Small Town Hit

Likable but shy Tennessee logger, Terry Sullivan, seems like the last person to get mixed up in intrigue, mystery and murder. When he doesn’t show up for a weekly Saturday breakfast with his parents and sister, local authorities come report that Terry has died in a fall, accidentally, after stubbing his toe. But later that morning, the local news was reports that Terry was actually murdered  — shot, execution-style — in his kitchen, which has been cleaned so carefully that no useful evidence can be found. Terry had no enemies, no vices, and he was always quick to help folks in his small town of Sparta, Tennessee. But small towns often have more secrets than anyone realizes.

If you have any information about the murder of Terry Sullivan, please call the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation at 1-800-TBI-FIND, or send us a tip.

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  1. Britt

    They won’t solve this because they don’t want to solve this. If they do it will coke to light how corrupt the police station really is. Even the ones who had nothing to do with it still helped cover up. The person who came in and got the money. No sketch of this person to question? Yeah they made it seem like they were working on the case and firing that other officer but that’s only because people were watching. That was a cover up. I’m outside agency needs to come and redo the whole thing without the current police station they need to be overridden. If that doesn’t happen you will never know. So many times the evidence is right there.


  2. Kookie

    I’ve just read from a different source that cheryl reportedly deleted a phone call , possessed a handgun and failed a polygraph test. Why this case was never solved is unbelievable and heartbreaking. My heart and prayers goes to terry and his family


  3. Michael G

    I wanted to ask the nephew, “what is your I.Q.—150?” He was playing 3D chess with this one. I was impressed with him and your reporting. It’s yet another outstanding murder mystery from the UM podcast! I loved your Windward Family Ghost installment as well. It is eerily believable. You guys are crushing it this year.


  4. Bill Blaski

    Dixie mafia? Nah…. Just a evil ex who wants 2mil worth of life insurance. Unsure why TBI can’t put this together to indict her. Seems cut and dry to me


  5. Carol Koon

    Such a kind man, we met him and his family and they treated us like family. He helped quietly and calmly anytime we saw him. Our town and his family lost him way to soon. Please tell anything you know that could help solve this case.


  6. Dru442

    Doesn’t sound like they have ruled out the wife but just don’t have direct evidence of her involvement. I feel for the family in this.


    • Brad2022

      I like Cheryl’s family and Terry’s family aa well, but it’s obvious she had something to do with it. I pray for answers.


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