was born. I would state how mad I was at the doctor and the events that happened during the birth were weird. These same conversations with xcoworker happened over and over. Then I discovered the xcoworker lived directly across the street from the doctor. So I asked the xcoworker “why didnt you tell me you live across the street from the doctor”? She panicked and started talking very very fast. She was breathing very very fast. She stated she was friends with the doctor. She didnt make any sense. So the xcoworker brings up Shane and Sally numerous times to me. She tries to get me into the subject of cult activity. Then it turns out she lives across the street from the doctor. The doctor is one of my daughters suspects. Coincidence?
    Shane and Sally’s case is connected to cult activity/ Organized Crime / Law Enforcement.


  53. Michael

    Finally the FBI gets involved in this case. This comment is for the FBI agent assigned to this case.
    I called in a tip of Satanic evidence by the lake while Shane and Sally were still missing. The TGCSO would not follow up on my tip. So, I went to someone Shane knew very well. Instead of taking notes , he drew a big star. Then later A girl tells me that person and law enforcement murdered Shane and Sally. Then the Texas Rangers in Waco, Tx tell me to “watch your back”.
    Then in 2009 while by wife was giving birth. The doctor was not in the delivery room for up to about 22 hours of labor. The nurse was handling everything. Then when the baby was in the crowned position the nurse just leaves the room. After about 2 hours the nurse came back. My wife gave birth instantly because the baby was ready to come out 2 hours before. They had to call a code red and emergency staff had to revive my daughter. She was intensive care for 3 days and almost died. I filed a police report. Nothing happened. I investigated the doctor and nurse and they both had connections to this case. As a matter of fact–they both had connections to the person that had drawn the star. The person that Shane knew very very well. The doctor has direct connections to law enforcement. I sat across the desk from a HIGH ranking law enforcement officer. He argued my daughters case was civil not criminal. Later I discovered the HIGH ranking officer lied or misled me. He had connections to the doctor. Numerous connections. Interesting— “Birds of Feather Flock Together” . In other words Cult or you could call it organuzed crime. Oraganized Crime (Police Corruption) is supposed to be investigated by the FBI. This HIGH ranking officer has made certain “Burn” threats that are a matter of public record. As a matter of fact a witness was moved out of San Angelo because of the threats. Also interesting is that Michael Clay was burned alive in San Angelo. SAPD was accussed of his murder. What does it take to get this case and my daughter’s case investigated properly. Cops should not be above the law.
    Its not a coincidence that I was told law enforcement and a certain person murdered Shane and Sally– then my daughters suspects have direct connections to them. This is ORGANIZED CRIME.
    What happened to my daughter was a matter of chance encounter of Cult members/ Organized crime.
    Aside from the Shane and Sally case. The SAPD and local law enforcement would have had a axe to grind with me because I would not shut my mouth about “The Code of Silence” that I encountered. You are aware of that because I went to the FBI office and complained about a corrupt cop “A. N.” ..
    I now know why Shane and Sally were scared.


  54. Michael

    Sheila Elrod was murdered in 1980. A book was written about her murder called ” No Reason to Kill”. Sheila worked at a high value jewelry store. She was looking for another job because jewelry was missing from her job and she was uncomfortable working there. She was then murdered. Police convicted one man of her murder and blamed another dead man who had already died of natural causes…. What happened to the high value missing jewelry? Again Sheila did not want to work at the jewelry store anymore because jewelry was missing and she was uncomfortable working there…. The detective at the Sheila Elrod crime scene depicted her body at one location in his crime scene drawing. Later it was said that his crime scene placement of the body was a mistake. Interesting because the convicted killer during an interview years after her murder placed her body in the exact same place that the detective had originally placed her body in the crime scene drawing. So, a detective instantly after Sheila’s murder draws her body in a certain location. Then years after Sheila’s murder the convicted killer gives the exact location but then quickly corrects himself and places the body in the publicly accepted version. What is going on?
    Also the convicted killer admits to beating the polygraph in relation to his story about what happened concerning her murder.
    Also he had stated his gun went off and hit the ceiling at the Sheila crime scene. Police proved this was false.
    Also there was a palm print at the crime scene that had rolled over the edge of the broken glass. Police knew it belonged to a murder suspect. The palm print was never identified.

    Again, What happened to the missing jewelry where Sheila Elrod was working?
    Her murder sounds more like a “hit”.
    Shane and Sally turned in a gun that they were told was used in a murder robbery.
    Sheila Elrod was murdered in a murder /robbery that is just as “Fishy” as the Shane and Sally murder.
    Again— What happened to the high value missing jewelry where Sheila worked?
    This jewelry was confirmed missing. The value of the missing jewelry would have made it a felony…..


  55. Michael

    Sheila Elrod was murdered in 1980 in San Angelo,TX. The case was supposedly solved. Sheila was looking for another job. High value jewelry was missing from the jewelry store where she worked. She was then murdered. Police claim they solved the case by convicting one man and blaming on another man that was already dead of natural causes when he is announced as a suspect….. What happened to the missing jewelry? Again Sheila was looking for another job because jewelry was missing from her job…. All this information and more can be found in a book called “No Reason to Kill”. The detective at the Sheila Elrod crime scene depicts a drawing of the crime scene and places her body at a certain location. Later the drawing is said to be a mistake. Very interesting because the person convicted of her murder — placed Sheila’s body in the same location while being interviewed in prison years after her murder. The convicted killer quickly changed the body location to the publicly accepted body location in the jewelry store. So the detective and the convicted killer are making the same placement of the body but then they both change the body location? What is going on ?
    Again——- What happened to the high value missing jewelry? This jewelry was missing before Sheila Elrod was murdered.
    All of the above is in the book.
    The 2 people involved in my daughters so called accident have connections to people connected to the Shane and Sally murder — and the Sheila Elrod murder.
    This is organized crime.


  56. Michael

    All of the following can be found in the book “No Reason to Kill” written by a former SAPD Chief of Police:
    The book states that Sheila Elrod wanted to leave the high value jewelry store where she worked because there was jewelry missing. Ok — then.. What happened to the high value missing jewelry?
    The suspect that was given a plea bargain in Sheila Elrod’s murder , later admitted he beat the polygraph.
    The suspect said his gun went off when he broke the jewelry case and shot the ceiling at the Sheila Elrod crime scene. Police have proved this did not happen. It happened at a robbery in Abilene, Tx.
    While being interviewed in prison about the Sheila Elrod murder, the suspect gave a different location of the dead body but quickly changed it to another part of the jewelry story. This is interesting because the detective that arrived at the crime scene — depicted the same place but this was later changed and passed off as an error. So you have a detective and a suspect making the same error?
    Sheila Elrod goes to a lawyer’s office one day and is killed by a lawyer the next morning?
    The lawyer that killed her is dead of natural causes when he is identified.
    A palm print is recovered from the broken glass on the jewelry case. The palm print belonged to a suspect because it went around the broken edges of the glass. Police were so certain it belonged to a suspect that they started taking palm prints from suspects. The palm print was never identified.

    There is 3 main things that are not making sense in the Sheila Elrod case:
    WHAT happened to the missing jewelry?
    This was the reason Sheila was looking for another job.
    Why did the detectives placement of Sheila Elrod’s body change?
    Why did the suspects placement of the body mirror the detective’s placement of the body?

    Is the Sheila Elrod case related to the murders of Shane and Sally?c


  57. Michael

    Soon after Shane and Sally were murdered I tried to report information to local law enforcement. They would not take a report, so I went to someone Shane knew extremely well. I reported the information to this person. This person again–knew Shane probably better than anybody on the planet. This person sat down at his kitchen table with me. He had a yellow note pad. Instead of taking notes on the information I gave him– he drew a big star. I left his house instantly. I was later told that this person and local law enforcement murdered Shane and Sally….. So when in 2009 when my daughter almost died in a so called accident— I investigated. My daughter’s suspect led me straight to the “person” Shane knew extremely well and law enforcement….. Now I read on the facebook page –Remembering Shane and Sally– that the investigator has spoken to the the FBI recently about the case…. San Angelo Tx is in for an extreme wake up call if the truth about the murders of Shane and Sally are ever revealed……. Shane and Sally were murdered by law enforcement and a person directly connected to Shane. Also this person directly connected to Shane has direct connections to law enforcement. By the way a crime scene is supposed to be just that —- a crime scene.


  58. Michael

    Marshall Stewart/ Cops


  59. not saying

    cops know who





  61. Michael

    Michael Clay…Sheila Elrod…Shane Stewart…Sally McNelly…
    What do all these people have in common?


  62. dj



  63. Eric W Bohannon

    There are the whole law system there is and higher, locals are in the cult, and the cartels, and they run the town. Those in the cult are by themselves, declared unarestable, Of Course, not are doing EVIL Actions, backwards to what is Right.


  64. Michael

    San Angelo Law Enforcement murdered Shane Stewart and Sally McNelly… How do I know?
    Because I reported information to the Tom Green County Sheriff’s about cult-like ritual evidence out at the lake while Shane and Sally were missing and they never took a report. I reported it several times. I started investigating. I mentioned in a above post that a girl who lived close to both victims at the time said local law enforcement murdered Shane and Sally. Interesting because this girls life long friends husband has been a SAPD officer for a long time. Also interesting is a Waco Texas Ranger tells me to watch my back…. In 2009 my daughter was involved in a so called accident. I think it was attempted murder. Police would not investigate. So, I did. Both suspects in my daughter’s “accident” led me to law enforcement. But even more interesting is that both suspects had 2 people mentioned on this web page in common. Yes, 2 people mentioned in Shane and Sally’s story on “Unsolved Mysteries” were next door neighbors of both suspects in my daughter’s “accident”. Was Shane and Sally involved in a cult? Yes, but it is better defined as organized crime. Organized Crime run by local law enforcement…


  65. Michael

    Has law enforcement outside of San Angelo ever questioned Larry Counts about the murders of Sheila Elrod / Shane Stewart / and Sally McNelly ? Obviously not !


    • Stephania

      I was suggested this website by my cousin. I am not sure whether this post is written by him as no one else

      know such detailed about my difficulty. You’re incredible!



  66. Shinji Kataoka

    Anything happened at San Angelo since the incident? I’ve tried to research and investigate on my own of the deaths of Sally McNelly and Shane Stewart, and most of the articles I’ve came across and the video from YouTube all suggested that both of them were murdered and was filed as a cold case. There was even a Facebook page tributing to the death of Sally McNelly and Shane Stewart. I believe both family members of these 2 wants the person(s) responsible for the murders to come forward through FB. Also, what about San Angelo? is it a safe place to reside? Or is it venerable?


  67. Michael

    I believe Shane and Sally were murdered by the same people that killed Sheila Elrod. A book written by former Chief of Police titled “No Reason To Kill” is about the murder of Sheila Elrod. Sheila worked with numerous off duty police officers at Everett Musick Jewelers. Here are some interesting facts about the case provided from the book.
    1.Palm print at the crime scene of Sheila Elrod. Page 242 – 243 states: “Some of the defining ridges rolled over the side of the glass, so they knew it was the suspect and not a customer”..Page 250 states: “Even now, after the case has been solved, the palm print has never been positively identified.” Page 303 states: “Louis Williams print did not match the one from the jewelry store. This left the Ranger and DA Steve Smith wondering just what did happen in the jewelry store that day. Who else was in the store with Louis Aubrey Williams?”
    I bet I know who was there.
    2. Suspect Louis Williams statements and evidence conflict.. Page 315 states: “Louis Williams confession brought a little confusion to the investigation.”…”he had mentioned several times that his .38 caliber revolver had gone off while he was breaking the glass on one of the display cases.”..”Byrne knew that did not happen at Everett Musick Jewelers.” (Jerry Byrne was investigating the case/ Texas Rangers)..”Such an event did happen on Tuesday ,July 31,1979, when someone robbed the Diamond Shoppe jewelry store , located at 3811 N 1st Abilene.” Page 317 states: “There was another discrepancy in Williams confession.The composite looked just like him. Williams had even described the unique mustache himself during his confession. Yet he repeatedly denied being at the store the day before.”
    Law Enforcement said that Harold Jones and Louis Williams killed Sheila Elrod.
    Law Enforcement either did not get all the suspects in Sheila Elrod’s murder or its completely planted evidence.
    One suspect Harold Jones (supposed shooter) was already dead when law enforcement identifies him as a suspect. The other suspects statements and evidence conflict.
    3.Page 247 states: “The inmate told a story about a group of people who, while dressed as security guards , committed a jewelry store robbery.”…
    While investigating my daughters “accident” I discovered that a former Tom Green County Sheriffs Deputy worked in 1979/1980 (*source city directory library) at K9 Security the same security company used by Everett Musick Jewelers in 1980. So, this security guard (deputy) would have had access to security guard uniforms mentioned on page 247 of the book “No Reason To Kill”. This guard/ deputy had direct contact with Shane And Sally. I do mean direct contact. He also was a neighbor with one of the persons that was involved in my daughter’s ” accident”. An “accident” that local law enforcement will not investigate..Over 20 years ago I reported information about the Shane and Sally murder to the Tom Green County Sheriffs Office/ SAPD/ Waco Texas Rangers (a person there told me to “watch my back”)..Also a female living Very close to where Shane and Sally’s parents lived told me local law enforcement was involved in Shane and Sally’s murder..I BELIEVE THAT IS VERY TRUE….


  68. Anon

    Not saying that something horrible didn’t happen to these two. But FBI has spent yet investigating and researching satanic cults, they have never found proof of satanic ritualism associated with murders.


  69. Michael

    The murders of Shane and Sally are directly related to the murder of Sheila Elrod in 1980. All three of these murders are being covered up by local law enforcement. The Sheila Elrod case has not been “Solved”.


  70. Sky

    I too am a San Angelo resident and yeah they can be lazy at investigating..


  71. Michael

    My child almost died under very strange circumstances. The SAPD would not investigate. Since then I have discovered both people that had something to do with my childs injury have the same person(s) in common…That person is a relative of one of the victims and directly associated with the Chief of Police in San Angelo. Sally and Shanes murder will never be solved unless the FBI takes complete control of the case…..I reported finding evidence to the Tom Green County Sheriff’s office while the bodies were still missing but they never responded…Should have kept my mouth shut. I think what happened to my daughter was a payback for reporting on the murders and a crooked SAPD officer…


  72. Nativia Cole

    ive been a san angelo resident my whole life. ive done my own research into this case. the police followed all the leads except two. 1.) two teens were pulled over for a driving violation. when police searched their truck, they found sallys drivers license. 2.) ive found that our police department has not once investigated into the cult. san angelo police department refuses to even attempt to check into sallys cult information before her death. its always been a touchy subject. i have a few friends whose parents were in the cult at the time of these murders & they have all informed me that have gone to the police to give them their facts but the police immediately dismisses the cult theory without any proper investigation. one of my friends even informed me that her mother had to leave texas in order to protect her because her birthday falls on a day in the cult calender that requires any children in which are born on that day are to used as a human sacrifice. so her mother went into hiding with my friend in 1989. she also informed me that the cult’s calender has multiple human sacrificial days. there is tons of evidence that leads to the cult as the prime suspect yet our police refuses to investigate. many residents of san angelo have said that the reason they refuses to investigate is because they were or are a part of this secret cult. that theory alone makes us wonder what else our police department is hiding


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