Slayings in Syosset

When 12-year-old Ankur Singh and his 13-year-old brother, Pulkit return home from school on January 23, 2007, their mother isn’t at the door to greet them as usual, so they let themselves in with a spare key. Inside the boys discover their father, Jaspal Singh, on the living room floor with fatal gunshot wounds to his head and chest, and their mother, Geeta Singh, lying dead in a pool of blood in an upstairs bedroom. It is common knowledge in their circle of friends that Jaspal sometimes keeps large amounts of money in their home, and indeed the intruders appear to have been looking for something inside the house, as the entire second floor has been ransacked. Because there is no sign of forced entry, police believe the couple was targeted, and possibly even knew their killers, but their murders remain a mystery.
If you have any information about this case, please contact the Nassau County Police Department at 516-573-6252, or submit a tip to our website.
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From listening to this podcast, it would seem that the answers to this murder lie either in the Indian community, or in persons involved with their gas station business. I think this because the police don’t seem to be able to truly access these social groups and would likely struggle to do so unless they have or develop an “in” to these groups. This story was gut wrenching and I hope the police can solve these heinous crimes and give those sons the closure they deserve.
The neighbor across the street from the murder house is a real psycho mental act. Maybe he was involved
My knee-jerk reaction is that whoever did this are young people. They took Pulkit’s birthday money but didn’t think to take a briefcase or look for substantial cash that most adults knew the father had in the house. Since Pulkit was likely too young to have acquaintances that were the age to pull this off, look to siblings of his friends. The older brother is the key to this – not that he had knowledge, but folks connected to him might.
There is no mention in the podcast regarding potential gas station employees. The neighborhood where the gas station was located is notoriously unsafe.
Sarbjit Chawla
Dear Ankur,
Jaspal Bhaia will be remembered always!!! It was shocking for us when we came to know. Ankur you came to our house in Nirankari Colony with your papa mom and brother . You were very small at that time. Please visit us when you come to India. See you soon.
Sarbjit Chawla