The Haunting of Ball Cemetery

About fifteen minutes south of Springfield, Nebraska, and just north of the Platte River, a winding dirt road snakes its way up to an iron gate marking the entrance to Ball Cemetery. There is only one way in, and one way out. Trespassers have been greeted by a caretaker with a shotgun who lives nearby. But for those who dare to enter, the cemetery has much darker threats than a groundskeeper. For decades, it has been said that this dark and lonely plot of land in the middle of nowhere is haunted by mysterious entities that defy rational explanation. A paranormal investigator and a few daring eyewitnesses recount a myriad of experiences from within the cemetery. From disembodied laughter and possession, to strange symbols appearing on cars…. what, or who, is haunting Ball Cemetery?
If you’ve experienced a haunting, or know of a haunted place like Ball Cemetery, submit your story at
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We visited there several years ago with permission from the Sexton. Within minutes a Deputy Sheriff showed up to check us out. We were only allowed to stay until sunset. Parts of the area are pretty rough, especially outside the fence, so “unexplained” scratches and such are to be expected. Especially if you are there in the dark. Also lots of Poison Ivy which translates into strange marks and welts for city folk who have no knowledge about this weed. Our visit was uneventful and we packed out what trash we found there when we left.
This is all fake. They are straight fibbing to us.
No it is not fake there is a story that took place where two men had evidence of what happened at ball cemetery they took their evidence back home and that 3:00 a.m. the house burned down along with the men and all the evidence
I live about 15 minutes from Ball Cemetery. I’ve been there several times. One time we were all freaked out and then out of no where, coyotes started howling all around us. We got the fk out and never went back. Many people have defiled the graves there, especially Mary’s. Anyone saying this place is fake, I encourage you to visit, if you can get passed the crazy dude with the shotgun. His house sits about a quarter mile away from the Cemetery.
Steve French
Still think about this one every day.
I just listened to this episode of UM! Awesome topic, epic series!!! Been a fan since I was a kid and I swear the music scares me even when there’s a happy ending, lol! Thanks for bringing it back
Nate p
The “symbols” on the hood of that car is merely the ribbing of the hood itself. Likely, the insulation was missing on the inside of the hood, and the only thing keeping the frost/snow from melting uniformly on the hood of the car was the support ribbing from the hood.
Hey I wen’t to a cemetery in the woods! I had to take hike to get there! It was located at a campground and there was a lot of poison ivy and it was really creepy but nothing happened and everything was fine.
Lindsey Walker
Went there in HS, like most locals as almost a “right of passage”. I couldn’t get out of the car for that exact reason. My boyfriend, now husband, wondered around but didn’t go far. I’ll never forget the darkness and the TREES. It felt like 1,000 pairs of eyes were on you.
This is all fake talk from someone who wants to make a profit off of you one way or other. I live close to Ball Cemetery and have three mean dogs that run to the cemetery when they hear noise in there. Also, the sheriffs office has installed cameras at various locations that will read license plate numbers. Also, bring a couple spare tires as someone has scattered roofing nails on the road. One more thing, out of respect for the people that have been “laid to rest“ there please stay away unless you are a relative.
Thanks Rich. Appreciate the respect. Ball Cemetery is not haunted. My paternal family is buried there, as I will be. It is not a playground. We take good care of the cemetery and are there often . Thanks again.
If you check out find a grave dot com you can see a lot of pictures of the headstones in Ball Cemetery. As for the site being guarded, I think it just happens that the property owner lives on the road leading to the cemetery. Since the road ends at the cemetery, and you have to pass the house to get to it, they know the only reason you head down there is to trespass. I did notice that some people have been buried there as recently as 2012. I wonder how you arrange a visit if you have family there.
This was fantastic! I would love for more podcasts on the paranormal and more episodes featuring this topic. It doesn’t have be the full hour.
I would love to see more pictures of the road leading to and the cemetery itself. Google images did not bring up much. Why is it guarded so heavily?
It is guarded so heavily because of the disrespect and the Damage that occurs because people think the cemetery is a playground. However it is actually a federal offense for trespassing in a cemetery
I’m with you. I think it’s sad to see the damage. These young kids don’t understand how much these things cost. I also have ancsetrial family buried there. And at a few other small cemetery’s in the area.
T. I.
Not true. Only cemeteries with federal entombment (military, police, or other civil position) are protected by the federal law. Private or public cemeteries are not governed by that law only through local laws of where the cemetery is located.
Timothy Neitzel
use to go out there a lot in high school. It is creepy at night how all the trees bend in towards each other. The care taker just scares most people away. I have gone there and had flat tires and go to fill them up and nothing was wrong with them. Have seen little hand prints on the windows too. Most people also don’t realize there is an abandoned mine shaft or some kind of cave located on the property behind the cemetery. It is a cool place to go see in the day light, but to get the whole experience of it go at night and listen to the wind rip through the trees. When we where in high school we would start at the front corner and try to walk and touch all four corners of the place. It has been a long time since I have been back there but still have family that live in Springfield. Hope people have stopped vandalizing it. Its a neat place
Chris Tabery
Love the first episode! I’m hooked!
Kathleen Madsen
Hey this is so cool!! Great idea!!