Demonic Possession

Can an evil entity, a demon, take command over an otherwise healthy human being’s mind and body? For over 25 years, Dr. Gallagher, an Ivy-league educated, board-certified psychiatrist and well-respected member of the NY Medical College, has worked alongside the Catholic clergy as an unpaid consultant, evaluating individuals who may be victims of demonic oppression or possession. Dr. Gallagher’s job is to assess whether a person is in the throes of mental illness or in the grips of something his formal training cannot explain, something insidious. Dr. Gallagher shares incredible, first-hand supernatural experiences and discusses why the topics of spiritual oppression, demonic possession, and the ultimate reality of evil are as relevant now as they were in Biblical times.
If you believe you have been the victim of demonic possession or oppression, send us your story at
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Skeptically Unhaunted
I don’t understand how Dr. Gallagher is supposed to be the skeptical, scientific part of these “evaluations” if he’s over here spouting nonsense about black magic and satanic cults, and the “evils” of dabbling in the occult. Those aren’t the words of a skeptic, they’re the words of a believer of this religiosity. “We believe Satan is the head demon…” Seriously? Just because something can’t be explained doesn’t mean a person is possessed. Geezus.
First off, many of the episodes of this franchise, yes, even the original in the 80’s are based on one person’s view based on their unique interpersonal involvement with the subject matter. His year of experience fulfills this first point. Second, he doesn’t necessarily claim to have all the answers to such a deep and complex discussion, having acknowledged that for perhaps thousands of years civilizations have recognized this mysterious fight between good and evil take hold. Lastly, I believe you are sadly overanalyzing his recounting of events as some example of finding absolutes…perfect answers to these terrorizing events and the subsequent interventions that follow. Keep in mind, he is the “science”, to be the skeptic and to medically intervene if neccessary. If any of these events are true manifestations of evil within a possessed or oppressed human body, I believe these victims are indeed in much better hands with compassionate individuals, such as the author and clergy with a reasonable chance for successful relief of perpetual torture on this earth, rather than in a psyche ward for 2-3 months receiving bilateral ECT (Electro Magnetic Shock Therapy). The “therapy” wouldn’t necessarily be the appropriate remedy in these situations where the underlying causation is not rooted in any known psychosis. Virtually all got better and thankfully recovered. If this was indeed an active psychosis, then nearly all would have had multiple relapses, hence seeking immediate hospitalization. Your passion is obvious. I’d encourage you to read, listen and watch more on this subject, all while, realizing that not finding undeniable proof of a “demon/evil spirit” for example, is not tantamount to an unworthy exploration to dig deeper and continuing to learn. Not doing anything at all is much worse.
Possessed by skepticism
The lack of skepticism and the focus on one man’s point of view in this episode is staggering. Having studied does not make him an unfallable source of truth (more a source for his own book) . Yes these “possessions” are yet to be explained, but this man is one of the reasons actual scientific work is not furthering in this subject. This episode also fails to mention that people actually get hurt by these “procedures”.